Navy brass who do not want terrorist killed to resign over Trump defending Eddie Gallagher

If you let Gallagher go that means YOU don't get to complain when they cut innocents heads off or set them on fire.

All his men have staged a coup, just like tramp, all the Dems have staged a coup. He is guilty of war crimes.
Proof positive that stupid people think bending over to placate terrorists will work...^^^^^^^

You cant be this fucking stupid, can you? You are a useful idiot and once they subjugate us they will kill you because they need to eliminate those who helped them gain power..

No Moslem has ever threatened us.
We should just get out of the Mideast and stop harming them.
About three thousand people in the twin towers disagree... they just happen to be dead from a direct attack on the USA... Are you this fucking ignorant?
You mean those attacked by citizens of Saudi Arabia, right?
No scumbag I am referring to heads being cut off with dull saws. Fuck you Arab scum

Which is neither allowed by Islam or anything approaching an Arab tradition.
So is a fake action someone who is not Arab or Moslem is promoting.
So you are denying that isis and the taliban are sawing peoples heads off

Fuck you mohammed

Clear enough shithead
christians in Mexico are sawing people's heads off too.
Which is why the words in the bible or quoran mean nothing. What matters is how a person leads their life

True, but the Mideast is all colonial possessions, so the west are the bad guys, not the native Moslems.
For example, what happened to the democracy in Egypt?
The US funded general Sisi to destroy it and take over, because we did not want a Moslem like Morsi.
Very similar to how we destroyed the democracy in Iran in 1953, Operation Ajax.
Try abilify
Remember when Obama purged The Military of Patriotic Americans and promoted a bunch of political hacks to
Replace them?

This douche was one of them, and so is Vindman.

Navy Secretary threatened to resign, but not the Top SEAL officer: officials

I'll pose next to any dead ISIS member, twice if I slit their throat. The democrats are actually crazy at this point as they are clearly wanting Trump to win in 2020.....
You russians love to denigrate our military, at least the hundreds of thousands who don't commit war crimes. Don't you, comrade?
You communist bastards think you can run a war by tieing your own troops hands in a war.. That is fucking stupid! They need to go in and kick ass to get the job done and not worry about fuckhead lawyers in DC trying to micro mange them...

What war?
No one in the Mideast ever attacked us or anyone else.
We are the illegal pillaging invader.
It is not war when you attack unarmed civilians like we did.
Any US soldier in the Mideast is in violation of US and international law, and are all criminals.
The germans never attacked the USA either
Actually, the Germans declared war on us. But I bet you would have supported the NAZIs against the U.S. anyways.
Anyone who knows anything at all about Islam knows that the Quran prescribes beheading because there is no other means of execution that is more quick and painless.

Beheading was a standard method of execution in pre-modern Islamic law, similarly to pre-modern European law. Its use had been abandoned in most countries by the end of the 20th century. Currently, it is used only in Saudi Arabia. It also remains a legal method of execution in Qatar, Yemen, and was reportedly used in 2001 in Iran according to Amnesty International, where it is no longer in use.[1]

In recent times, non-state Jihadist organizations such as ISIS and Tawhid and Jihad have used beheading as a method of killing captives. Since 2002, they have circulated beheading videos as a form of terror and propaganda.[2][3] Their actions have been condemned by other militant and terrorist groups, as well as by mainstream Islamic scholars and organizations.
The use of beheading for punishment continued well into the 20th century in both Islamic and non-Islamic nations.[4][5] When done properly, it was once considered a humane and honorable method of execution.
Beheading in Islam - Wikipedia

My claim is that ISIS is not religious at all, but a fake created and put on by the US, or someone else.
I will burn your Quran then piss on it to put the fire out then give it back to you

Why would I care?
My mother was Jewish so technically I am Jewish, but my father was Catholic, so the result was I was brought up Lutheran and ended up agnostic.
Dude you are behaving as though what the Quoran says matters. It does not matter. What matters is these shitheads sawing peoples heads off and cutting off their own daughters vaginas.

