Nazis were Catholic?

... The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Lots of Polish people got the German citizenship from tha Nazis for example (Not only mass-murder was a way of Aryanizaton) and in 1942 for example were about 25% of the SS (the executors of the Holocaust) not Germans.

I hope this information helps you a little, if you like to understand the Holocaust, the shoa., the "Endlösung".

Was there even an Polish SS Unit?

The SS was the army of the political party NSDAP. Heinrich Himmler - the leader of the SS - was also the head of all policemen.

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You won’t hear me defend those other religions.

But that doesn’t mean German Catholics didn’t fight for Germany in ww2. Shame.

Atheists have no power. We make up like 5% of the population. You Christians were killing us before you started killing each other.

Do you know what Mormons believe? You Catholics lost your authority from god during the dark ages. So the connection between Jesus and the current pope has been broken. That’s why Jesus visited Joseph Smith and told him to start a new religion.

Joseph asked god which form of Christianity he should join Protestant, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist and god said none of them. Start a new religion.

The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Lincoln was a republican.

What about southern slave owners? They weren’t Christians?

What about them? Southern slaves fared a lot better than ' free' white labor in the North, and certainly better than they would have in Africa; better fed and clothed, with some medical care, such as it was in those days. Your Hollywood version is the fake history you prefer, though, no doubt, but modern scholarship proves that to be the case, especially after 1820, when the average height and lifespans of 'free' white labor declined by 15%, and cholera and typhus and other diseases along with malnutrition were regular features of life for both manual and skilled white labor with the rise of factory production in America.

And as I said, Christians started the abolition movements, both here and in Africa, not you phony 'progressive' losers; you're the 'movement famous for your 'Eugenics' theories and mass murdering Marxist rubbish, so your idiotic attempts at sniveling bout da Xians are just pathetically laughable.

BS slavery in the USA was a BLIGHT ----not a favor to sub-Saharan blacks
Good that it was ended-------ending it was certainly not a feat of
... The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Lots of Polish people got the German citizenship from tha Nazis for example (Not only mass-murder was a way of Aryanizaton) and in 1942 for example were about 25% of the SS (the executors of the Holocaust) not Germans.

I hope this information helps you a little, if you like to understand the Holocaust, the shoa., the "Endlösung".

Was there even an Polish SS Unit?

was there a MAHJONG club?

BS slavery in the USA was a BLIGHT ----not a favor to sub-Saharan blacks
Good that it was ended-------ending it was certainly not a feat of

So on what kind of fear ended it? Not to forget in this context: This form of slavery never existed in Great Britain on its own.

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BS slavery in the USA was a BLIGHT ----not a favor to sub-Saharan blacks
Good that it was ended-------ending it was certainly not a feat of

So on what kind of fear ended it?

fear or feat?

Ah "feat": Heldentat, Meisterstück. Got it.

It ended as a manifestation of the age of

Jesse Owens for example said very clear that Adoplf Hitler was much more friendly to him, than the president of the USA. Hitler gave him the hand. The president of the USA - and with him the white USA - did not accept his grandiose performance at the OIympic games in 1936. The very good friend of Jesse Owens Lutz Long was a soldiers during world war 2. The own people betrayed him and the allies killed him. When I hear the word "enlightenment" in such contextes it makes me not smile.The Blacks in US-army of World War 2 had to die for nothing ah sorry: for the USA - and people like Lutz Long also had to die for nothing: for their country.


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Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Another example of a Christian nation being led like sheep.

German nazis were Christians and so were the white Americans who killed the Indians and owned slaves.

You can’t say america was founded by Christians then not blame Christians for what America did.

But you’ll try

You're the major sheep being herded, by your Hive propaganda. You seem to believe indians were hapless innocents, when in fact they were slave owner themselves, murdered with glee, including genocidal massacres plus they loved to torture captives for sport, all many thousands of years before white people ever did, not to mention they were far worse animals since they didn't have any cultural brakes that moderated their baseness, much like you Democrats and your fetishes for mass murders of helpless babies you insist on. there is no 'moral equivalency' in comparison to what you falsely claim 'Da Evul Xuans' did relative to your pagan animals.
The Supreme Court is very conservative they and trump could easily outlaw abortion.

You should punish them if they don’t.

I certainly agree; it's high time we finally eliminated nasty homocidal pagan ritualism from our society. Do you know where you will move to when that happens here and you have to go elsewhere?
I’ve said it before nothing conservatives do will actually bother me personally other than the environment.

