Navy lowers weight standards so obese women can stay in the service.

Today's Navy - you MUST be within certain weight standards, or you'll be thrown out. Now, if you want to suck another man's dick - you'll be advanced to the next higher paygrade. Bonus points if you're a fucking male-hating bull dike bitch who no man would fuck!
Big deal...

Its just a fucking ship. Not like they have to actually run or anything
Women have more body fat because they have something called tits

The Navy doesn't need flat chested women
I struggled with weight issues most of the time I was in, because I have a very large frame. The Army uses weight standards from the 19th century, and it shows.
Actually most of the original weight and height standards were from aircraft crew requirements for single seat fighters in WW2 as I understand it. The aircraft were not that large so had stringent requirements. The originals are horse shit and the enforcement is subjective, left to local commands to either enforce or ignore. So basically you get either a hard ass that wants the standard enforced a loose guy that could care less or a political witch hunt based on likes and dislikes where those out of favor are subject to the standard but others are not.

My Major did not like me in one command and got me at 5 pounds over the limit, he put me on weight control, how do I know this was not my paranoia being just paranoid? They then held a weigh in and gave everyone 2 weeks to meet the standard that were over some as much as 20 pounds over. I watched the weigh in so know full well what was done.

Had someone advice me to request mast and go to the General. My response was " what am I suppose to say? Gee I am over weight but so are they?"
Today's Navy - you MUST be within certain weight standards, or you'll be thrown out. Now, if you want to suck another man's dick - you'll be advanced to the next higher paygrade. Bonus points if you're a fucking male-hating bull dike bitch who no man would fuck!
That how you got to be a Senior Chief? Shit, keep it up. You're only a dozen blowjobs away from being a Fleet Admiral.
Big deal...

Its just a fucking ship. Not like they have to actually run or anything

Fine. Then there is no reason to hold the men to strict standards either.
There really isn't a reason for these strict standards. There aren't too many really physically demanding jobs in the Navy. As long as you can do the job and can haul ass fast enough to get to your duty station during General Quarters.
Big deal...

Its just a fucking ship. Not like they have to actually run or anything

Ignorance is bliss for RW

You ever seen sailors responding to GQ?


Whoop de fucking do....
Sailors have to hustle once in a while. Mostly to get some chow

What is the farthest a sailor has to run? 100 yards?

God, you're an idiot!

If you can do your MOS who cares? If you still meet the running and lifting requirements of the position, what possible difference does BMI make General Quarters is no marathon
It's the Navy. You sit on your ass most the time
Big deal...

Its just a fucking ship. Not like they have to actually run or anything

Ignorance is bliss for RW

You ever seen sailors responding to GQ?


Whoop de fucking do....
Sailors have to hustle once in a while. Mostly to get some chow

What is the farthest a sailor has to run? 100 yards?

God, you're an idiot!

If you can do your MOS who cares? If you still meet the running and lifting requirements of the position, what possible difference does BMI make General Quarters is no marathon
It's the Navy. You sit on your ass most the time

Was a US Navy SeaBee during the buildup of Diego Garcia. I assure you, there wasn't much 'sitting on our ass' going on


10% is a standard that not many people attain, even SEAL's and Marines. As long as you can do your job and can get through the hatches and doors and do it quickly enough for a GQ, that should be enough. You don't have to run marathons or look like Arnold Schwarzenegger to be a sailor.

This is the point, not some antiquated standard.

Look at what the job they do entails, and go from there. I was in the Navy. It is about a mental toughness more than a physical standard.
As far as women go, it's ridiculous to suggest they be held to the same standard as men when they are physiologically different and one of those differences being they naturally retain more fat than men. The whole military is considering overhauling its antiquated system and figuring out new ways to evaluate combat readiness. And it's about time.

That's discrimination. One standard for women and a much tougher one for men. You libs want equal opportunity or not?

Yes, people want equal opportunity. But perhaps you slept through you biology or human physiology classes? Women are physically different. They have fat storage that men do not have. (some of that is evidenced by the items on their chest that make you all tingly)

Your attempt to berate this issue has failed.
Big deal...

Its just a fucking ship. Not like they have to actually run or anything

Ignorance is bliss for RW

You ever seen sailors responding to GQ?


Whoop de fucking do....
Sailors have to hustle once in a while. Mostly to get some chow

What is the farthest a sailor has to run? 100 yards?

God, you're an idiot!

If you can do your MOS who cares? If you still meet the running and lifting requirements of the position, what possible difference does BMI make General Quarters is no marathon
It's the Navy. You sit on your ass most the time

I think the Navy is more qualified to determine its own combat fitness requirements than your ignorant speculation on what you think sailors should be required to do.
I struggled with weight issues most of the time I was in, because I have a very large frame. The Army uses weight standards from the 19th century, and it shows.

So you're not fat? You have weight issues. ??? HAHA. And michael moore has a slight weight problem.
Trump finally admitted Michael Moore was right about jobs BTW.

And flint lead poisoning proved him right too.

Michael Moore for president!
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
I hear like in the move deliverance, it's the fat guys who get hit on the most when out at sea for long periods of time
I struggled with weight issues most of the time I was in, because I have a very large frame. The Army uses weight standards from the 19th century, and it shows.

So you're not fat? You have weight issues. ??? HAHA. And michael moore has a slight weight problem.
Trump finally admitted Michael Moore was right about jobs BTW.

And flint lead poisoning proved him right too.

Michael Moore for president!
No he didn't.

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