Nazis were Catholic?

I don't think it was that much of an issue, I mean some Nazis and Hitler disliked Catholics, but many Nazis were also Catholic, as were Mussolini's Italians.

They didn't target Catholics unless they were an "enemy of the state".
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

You do know you retarded polack Catholics are christian right?


My OP's referal of "LOVE to hear Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, is CLEARLY a Sarcastic Antagonism.

Spoken like a true Jew, when are you coming out of the Jew closet??????

You care more about Jews, and Israel, than about Catholics, and Poland.

In fact, you seem to be anti-Polak, just because I'm anti-Jewish.

you are beginning to sound more and more like a piece of shit.

So you are a conservative who hates jews but LOVES israel!....?

not surprised.
The Christians who defend Israel because of bible prophecy don’t love the Jews. The Jews don’t care if the story is made up because it tells Christians to defend the Jews. The Jews know the Christians prophecies are hogwash. As long as they defend them against the Arabs that’s all they care about.

Perfect example of how they use religion to control us.

booboo ---you did not learn your catechism stuff. The Christians do not
use the jewish prophecies and the jews do not even know what the
Christian prophecies are. Where does "it" say that Christians should
"defend" jews?--------well -----that\s a really complicated issue. ----depends
upon what you call "neighbor"
I’m talking about Bible Belt Christians. They say it’s all in the Bible. They are to defend the Jews till the end days.

Just because your sect of Christianity doesn’t espouse to this doesn’t mean others dont
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

You do know you retarded polack Catholics are christian right?


My OP's referal of "LOVE to hear Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, is CLEARLY a Sarcastic Antagonism.

Spoken like a true Jew, when are you coming out of the Jew closet??????

You care more about Jews, and Israel, than about Catholics, and Poland.

In fact, you seem to be anti-Polak, just because I'm anti-Jewish.

you are beginning to sound more and more like a piece of shit.

So you are a conservative who hates jews but LOVES israel!....?

not surprised.
The Christians who defend Israel because of bible prophecy don’t love the Jews. The Jews don’t care if the story is made up because it tells Christians to defend the Jews. The Jews know the Christians prophecies are hogwash. As long as they defend them against the Arabs that’s all they care about.

Perfect example of how they use religion to control us.

booboo ---you did not learn your catechism stuff. The Christians do not
use the jewish prophecies and the jews do not even know what the
Christian prophecies are. Where does "it" say that Christians should
"defend" jews?--------well -----that\s a really complicated issue. ----depends
upon what you call "neighbor"
It's just a matter of time before Israel falls. Do you even Tanakh?
You do know you retarded polack Catholics are christian right?


My OP's referal of "LOVE to hear Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, is CLEARLY a Sarcastic Antagonism.

Spoken like a true Jew, when are you coming out of the Jew closet??????

You care more about Jews, and Israel, than about Catholics, and Poland.

In fact, you seem to be anti-Polak, just because I'm anti-Jewish.

you are beginning to sound more and more like a piece of shit.

So you are a conservative who hates jews but LOVES israel!....?

not surprised.
The Christians who defend Israel because of bible prophecy don’t love the Jews. The Jews don’t care if the story is made up because it tells Christians to defend the Jews. The Jews know the Christians prophecies are hogwash. As long as they defend them against the Arabs that’s all they care about.

Perfect example of how they use religion to control us.

booboo ---you did not learn your catechism stuff. The Christians do not
use the jewish prophecies and the jews do not even know what the
Christian prophecies are. Where does "it" say that Christians should
"defend" jews?--------well -----that\s a really complicated issue. ----depends
upon what you call "neighbor"
I’m talking about Bible Belt Christians. They say it’s all in the Bible. They are to defend the Jews till the end days.

Just because your sect of Christianity doesn’t espouse to this doesn’t mean others dont

oh----like I do not know "bible belt" Christians--------where do you live?
On the moon?? Have you done anything more than 20 miles from
home? I am a jew-----not a christian

zaan, you're catholic AND a Nazi. How's that working out for you?

