Navy brass who do not want terrorist killed to resign over Trump defending Eddie Gallagher

If you let Gallagher go that means YOU don't get to complain when they cut innocents heads off or set them on fire.

All his men have staged a coup, just like tramp, all the Dems have staged a coup. He is guilty of war crimes.
------------------------------------- Volunteer Military has got to fight hard and avoid capture so they better kill the enemy Penny .
------------------------------------ and youse guys just remember my advice . Widdle girls and women may one day soon be fighting on the front lines of Combat .

They already are! My daughter is an Army officer in a cavalry unit. Can you get more "front line" than that?
We didn't make them Muslim. think the problem is they are muslim? What do you propose to do about people being muslim?

World Wide ban
Bulldoze the Mosques
Arrest anyone caught practicing.

You hate the Constitution also?

No, thanks for asking

Sure you do? Why not admit it?

You don't believe in freedom of religion.
The Constitution does not require us to slit our own throats, it is not a suicide pact. Islam is a militant religion bent on world conquest. They openly admit it and you dumb asses all ignore them doing and saying it. It is dangerous and should be banned. I think the US should refuse to allow any Muslim to immigrate here and should openly police the Mosques we have. A religion that advocates human sacrifice is not allowed neither should a religion that preaches sedition and conquest. READ their own words, they want to gain control of the Government and then abolish freedom of religion. They want to change the Constitution to make Islam the only religion and the only political movement. Sure it may take decades but it is their plan and intent.
Christian's would all sign
Suuuuuuuure they would.......:71: And how many of them would break that oath first thing? We know that christians lie.
The bible commands one love their neighbor The Quoran says convert your neighbor or kill them

Lol now say it doesn't say that you Kenyan piece of shit
As I pointed out....christians lie. Thanks for the confirmation.
Kenyan Muslim shitheads live in delusions too. Thanks for pointing this out

That is just a lie.
The Quran is well known for saying that "There can never be compulsion over religion".
There Is No Compulsion In Religion
Quran 2:256
Not only do Muslims NOT ever try to convert anyone, they are very hesitant to ever allow anyone to convert.
Like Jews, they consider themselves the Chosen People and do not want everyone to convert.
Moslems never force conversion.

A middle school student taking my World Civilizations class would call you out for being wrong. think the problem is they are muslim? What do you propose to do about people being muslim?

World Wide ban
Bulldoze the Mosques
Arrest anyone caught practicing.

You hate the Constitution also?

No, thanks for asking

Sure you do? Why not admit it?

You don't believe in freedom of religion.
The Constitution does not require us to slit our own throats, it is not a suicide pact. Islam is a militant religion bent on world conquest. They openly admit it and you dumb asses all ignore them doing and saying it. It is dangerous and should be banned. I think the US should refuse to allow any Muslim to immigrate here and should openly police the Mosques we have. A religion that advocates human sacrifice is not allowed neither should a religion that preaches sedition and conquest. READ their own words, they want to gain control of the Government and then abolish freedom of religion. They want to change the Constitution to make Islam the only religion and the only political movement. Sure it may take decades but it is their plan and intent.

If you want to do that, change the Constitution and create a theocracy, because that is exactly what you would have. You alone don't get to decide Didn't you take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, Gunny?
World Wide ban
Bulldoze the Mosques
Arrest anyone caught practicing.

You hate the Constitution also?

No, thanks for asking

Sure you do? Why not admit it?

You don't believe in freedom of religion.
The Constitution does not require us to slit our own throats, it is not a suicide pact. Islam is a militant religion bent on world conquest. They openly admit it and you dumb asses all ignore them doing and saying it. It is dangerous and should be banned. I think the US should refuse to allow any Muslim to immigrate here and should openly police the Mosques we have. A religion that advocates human sacrifice is not allowed neither should a religion that preaches sedition and conquest. READ their own words, they want to gain control of the Government and then abolish freedom of religion. They want to change the Constitution to make Islam the only religion and the only political movement. Sure it may take decades but it is their plan and intent.

If you want to do that, change the Constitution and create a theocracy, because that is exactly what you would have. You alone don't get to decide Didn't you take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, Gunny?
Remind me again how a religion that believes in human sacrifice is covered by the 1st Amendment? Islam advocates the overthrow of this Country. That is Treason. They are not covered by the 1st at all.
You hate the Constitution also?

No, thanks for asking

Sure you do? Why not admit it?

You don't believe in freedom of religion.
The Constitution does not require us to slit our own throats, it is not a suicide pact. Islam is a militant religion bent on world conquest. They openly admit it and you dumb asses all ignore them doing and saying it. It is dangerous and should be banned. I think the US should refuse to allow any Muslim to immigrate here and should openly police the Mosques we have. A religion that advocates human sacrifice is not allowed neither should a religion that preaches sedition and conquest. READ their own words, they want to gain control of the Government and then abolish freedom of religion. They want to change the Constitution to make Islam the only religion and the only political movement. Sure it may take decades but it is their plan and intent.

