Navy lowers weight standards so obese women can stay in the service.

I don't have so much of a problem with the weight standards as i do with the physical fitness standards. If a man should be required to do 40 Pushups, so should a woman.

All that said, the thing here is that when you had the worst part of the "War on an Emotional State" going on, the military kept a lot of people they'd have otherwise thrown out for being too fat, too much of a disciplinary problem, etc. that's how you got guys like Bergdahl and Manning who had no business being in a uniform to start with.

Now we are winding it down, and a lot of people are being released. a good thing? Meh, maybe not.
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

I thought men and women were supposed to be treated equally according to Liberals? Seems that only applies when it comes to benefiting not meeting a standard.
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

I thought men and women were supposed to be treated equally according to Liberals? Seems that only applies when it comes to benefiting not meeting a standard.

Yes, they are. But ignoring differences in the physiology is simply stupid.
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
They had it in the 80s and 90s. If you got too fat, they put you in a program for overweight people. If you were unable to get your weight down, you were discharged from service. They were tired of fat fucks making the Navy look bad, plus fat people arent good swimmers so its a safety issue.
There really isn't a reason for these strict standards. There aren't too many really physically demanding jobs in the Navy. As long as you can do the job and can haul ass fast enough to get to your duty station during General Quarters.

yes yes yes. But the standards have to be the same for both sexes and that is NOT being done here. Never has been done. Women have always been held to lower standards and yet they demand equal pay!!! THINK
Yes, people want equal opportunity. But perhaps you slept through you biology or human physiology classes? Women are physically different. They have fat storage that men do not have. (some of that is evidenced by the items on their chest that make you all tingly)

Your attempt to berate this issue has failed.

You're saying women are physically inferior and we have to take that into account when we set the standards!!! Why can't we practice equality and have the same standards for everyone.?? THINK
I don't have so much of a problem with the weight standards as i do with the physical fitness standards. If a man should be required to do 40 Pushups, so should a woman.

Why is the one double standard ok but the other isn't.?
I don't have so much of a problem with the weight standards as i do with the physical fitness standards. If a man should be required to do 40 Pushups, so should a woman.

All that said, the thing here is that when you had the worst part of the "War on an Emotional State" going on, the military kept a lot of people they'd have otherwise thrown out for being too fat, too much of a disciplinary problem, etc. that's how you got guys like Bergdahl and Manning who had no business being in a uniform to start with.

Now we are winding it down, and a lot of people are being released. a good thing? Meh, maybe not.
I agree with you for combat roles, if women want to be in combat, they need to pull their weight like the men, or they are the weak link. But applying an unfair standard, unfair because women aren't as naturally strong as men, to every MOS ultimately results in fewer women being given the opportunity to serve. So many positions in the military simply don't require that much physical strength.
Yes, people want equal opportunity. But perhaps you slept through you biology or human physiology classes? Women are physically different. They have fat storage that men do not have. (some of that is evidenced by the items on their chest that make you all tingly)

Your attempt to berate this issue has failed.

You're saying women are physically inferior and we have to take that into account when we set the standards!!! Why can't we practice equality and have the same standards for everyone.?? THINK

I didn't say inferior. I said different. But I can see why you would have to rewrite what I said.
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
They had it in the 80s and 90s. If you got too fat, they put you in a program for overweight people. If you were unable to get your weight down, you were discharged from service. They were tired of fat fucks making the Navy look bad, plus fat people arent good swimmers so its a safety issue.

Safety issue? First, fat floats better than muscle. But more important, if their ship sinks in the Atlantic, do you think anyone will be swimming to shore?
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
They had it in the 80s and 90s. If you got too fat, they put you in a program for overweight people. If you were unable to get your weight down, you were discharged from service. They were tired of fat fucks making the Navy look bad, plus fat people arent good swimmers so its a safety issue.

Safety issue? First, fat floats better than muscle. But more important, if their ship sinks in the Atlantic, do you think anyone will be swimming to shore?
It doesn't matter if it floats "better". You still need good cardio to stay afloat for long periods in the ocean. Fat people don't have good cardio.