Defend that and I piss on you in public for all to see and read admit to being a pervert. What a surprise.
I will also shit on your Quoran I piss on you everytime you embarrass yourself here

Words are never worth fighting over.
Only human rights are.
They have a serious ass whipping coming to them, but it won’t be mankind who will hand it out. Read Ezekiel 38.
Islam TEACHES that Islam will rule the world and MUST do so. That Everyone must be Muslim. That in order to get there is a never ending process. Right now the two chosen paths of HOW to GET THERE are either through assimilation or direct force. That has ALWAYS been the case. Until the modern area after the Muslims lost in holy Jihad to conquer the west in Spain and Eastern Europe. they had no way to force it now some think they do and it has nothing to do with us Radicalizing them.
See? Forced conversion to christianity..............other side of the SAME fanatical religion coin.
Christian's never killed those who did not convert

Did they stupud
You sure about that, Comrade? :71:
Navy Secretary threatened to resign, but not the Top SEAL officer: officials

I'll pose next to any dead ISIS member, twice if I slit their throat. The democrats are actually crazy at this point as they are clearly wanting Trump to win in 2020.....

What it really boils down to is the secretary of the Navy was trying to save careers. He honestly should have been gone day one of trumps presidency, or never hired in the first place. He exemplifies what a member of the "deep state" is and their atritude. Who the fuck IS this guy who thinks he can negotiate with the PRESIDANT OF THE UNITED STATES ! This man is a moron and demostrates all that is wrong with the govrenment. I'm glad his ass got fired. Let him write a book and consult for CNN.
Remember when Obama purged The Military of Patriotic Americans and promoted a bunch of political hacks to
Replace them?

This douche was one of them, and so is Vindman.

You russians love to denigrate our military, at least the hundreds of thousands who don't commit war crimes. Don't you, comrade?
You communist bastards think you can run a war by tieing your own troops hands in a war.. That is fucking stupid! They need to go in and kick ass to get the job done and not worry about fuckhead lawyers in DC trying to micro mange them...

What war?
No one in the Mideast ever attacked us or anyone else.
We are the illegal pillaging invader.
It is not war when you attack unarmed civilians like we did.
Any US soldier in the Mideast is in violation of US and international law, and are all criminals.
The germans never attacked the USA either
Actually, the Germans declared war on us. But I bet you would have supported the NAZIs against the U.S. anyways.
I would love to see a tranny like you say that to my father
Navy Secretary threatened to resign, but not the Top SEAL officer: officials

I'll pose next to any dead ISIS member, twice if I slit their throat. The democrats are actually crazy at this point as they are clearly wanting Trump to win in 2020.....
There is something seriously wrong with you.

That's definite. He is a bigger dumbass than most libtards!
Says the acting destroyer captain who saw hundreds of helicopters hover behind buildings from the bridge of the destroyer Enterprise then became an Army recruiter because being an Admiral was boring perhaps.

Pin on your potato peeler ribbon and gloat
Thanks you can not comprehend deplorable

But you will
What a loser you are......
There is something seriously wrong with you.

That's definite. He is a bigger dumbass than most libtards!
Says the acting destroyer captain who saw hundreds of helicopters hover behind buildings from the bridge of the destroyer Enterprise then became an Army recruiter because being an Admiral was boring perhaps.

Pin on your potato peeler ribbon and gloat
Thanks you can not comprehend deplorable

But you will
What a loser you are......
Thanks again...... my.purpose is to please you
Which is neither allowed by Islam or anything approaching an Arab tradition.
So is a fake action someone who is not Arab or Moslem is promoting.
So you are denying that isis and the taliban are sawing peoples heads off

Fuck you mohammed

Clear enough shithead
christians in Mexico are sawing people's heads off too.
Which is why the words in the bible or quoran mean nothing. What matters is how a person leads their life

True, but the Mideast is all colonial possessions, so the west are the bad guys, not the native Moslems.
For example, what happened to the democracy in Egypt?
The US funded general Sisi to destroy it and take over, because we did not want a Moslem like Morsi.
Very similar to how we destroyed the democracy in Iran in 1953, Operation Ajax.
Try abilify

Operation Ajax (1953) (officially TP-AJAX) was an covert operation by the United States CIA in collaborating with the Pahlavi dynasty, to overthrow the elected government of Iran and Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh and consolidate the power of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.

