Navy admiral’s Pearl Harbor speech trolls Colin Kaepernick

big deal no matter DIVINEWINDS veteran status . These veterans of the last 30 or more years think they are special when all they did was volunteer to be employees of USA government for money . Far different than the Greatest Generation who fought and died or survived and then went on to raise families and do work as they never mentioned their veteran status or lack of veteran status . And all the time with no bragigng about being SPECIAL veterans , eh DWind !!
More anti-military rhetoric from non-military(?) partisans.

While the Greatest Generation is certainly laudable, it wasn't just the less-than-four-years of WWII that made them so. It was the hardship of the Great Depression followed by the loss of almost 500,000 Americans in the extremely intense conditions of WWII. It was the sacrifice of both the troops and those at home who endured rationing and other sacrifices for the war effort.

Unlike you, I'm not going to take away from the suffering of our post-WWII veterans, but clearly Americans at home haven't suffered like their parents and grandparents did from December 1941 until August 1945.


We should have a mandatory draft anytime we go to war . If only just to keep the pols in check .
big deal no matter DIVINEWINDS veteran status . These veterans of the last 30 or more years think they are special when all they did was volunteer to be employees of USA government for money . Far different than the Greatest Generation who fought and died or survived and then went on to raise families and do work as they never mentioned their veteran status or lack of veteran status . And all the time with no bragigng about being SPECIAL veterans , eh DWind !!
More anti-military rhetoric from non-military(?) partisans.

While the Greatest Generation is certainly laudable, it wasn't just the less-than-four-years of WWII that made them so. It was the hardship of the Great Depression followed by the loss of almost 500,000 Americans in the extremely intense conditions of WWII. It was the sacrifice of both the troops and those at home who endured rationing and other sacrifices for the war effort.

Unlike you, I'm not going to take away from the suffering of our post-WWII veterans, but clearly Americans at home haven't suffered like their parents and grandparents did from December 1941 until August 1945.


We should have a mandatory draft anytime we go to war . If only just to keep the pols in check .
Waiting to enact after war starts is too late. We need it every day. That would help keep us out of unnecessary wars.
big deal no matter DIVINEWINDS veteran status . These veterans of the last 30 or more years think they are special when all they did was volunteer to be employees of USA government for money . Far different than the Greatest Generation who fought and died or survived and then went on to raise families and do work as they never mentioned their veteran status or lack of veteran status . And all the time with no bragigng about being SPECIAL veterans , eh DWind !!
More anti-military rhetoric from non-military(?) partisans.

While the Greatest Generation is certainly laudable, it wasn't just the less-than-four-years of WWII that made them so. It was the hardship of the Great Depression followed by the loss of almost 500,000 Americans in the extremely intense conditions of WWII. It was the sacrifice of both the troops and those at home who endured rationing and other sacrifices for the war effort.

Unlike you, I'm not going to take away from the suffering of our post-WWII veterans, but clearly Americans at home haven't suffered like their parents and grandparents did from December 1941 until August 1945.

I grew up amongst veterans , every kids DAD that I ran around with were veterans , the still young veteran males were my teachers , doctors , cops , firemen , my DAD and Uncles and NONE were ever bragging that they were veterans or special people and none of them would advertise their being veterans or SPECIAL people with special status by wearing veteran baseball caps. Also , I never ran into any of these Greatest Generation having 'ptsd' and widdle comfort puppies. Of course a few were shell shocked I suppose but they just went to work and raised families . :afro:-------------------------- and , length of the war is the bushes and mrobamas fault as they as CiC wouldn't fight the war PROPERLY DWind !!
big deal no matter DIVINEWINDS veteran status . These veterans of the last 30 or more years think they are special when all they did was volunteer to be employees of USA government for money . Far different than the Greatest Generation who fought and died or survived and then went on to raise families and do work as they never mentioned their veteran status or lack of veteran status . And all the time with no bragigng about being SPECIAL veterans , eh DWind !!
More anti-military rhetoric from non-military(?) partisans.

While the Greatest Generation is certainly laudable, it wasn't just the less-than-four-years of WWII that made them so. It was the hardship of the Great Depression followed by the loss of almost 500,000 Americans in the extremely intense conditions of WWII. It was the sacrifice of both the troops and those at home who endured rationing and other sacrifices for the war effort.

Unlike you, I'm not going to take away from the suffering of our post-WWII veterans, but clearly Americans at home haven't suffered like their parents and grandparents did from December 1941 until August 1945.


We should have a mandatory draft anytime we go to war . If only just to keep the pols in check .
Waiting to enact after war starts is too late. We need it every day. That would help keep us out of unnecessary wars.

War really sells in the sticks! It's a great distraction .