I’m not getting an abortion. Affirmative action doesn’t help me. I went to college when it was affordable. I don’t have kids. I like guns. I’m not an illegal immigrant. I’m saving money no debt.
Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Another example of a Christian nation being led like sheep.

German nazis were Christians and so were the white Americans who killed the Indians and owned slaves.

You can’t say america was founded by Christians then not blame Christians for what America did.

But you’ll try

You're the major sheep being herded, by your Hive propaganda. You seem to believe indians were hapless innocents, when in fact they were slave owner themselves, murdered with glee, including genocidal massacres plus they loved to torture captives for sport, all many thousands of years before white people ever did, not to mention they were far worse animals since they didn't have any cultural brakes that moderated their baseness, much like you Democrats and your fetishes for mass murders of helpless babies you insist on. there is no 'moral equivalency' in comparison to what you falsely claim 'Da Evul Xuans' did relative to your pagan animals.
The Supreme Court is very conservative they and trump could easily outlaw abortion.

You should punish them if they don’t.

I certainly agree; it's high time we finally eliminated nasty homocidal pagan ritualism from our society. Do you know where you will move to when that happens here and you have to go elsewhere?
I’ve said it before nothing conservatives do will actually bother me personally other than the environment.

I’m not getting an abortion. Affirmative action doesn’t help me. I went to college when it was affordable. I don’t have kids. I like guns. I’m not an illegal immigrant. I’m saving money no debt.
How are conservatives responsible for the environment?
Another example of a Christian nation being led like sheep.

German nazis were Christians and so were the white Americans who killed the Indians and owned slaves.

You can’t say america was founded by Christians then not blame Christians for what America did.

But you’ll try

You're the major sheep being herded, by your Hive propaganda. You seem to believe indians were hapless innocents, when in fact they were slave owner themselves, murdered with glee, including genocidal massacres plus they loved to torture captives for sport, all many thousands of years before white people ever did, not to mention they were far worse animals since they didn't have any cultural brakes that moderated their baseness, much like you Democrats and your fetishes for mass murders of helpless babies you insist on. there is no 'moral equivalency' in comparison to what you falsely claim 'Da Evul Xuans' did relative to your pagan animals.
The Supreme Court is very conservative they and trump could easily outlaw abortion.

You should punish them if they don’t.

I certainly agree; it's high time we finally eliminated nasty homocidal pagan ritualism from our society. Do you know where you will move to when that happens here and you have to go elsewhere?
I’ve said it before nothing conservatives do will actually bother me personally other than the environment.

I’m not getting an abortion. Affirmative action doesn’t help me. I went to college when it was affordable. I don’t have kids. I like guns. I’m not an illegal immigrant. I’m saving money no debt.
How are conservatives responsible for the environment?
How are conservatives responsible for the environment?

Trump EPA orders rollback of Obama mercury regulations

Trump EPA orders rollback of Obama mercury regulations

The Trump administration has targeted an Obama-era regulation credited with helping dramatically reduce toxic mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants, saying the benefits to human health and the environment may not be worth the cost of the regulation.

another example of christianity, their centuries of evil ... bing.
The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Lincoln was a republican.

What about southern slave owners? They weren’t Christians?

What about them? Southern slaves fared a lot better than ' free' white labor in the North, and certainly better than they would have in Africa; better fed and clothed, with some medical care, such as it was in those days. Your Hollywood version is the fake history you prefer, though, no doubt, but modern scholarship proves that to be the case, especially after 1820, when the average height and lifespans of 'free' white labor declined by 15%, and cholera and typhus and other diseases along with malnutrition were regular features of life for both manual and skilled white labor with the rise of factory production in America.

And as I said, Christians started the abolition movements, both here and in Africa, not you phony 'progressive' losers; you're the 'movement famous for your 'Eugenics' theories and mass murdering Marxist rubbish, so your idiotic attempts at sniveling bout da Xians are just pathetically laughable.

BS slavery in the USA was a BLIGHT ----not a favor to sub-Saharan blacks
Good that it was ended-------ending it was certainly not a feat of

Actually it's just fact, based on the context of the last 10,000 years of human history; unlike your beloved Muslim slave traders, who demanded full frontal castrations of all male slaves before the bought them, and merely killed them when they were no longer able to perform what was demanded of them, hence the lack of any substantial black populations in in Jewish and Muslim lands these days, and of course the typical fate of those captured by those wonderful 'First Nations' savages and African tribes, etc. South American slaves owned by the Spanish of course suffered, but that's because they're mainly Arab influenced themselves, having been ruled by Jews and Muslims for a few centuries and kept the worst parts of that experience in their own culture. There is no 'equivalence' between North American slavery and the rest of the world's. Their lifespans were longer than the average 'free' white laborer, a large number lived into their 70's and 80's, while the norm for 'free' whites doing farm labor was their mid-40's. Too bad you're a bigot, or you wouldn't be so willfully ignorant and failing with the bad spin here.

