Navy lowers weight standards so obese women can stay in the service.

The Navy has a long history of adjusting standards to maintain readiness.
I agree with you for combat roles, if women want to be in combat, they need to pull their weight like the men, or they are the weak link. But applying an unfair standard, unfair because women aren't as naturally strong as men, to every MOS ultimately results in fewer women being given the opportunity to serve. So many positions in the military simply don't require that much physical strength.

How can applying the SAME standard to both sexes be unfair??? If women are allowed to have 36% body fat, then that should apply to men also.

Everyone agrees some jobs don't need superb fitness, but then the standards have to be reduced the same for both sexes. THINK

Because the bodies are different. The BMI is designed to determine whether someone is overweight. A female body carries more fat, even if the female is physically fit.
I admit that a man and a woman, with the same fitness levels will have different percentages of body fat.

Not what the question asked retard.

The question, as asked , was stupid. Unequal? In what relevant way? Hell, for that matter, are all people of either gender equal?

In the context of the topic, your question was too vague and idiotic.

Matter of opinion about the question. What's isn't vague is your stupidity. You claim that my question was vague and idiotic yet you chose to provide an answer. That makes you an idiot.

Liberals constantly clamor about men and women being equal. For the most part, it centers around the benefit side and what one gets. When it involves women being held to the same equal standard, in other word giving, the concept of equality no longer matters. In other words, getting equal = good. Giving equal = bad.

Absolute nonsense. And since the topic is about % of body fat by gender, the physiological differences are relevant. Just because I will not make a blanket statement about whether men and women are unequal in all ways is stupid.

The Navy (and the military in general) has a long history of adjusting standards to maintain readiness.

There was a time when judges gave convicted criminals a choice of jail or military service.

The US Submarine service requires perfect color vision. When there was a shortage of certain ratings, they removed that restriction for those ratings.

If women can perform their duties, and maintain their readiness, at a higher % of bodyfat, then the adjustment is made to keep well trained, good people.

The adjustment is made to appease.
How do you know that? The adjustment could have just as eadly been made to correct the error in having both genders follow the same fat %.
The Navy has a long history of adjusting standards to maintain readiness.
How can applying the SAME standard to both sexes be unfair??? If women are allowed to have 36% body fat, then that should apply to men also.

Everyone agrees some jobs don't need superb fitness, but then the standards have to be reduced the same for both sexes. THINK

Because the bodies are different. The BMI is designed to determine whether someone is overweight. A female body carries more fat, even if the female is physically fit.
Not what the question asked retard.

The question, as asked , was stupid. Unequal? In what relevant way? Hell, for that matter, are all people of either gender equal?

In the context of the topic, your question was too vague and idiotic.

Matter of opinion about the question. What's isn't vague is your stupidity. You claim that my question was vague and idiotic yet you chose to provide an answer. That makes you an idiot.

Liberals constantly clamor about men and women being equal. For the most part, it centers around the benefit side and what one gets. When it involves women being held to the same equal standard, in other word giving, the concept of equality no longer matters. In other words, getting equal = good. Giving equal = bad.

Absolute nonsense. And since the topic is about % of body fat by gender, the physiological differences are relevant. Just because I will not make a blanket statement about whether men and women are unequal in all ways is stupid.

The Navy (and the military in general) has a long history of adjusting standards to maintain readiness.

There was a time when judges gave convicted criminals a choice of jail or military service.

The US Submarine service requires perfect color vision. When there was a shortage of certain ratings, they removed that restriction for those ratings.

If women can perform their duties, and maintain their readiness, at a higher % of bodyfat, then the adjustment is made to keep well trained, good people.

The adjustment is made to appease.
How do you know that? The adjustment could have just as eadly been made to correct the error in having both genders follow the same fat %.

How do you know what you claim? See how that works.
The Navy has a long history of adjusting standards to maintain readiness.
Because the bodies are different. The BMI is designed to determine whether someone is overweight. A female body carries more fat, even if the female is physically fit.
The question, as asked , was stupid. Unequal? In what relevant way? Hell, for that matter, are all people of either gender equal?

In the context of the topic, your question was too vague and idiotic.

Matter of opinion about the question. What's isn't vague is your stupidity. You claim that my question was vague and idiotic yet you chose to provide an answer. That makes you an idiot.

Liberals constantly clamor about men and women being equal. For the most part, it centers around the benefit side and what one gets. When it involves women being held to the same equal standard, in other word giving, the concept of equality no longer matters. In other words, getting equal = good. Giving equal = bad.

Absolute nonsense. And since the topic is about % of body fat by gender, the physiological differences are relevant. Just because I will not make a blanket statement about whether men and women are unequal in all ways is stupid.

The Navy (and the military in general) has a long history of adjusting standards to maintain readiness.