As for surviving a sinking ship, yes they do that sometimes. A marine once tread water for 3 days in the ocean without a life vest. No fat ass is going to accomplish that, and generally speaking you don't need to swim ashore.. . you just need to swim long enough for a rescue chopper or another ship to find you.
Last edited:
Big deal...

Its just a fucking ship. Not like they have to actually run or anything

Ignorance is bliss for RW

You ever seen sailors responding to GQ?


Whoop de fucking do....
Sailors have to hustle once in a while. Mostly to get some chow

What is the farthest a sailor has to run? 100 yards?

God, you're an idiot!

If you can do your MOS who cares? If you still meet the running and lifting requirements of the position, what possible difference does BMI make General Quarters is no marathon
It's the Navy. You sit on your ass most the time

I think the Navy is more qualified to determine its own combat fitness requirements than your ignorant speculation on what you think sailors should be required to do.


Then justify BMI if all other fitness requirements are met
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

I thought men and women were supposed to be treated equally according to Liberals? Seems that only applies when it comes to benefiting not meeting a standard.

Yes, they are. But ignoring differences in the physiology is simply stupid.
Women have tits

It adds to your biomasso
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

I thought men and women were supposed to be treated equally according to Liberals? Seems that only applies when it comes to benefiting not meeting a standard.

Yes, they are. But ignoring differences in the physiology is simply stupid.
Women have tits

It adds to your biomasso

So you do admit men and women are unequal?
Big deal...

Its just a fucking ship. Not like they have to actually run or anything

Ignorance is bliss for RW

You ever seen sailors responding to GQ?


Whoop de fucking do....
Sailors have to hustle once in a while. Mostly to get some chow

What is the farthest a sailor has to run? 100 yards?

God, you're an idiot!

If you can do your MOS who cares? If you still meet the running and lifting requirements of the position, what possible difference does BMI make General Quarters is no marathon
It's the Navy. You sit on your ass most the time

Was a US Navy SeaBee during the buildup of Diego Garcia. I assure you, there wasn't much 'sitting on our ass' going on



Tell it to the other fatasses
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
They had it in the 80s and 90s. If you got too fat, they put you in a program for overweight people. If you were unable to get your weight down, you were discharged from service. They were tired of fat fucks making the Navy look bad, plus fat people arent good swimmers so its a safety issue.

Safety issue? First, fat floats better than muscle. But more important, if their ship sinks in the Atlantic, do you think anyone will be swimming to shore?
It doesn't matter if it floats "better". You still need good cardio to stay afloat for long periods in the ocean. Fat people don't have good cardio.

As for surviving a sinking ship, yes they do that sometimes. A marine once tread water for 3 days in the ocean without a life vest. No fat ass is going to accomplish that, and generally speaking you don't need to swim ashore.. . you just need to swim long enough for a rescue chopper or another ship to find you.

In Basic Training you are taught to use your clothing for floatations.
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

I thought men and women were supposed to be treated equally according to Liberals? Seems that only applies when it comes to benefiting not meeting a standard.

Yes, they are. But ignoring differences in the physiology is simply stupid.
Women have tits

It adds to your biomasso

So you do admit men and women are unequal?

I admit that a man and a woman, with the same fitness levels will have different percentages of body fat.
When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
They had it in the 80s and 90s. If you got too fat, they put you in a program for overweight people. If you were unable to get your weight down, you were discharged from service. They were tired of fat fucks making the Navy look bad, plus fat people arent good swimmers so its a safety issue.

Safety issue? First, fat floats better than muscle. But more important, if their ship sinks in the Atlantic, do you think anyone will be swimming to shore?
It doesn't matter if it floats "better". You still need good cardio to stay afloat for long periods in the ocean. Fat people don't have good cardio.

As for surviving a sinking ship, yes they do that sometimes. A marine once tread water for 3 days in the ocean without a life vest. No fat ass is going to accomplish that, and generally speaking you don't need to swim ashore.. . you just need to swim long enough for a rescue chopper or another ship to find you.

In Basic Training you are taught to use your clothing for floatations.
Yeah, but that takes a lot of cardio. Your pants work as a floatation device for maybe a minute or two, then you have to go through the exercise of slamming them into the water as hard as you can, and it usually takes a couple attempts to do it right.

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