Navy brass who do not want terrorist killed to resign over Trump defending Eddie Gallagher


But the Germans declared war on the US in WWII, so is entirely different.

The real reason Hitler declared war on us was to ally with the Japs in the hopes the Japs would open up an eastern front against the Russians.

I never understood why when the Japs attacked us we invaded Europe. I understand the Nazis being the baddies but it was the Russian, French and UK problem to solve.

That is like invading Iraq after 911 when the Iraqis had nothing to do with 911.
You russians love to denigrate our military, at least the hundreds of thousands who don't commit war crimes. Don't you, comrade?
You communist bastards think you can run a war by tieing your own troops hands in a war.. That is fucking stupid! They need to go in and kick ass to get the job done and not worry about fuckhead lawyers in DC trying to micro mange them...

What war?
No one in the Mideast ever attacked us or anyone else.
We are the illegal pillaging invader.
It is not war when you attack unarmed civilians like we did.
Any US soldier in the Mideast is in violation of US and international law, and are all criminals.
The germans never attacked the USA either

The US was responsible for WWII due to the illegal and unfair Treaty of Versailles the US was party to after WWI.
But the Germans declared war on the US in WWII, so is entirely different.
Right a treaty in Europe forced the nips to attack the USA


If you have pills now would be a good time to eat them

If you knew history, you would know the Japanese were our allies in WWI, and we constantly abused them.
We ignored their desired in the Treaty of Versailles, we humiliated them with the illegal Treaty of 5-5-3, etc.
Washington Naval Treaty - Wikipedia

But clearly the attack on Pearl Harbor was not on the US, and was no sneak attack, since we started shooting at Japanese subs first.
You communist bastards think you can run a war by tieing your own troops hands in a war.. That is fucking stupid! They need to go in and kick ass to get the job done and not worry about fuckhead lawyers in DC trying to micro mange them...

What war?
No one in the Mideast ever attacked us or anyone else.
We are the illegal pillaging invader.
It is not war when you attack unarmed civilians like we did.
Any US soldier in the Mideast is in violation of US and international law, and are all criminals.
The germans never attacked the USA either

The US was responsible for WWII due to the illegal and unfair Treaty of Versailles the US was party to after WWI.
But the Germans declared war on the US in WWII, so is entirely different.
Right a treaty in Europe forced the nips to attack the USA


If you have pills now would be a good time to eat them

If you knew history, you would know the Japanese were our allies in WWI, and we constantly abused them.
We ignored their desired in the Treaty of Versailles, we humiliated them with the illegal Treaty of 5-5-3, etc.
Washington Naval Treaty - Wikipedia

But clearly the attack on Pearl Harbor was not on the US, and was no sneak attack, since we started shooting at Japanese subs first.
If you understood schizophrenia you would get medicated
They have a serious ass whipping coming to them, but it won’t be mankind who will hand it out. Read Ezekiel 38.
Islam TEACHES that Islam will rule the world and MUST do so. That Everyone must be Muslim. That in order to get there is a never ending process. Right now the two chosen paths of HOW to GET THERE are either through assimilation or direct force. That has ALWAYS been the case. Until the modern area after the Muslims lost in holy Jihad to conquer the west in Spain and Eastern Europe. they had no way to force it now some think they do and it has nothing to do with us Radicalizing them.
See? Forced conversion to christianity..............other side of the SAME fanatical religion coin.
Christian's never killed those who did not convert

Did they stupud

That is silly.
The Inquisitions, Crusades, Conquistadors, etc. were ALL about killing those who did not convert to Christianity.
Christians always force conversion or kill.
That is why the colonists murdered all the native Americans they could.
Scalping was a bounty on murdering natives.
No one scalped whites because short hair was worthless.
Illegals have no right to be here simpleton, and those poor Americans you reference are made poorer because they are guaranteed minimum wage in jobs they do not get because illegals are working those jobs and being paid less than minimum which benefits the slave driving employer and hurts the now unemployed and as you say POOR AMERICAN.

This is why Martin Luther Kings family voted for Trump

Enjoy Trump till 2024, then another Trump takes over

Trump is gone in 2020.... people are already sick of him.
Yea and he can't win in 2016 either.

Retards never get tired of being retarded...………….

Supporting your claim however 22 people did attend Bidens last rally
Occam's Razor in 2016.
War is not a pr stunt
Just like in Rules of Engagement, when terrorists are using the public as distraction and as shields, unseemly things can happened which are unfortunate and best avoided but not criminal.