BS slavery in the USA was a BLIGHT ----not a favor to sub-Saharan blacks
Good that it was ended-------ending it was certainly not a feat of

So on what kind of fear ended it? Not to forget in this context: This form of slavery never existed in Great Britain on its own.

The enclosure movement tossed many serfs and cottagers off the farms and into either starving to death or die young and crippled in some factory hell hole of the 'industrial revolution' or in filthy dangerous mines. Since all businesses were actually temporary, slavery was too expensive, fdidn't need them all year round even in good years, so they were again left to starve or succumb to epidemics in slums or on the streets. There was never a shortage of poor people to abuse, so mass death tolls didn't bother the upper classes in the least, they were all disposable and easily replaced, and the same went for the northern UI.S. economy, and the bonanza farming in the western states of the day.

And besides, there is zero proof any of you would have been some sort of 'noble abolitionists' if you were around back then, given how addicted most of you are to babbling fashionable rubbish about 'hatin' slavery n stuff' in modern America, when it's no effort to run around spouting crap about people from 180 years ago. Hey, guess what? There is all kinds of slavery out there today, and yet none of you ever post a word about it, and certainly none of you ever post any group pics of yourselves with all those slaves you've rescued lately or anything. You're all just jokes, like all the left wing racists who snivel about 'The Wall' all the time, but of course wouldn't be caught dead going down to the countries and stopping the problem at it's source; on no non no, that would actually be doing something about it other than whining like little babies. The fact is you're mostly just snobs who hate white working people and want them eradicated and replaced by people you erroneously think will be more docile and will appreciate your paternal pats on the head and let you lead them around by the noses like good lil peasants.
Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Lincoln was a republican.

What about southern slave owners? They weren’t Christians?

What about them? Southern slaves fared a lot better than ' free' white labor in the North, and certainly better than they would have in Africa; better fed and clothed, with some medical care, such as it was in those days. Your Hollywood version is the fake history you prefer, though, no doubt, but modern scholarship proves that to be the case, especially after 1820, when the average height and lifespans of 'free' white labor declined by 15%, and cholera and typhus and other diseases along with malnutrition were regular features of life for both manual and skilled white labor with the rise of factory production in America.

And as I said, Christians started the abolition movements, both here and in Africa, not you phony 'progressive' losers; you're the 'movement famous for your 'Eugenics' theories and mass murdering Marxist rubbish, so your idiotic attempts at sniveling bout da Xians are just pathetically laughable.

BS slavery in the USA was a BLIGHT ----not a favor to sub-Saharan blacks
Good that it was ended-------ending it was certainly not a feat of

Actually it's just fact, based on the context of the last 10,000 years of human history; unlike your beloved Muslim slave traders, who demanded full frontal castrations of all male slaves before the bought them, and merely killed them when they were no longer able to perform what was demanded of them, hence the lack of any substantial black populations in in Jewish and Muslim lands these days, and of course the typical fate of those captured by those wonderful 'First Nations' savages and African tribes, etc. South American slaves owned by the Spanish of course suffered, but that's because they're mainly Arab influenced themselves, having been ruled by Jews and Muslims for a few centuries and kept the worst parts of that experience in their own culture. There is no 'equivalence' between North American slavery and the rest of the world's. Their lifespans were longer than the average 'free' white laborer, a large number lived into their 70's and 80's, while the norm for 'free' whites doing farm labor was their mid-40's. Too bad you're a bigot, or you wouldn't be so willfully ignorant and failing with the bad spin here.
Regardless, blacks living in America today should thank us just like I thank the Turks for enslaving us Greeks for 400 years. If that history didn’t happen then I would have never been born.

Even if you live in Detroit you can become rich in America. My parents had us in Detroit and we were broke. They lived with my grandparents. Today they have a millionaire son. And they themselves probably have a half million in the bank plus their home.

And they can say it’s easier for us because we are white but actually corporations are searching for diversity candidates.

But that would require a bachelors degree. Go get it.
Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Lincoln was a republican.

What about southern slave owners? They weren’t Christians?