There was a time when judges gave convicted criminals a choice of jail or military service.

The US Submarine service requires perfect color vision. When there was a shortage of certain ratings, they removed that restriction for those ratings.

If women can perform their duties, and maintain their readiness, at a higher % of bodyfat, then the adjustment is made to keep well trained, good people.

The adjustment is made to appease.
How do you know that? The adjustment could have just as eadly been made to correct the error in having both genders follow the same fat %.

How do you know what you claim? See how that works.

Except that you made a statement that it IS why the adjustment was made. I did no such thing. You claim to know, I merely offered an alternative reason.

See how that works?
I struggled with weight issues most of the time I was in, because I have a very large frame. The Army uses weight standards from the 19th century, and it shows.

So you're not fat? You have weight issues. ??? HAHA. And michael moore has a slight weight problem.
It is pretty clear that you were never in the military. You do realize that there are a lot of guys that beef up in military service right? You do know that muscle has weight right? You can literally have weight issues, and be in excellent shape.

With that said, there are certainly a lot of overweight fatties that do need to be kicked out. However, females do have a higher body fat % than males (they have these things on their chest, commonly referred to as "breasts"). Honestly, I've never been a big fan of judging people based off of their hgt / wgt standards. I feel that enforcing clear physical fitness / combat standards (such as run times, marksmanship, or the ability to gear up and know what to do) are far more important than being 66 in and weighing less than 170 lbs, since you can still meet that hgt / wgt standard and be grossly out of shape.
So, for a man, having 25% body fat is a sign of obesity. Whereas a woman with 25% body fat is in the healthy range.

That's the same as saying men are bigger and stronger than women so it's only "fair" that height standards and chin-up standards be lowered for women.
So, for a man, having 25% body fat is a sign of obesity. Whereas a woman with 25% body fat is in the healthy range.

That's the same as saying men are bigger and stronger than women so it's only "fair" that height standards and chin-up standards be lowered for women.

No. If height and whatever specific muscles are involved in chin-ups is relevant to their job, leave it as a standard. But wanting men and women to conform to the same % of body fat, when it means different things by gender, is simply stupid.
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

You seem to be on a continuous quest to prove that you are the dumbest human that can operate a computer.
That's discrimination. One standard for women and a much tougher one for men. You libs want equal opportunity or not?
Now I'm a lib? Tell you what, why don't you leave military issues to us military vets who know what we're talking about.

The board notes your non-answer. Address the issue i raised. Why does the navy have easier weight standards for women than for men?. How can that be justified.?

That is it. You are doing this on purpose or you need a keeper. Goodbye!
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
They had it in the 80s and 90s. If you got too fat, they put you in a program for overweight people. If you were unable to get your weight down, you were discharged from service. They were tired of fat fucks making the Navy look bad, plus fat people arent good swimmers so its a safety issue.

You must live in a desert to make that idiotic statement.

Ever see a skinny person try to float? They float like a rock!
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
They had it in the 80s and 90s. If you got too fat, they put you in a program for overweight people. If you were unable to get your weight down, you were discharged from service. They were tired of fat fucks making the Navy look bad, plus fat people arent good swimmers so its a safety issue.

Safety issue? First, fat floats better than muscle. But more important, if their ship sinks in the Atlantic, do you think anyone will be swimming to shore?
It doesn't matter if it floats "better". You still need good cardio to stay afloat for long periods in the ocean. Fat people don't have good cardio.

As for surviving a sinking ship, yes they do that sometimes. A marine once tread water for 3 days in the ocean without a life vest. No fat ass is going to accomplish that, and generally speaking you don't need to swim ashore.. . you just need to swim long enough for a rescue chopper or another ship to find you.

Are you intent on proving your idiocy to everyone? How long did you serve in the Navy?
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
They had it in the 80s and 90s. If you got too fat, they put you in a program for overweight people. If you were unable to get your weight down, you were discharged from service. They were tired of fat fucks making the Navy look bad, plus fat people arent good swimmers so its a safety issue.

You must live in a desert to make that idiotic statement.

Ever see a skinny person try to float? They float like a rock!
Wrong. Buoyancy isn't the issue. People in water must swim or drown. The military teaches drown proofing methods such as making floating devices out of uniforms and energy efficient water treading. This all requires fitness. So yes, godboy is right.
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
They had it in the 80s and 90s. If you got too fat, they put you in a program for overweight people. If you were unable to get your weight down, you were discharged from service. They were tired of fat fucks making the Navy look bad, plus fat people arent good swimmers so its a safety issue.

You must live in a desert to make that idiotic statement.

Ever see a skinny person try to float? They float like a rock!
Wrong. Buoyancy isn't the issue. People in water must swim or drown. The military teaches drown proofing methods such as making floating devices out of uniforms and energy efficient water treading. This all requires fitness. So yes, godboy is right.