All US so called wars actually ARE PR stunts.
The US has never been attacked and never had a legal justification for the wars it started.

What threat was the US defending against when we deliberately murdered half a million unarmed Iraqi civilians with Shock in Awe?
Deliberately targeting water, electricity, and food in a desert, is just mass murder.
There there
Good commie USA hater
Getting your $12.50 per post from Soros?

Soros pays more like 12 cents.
First of all, that is not true.
His subordinates say he killed dozens of suspected enemy who had been captured or incapacitated in some way.
Second is that even the medic who says Gallagher failed to kill this particular suspect, admits that Gallagher tried to slit the suspect's throat to kill him, but simply failed.
Third is that taking your picture with a person you thought you just killed is really, really sick, and totally illegal.
If that is true why did the navy not convict him

The one documented incident, the corpsman said that when Gallighar slit his throat, he missed the arteries, so it was not fatal.
He said he euthanized the suspect himself.
The rest were not documented enough for a conviction.
But the image is a war crime against mutilation of bodies, humiliation, abuse of the dead, etc.

Geneva Convention IV
Article 16, second paragraph, of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV provides: “As far as military considerations allow, each Party to the conflict shall facilitate the steps taken … to protect [the killed] against … ill-treatment.”

Additional Protocol I
Article 34(1) of the 1977 Additional Protocol I provides: “The remains of persons who have died for reasons related to occupation or in detention resulting from occupation or hostilities … shall be respected”.

Additional Protocol II
Article 4 of the 1977 Additional Protocol II provides:
1. All persons who do not take a direct part or who have ceased to take part in hostilities, whether or not their liberty has been restricted, are entitled to respect for their person [and] honour …
2. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the following acts against the persons referred to in paragraph I are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever:

(e) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment …

ICC Statute
Pursuant to Article 8(2)(b)(xxi) and (c)(ii) of the 1998 ICC Statute, “[c]ommitting outrages upon personal dignity” constitutes a war crime in both international and non-international armed conflicts.

II. Other Instruments
Oxford Manual
Article 19 of the 1880 Oxford Manual provides: “It is forbidden to … mutilate the dead lying on the field of battle.”

Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam
Article 3(a) of the 1990 Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam provides: “In the event of the use of force and in case of armed conflict … it is prohibited to mutilate dead bodies.”

Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and IHL in the Philippines
Article 3(4) of Part IV of the 1998 Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and IHL in the Philippines provides that “desecration of the remains of those who have died in the course of the armed conflict or while under detention” shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to persons hors de combat. Article 4(9) provides: “Every possible measure shall be taken, without delay, … [to prevent] mutilation [the dead].”

ICC Elements of Crimes
With reference to the war crime of outrages upon personal dignity, the 2000 ICC Elements of Crimes specifies that Article 8(2)(b)(xxi) and (c)(ii) of the 1998 ICC Statute also applies to dead persons.

UNTAET Regulation No. 2000/15
The UNTAET Regulation No. 2000/15 establishes panels with exclusive jurisdiction over serious criminal offences, including war crimes. According to Section 6(1)(b)(xxi) and (c)(ii), “[c]ommitting outrages upon personal dignity” constitutes a war crime in both international and non-international armed conflicts.

Customary IHL - Practice Relating to Rule 113. Treatment of the Dead

This is well known and no sane soldier would do what Gallaghar did.
The US prosecuted many cases of this in the past.
The fact we no longer do, condemns our whole military system.
Dude a local admitted to splitting the shits throat to save him from being tortured by the local military

Fuck off and die you Islamic shit

Make sure you cut off all the little girls vaginas first

It was not a local who killed the suspect, but the corpsman.
And he did not slit the suspects throat, it was Gallaghar who did that.
He just blocked the airway.
But clearly it was Gallaghar who tried to murder the suspect, stabbed him with a knife, and took the picture with the dying suspect.

Brian O’Rourke, Navy Region Southwest spokesman for Commander Rear Adm. Bette Bolivar, told the Navy Times that the Navy “will not be dropping premeditated murder charges against Chief Petty Officer Gallagher, despite Petty Officer [Corey] Scott’s testimony. The credibility of a witness is for the jury to decide.”