What about them? Southern slaves fared a lot better than ' free' white labor in the North, and certainly better than they would have in Africa; better fed and clothed, with some medical care, such as it was in those days. Your Hollywood version is the fake history you prefer, though, no doubt, but modern scholarship proves that to be the case, especially after 1820, when the average height and lifespans of 'free' white labor declined by 15%, and cholera and typhus and other diseases along with malnutrition were regular features of life for both manual and skilled white labor with the rise of factory production in America.

And as I said, Christians started the abolition movements, both here and in Africa, not you phony 'progressive' losers; you're the 'movement famous for your 'Eugenics' theories and mass murdering Marxist rubbish, so your idiotic attempts at sniveling bout da Xians are just pathetically laughable.

BS slavery in the USA was a BLIGHT ----not a favor to sub-Saharan blacks
Good that it was ended-------ending it was certainly not a feat of

Actually it's just fact, based on the context of the last 10,000 years of human history; unlike your beloved Muslim slave traders, who demanded full frontal castrations of all male slaves before the bought them, and merely killed them when they were no longer able to perform what was demanded of them, hence the lack of any substantial black populations in in Jewish and Muslim lands these days, and of course the typical fate of those captured by those wonderful 'First Nations' savages and African tribes, etc. South American slaves owned by the Spanish of course suffered, but that's because they're mainly Arab influenced themselves, having been ruled by Jews and Muslims for a few centuries and kept the worst parts of that experience in their own culture. There is no 'equivalence' between North American slavery and the rest of the world's. Their lifespans were longer than the average 'free' white laborer, a large number lived into their 70's and 80's, while the norm for 'free' whites doing farm labor was their mid-40's. Too bad you're a bigot, or you wouldn't be so willfully ignorant and failing with the bad spin here.
Their lifespans were longer than the average 'free' white laborer ...

sicko has another nightmare ...

BS slavery in the USA was a BLIGHT ----not a favor to sub-Saharan blacks
Good that it was ended-------ending it was certainly not a feat of

So on what kind of fear ended it? Not to forget in this context: This form of slavery never existed in Great Britain on its own.

The enclosure movement

One moment please: Why do you like to speak with me about the US-American forms of slavery and contempt of mankind - and why did I became immediatlely angry when I read this three words now?

tossed many serfs and cottagers off the farms and into either starving to death or die young and crippled in some factory hell hole of the 'industrial revolution' or in filthy dangerous mines.

My words for me: Das ¿Bewegungsgehäuse? schleuderte viel Leibeigene ... serfs are not slaves in sense of the US-American slavery ... und "cottagers" .. guess this are "Baumwollpflücker" ... aus den Bauernhöfen und in Todesnöte wegen Hungers oder [die Leute] starben jung und wurden in den Fabrikationshöllen der industreiklen Revolution oder in dreckigen gefährlichen Minen verkrüppelt-.

I guess I understand what you say here - but this is in total a very complex problem of the 18th, 19th century and early 20th century. For example went the populations of whole villages into factories. The first people who fought for the rights of this workers were the priests of their communities. But this priests had no place in the factories and were thrown out. That's perhaps a main reason why commmies are in most cases atheists.

In general have the words "serf" (Leibeigener) and "slave" (Sklave) in my own language not the same content. Serfs are well known from the middle ages. Serfs were farmers, who had not the right to leave their farms. They were legally "bound" to the ground. But ground was in general not the property of anyone. Ground was a fief. It's difficult to compare this with the "slavery" of workers in the early factories of the industzrializatio and it's much more difficult to compare this with the African slaves in America. Slave hunters were often the Arabs in Africa and slave traders were often the Brits. The profit margin was titanic.

Since all businesses were actually temporary, slavery was too expensive, fdidn't need them all year round even in good years, so they were again left to starve or succumb to epidemics in slums or on the streets. There was never a shortage of poor people to abuse, so mass death tolls didn't bother the upper classes in the least, they were all disposable and easily replaced, and the same went for the northern UI.S. economy, and the bonanza farming in the western states of the day.

I do not understand very good what you say here - but I'm not motivated to translate this now into my own language, because I think this sentences contain only a lot of prejudices.

And besides, there is zero proof any of you

Who is "any of you"?

would have been some sort of 'noble abolitionists'

"edler Sklavereigegner"got it

if you were around back then, given how addicted most of you are to babbling fashionable rubbish about 'hatin' slavery n stuff' in modern America, when it's no effort to run around spouting crap about people from 180 years ago.