Taz: I know that you are a Nazi and you know the same on your own. So why for heavens sake do you still try to attack me, because Nazis murdered big parts of the jewish side of my family? You know very well that your sadistic attacks are a serios crime in civilized nations. You are lucky, if all serios religions of the world would be wrong, because your behavior will have very serios negative consequences for your spiritual body.

Last edited:
I don't think it was that much of an issue, I mean some Nazis and Hitler disliked Catholics, but many Nazis were also Catholic, as were Mussolini's Italians.

They didn't target Catholics unless they were an "enemy of
the state".

Let me tell you: The Nazis murdered slawic people, because they saw in them members of an inferior race, they tried to murder all Jews, because they saw in Jews members of a superior race. And when the members of the SS found a blue eyed and blond haired baby from slawic people, they sometimes murdered the parents and stole their "aryan" babies for their genetic breeding programs.

So: The SS murdered members of inferior races, members of superiors races and members of the so called "aryan" race. Or with other words: within' the "nationalistic" ideology of the Nazis all mankind did do suicide.

The first two nations the Nazis attacked in world war 2 were by the way France and Poland - nations with a big catholic population. And the leading members of the NSDAP and the members of the SS nearly never married in a Christian church. And the "Third empire" (=das dritte Reich) was 12 years from 1933 to 1945 => 86 - 74 years ago. So: think faster, whoever you are.

Last edited:
... Hitler & Himmler seemed to favor Islam over Catholicism, regardless of them being raised as "Catholics".

I don't have any idea why you think so. It exists in the German culture a very positive view to the Islam basing on Goethe (1749-1832). The Osman empire at his time of history was full of Chistians too (about 1/5 - 1/3). This changed with the English influence (colonialism) in the world of the Islam. Nevertheless also the German Jews saw in the Islam, specially in the Osman empire, a more positive power.

The normal German word for Muslims was "Muselmane" before the Nazis came - it had later to be replaced with the word "Moslem", because the Nazis destroyed this word. They had found out, that their tortured and starved victims showed a strange behavior, when they lost every hope to stay alive. The behavior of this poor lost people remembered them to a praying "Muselmane". So the word "Muselmane" was used from them in the meaning "Todgeweihter" = goner.

Last edited:
I don't think it was that much of an issue, I mean some Nazis and Hitler disliked Catholics, but many Nazis were also Catholic, as were Mussolini's Italians.

They didn't target Catholics unless they were an "enemy of
the state".

Let me tell you: The Nazis murdered slawic people, because they saw in them members of an inferior race, they tried to murder all Jews, because they saw in Jews members of a superior race. And when the members of the SS found a blue eyed and blond haired baby from slawic people, they sometimes murdered the parents and stole their "aryan" babies for their genetic breeding programs.

So: The SS murdered members of inferior races, members of superiors races and members of the so called "aryan" race. Or with other words: within' the "nationalistic" ideology of the Nazis all mankind did do suicide.

The first two nations the Nazis attacked in world war 2 were by the way France and Poland - nations with a big catholic population. And the leading members of the NSDAP and the members of the SS nearly never married in a Christian church. And the "Third empire" (=das dritte Reich) was 12 years from 1933 to 1945 => 86 - 74 years ago. So: think faster, whoever you are.

Source for Nazis seeing Jews as a superior race, but Slavic people as an inferior race?

Nazis thought Dolichocephalic peoples were superior, and Brachycephalic peoples were inferior.

Both Slavs & Ashkenazi Jews were seen as Brachycephalic Untermensch.

Yet, many of the best & brightest Germans were Brachycephalic, including Leibniz, Kant, Schopenhauer, Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert, Hamerling, Schiller, Martin Luther, Von Hindenberg, and Von Bismarck.

Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog: The German Hyperbrachycephals

The Bleeding of Mozart
I don't think it was that much of an issue, I mean some Nazis and Hitler disliked Catholics, but many Nazis were also Catholic, as were Mussolini's Italians.

They didn't target Catholics unless they were an "enemy of
the state".

The first two nations the Nazis attacked in world war 2 were by the way France and Poland - nations with a big catholic population. And the leading members of the NSDAP and the members of the SS nearly never married in a Christian church. And the "Third empire" (=das dritte Reich) was 12 years from 1933 to 1945 => 86 - 74 years ago. So: think faster, whoever you are.