If you want to do that, change the Constitution and create a theocracy, because that is exactly what you would have. You alone don't get to decide Didn't you take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, Gunny?
Remind me again how a religion that believes in human sacrifice is covered by the 1st Amendment? Islam advocates the overthrow of this Country. That is Treason. They are not covered by the 1st at all.

It is. Your ignorance is astounding!

Human sacrifice and treason are illegal. You can arrest them when they do that, and not until.
No, thanks for asking

Sure you do? Why not admit it?

You don't believe in freedom of religion.
The Constitution does not require us to slit our own throats, it is not a suicide pact. Islam is a militant religion bent on world conquest. They openly admit it and you dumb asses all ignore them doing and saying it. It is dangerous and should be banned. I think the US should refuse to allow any Muslim to immigrate here and should openly police the Mosques we have. A religion that advocates human sacrifice is not allowed neither should a religion that preaches sedition and conquest. READ their own words, they want to gain control of the Government and then abolish freedom of religion. They want to change the Constitution to make Islam the only religion and the only political movement. Sure it may take decades but it is their plan and intent.

If you want to do that, change the Constitution and create a theocracy, because that is exactly what you would have. You alone don't get to decide Didn't you take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, Gunny?
Remind me again how a religion that believes in human sacrifice is covered by the 1st Amendment? Islam advocates the overthrow of this Country. That is Treason. They are not covered by the 1st at all.

It is. Your ignorance is astounding!

Human sacrifice and treason are illegal. You can arrest them when they do that, and not until.
Wrong, Islam OPENLY states in THIS COUNTRY they want to eliminate the Constitution, they want to change the flag and they want to force all to be subservient to Muslims and people like YOU pretend not to hear them.
Sure you do? Why not admit it?

You don't believe in freedom of religion.
The Constitution does not require us to slit our own throats, it is not a suicide pact. Islam is a militant religion bent on world conquest. They openly admit it and you dumb asses all ignore them doing and saying it. It is dangerous and should be banned. I think the US should refuse to allow any Muslim to immigrate here and should openly police the Mosques we have. A religion that advocates human sacrifice is not allowed neither should a religion that preaches sedition and conquest. READ their own words, they want to gain control of the Government and then abolish freedom of religion. They want to change the Constitution to make Islam the only religion and the only political movement. Sure it may take decades but it is their plan and intent.

If you want to do that, change the Constitution and create a theocracy, because that is exactly what you would have. You alone don't get to decide Didn't you take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, Gunny?
Remind me again how a religion that believes in human sacrifice is covered by the 1st Amendment? Islam advocates the overthrow of this Country. That is Treason. They are not covered by the 1st at all.

It is. Your ignorance is astounding!

Human sacrifice and treason are illegal. You can arrest them when they do that, and not until.
Wrong, Islam OPENLY states in THIS COUNTRY they want to eliminate the Constitution, they want to change the flag and they want to force all to be subservient to Muslims and people like YOU pretend not to hear them.

Cite your reference. I'll wait until you finish your crayons for dessert.
The Constitution does not require us to slit our own throats, it is not a suicide pact. Islam is a militant religion bent on world conquest. They openly admit it and you dumb asses all ignore them doing and saying it. It is dangerous and should be banned. I think the US should refuse to allow any Muslim to immigrate here and should openly police the Mosques we have. A religion that advocates human sacrifice is not allowed neither should a religion that preaches sedition and conquest. READ their own words, they want to gain control of the Government and then abolish freedom of religion. They want to change the Constitution to make Islam the only religion and the only political movement. Sure it may take decades but it is their plan and intent.

If you want to do that, change the Constitution and create a theocracy, because that is exactly what you would have. You alone don't get to decide Didn't you take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, Gunny?
Remind me again how a religion that believes in human sacrifice is covered by the 1st Amendment? Islam advocates the overthrow of this Country. That is Treason. They are not covered by the 1st at all.

It is. Your ignorance is astounding!

Human sacrifice and treason are illegal. You can arrest them when they do that, and not until.
Wrong, Islam OPENLY states in THIS COUNTRY they want to eliminate the Constitution, they want to change the flag and they want to force all to be subservient to Muslims and people like YOU pretend not to hear them.

Cite your reference. I'll wait until you finish your crayons for dessert.
Ignorance, you are so ignorant it hurts.
If you want to do that, change the Constitution and create a theocracy, because that is exactly what you would have. You alone don't get to decide Didn't you take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, Gunny?
Remind me again how a religion that believes in human sacrifice is covered by the 1st Amendment? Islam advocates the overthrow of this Country. That is Treason. They are not covered by the 1st at all.

It is. Your ignorance is astounding!

Human sacrifice and treason are illegal. You can arrest them when they do that, and not until.
Wrong, Islam OPENLY states in THIS COUNTRY they want to eliminate the Constitution, they want to change the flag and they want to force all to be subservient to Muslims and people like YOU pretend not to hear them.

Cite your reference. I'll wait until you finish your crayons for dessert.
Ignorance, you are so ignorant it hurts.

I taught the US Constitution for 21 years. Cite your reference. You already should be familiar with mine.
You sorta sound like you are sad you missed
your appointment for licking Ayatollah Assahola. Now go make Some
Putin Pudding for your dead daddy Al Baghdadi
CNM makes my point about what happens when a [once] SOVEREIGN Nation like the USA gets mixed up with 'international rules making bodies' .

