Nazi flags flown at Disney entrance

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Perhaps not....but why would he and so many con-servatives (here even) do whatever they can to AVOID con-demning them?
Could it be nothing more complicated than "You don't tell me what to do" ? ...doubly-so given that it is Dems-Libs-Progs calling for it?
Disney gas every right to critisize the Don't Say Gay Bill....little trump is wannabe dictator.
And the characters in the fable had every right to kill the goose that laid the golden egg... doesn't mean that it was a smart move, though... :cool:

When I took government in high school, we were taught from our curriculum school books, that this kind of thing is illegal in the USA, just as is creating and holding a private army.......which is what Disney also has.

But apparently corrupt money and blood money can buy you anything.
Oh I get it: stick a few nazi flags out front, film them riding by, claim it is the work of Disney and that DeSantis refuses to condemn it thereby promoting the lie that the GOP and all republicans are latent nazis! Look out America! Dem Nazis are comin' ta get you!!! :laughing0301:

Meantime who ACTS like Nazis?

Alinsky 101
He said people from Minn had good genes . Only a bigot would jump to the conclusion only white people live in that state

I’m sure Xiden later came out regretting his policies back then…but it’s hard to believe given how he always sorts back to racist remarks, like telling people they ain’t really black
Trump was speaking to a white audience about good genes.

And about the "you aint black", Biden admitted it was wrong to say that.
Imagine a President who admits his mistakes? I almost forgot how refreshing that is.
Imagine having a president who didn't blame the media or the other party for words that came out of his own mouth. But you dont have to imagine.
Trump was speaking to a white audience about good genes.

And about the "you aint black", Biden admitted it was wrong to say that.
Imagine a President who admits his mistakes? I almost forgot how refreshing that is.
Imagine having a president who didn't blame the media or the other party for words that came out of his own mouth. But you dont have to imagine.
the link say it wasn’t a all white audience

xiden’s a racist…and frankly this “gene speech” is nothing more then a giant stretch for you all to deflect from that…
I guess it's just TOO HAAAAAARD to con-demn NAZI flags. :(
Or maybe (unlike you) DeSantis actually prefers to WORK rather than have to condemn you and your fellow racists every time you do something stupid. That would be a full time job...
"more the likely"..................evidence? And you STILL refuse to con-demn them.
You just don't get it, do you?

Your Alinsky tactics don't work anymore.

I condemn when "I" want to, not when you do.

Your opinion on the appropriateness of someone else's free speech is entirely irrelevant in my world.

I have my own priorities. Nazi flags are not one of them. Things that happened a hundred years ago are not one of them.

Unhappy leftists threatening my children IS one of them.

THAT, is a real and present danger. It has happened in the past. RECENTLY. And it looks quite likely to happen again.

I do not CARE about Nazi flags. There aren't any in my neighborhood. Why should I care about what some brainless retard (who's probably a leftist anyway) does clear across the continent in Florida?

The progtard social engineering efforts are going to be met with a different kind of response now. This Alinsky crap is simply not going to fly. Anyone who tries that crap on MY team is going to get summarily fired. On the spot. We have no time for that crap. We're trying to run a country here. There are REAL issues to attend to
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