Catholics were butchered, and enslaved in both Poland & France by Nazi Germany, this also includes some Catholic clergy.

Ultimately Nazi Germany also invaded Catholic Italy & Catholic dominated Hungary, merely because they resisted the Holocaust.

So, I fail to see Italy even as a very good example, Italy was probably more of a pawn.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

You do know you retarded polack Catholics are christian right?


My OP's referal of "LOVE to hear Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, is CLEARLY a Sarcastic Antagonism.

Spoken like a true Jew, when are you coming out of the Jew closet??????

You care more about Jews, and Israel, than about Catholics, and Poland.

In fact, you seem to be anti-Polak, just because I'm anti-Jewish.

you are beginning to sound more and more like a piece of shit.

So you are a conservative who hates jews but LOVES israel!....?

not surprised.

Where did I say anything about Loving Israel?

I've been a critic of Israel, where did I state anything opposite?
There was no "official" Nazi religion. The demographics at the time were like 60/40 Protestant vs Catholic among the religious types. There was considerable disagreement among the Nazi peadershit about religion, some considering "true christianity" to be necessary to the fight against the Jews, others being radically anti-church like Goebbels, and some even professing to be occultists, Himmler was one such.

Hitler himself was born and raised Catholic but there is no evidence he was devote in any way

Hitler & Himmler seemed to favor Islam over Catholicism, regardless of them being raised as "Catholics".


Hitler & Himmler seemed to favor Islam over Catholicism, regardless of them being raised as "Catholics".

and yet you have no evidence of this?

Adolf Hitler admired Islam, as quoted by Albert Speer in his 1969 book, Inside the Third Reich:

You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?

Churchill, Hitler, & Islam | National Review

Both Hitler and Himmler had a soft spot for Islam. Hitler several times fantasized that, if the Saracens had not been stopped at the Battle of Tours, Islam would have spread through the European continent—and that would have been a good thing, since “Jewish Christianity” wouldn’t have gone on to poison Europe. Christianity doted on weakness and suffering, while Islam extolled strength, Hitler believed. Himmler in a January 1944 speech called Islam “a practical and attractive religion for soldiers,” with its promise of paradise and beautiful women for brave martyrs after their death. “This is the kind of language a soldier understands,” Himmler gushed.

The Nazi Romance With Islam Has Some Lessons for the United States

In the war zones, Germany engaged with a wide range of religious policies and propaganda to promote the Nazi regime as the patron of Islam. As early as 1941, the Wehrmacht distributed the military handbook "Islam" to train its soldiers to behave correctly towards Muslim populations. On the eastern Front, the Nazi occupiers ordered the rebuilding of mosques, prayer halls, and madrasas — previously destroyed by Moscow — and the re-establishment of religious rituals and celebrations in order to undermine Soviet rule.

German military authorities also made extensive efforts to co-opt Islamic dignitaries. German propagandists in the eastern territories, the Balkans, and North Africa tried to use religious rhetoric, vocabulary and iconography to mobilize Muslims. They politicized sacred texts like the Quran as well as religious imperatives, most notably the concept of jihad, in order to foment religious violence for political ends.

From 1941 onwards, the Nazi Wehrmacht army and the paramilitary SS recruited tens of thousands of Muslims, mainly to save German blood. Muslim soldiers fought on all fronts. German army officials granted these recruits a wide range of religious concessions, even lifting the ban on ritual slaughter, a practice that had been prohibited for anti-Semitic reasons by Hitler's Law for the Protection of Animals of 1933.

How Nazis courted the Islamic world during WWII | DW | 13.11.2017

Heinrich Himmler, the commander of the SS and one of the chief architects of the Holocaust, also said he had nothing against Islam because it promises followers “heaven if they fight and are killed in action” and that is was “a very practical religion for soldiers.” He saw an opportunity to manipulate that belief. In fact, it was Himmler who suggested to Hitler raising a Muslim SS division in the first place.