Hey, guess what?


There is all kinds of slavery out there today, and yet none of you ever post a word about it, and certainly none of you ever post any group pics of yourselves with all those slaves you've rescued lately or anything. You're all just jokes,


like all the left wing racists who snivel about 'The Wall' all the time,

One of the most stupid ideas of Donald Trump or of the not any longer existing KGB or another idiot.

but of course wouldn't be caught dead going down to the countries and stopping the problem at it's source;

Since Donald Trump destroyed the value of the USA as a reliable ally it will become much more diffcult for the USA in the future to go in any country of the world. The "game" the USA played with the Kurds of Syria is a shame.

on no non no, that would actually be doing something about it other than whining like little babies.

No one is whining like a little baby, baby. The problem is what's more worse for a nation: to be a friend of the USA or to be an enemy of the USA. You respect enemies more than friends.

The fact is you're mostly just snobs

... Sine nobilitas? I? ... Hmm ... Okay - some good old friends may call me "damned asshole" from time to time.

who hate white working people

Why should I hate myselve?

and want them eradicated and replaced by people you erroneously think will be more docile and will appreciate your paternal pats on the head and let you lead them around by the noses like good lil peasants.

What about the idea to go to a doctor - or do you really believe all this bullshit, which you tried to tell me here - specially in the second part of your conversation with yourselve?

Last edited:

BS slavery in the USA was a BLIGHT ----not a favor to sub-Saharan blacks
Good that it was ended-------ending it was certainly not a feat of

So on what kind of fear ended it? Not to forget in this context: This form of slavery never existed in Great Britain on its own.

The enclosure movement

One moment please: Why do you like to speak with me about the US-American forms of slavery and contempt of mankind - and why did I became immediatlely angry when I read this three words now?

tossed many serfs and cottagers off the farms and into either starving to death or die young and crippled in some factory hell hole of the 'industrial revolution' or in filthy dangerous mines.

My words for me: Das ¿Bewegungsgehäuse? schleuderte viel Leibeigene ... serfs are not slaves in sense of the US-American slavery ... und "cottagers" .. guess this are "Baumwollpflücker" ... aus den Bauernhöfen und in Todesnöte wegen Hungers oder [die Leute] starben jung und wurden in den Fabrikationshöllen der industreiklen Revolution oder in dreckigen gefährlichen Minen verkrüppelt-.

I guess I understand what you say here - but this is in total a very complex problem of the 18th, 19th century and early 20th century. For example went the populations of whole villages into factories. The first people who fought for the rights of this workers were the priests of their communities. But this priests had no place in the factories and were thrown out. That's perhaps a main reason why commmies are in most cases atheists.

In general have the words "serf" (Leibeigener) and "slave" (Sklave) in my own language not the same content. Serfs are well known from the middle ages. Serfs were farmers, who had not the right to leave their farms. They were legally "bound" to the ground. But ground was in general not the property of anyone. Ground was a fief. It's difficult to compare this with the "slavery" of workers in the early factories of the industzrializatio and it's much more difficult to compare this with the African slaves in America. Slave hunters were often the Arabs in Africa and slave traders were often the Brits. The profit margin was titanic.

Since all businesses were actually temporary, slavery was too expensive, fdidn't need them all year round even in good years, so they were again left to starve or succumb to epidemics in slums or on the streets. There was never a shortage of poor people to abuse, so mass death tolls didn't bother the upper classes in the least, they were all disposable and easily replaced, and the same went for the northern UI.S. economy, and the bonanza farming in the western states of the day.

I do not understand very good what you say here - but I'm not motivated to translate this now into my own language, because I think this sentences contain only a lot of prejudices.

And besides, there is zero proof any of you

Who is "any of you"?

would have been some sort of 'noble abolitionists'

"edler Sklavereigegner"got it

if you were around back then, given how addicted most of you are to babbling fashionable rubbish about 'hatin' slavery n stuff' in modern America, when it's no effort to run around spouting crap about people from 180 years ago.


Hey, guess what?


There is all kinds of slavery out there today, and yet none of you ever post a word about it, and certainly none of you ever post any group pics of yourselves with all those slaves you've rescued lately or anything. You're all just jokes,


like all the left wing racists who snivel about 'The Wall' all the time,

One of the most stupid ideas of Donald Trump or of the not any longer existing KGB or another idiot.

but of course wouldn't be caught dead going down to the countries and stopping the problem at it's source;

Since Donald Trump destroyed the value of the USA as a reliable ally it will become much more diffcult for the USA in the future to go in any country of the world. The "game" the USA played with the Kurds of Syria is a shame.

on no non no, that would actually be doing something about it other than whining like little babies.