If the US was not a corrupt criminal body that needed international rules, then we would not even have troops in the Mideast.
It is illegal to have US troops in the Mideast.
When the US created the UN, we ratified the UN charter as US law, it is says the only legal excuse for war is in immediate defense.
No one in the Mideast attacked us.
The use of US military force in Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc., is totally and completely illegal, and anyone involved is a criminal.
Remind me again how a religion that believes in human sacrifice is covered by the 1st Amendment? Islam advocates the overthrow of this Country. That is Treason. They are not covered by the 1st at all.

It is. Your ignorance is astounding!

Human sacrifice and treason are illegal. You can arrest them when they do that, and not until.
Wrong, Islam OPENLY states in THIS COUNTRY they want to eliminate the Constitution, they want to change the flag and they want to force all to be subservient to Muslims and people like YOU pretend not to hear them.

Cite your reference. I'll wait until you finish your crayons for dessert.
Ignorance, you are so ignorant it hurts.

I taught the US Constitution for 21 years. Cite your reference. You already should be familiar with mine.
You are not even reading what I wrote that's how STUPID you are. The 1st Amendment is not absolute, there are limits. Just as a religion that sacrifices humans can not practice by citing the 1st so I am arguing Islam should not get to incite treason and openly be allowed to try and change the Government.
I have always found it disturbing that members of his team supposedly testified against him. SEALS are trained to have each others backs to the very end.

And, if there was any "sin" it was Gallagher bragging about his exploits as a SEAL to other members of the team.

So, to the government case.

Assuming that the witnesses even show up — at least three of them have threatened to assert their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and refuse to testify, according to emails provided to Navy Times.

One of the SEALs is particularly prized by prosecutors because he allegedly was an eyewitness to the murder, but he’s prepared to go to the brig rather than testify in Gallagher’s trial, according to an email provided to Navy Times.

And others have declined to participate in the ongoing NCIS probe, including a Marine staff sergeant and a pair of Navy explosive ordnance disposal technicians attached to the platoon during the 2017 deployment.

Say what? It appears his fellow SEALS weren't ratting him out after all. Check out What motivated fellow SEALs to dime out Eddie Gallagher?

None of that is true.
A half dozen SEALs are on record testifying against Gallaghar.
It is not only pretty clear he is guilty, but a real jerk.

One of the members of Gallagher’s unit — Alpha Platoon, SEAL Team 7 — is expected to testify that Gallagher confessed that he “killed four women,” according to Naval Criminal Investigative Service files and legal records provided to Navy Times.

Two other SEAL petty officers told investigators Gallagher bragged about slaying “10-20 people a day or 150-200 people on deployment,” court documents state.

And a fellow sniper intends to tell the panel that Gallagher claimed, “he averaged three kills a day over 80 days,” according to legal filings obtained by Navy Times.

Three other SEALs are slated to say their platoon chief took "random shots, sometimes into buildings, where he claimed to have killed someone,” similar filings allege.

One of the SEALs overhead the chief say he was “OK with shooting women” and another saw him “fire into a crowd of what appeared to be noncombatants multiple times," records state.

The fact Trump may have tampered with the witnesses, does not at all prove Gallaghar is innocent.
And anyone fighting in the Mideast clearly is guilty of something.
There is no legal basis for any fighting in the Mideast, and anyone fighting there is a criminal.

I posted information that completely goes against yours. Most members of his platoon pleaded the 5th and refused to answer the claims. One even faced jail time.
We are at war with The Devil's Cult. Our warfighters should have the same Rules of Engagement as their Muslim opponents. Exactly the same.
It is. Your ignorance is astounding!

Human sacrifice and treason are illegal. You can arrest them when they do that, and not until.
Wrong, Islam OPENLY states in THIS COUNTRY they want to eliminate the Constitution, they want to change the flag and they want to force all to be subservient to Muslims and people like YOU pretend not to hear them.

Cite your reference. I'll wait until you finish your crayons for dessert.
Ignorance, you are so ignorant it hurts.

I taught the US Constitution for 21 years. Cite your reference. You already should be familiar with mine.
You are not even reading what I wrote that's how STUPID you are. The 1st Amendment is not absolute, there are limits. Just as a religion that sacrifices humans can not practice by citing the 1st so I am arguing Islam should not get to incite treason and openly be allowed to try and change the Government.

Nice try, but human sacrifice is already illegal. So is treason. Neither f these are currently practiced under Islam despite your ignorance. When they are, they are prosecuted under the law, and the 1st Amendment no longer applies.

You advocate doing away with a religion entirely based on potential conduct of some of its members. That sounds very similar to the Nazi's final solution when dealing with Jews. being a Marine is a sure sign of your lack of academic study.
We are at war with The Devil's Cult. Our warfighters should have the same Rules of Engagement as their Muslim opponents. Exactly the same.

So by that logic, the US Army should have had the same Rules of Engagement as the Nazis...

Oh, wait. No.

We are at war with people who don't like us invading their country. Their religion is no sillier than your worship of Zombie on a Stick.

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