But the prospect did make for some odd imagery. Members of the 13th Waffen Mountain Division wore fezzes emblazoned with Nazi insignias, a contradictory mix of Middle Eastern culture and white nationalism. Pictures from the time show SS members with a pamphlet of anti-Semitic propaganda which, judging by the title, framed Jews as the enemy of Islam.

The Waffen Mountain Division of the SS comprised 20,000 troops and mostly fought Communist resistance forces in Bosnia—a key reason the division was formed in the first place. It fought seven other campaigns for the Nazis in the Balkans region, playing an active role in atrocities committed against Jews there. In all, 12,000 of 14,000 Bosnian Jews were murdered by the Nazis and their allies. Ancient synagogues were destroyed, and some Jews were forced to do that very destroying. The last members of the division surrendered to the British in May of 1945. Ten of them were eventually executed for war crimes.

The Nazis, with the help of an Arab cleric, used Islamic extremists as a tool
Nazis thought Dolichocephalic peoples were superior, and Brachycephalic peoples were inferior.

Dolichocephalic - having a relatively long skull (typically with the breadth less than 80 [or 75] percent of the length).

Brachycephalic - having a relatively broad, short skull (usually with the breadth at least 80 percent of the length).

Both Slavs & Ashkenazi Jews were seen as Brachycephalic Untermensch.

Yet, many of the best & brightest Germans were Brachycephalic, including Leibniz, Kant, Schopenhauer, Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert, Hamerling, Schiller, Martin Luther, Von Hindenberg, and Von Bismarck.

glad you cleared that up:


they voted 90% for hitlers skull profile, sobi ... maybe you should find another book to read than your christian bible.

they tried to murder all Jews, because they saw in Jews members of a superior race.

"In his madness Hitler was convinced that the 'Jewish poison' had done the same thing to his beloved Germany in 1918 what the 'cancer poison' had done to his beloved mother in 1907," wrote historian and journalist Dr Joachim Riecker.

"The core of his hatred lies at the defeat of Germany in WW1," said Mr Riecker, "where Hitler blamed the Jews for defeat of the country, the collapse of the monarchy and the ruination of millions".

"Hitler saw the state 'poisoned' from within. Hitler lived in Munich, where Jews played a leading role in the revolution against the monarchy on Nov. 9th 1918. So suddenly the delusion came to his mind, that the Jews where the reason for the 'inner poisoning' of Germany and that they had stolen the victory from Germany,"

it was a common refrain of h that the jews stayed home during wwI to enrich themselves at the expence of the german people - sortof the history of the judean people ... repeating themselves through history.

zanng, link - hitler saw the jewish people as superior - that's so an unbelievable thought about the aryans. you too should find another religion.

zaan, you're catholic AND a Nazi. How's that working out for you?

Taz: I know that you are a Nazi and you know the same on your own. So why for heavens sake do you still try to attack me, because Nazis murdered big parts of the jewish side of my family? You know very well that your sadistic attacks are a serios crime in civilized nations. You are lucky, if all serios religions of the world would be wrong, because your behavior will have very serios negative consequences for your spiritual body.

So you're saying that you like being a Nazi. You're sick. Get help.
I don't think it was that much of an issue, I mean some Nazis and Hitler disliked Catholics, but many Nazis were also Catholic, as were Mussolini's Italians.

They didn't target Catholics unless they were an "enemy of
the state".

Let me tell you: The Nazis murdered slawic people, because they saw in them members of an inferior race, they tried to murder all Jews, because they saw in Jews members of a superior race. And when the members of the SS found a blue eyed and blond haired baby from slawic people, they sometimes murdered the parents and stole their "aryan" babies for their genetic breeding programs.

So: The SS murdered members of inferior races, members of superiors races and members of the so called "aryan" race. Or with other words: within' the "nationalistic" ideology of the Nazis all mankind did do suicide.

The first two nations the Nazis attacked in world war 2 were by the way France and Poland - nations with a big catholic population. And the leading members of the NSDAP and the members of the SS nearly never married in a Christian church. And the "Third empire" (=das dritte Reich) was 12 years from 1933 to 1945 => 86 - 74 years ago. So: think faster, whoever you are.