Rationale for the intervention included Mossadegh's socialist rhetoric and his nationalization, without compensation, of the oil industry which was previously operated by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (which later changed its name to The British Petroleum Company) under contracts disputed by the nationalists as unfair. A particular point of contention was the refusal of the Anglo-Iranian Oil company to allow an audit of the accounts to determine whether the Iranian government received the royalties it was due. Intransigence on the part of the Anglo-Iranian Oil company led the nationalist government to escalate its demands, requiring an equal share in the oil revenues. The final crisis was precipitated when the Anglo-Iranian oil company ceased operations rather than accepting the nationalists' demands.

The newly state-owned oil companies saw a dramatic drop in productivity and, consequently, exports; this resulted in the Abadan Crisis, a situation that was further aggravated by its export markets being closed. Even so royalties to the Iranian government were significantly higher than before nationalization. Without its own distribution network it was denied access to markets by an international blockade intended to coerce Mossadegh into reprivatization. In addition, the appropriation of the companies resulted in Western allegations that Mossadegh was a Communist and suspicions that Iran was in danger of falling under the influences of the neighboring Soviet Union. But Mossadegh refused to back down under international pressure.

For the U.S., an important factor to consider was Iran's border with the Soviet Union. A pro-American Iran under the Shah would give the U.S. a double strategic advantage in the ensuing Cold War, as a NATO alliance was already in effect with the government of Turkey, also bordering the USSR.

In planning the operation, the CIA organized a guerrilla force in case the communist Tudeh Party seized power as a result of the chaos created by Operation Ajax. According to formerly "Top Secret" documents released by the National Security Archive, Undersecretary of State Walter Bedell Smith reported that the CIA had reached an agreement with Qashqai tribal leaders in southern Iran to establish a clandestine safe haven from which U.S.-funded guerrillas and intelligence agents could operate.

Operation Ajax was the first time the Central Intelligence Agency orchestrated a plot to overthrow a democratically elected government. The success of this operation, and its relatively low cost, encouraged the CIA to successfully carry out a similar operation in Guatemala a year later.

Operation Ajax (1953)

Since then we do it all the time, like paying Pinochet billions to end democracy in Chile.
If you let Gallagher go that means YOU don't get to complain when they cut innocents heads off or set them on fire.

All his men have staged a coup, just like tramp, all the Dems have staged a coup. He is guilty of war crimes.
He is guilty of war crimes and this is what is endearing him to CRCs.

If this is the case, that Gallagher committed war crimes then shall we go back through all out wars and prosicute folks for war crimes? What would qualify? Would we go back to Vietnam? Korea ? WW2? We can decorate a veteran after he is dead, should we convict people that have already passed?

Absolutely yes.
For example, we should denigrate Andrew Jackson for the massacres of the American natives he was guilty of.
History has to be made accurate and not turned into unreal legends that can be used to justify future atrocities.
War in general should be understood for the evil it is, and only justified in extreme defense against unprovoked attack.
And by the way, the US has not really been attacked since 1812.
The US has always been the aggressor.
If you think Pearl Habor is a retort, you are wrong, as the first shots on the morning of Dec. 7th, 1941 were when US ships attacked and sunk Japanese submarines.
If you let Gallagher go that means YOU don't get to complain when they cut innocents heads off or set them on fire.

All his men have staged a coup, just like tramp, all the Dems have staged a coup. He is guilty of war crimes.
He is guilty of war crimes and this is what is endearing him to CRCs.

If this is the case, that Gallagher committed war crimes then shall we go back through all out wars and prosicute folks for war crimes? What would qualify? Would we go back to Vietnam? Korea ? WW2? We can decorate a veteran after he is dead, should we convict people that have already passed?
Sounds like you are against all the NAZI hunters and what they did after WWII was over.