Fitness is great. But, as the links I posted show, a woman with 25% body fat can be fit. A man with 25% body fat is not.
When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
They had it in the 80s and 90s. If you got too fat, they put you in a program for overweight people. If you were unable to get your weight down, you were discharged from service. They were tired of fat fucks making the Navy look bad, plus fat people arent good swimmers so its a safety issue.

You must live in a desert to make that idiotic statement.

Ever see a skinny person try to float? They float like a rock!
Wrong. Buoyancy isn't the issue. People in water must swim or drown. The military teaches drown proofing methods such as making floating devices out of uniforms and energy efficient water treading. This all requires fitness. So yes, godboy is right.

Fitness is great. But, as the links I posted show, a woman with 25% body fat can be fit. A man with 25% body fat is not.
I agree.
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.

When did they start measuring body fat for the Navy? We didn't have that problem in the '60s. Must be what they put in the chow.
We didn't have that in the 70's either. I remember lots of big fat chiefs when I was in. The only time I had to pass a PT test was in boot camp. Didn't have to worry about that shit out in the fleet.
They had it in the 80s and 90s. If you got too fat, they put you in a program for overweight people. If you were unable to get your weight down, you were discharged from service. They were tired of fat fucks making the Navy look bad, plus fat people arent good swimmers so its a safety issue.

You must live in a desert to make that idiotic statement.

Ever see a skinny person try to float? They float like a rock!
Are you retarded or something? The best swimmers have very little fat, moron. Quit talking about subjects you dont understand.

"You won’t be a swimmer like Michael Phelps with 30% body fat index; he was likely in the 9-10% range, maybe even down in the 6-7% range." Body Fat Percentage

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That's the same as saying men are bigger and stronger than women so it's only "fair" that height standards and chin-up standards be lowered for women.
No. If height and whatever specific muscles are involved in chin-ups is relevant to their job, leave it as a standard. But wanting men and women to conform to the same % of body fat, when it means different things by gender, is simply stupid.

So what happened to you liberals and your demand for equality? THINK, america-hater.
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

WORLD | Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors | Michael Cochrane | March 14, 2016

march 14 2016 Navy Petty Officer Lentoyi White, 26, feared she’d be dismissed from the service after twice failing the Navy’s body composition assessment (BCA), which measures body fat percentage. But in January, the Navy loosened its body fat restrictions for both men and women, giving White and thousands of other sailors another chance to stay in the Navy.

“I am very grateful for a second chance with this new policy,” said White, a single mother with a 5-year-old daughter. White has gone from 212 pounds to 188 and is optimistic she’ll pass this spring under the new standards.

Under the Navy’s previous standards, sailors had three chances to pass the BCA before being considered for dismissal. But now, the 2,400 sailors who failed all three will get another shot to pass the BCA under the new standards this spring.

The Navy’s old policy allowed for 22 percent body fat for males ages 17-39, and 33 percent body fat for females ages 17-39. The new standards increase the maximums to 26 percent for men and 36 percent for women, but those percentages are considered by many health experts to be in the obese category. According to the American Council on Exercise, a man with more than 25 percent body fat is considered obese. For women, 32 percent body fat counts as obese.
They have been doing that since fat ass bull dyke bodey was in the navy.
Fitness is great. But, as the links I posted show, a woman with 25% body fat can be fit. A man with 25% body fat is not.

HAHAHA. There's no way to prove something like that, you nitwit. No one even knows what "fitness" is. Let's just have the same standards for everyone.
Women are now allowed to have 36% body fat, while men must be under 26%. It should be 10% and the same for both sexes.

They have been doing that since fat ass bull dyke bodey was in the navy.

I know. Women have always gotten special treatment and now they demand even more. Why can't we admit what everyone knows?. Women are very very inferior to men physically. Probably mentally too but that's another story.
That's the same as saying men are bigger and stronger than women so it's only "fair" that height standards and chin-up standards be lowered for women.
No. If height and whatever specific muscles are involved in chin-ups is relevant to their job, leave it as a standard. But wanting men and women to conform to the same % of body fat, when it means different things by gender, is simply stupid.

So what happened to you liberals and your demand for equality? THINK, america-hater.

Equality is the point. If a man has 25% body fat, he is overweight. A woman with 25% body fat is not overweight. You want to focus on a single set of numbers in order to whine. You might take your own advice and THINK.
Fitness is great. But, as the links I posted show, a woman with 25% body fat can be fit. A man with 25% body fat is not.

HAHAHA. There's no way to prove something like that, you nitwit. No one even knows what "fitness" is. Let's just have the same standards for everyone.

We know that women naturally have a higher percentage of body fat. That is a biological fact. So to insist on both genders using the same number is not special treatment. It is equality for fitness. You can deny the facts if you want.

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