No one is whining like a little baby, baby. The problem is what's more worse for a nation: to be a friend of the USA or to be an enemy of the USA. You respect enemies more than friends.

The fact is you're mostly just snobs

... Sine nobilitas? I? ... Hmm ... Okay - some good old friends may call me "damned asshole" from time to time.

who hate white working people

Why should I hate myselve?

and want them eradicated and replaced by people you erroneously think will be more docile and will appreciate your paternal pats on the head and let you lead them around by the noses like good lil peasants.

What about the idea to go to a doctor - or do you really believe all this bullshit, which you tried to tell me here - specially in the second part of your conversation with yourselve?

zaan, you're catholic AND a Nazi. How's that working out for you?
There was no "official" Nazi religion. The demographics at the time were like 60/40 Protestant vs Catholic among the religious types. There was considerable disagreement among the Nazi peadershit about religion, some considering "true christianity" to be necessary to the fight against the Jews, others being radically anti-church like Goebbels, and some even professing to be occultists, Himmler was one such.

Hitler himself was born and raised Catholic but there is no evidence he was devote in any way

Hitler & Himmler seemed to favor Islam over Catholicism, regardless of them being raised as "Catholics".


Hitler & Himmler seemed to favor Islam over Catholicism, regardless of them being raised as "Catholics".

and yet you have no evidence of this?
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

You do know you retarded polack Catholics are christian right?


My OP's referal of "LOVE to hear Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, is CLEARLY a Sarcastic Antagonism.

Spoken like a true Jew, when are you coming out of the Jew closet??????

You care more about Jews, and Israel, than about Catholics, and Poland.

In fact, you seem to be anti-Polak, just because I'm anti-Jewish.

you are beginning to sound more and more like a piece of shit.

So you are a conservative who hates jews but LOVES israel!....?

not surprised.
There was no "official" Nazi religion. The demographics at the time were like 60/40 Protestant vs Catholic among the religious types. There was considerable disagreement among the Nazi peadershit about religion, some considering "true christianity" to be necessary to the fight against the Jews, others being radically anti-church like Goebbels, and some even professing to be occultists, Himmler was one such.

Hitler himself was born and raised Catholic but there is no evidence he was devote in any way

Hitler & Himmler seemed to favor Islam over Catholicism, regardless of them being raised as "Catholics".

Hitler & Himmler seemed to favor Islam over Catholicism, regardless of them being raised as "Catholics".

and yet you have no evidence of this?
Look at what monsters Catholics raise
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

You do know you retarded polack Catholics are christian right?


My OP's referal of "LOVE to hear Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, is CLEARLY a Sarcastic Antagonism.

Spoken like a true Jew, when are you coming out of the Jew closet??????

You care more about Jews, and Israel, than about Catholics, and Poland.

In fact, you seem to be anti-Polak, just because I'm anti-Jewish.

you are beginning to sound more and more like a piece of shit.

So you are a conservative who hates jews but LOVES israel!....?

not surprised.
The Christians who defend Israel because of bible prophecy don’t love the Jews. The Jews don’t care if the story is made up because it tells Christians to defend the Jews. The Jews know the Christians prophecies are hogwash. As long as they defend them against the Arabs that’s all they care about.

Perfect example of how they use religion to control us.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

You do know you retarded polack Catholics are christian right?


My OP's referal of "LOVE to hear Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, is CLEARLY a Sarcastic Antagonism.

Spoken like a true Jew, when are you coming out of the Jew closet??????

You care more about Jews, and Israel, than about Catholics, and Poland.

In fact, you seem to be anti-Polak, just because I'm anti-Jewish.

you are beginning to sound more and more like a piece of shit.

So you are a conservative who hates jews but LOVES israel!....?

not surprised.
The Christians who defend Israel because of bible prophecy don’t love the Jews. The Jews don’t care if the story is made up because it tells Christians to defend the Jews. The Jews know the Christians prophecies are hogwash. As long as they defend them against the Arabs that’s all they care about.

Perfect example of how they use religion to control us.

booboo ---you did not learn your catechism stuff. The Christians do not
use the jewish prophecies and the jews do not even know what the
Christian prophecies are. Where does "it" say that Christians should
"defend" jews?--------well -----that\s a really complicated issue. ----depends
upon what you call "neighbor"

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