Scott on Thursday revealed under oath – and under the protection of immunity that was granted by the government – that he, Gallagher and others had treated the ISIS fighter when he was brought in to Seal Team 7 for about 20 minutes. The detainee appeared to be stabilized but then Gallagher stabbed the ISIS fighter below his collarbone, Scott had testified.

Then, Scott, a SEAL medic, went over and made the decision to cover the ISIS fighter’s breathing tube so he would die by asphyxiation, or suffocation, which he did.

“I knew he was going to die anyway, and I wanted to save him from waking up to whatever would happen to him,” Scott said during his testimony, the Navy Times reported.
SEAL Gallagher still facing murder charges even after another SEAL confesses to the murder

And you know nothing of Islam.
Islam is a reformed version of Judaism, with the exact same Old Testament.

I hope he killed more than one

Have you sawed off anyone's head today scumbag
How many people have you killed?
They have a serious ass whipping coming to them, but it won’t be mankind who will hand it out. Read Ezekiel 38.
Islam TEACHES that Islam will rule the world and MUST do so. That Everyone must be Muslim. That in order to get there is a never ending process. Right now the two chosen paths of HOW to GET THERE are either through assimilation or direct force. That has ALWAYS been the case. Until the modern area after the Muslims lost in holy Jihad to conquer the west in Spain and Eastern Europe. they had no way to force it now some think they do and it has nothing to do with us Radicalizing them.
See? Forced conversion to christianity..............other side of the SAME fanatical religion coin.
Christian's never killed those who did not convert

Did they stupud

That is silly.
The Inquisitions, Crusades, Conquistadors, etc. were ALL about killing those who did not convert to Christianity.
Christians always force conversion or kill.
That is why the colonists murdered all the native Americans they could.
Scalping was a bounty on murdering natives.
No one scalped whites because short hair was worthless.
Entering the past to justify your ISIS brothers sawing off heads today is dumb

How old were you when you converted to islam
If only tramp would testify under oath (like Clinton) , since he(tramp)started it , and if only he'd let the executive branch testify and submit all documents, but he won't. What is he hiding!! (Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Perry to name a few)
Republicans and the Trampers have vowed allegiance to a man, Tramp, instead of the
US Constitution!!
Ukrainegate is worst (sic) than Watergate!!

Pardon me but your ignorance is showing, in more ways than one.

Three years of your handlers obsessing on the Mueller Fiasco and what do you America haters do?
Double down and keep on lying. Heinous.

As to your fatuous remarks on the Constitution, you HATE the Second Amendment and the Constitutional manner in which Trump was elected. You call it archaic when it interferes with your Leftist Dogma, and hold it up when you wish to claim that those of us you despise aren't following the Constitution... which you alternately hate and pretend to love.
It was not a local who killed the suspect, but the corpsman.
And he did not slit the suspects throat, it was Gallaghar who did that.
He just blocked the airway.
But clearly it was Gallaghar who tried to murder the suspect, stabbed him with a knife, and took the picture with the dying suspect.

Brian O’Rourke, Navy Region Southwest spokesman for Commander Rear Adm. Bette Bolivar, told the Navy Times that the Navy “will not be dropping premeditated murder charges against Chief Petty Officer Gallagher, despite Petty Officer [Corey] Scott’s testimony. The credibility of a witness is for the jury to decide.”

Scott on Thursday revealed under oath – and under the protection of immunity that was granted by the government – that he, Gallagher and others had treated the ISIS fighter when he was brought in to Seal Team 7 for about 20 minutes. The detainee appeared to be stabilized but then Gallagher stabbed the ISIS fighter below his collarbone, Scott had testified.

Then, Scott, a SEAL medic, went over and made the decision to cover the ISIS fighter’s breathing tube so he would die by asphyxiation, or suffocation, which he did.

“I knew he was going to die anyway, and I wanted to save him from waking up to whatever would happen to him,” Scott said during his testimony, the Navy Times reported.
SEAL Gallagher still facing murder charges even after another SEAL confesses to the murder

And you know nothing of Islam.
Islam is a reformed version of Judaism, with the exact same Old Testament.