Not only will pols ever dare to vote on a draft , they won't even pass a war tax to pay for all shit!
big deal no matter DIVINEWINDS veteran status . These veterans of the last 30 or more years think they are special when all they did was volunteer to be employees of USA government for money . Far different than the Greatest Generation who fought and died or survived and then went on to raise families and do work as they never mentioned their veteran status or lack of veteran status . And all the time with no bragigng about being SPECIAL veterans , eh DWind !!
More anti-military rhetoric from non-military(?) partisans.

While the Greatest Generation is certainly laudable, it wasn't just the less-than-four-years of WWII that made them so. It was the hardship of the Great Depression followed by the loss of almost 500,000 Americans in the extremely intense conditions of WWII. It was the sacrifice of both the troops and those at home who endured rationing and other sacrifices for the war effort.

Unlike you, I'm not going to take away from the suffering of our post-WWII veterans, but clearly Americans at home haven't suffered like their parents and grandparents did from December 1941 until August 1945.


We should have a mandatory draft anytime we go to war . If only just to keep the pols in check .
Waiting to enact after war starts is too late. We need it every day. That would help keep us out of unnecessary wars.
-------------------------------------------------------- as if this outfit DWind knows what he is talking about !! Small Standing army is ok comprised of volunteer and drafted , imo !!
and veterans are fine , fighting war is excellent when its needed but Veterans after having done their jobs for money are not special in my opinion , I see them as another special interest group sorta like ALL other Special interest groups that are dividing up this Great Country DWind !!
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He's an idiot. He calls the right chicken hawks when the left claim they are against our use of the military while they follow the same policies and he can't explain why the military is overall easily majority conservative. Talk about liars.

Then again he's shown with his flagrant disrespect for civilians he's lying about his experience anyway. It's just a tool for him to be a dick
and in the last week or so we have veterans out in North Dakota putting their [supposed] special status to work helping mrobama shut down an oil pipeline on or near an Indian Reservation . Point is that these veterans being for or against the pipeline is of no special consequence just because they are veterans .
You two work great together!

$1000 says I can prove I'm a vet plus I have two witnesses on this forum who know I'm a vet. Which of you two anti-military cowards is willing to take the bet?
-------------------------------------------------------------------- my point is simply that I don't care if you are a Veteran or not , Veteran status or lack of veteran status means nothing . What , so you are a veteran for the rest of your life so that makes you special , I don't think so DWind !!
He's sealed his fate. Just another dumb punk ass black.

Why you bring race into this?

I don't care their colour, creed, race, gender, religion. We have had female soccer players and white athletes also take a kneel, I would say the same to all of them. Show respect for the flag and those who have risked their lives and fallen for it. You have an issue, contact your local government or raise the issue through political channels. None of this helps anyone and it paints an entire nation with the same brush.

What the hell? What exactly is the dipshit kneeling about again...oh yeah,black lives matter.

Right . And what does that have to do with the military? Right wing PC thugs are so sensitive. Do y'all need a safe place ?

Please never breed Timmy.
He's sealed his fate. Just another dumb punk ass black.

Why you bring race into this?

I don't care their colour, creed, race, gender, religion. We have had female soccer players and white athletes also take a kneel, I would say the same to all of them. Show respect for the flag and those who have risked their lives and fallen for it. You have an issue, contact your local government or raise the issue through political channels. None of this helps anyone and it paints an entire nation with the same brush.

What the hell? What exactly is the dipshit kneeling about again...oh yeah,black lives matter.

Right . And what does that have to do with the military? Right wing PC thugs are so sensitive. Do y'all need a safe place ?

Please never breed Timmy.

Can't counter what I said can you .
He's sealed his fate. Just another dumb punk ass black.

Why you bring race into this?

I don't care their colour, creed, race, gender, religion. We have had female soccer players and white athletes also take a kneel, I would say the same to all of them. Show respect for the flag and those who have risked their lives and fallen for it. You have an issue, contact your local government or raise the issue through political channels. None of this helps anyone and it paints an entire nation with the same brush.

What the hell? What exactly is the dipshit kneeling about again...oh yeah,black lives matter.

Right . And what does that have to do with the military? Right wing PC thugs are so sensitive. Do y'all need a safe place ?

Please never breed Timmy.

Can't counter what I said can you .

Ask yourself this Timothy...why am I the only one who doesnt get it?
The way you talk to civilians proves you have no honor and I never bet people without honor because you don't honor bets.....
Are you taking the bet or not? Are you trying to weasel out of it like cowardly yellowbellies often do?

As for the way I "talk to civilians", untrue. I only have a problem with "civilians" who attack vets, disrespect our nation, our Constitution and those who defend it. People like you.