No, but I do believe that the UN should look into the great plywood incident of '99. Your comment came from so deep up in your ass that pointing out its stupidity is a moot point.
What the heck are you rambling about now....besides deflecting from your support of NAZIS getting off....?
So you are denying that isis and the taliban are sawing peoples heads off

Fuck you mohammed

Clear enough shithead
christians in Mexico are sawing people's heads off too.
Which is why the words in the bible or quoran mean nothing. What matters is how a person leads their life

True, but the Mideast is all colonial possessions, so the west are the bad guys, not the native Moslems.
For example, what happened to the democracy in Egypt?
The US funded general Sisi to destroy it and take over, because we did not want a Moslem like Morsi.
Very similar to how we destroyed the democracy in Iran in 1953, Operation Ajax.
Try abilify

Operation Ajax (1953) (officially TP-AJAX) was an covert operation by the United States CIA in collaborating with the Pahlavi dynasty, to overthrow the elected government of Iran and Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh and consolidate the power of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.

Rationale for the intervention included Mossadegh's socialist rhetoric and his nationalization, without compensation, of the oil industry which was previously operated by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (which later changed its name to The British Petroleum Company) under contracts disputed by the nationalists as unfair. A particular point of contention was the refusal of the Anglo-Iranian Oil company to allow an audit of the accounts to determine whether the Iranian government received the royalties it was due. Intransigence on the part of the Anglo-Iranian Oil company led the nationalist government to escalate its demands, requiring an equal share in the oil revenues. The final crisis was precipitated when the Anglo-Iranian oil company ceased operations rather than accepting the nationalists' demands.

The newly state-owned oil companies saw a dramatic drop in productivity and, consequently, exports; this resulted in the Abadan Crisis, a situation that was further aggravated by its export markets being closed. Even so royalties to the Iranian government were significantly higher than before nationalization. Without its own distribution network it was denied access to markets by an international blockade intended to coerce Mossadegh into reprivatization. In addition, the appropriation of the companies resulted in Western allegations that Mossadegh was a Communist and suspicions that Iran was in danger of falling under the influences of the neighboring Soviet Union. But Mossadegh refused to back down under international pressure.

For the U.S., an important factor to consider was Iran's border with the Soviet Union. A pro-American Iran under the Shah would give the U.S. a double strategic advantage in the ensuing Cold War, as a NATO alliance was already in effect with the government of Turkey, also bordering the USSR.

In planning the operation, the CIA organized a guerrilla force in case the communist Tudeh Party seized power as a result of the chaos created by Operation Ajax. According to formerly "Top Secret" documents released by the National Security Archive, Undersecretary of State Walter Bedell Smith reported that the CIA had reached an agreement with Qashqai tribal leaders in southern Iran to establish a clandestine safe haven from which U.S.-funded guerrillas and intelligence agents could operate.

Operation Ajax was the first time the Central Intelligence Agency orchestrated a plot to overthrow a democratically elected government. The success of this operation, and its relatively low cost, encouraged the CIA to successfully carry out a similar operation in Guatemala a year later.

Operation Ajax (1953)

Since then we do it all the time, like paying Pinochet billions to end democracy in Chile.
What country are you posting from? If you are in the USA you might want to look out the window
Anyone who knows anything at all about Islam knows that the Quran prescribes beheading because there is no other means of execution that is more quick and painless.

Beheading was a standard method of execution in pre-modern Islamic law, similarly to pre-modern European law. Its use had been abandoned in most countries by the end of the 20th century. Currently, it is used only in Saudi Arabia. It also remains a legal method of execution in Qatar, Yemen, and was reportedly used in 2001 in Iran according to Amnesty International, where it is no longer in use.[1]

In recent times, non-state Jihadist organizations such as ISIS and Tawhid and Jihad have used beheading as a method of killing captives. Since 2002, they have circulated beheading videos as a form of terror and propaganda.[2][3] Their actions have been condemned by other militant and terrorist groups, as well as by mainstream Islamic scholars and organizations.
The use of beheading for punishment continued well into the 20th century in both Islamic and non-Islamic nations.[4][5] When done properly, it was once considered a humane and honorable method of execution.
Beheading in Islam - Wikipedia

My claim is that ISIS is not religious at all, but a fake created and put on by the US, or someone else.
I will burn your Quran then piss on it to put the fire out then give it back to you

Why would I care?
My mother was Jewish so technically I am Jewish, but my father was Catholic, so the result was I was brought up Lutheran and ended up agnostic.
Dude you are behaving as though what the Quoran says matters. It does not matter. What matters is these shitheads sawing peoples heads off and cutting off their own daughters vaginas.