Source for Nazis seeing Jews as a superior race,

I read it some years ago, when I informed myselve about Heinrich Himmler. The stupid idea to see in Jews a so called superior race was used for the creation of a motivation of SS-soldiers to kill even women, children and babies.

but Slavic people as an inferior race?

This knows everyone.

Nazis thought Dolichocephalic peoples were superior, and Brachycephalic peoples were inferior.

Nazis thought nothing at all. One teaching of the Nazis for example was - no joke - "the sun is an iceberg".

Both Slavs & Ashkenazi Jews were seen as Brachycephalic Untermensch.

And Hiter had blue hair and blond eyes. An "Untermensch" is a "sub-human being" - the color of this word is "a not evolved criminal member of a foreign species". Easy to kill. Much more difficult to kill another child of god.

Yet, many of the best & brightest Germans were Brachycephalic,

Do me the favor not to be an idiot. The Nazis used a marker for their racism against Jews - the yellow star of David - on a very simple reason: Jews were Germans like all others. I'm on my own for example blue eyed with blond hair (=> So I'm much more 'aryan' than Hitler!) - but lots of my ancestors were Jews. In former times about 10% of the children of a family were not genetically the children of the parents. Lots of people died on catastrophes: hunger, war, infections and so on and when children survived other people took care for the children. Additionally the children of women had not always to be the children of their husbands - with or without the knowledge of the husbands.

including Leibniz, Kant, Schopenhauer, Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert, Hamerling, Schiller, Martin Luther, Von Hindenberg, and Von Bismarck.

Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog: The German Hyperbrachycephals

The Bleeding of Mozart

Who cares about such stupidities?

Last edited:

zaan, you're catholic AND a Nazi. How's that working out for you?

Taz: I know that you are a Nazi and you know the same on your own. So why for heavens sake do you still try to attack me, because Nazis murdered big parts of the jewish side of my family? You know very well that your sadistic attacks are a serios crime in civilized nations. You are lucky, if all serios religions of the world would be wrong, because your behavior will have very serios negative consequences for your spiritual body.

So you're saying that you like being a Nazi. You're sick. Get help.

Everything, what you said to me - and this was really a lot of unbelievable criminal bullshit - showed me in your person a perfect Nazi.
I don't think it was that much of an issue, I mean some Nazis and Hitler disliked Catholics, but many Nazis were also Catholic, as were Mussolini's Italians.

They didn't target Catholics unless they were an "enemy of
the state".

The first two nations the Nazis attacked in world war 2 were by the way France and Poland - nations with a big catholic population. And the leading members of the NSDAP and the members of the SS nearly never married in a Christian church. And the "Third empire" (=das dritte Reich) was 12 years from 1933 to 1945 => 86 - 74 years ago. So: think faster, whoever you are.

Catholics were butchered,

That's wrong.

and enslaved in both Poland & France by Nazi Germany, this also includes some Catholic clergy.

"Enslaved" is the wrong word. And the word "Catholic" makes in this context also not a big sense. No one had the feeling to fight against the catholic church, when "we" conquered Poland and France.

Ultimately Nazi Germany also invaded Catholic Italy & Catholic dominated Hungary, merely because they resisted the Holocaust.

As far as I know we did not invade Italy. German troops were in Italy, when Italy killed Mussolini and changed the side. And Hungaria was just simple on the wrong place in the war against the bolsheviks of Russia. But you are right: During world war 2 the Hungarians had opposed the Holocaust. Not to understand why today the Antisemitism is so high in Hungaria.

So, I fail to see Italy even as a very good example, Italy was probably more of a pawn.

The politics of the Nazis was to solve the problem "Catholics" after the victory in world war 2.

Last edited:

zaan, you're catholic AND a Nazi. How's that working out for you?

Taz: I know that you are a Nazi and you know the same on your own. So why for heavens sake do you still try to attack me, because Nazis murdered big parts of the jewish side of my family? You know very well that your sadistic attacks are a serios crime in civilized nations. You are lucky, if all serios religions of the world would be wrong, because your behavior will have very serios negative consequences for your spiritual body.

So you're saying that you like being a Nazi. You're sick. Get help.

Everything, what you said to me - and this was really a lot of unbelievable criminal bullshit - showed me in your person a perfect Nazi.

