Navy brass who do not want terrorist killed to resign over Trump defending Eddie Gallagher

If this is the case, that Gallagher committed war crimes then shall we go back through all out wars and prosicute folks for war crimes?
That would be the ethical thing. After all, the US hanged a shit load of Germans for exactly that after the last world war. You wouldn't want to be exceptional, would you?
CNM makes my point about what happens when a [once] SOVEREIGN Nation like the USA gets mixed up with 'international rules making bodies' .
LOL the ONLY thing they found him guilty of was taking a picture and they did not charge all the others in that picture.
Wasn't that only because the corpses of the other murders he was accused of by eyewitnesses couldn't be presented?
Indeed, Japanese soldiers bayoneted Chinese and Filipino men, women, and children because "they wanted to survive."
And the US and the UK hanged them.

Have you any IDEA of how few of them were hanged? Any idea at all? Those few people didn't do all the bayoneting of hundreds of thousands of victims, notwithstanding your sickening politicking on their behalf.
If this is the case, that Gallagher committed war crimes then shall we go back through all out wars and prosicute folks for war crimes?
That would be the ethical thing. After all, the US hanged a shit load of Germans for exactly that after the last world war. You wouldn't want to be exceptional, would you?

Yet here we have the Googleshpere all full of American soldiers posing for pictures with dead enemies from Germany to Japan on over to Korea, then on down to Vietnam. All wars have volumes of photos of American soldiers doing this very thing.
Your are a pathological liar.

Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam wanting to establish a State?

I didn’t know people still dropped

They have a serious ass whipping coming to them, but it won’t be mankind who will hand it out. Read Ezekiel 38.
See? Forced conversion to christianity..............other side of the SAME fanatical religion coin.
Christian's never killed those who did not convert

Did they stupud

That is silly.
The Inquisitions, Crusades, Conquistadors, etc. were ALL about killing those who did not convert to Christianity.
Christians always force conversion or kill.
That is why the colonists murdered all the native Americans they could.
Scalping was a bounty on murdering natives.
No one scalped whites because short hair was worthless.
Entering the past to justify your ISIS brothers sawing off heads today is dumb

How old were you when you converted to islam

ISIS is not Islamic at all and has nothing remotely to do with Islam.
ISIS is made up of secular Sunni Iraqi the US made unemployable by anyone else.
And it likely is the US that runs ISIS.
Way to go Trump
Insipid lame brain PC nuts fretting dead terrorists who fly planes into buildings, slowly saw people’s heads off, set them on fire, drown them, pull fingernails out of women so their face won’t be scratched while raping them.
Have you any IDEA of how few of them were hanged? Any idea at all? Those few people didn't do all the bayoneting of hundreds of thousands of victims, notwithstanding your sickening politicking on their behalf.
So I take it your position is that because not all war criminals have been convicted no US war criminals should be convicted. Interesting, one might even say exceptional.
Yet here we have the Googleshpere all full of American soldiers posing for pictures with dead enemies from Germany to Japan on over to Korea, then on down to Vietnam. All wars have volumes of photos of American soldiers doing this very thing.
Yet Gallagher was accused by eyewitnesses of multiple murders.
Have you any IDEA of how few of them were hanged? Any idea at all? Those few people didn't do all the bayoneting of hundreds of thousands of victims, notwithstanding your sickening politicking on their behalf.
So I take it your position is that because not all war criminals have been convicted no US war criminals should be convicted. Interesting, one might even say exceptional.
Gallagher was tried and FOUND NOT GUILTY. Moron.
Yet here we have the Googleshpere all full of American soldiers posing for pictures with dead enemies from Germany to Japan on over to Korea, then on down to Vietnam. All wars have volumes of photos of American soldiers doing this very thing.
Yet Gallagher was accused by eyewitnesses of multiple murders.
Fake and false
Have you any IDEA of how few of them were hanged? Any idea at all? Those few people didn't do all the bayoneting of hundreds of thousands of victims, notwithstanding your sickening politicking on their behalf.
So I take it your position is that because not all war criminals have been convicted no US war criminals should be convicted. Interesting, one might even say exceptional.
Gallagher was tried and FOUND NOT GUILTY. Moron.
Gotta remember though the new liberal language allows people who were not there and thus did not see to be called witnesses.
Gotta remember though the new liberal language allows people who were not there and thus did not see to be called witnesses.
When a close knit unit like the SEALs says a member has gone rogue it pays to listen. Unless one is a deplorable, then it pays to block one's ears.
If you let Gallagher go that means YOU don't get to complain when they cut innocents heads off or set them on fire.

All his men have staged a coup, just like tramp, all the Dems have staged a coup. He is guilty of war crimes.
------------------------------------- Volunteer Military has got to fight hard and avoid capture so they better kill the enemy Penny .
------------------------------------ and youse guys just remember my advice . Widdle girls and women may one day soon be fighting on the front lines of Combat .
Yet here we have the Googleshpere all full of American soldiers posing for pictures with dead enemies from Germany to Japan on over to Korea, then on down to Vietnam. All wars have volumes of photos of American soldiers doing this very thing.
Yet Gallagher was accused by eyewitnesses of multiple murders.
------------------------------ doesn't matter , GALLAGHER is innocent till proven guilty CNM .

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