Defend that and I piss on you in public for all to see and read admit to being a pervert. What a surprise.
I will also shit on your Quoran I piss on you everytime you embarrass yourself here
I could care less how much you expose yourself and urinate in public as long as you stay away from children.
I will burn your Quran then piss on it to put the fire out then give it back to you

Why would I care?
My mother was Jewish so technically I am Jewish, but my father was Catholic, so the result was I was brought up Lutheran and ended up agnostic.
Dude you are behaving as though what the Quoran says matters. It does not matter. What matters is these shitheads sawing peoples heads off and cutting off their own daughters vaginas.

Defend that and I piss on you in public for all to see and read admit to being a pervert. What a surprise.
I will also shit on your Quoran I piss on you everytime you embarrass yourself here
I could care less how much you expose yourself and urinate in public as long as you stay away from children.
But do you care about the little girls having their vaginas removed in the name of islam

I care unlike u will ever know
Japan literally had no choice if they wanted to survive.

Indeed, Japanese soldiers bayoneted Chinese and Filipino men, women, and children because "they wanted to survive."

How did that work out for those simple, kindly Japanese people, pumpkin?

A million Japanese civilians were incinerated. Perhaps a million more Japanese soldiers and sailors refused to surrender and had to be killed. And you defend their evil claiming "they wanted to survive."
Do you offer these same nonsense claims for the lovely Nazis as well? How about ISIS terrorists?
Do they burn captives alive because they too "wanted to survive"?

The world breathlessly awaits your wisdom.
I'm done ever reading anything you ever post again.
Why would I care?
My mother was Jewish so technically I am Jewish, but my father was Catholic, so the result was I was brought up Lutheran and ended up agnostic.
Dude you are behaving as though what the Quoran says matters. It does not matter. What matters is these shitheads sawing peoples heads off and cutting off their own daughters vaginas.

Defend that and I piss on you in public for all to see and read admit to being a pervert. What a surprise.
I will also shit on your Quoran I piss on you everytime you embarrass yourself here
I could care less how much you expose yourself and urinate in public as long as you stay away from children.
But do you care about the little girls having their vaginas removed in the name of islam

I care unlike u will ever know

How do you remove a vagina? You don't understand any of this, do you?
You russians love to denigrate our military, at least the hundreds of thousands who don't commit war crimes. Don't you, comrade?
You communist bastards think you can run a war by tieing your own troops hands in a war.. That is fucking stupid! They need to go in and kick ass to get the job done and not worry about fuckhead lawyers in DC trying to micro mange them...

What war?
No one in the Mideast ever attacked us or anyone else.
We are the illegal pillaging invader.
It is not war when you attack unarmed civilians like we did.
Any US soldier in the Mideast is in violation of US and international law, and are all criminals.
The germans never attacked the USA either
Actually, the Germans declared war on us. But I bet you would have supported the NAZIs against the U.S. anyways.
I would love to see a tranny like you say that to my father
Why are you bringing family into this discussion? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......:eusa_think:
Why would I care?
My mother was Jewish so technically I am Jewish, but my father was Catholic, so the result was I was brought up Lutheran and ended up agnostic.
Dude you are behaving as though what the Quoran says matters. It does not matter. What matters is these shitheads sawing peoples heads off and cutting off their own daughters vaginas.

Defend that and I piss on you in public for all to see and read admit to being a pervert. What a surprise.
I will also shit on your Quoran I piss on you everytime you embarrass yourself here
I could care less how much you expose yourself and urinate in public as long as you stay away from children.
But do you care about the little girls having their vaginas removed in the name of islam

I care unlike u will ever know
I care very I care about the misogynist government here in the U.S. And CRCs such as yourself voting for someone who brags about grabbing women by their pussy......

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