I hope he killed more than one

Have you sawed off anyone's head today scumbag

You are referring to ISIS decapitations with a knife, which is against Islam.
ISIS has not a single cleric backing them.
They are totally unIslamic.
They are secular Sunni created and likely supported by the US.
No Moslem would ever saw at anyone's throat.
No scumbag I am referring to heads being cut off with dull saws. Fuck you Arab scum

Which is neither allowed by Islam or anything approaching an Arab tradition.
So is a fake action someone who is not Arab or Moslem is promoting.
So you are denying that isis and the taliban are sawing peoples heads off

Fuck you mohammed

Clear enough shithead
christians in Mexico are sawing people's heads off too.
I hope he killed more than one

Have you sawed off anyone's head today scumbag

You are referring to ISIS decapitations with a knife, which is against Islam.
ISIS has not a single cleric backing them.
They are totally unIslamic.
They are secular Sunni created and likely supported by the US.
No Moslem would ever saw at anyone's throat.
No scumbag I am referring to heads being cut off with dull saws. Fuck you Arab scum

Which is neither allowed by Islam or anything approaching an Arab tradition.
So is a fake action someone who is not Arab or Moslem is promoting.
So you are denying that isis and the taliban are sawing peoples heads off

Fuck you mohammed

Clear enough shithead
christians in Mexico are sawing people's heads off too.
Which is why the words in the bible or quoran mean nothing. What matters is how a person leads their life
If you let Gallagher go that means YOU don't get to complain when they cut innocents heads off or set them on fire.

All his men have staged a coup, just like tramp, all the Dems have staged a coup. He is guilty of war crimes.
He is guilty of war crimes and this is what is endearing him to CRCs.

If this is the case, that Gallagher committed war crimes then shall we go back through all out wars and prosicute folks for war crimes? What would qualify? Would we go back to Vietnam? Korea ? WW2? We can decorate a veteran after he is dead, should we convict people that have already passed?
Sounds like you are against all the NAZI hunters and what they did after WWII was over.

But the Germans declared war on the US in WWII, so is entirely different.

The real reason Hitler declared war on us was to ally with the Japs in the hopes the Japs would open up an eastern front against the Russians.

I never understood why when the Japs attacked us we invaded Europe. I understand the Nazis being the baddies but it was the Russian, French and UK problem to solve.

That is like invading Iraq after 911 when the Iraqis had nothing to do with 911.

Good post, but Roosevelt spent years forcing Japan to attack.
He cut off rubber from the Philippines, oil from Indonesia, and food from China.
He also forced some ship battles on the coast of China I only vaguely remember.
Japan literally had no choice if they wanted to survive.
But all they were hoping for was to take out our carriers at Pearl Harbor.
That would have left it impossible for us to attack them.
They did not consider Pearl Harbor as offensive, but defensive.
But we knew of their plans since we had secretly decoded their encryption, so we kept the carrier out of Pearl.
The only ships at Pearl were obsolete, with unarmored decks.
Bombs from planes went right through these ships.
Which is neither allowed by Islam or anything approaching an Arab tradition.
So is a fake action someone who is not Arab or Moslem is promoting.
So you are denying that isis and the taliban are sawing peoples heads off

Fuck you mohammed

Clear enough shithead

Anyone who knows anything at all about Islam knows that the Quran prescribes beheading because there is no other means of execution that is more quick and painless.

Beheading was a standard method of execution in pre-modern Islamic law, similarly to pre-modern European law. Its use had been abandoned in most countries by the end of the 20th century. Currently, it is used only in Saudi Arabia. It also remains a legal method of execution in Qatar, Yemen, and was reportedly used in 2001 in Iran according to Amnesty International, where it is no longer in use.[1]

In recent times, non-state Jihadist organizations such as ISIS and Tawhid and Jihad have used beheading as a method of killing captives. Since 2002, they have circulated beheading videos as a form of terror and propaganda.[2][3] Their actions have been condemned by other militant and terrorist groups, as well as by mainstream Islamic scholars and organizations.
The use of beheading for punishment continued well into the 20th century in both Islamic and non-Islamic nations.[4][5] When done properly, it was once considered a humane and honorable method of execution.
Beheading in Islam - Wikipedia

My claim is that ISIS is not religious at all, but a fake created and put on by the US, or someone else.
I will burn your Quran then piss on it to put the fire out then give it back to you

Why would I care?
My mother was Jewish so technically I am Jewish, but my father was Catholic, so the result was I was brought up Lutheran and ended up agnostic.
Dude you are behaving as though what the Quoran says matters. It does not matter. What matters is these shitheads sawing peoples heads off and cutting off their own daughters vaginas.

Defend that and I piss on you in public for all to see and read admit to being a pervert. What a surprise.
If you let Gallagher go that means YOU don't get to complain when they cut innocents heads off or set them on fire.