No, how much clearer can I be? I'm not disrespecting our military you lying ass, you are. Of all the people I know in the military, not one ever goes to people and informs them they can't have an opinion because they weren't in the military. The only ones I've ever seen are you and the other faux military leftists on this site.

To me, betting is something that is done in fun. Either you're a liar or worse, you are actually military and talk to people that way. That is not a fun bet to me
You have no honor
Translation: Fuck you and your bet. I'm not taking it because I'm afraid I'd lose.

Okay, thanks anyway.

Oh gosh, you're badgering me, I'm so insecure, I have to agree to it now. You're a nagging woman, old girl.

I don't bet people like you without honor and I don't bet other than for fun. Note there is no question mark in that, Darlene. Oh gosh, don't nag anymore, I might cave this time ... Not
He's an idiot. He calls the right chicken hawks when the left claim they are against our use of the military while they follow the same policies and he can't explain why the military is overall easily majority conservative. Talk about liars.

Then again he's shown with his flagrant disrespect for civilians he's lying about his experience anyway. It's just a tool for him to be a dick
and in the last week or so we have veterans out in North Dakota putting their [supposed] special status to work helping mrobama shut down an oil pipeline on or near an Indian Reservation . Point is that these veterans being for or against the pipeline is of no special consequence just because they are veterans .
You two work great together!

$1000 says I can prove I'm a vet plus I have two witnesses on this forum who know I'm a vet. Which of you two anti-military cowards is willing to take the bet?
-------------------------------------------------------------------- my point is simply that I don't care if you are a Veteran or not , Veteran status or lack of veteran status means nothing . What , so you are a veteran for the rest of your life so that makes you special , I don't think so DWind !!

OMG, you can't talk to him that way, he's a veteran. You need to speak reverently and in hushed tones when he enters the conversation. You are to clear the answers to all questions with him before committing to them and only speak to him when he speaks to you first. Get it now?
Why you bring race into this?

I don't care their colour, creed, race, gender, religion. We have had female soccer players and white athletes also take a kneel, I would say the same to all of them. Show respect for the flag and those who have risked their lives and fallen for it. You have an issue, contact your local government or raise the issue through political channels. None of this helps anyone and it paints an entire nation with the same brush.

What the hell? What exactly is the dipshit kneeling about again...oh yeah,black lives matter.

Right . And what does that have to do with the military? Right wing PC thugs are so sensitive. Do y'all need a safe place ?

Please never breed Timmy.

Can't counter what I said can you .

Ask yourself this Timothy...why am I the only one who doesnt get it?

Oh I get it . You righties love to bash on political correctness , but then run into a paradox when your PC issues are exposed .
Jerry Jones told his team that anyone not participating in the National Anthem is gone. The Cowboys have the NFL's best record.

Colin Kap. led the assault on the National Anthem. He hasn't won a game, and was recently benched after passing for 4 yards and taking 5 sacks Vs one of the NFL's worst teams.

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What the hell? What exactly is the dipshit kneeling about again...oh yeah,black lives matter.

Right . And what does that have to do with the military? Right wing PC thugs are so sensitive. Do y'all need a safe place ?

Please never breed Timmy.

Can't counter what I said can you .

Ask yourself this Timothy...why am I the only one who doesnt get it?

Oh I get it . You righties love to bash on political correctness , but then run into a paradox when your PC issues are exposed .

Any time you start a post with "Oh I get it" it draws me to read it because I know comedy will ensue ...
Jerry Jones told his team that anyone not participating in the National Anthem is gone. The Cowboys have the NFL's best record.

Colin Kap. led the assault on the National Anthem. He hasn't won a game, and was recently benched after passing for 4 yards and taking 5 sacks Vs one of the NFL's worst teams.


Jerry Jones is known for picking up the biggest douchebags to play on his team .

The NFL also charged the military in order to have theses "troop appreciation " events at games .

So Jones can go screw .
Right . And what does that have to do with the military? Right wing PC thugs are so sensitive. Do y'all need a safe place ?

Please never breed Timmy.

Can't counter what I said can you .

Ask yourself this Timothy...why am I the only one who doesnt get it?

Oh I get it . You righties love to bash on political correctness , but then run into a paradox when your PC issues are exposed .

Any time you start a post with "Oh I get it" it draws me to read it because I know comedy will ensue ...

I made a bad ass point that shut everyone up ! I win!
What the hell? What exactly is the dipshit kneeling about again...oh yeah,black lives matter.

Right . And what does that have to do with the military? Right wing PC thugs are so sensitive. Do y'all need a safe place ?

Please never breed Timmy.

Can't counter what I said can you .

Ask yourself this Timothy...why am I the only one who doesnt get it?

Oh I get it . You righties love to bash on political correctness , but then run into a paradox when your PC issues are exposed .

That makes absolutely no sense Timothy.

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