All his men have staged a coup, just like tramp, all the Dems have staged a coup. He is guilty of war crimes.
He is guilty of war crimes and this is what is endearing him to CRCs.

If this is the case, that Gallagher committed war crimes then shall we go back through all out wars and prosicute folks for war crimes? What would qualify? Would we go back to Vietnam? Korea ? WW2? We can decorate a veteran after he is dead, should we convict people that have already passed?

Absolutely yes.
For example, we should denigrate Andrew Jackson for the massacres of the American natives he was guilty of.
History has to be made accurate and not turned into unreal legends that can be used to justify future atrocities.
War in general should be understood for the evil it is, and only justified in extreme defense against unprovoked attack.
And by the way, the US has not really been attacked since 1812.
The US has always been the aggressor.
If you think Pearl Habor is a retort, you are wrong, as the first shots on the morning of Dec. 7th, 1941 were when US ships attacked and sunk Japanese submarines.
If you let Gallagher go that means YOU don't get to complain when they cut innocents heads off or set them on fire.

All his men have staged a coup, just like tramp, all the Dems have staged a coup. He is guilty of war crimes.
He is guilty of war crimes and this is what is endearing him to CRCs.

If this is the case, that Gallagher committed war crimes then shall we go back through all out wars and prosicute folks for war crimes? What would qualify? Would we go back to Vietnam? Korea ? WW2? We can decorate a veteran after he is dead, should we convict people that have already passed?
Sounds like you are against all the NAZI hunters and what they did after WWII was over.

No, but I do believe that the UN should look into the great plywood incident of '99. Your comment came from so deep up in your ass that pointing out its stupidity is a moot point.
So you are denying that isis and the taliban are sawing peoples heads off

Fuck you mohammed

Clear enough shithead

Anyone who knows anything at all about Islam knows that the Quran prescribes beheading because there is no other means of execution that is more quick and painless.

Beheading was a standard method of execution in pre-modern Islamic law, similarly to pre-modern European law. Its use had been abandoned in most countries by the end of the 20th century. Currently, it is used only in Saudi Arabia. It also remains a legal method of execution in Qatar, Yemen, and was reportedly used in 2001 in Iran according to Amnesty International, where it is no longer in use.[1]

In recent times, non-state Jihadist organizations such as ISIS and Tawhid and Jihad have used beheading as a method of killing captives. Since 2002, they have circulated beheading videos as a form of terror and propaganda.[2][3] Their actions have been condemned by other militant and terrorist groups, as well as by mainstream Islamic scholars and organizations.
The use of beheading for punishment continued well into the 20th century in both Islamic and non-Islamic nations.[4][5] When done properly, it was once considered a humane and honorable method of execution.
Beheading in Islam - Wikipedia

My claim is that ISIS is not religious at all, but a fake created and put on by the US, or someone else.
I will burn your Quran then piss on it to put the fire out then give it back to you

Why would I care?
My mother was Jewish so technically I am Jewish, but my father was Catholic, so the result was I was brought up Lutheran and ended up agnostic.
Dude you are behaving as though what the Quoran says matters. It does not matter. What matters is these shitheads sawing peoples heads off and cutting off their own daughters vaginas.

Defend that and I piss on you in public for all to see and read admit to being a pervert. What a surprise.
I will also shit on your Quoran I piss on you everytime you embarrass yourself here
You are referring to ISIS decapitations with a knife, which is against Islam.
ISIS has not a single cleric backing them.
They are totally unIslamic.
They are secular Sunni created and likely supported by the US.
No Moslem would ever saw at anyone's throat.
No scumbag I am referring to heads being cut off with dull saws. Fuck you Arab scum

Which is neither allowed by Islam or anything approaching an Arab tradition.
So is a fake action someone who is not Arab or Moslem is promoting.
So you are denying that isis and the taliban are sawing peoples heads off

Fuck you mohammed

Clear enough shithead
christians in Mexico are sawing people's heads off too.
Which is why the words in the bible or quoran mean nothing. What matters is how a person leads their life

True, but the Mideast is all colonial possessions, so the west are the bad guys, not the native Moslems.
For example, what happened to the democracy in Egypt?
The US funded general Sisi to destroy it and take over, because we did not want a Moslem like Morsi.
Very similar to how we destroyed the democracy in Iran in 1953, Operation Ajax.

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