We have freedom of speech here, you have freedom to be a Nazi. We win.
I don't think it was that much of an issue, I mean some Nazis and Hitler disliked Catholics, but many Nazis were also Catholic, as were Mussolini's Italians.

They didn't target Catholics unless they were an "enemy of
the state".

Let me tell you: The Nazis murdered slawic people, because they saw in them members of an inferior race, they tried to murder all Jews, because they saw in Jews members of a superior race. And when the members of the SS found a blue eyed and blond haired baby from slawic people, they sometimes murdered the parents and stole their "aryan" babies for their genetic breeding programs.

So: The SS murdered members of inferior races, members of superiors races and members of the so called "aryan" race. Or with other words: within' the "nationalistic" ideology of the Nazis all mankind did do suicide.

The first two nations the Nazis attacked in world war 2 were by the way France and Poland - nations with a big catholic population. And the leading members of the NSDAP and the members of the SS nearly never married in a Christian church. And the "Third empire" (=das dritte Reich) was 12 years from 1933 to 1945 => 86 - 74 years ago. So: think faster, whoever you are.

Source for Nazis seeing Jews as a superior race,

I read it some years ago, when I informed myselve about Heinrich Himmler. The stupid idea to see in Jews a so called superior race was used for the creation of a motivation of SS-soldiers to kill even women, children and babies.

but Slavic people as an inferior race?

This knows everyone.

Nazis thought Dolichocephalic peoples were superior, and Brachycephalic peoples were inferior.

Nazis thought nothing at all. One teaching of the Nazis for example was - no joke - "the sun is an iceberg".

Both Slavs & Ashkenazi Jews were seen as Brachycephalic Untermensch.

And Hiter had blue hair and blond eyes. An "Untermensch" is a "sub-human being" - the color of this word is "a not evolved criminal member of a foreign species". Easy to kill. Much more difficult to kill another child of god.

Yet, many of the best & brightest Germans were Brachycephalic,

Do me the favor not to be an idiot. The Nazis used a marker for their racism against Jews - the yellow star of David - on a very simple reason: Jews were Germans like all others. I'm on my own for example blue eyed with blond hair (=> So I'm much more 'aryan' than Hitler!) - but lots of my ancestors were Jews. In former times about 10% of the children of a family were not genetically the children of the parents. Lots of people died on catastrophes: hunger, war, infections and so on and when children survived other people took care for the children. Additionally the children of women had not always to be the children of their husbands - with or without the knowledge of the husbands.

including Leibniz, Kant, Schopenhauer, Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert, Hamerling, Schiller, Martin Luther, Von Hindenberg, and Von Bismarck.

Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog: The German Hyperbrachycephals

The Bleeding of Mozart

Who cares about such stupidities?

You seem to know a lot about Nazis, you should be arrested. Go turn yourself in.

zaan, you're catholic AND a Nazi. How's that working out for you?

Taz: I know that you are a Nazi and you know the same on your own. So why for heavens sake do you still try to attack me, because Nazis murdered big parts of the jewish side of my family? You know very well that your sadistic attacks are a serios crime in civilized nations. You are lucky, if all serios religions of the world would be wrong, because your behavior will have very serios negative consequences for your spiritual body.

So you're saying that you like being a Nazi. You're sick. Get help.

Everything, what you said to me - and this was really a lot of unbelievable criminal bullshit - showed me in your person a perfect Nazi.

We have freedom of speech here, you have freedom to be a Nazi. We win.

You never will win, Nazi.
I don't think it was that much of an issue, I mean some Nazis and Hitler disliked Catholics, but many Nazis were also Catholic, as were Mussolini's Italians.

They didn't target Catholics unless they were an "enemy of
the state".

The first two nations the Nazis attacked in world war 2 were by the way France and Poland - nations with a big catholic population. And the leading members of the NSDAP and the members of the SS nearly never married in a Christian church. And the "Third empire" (=das dritte Reich) was 12 years from 1933 to 1945 => 86 - 74 years ago. So: think faster, whoever you are.

Catholics were butchered,

That's wrong.

and enslaved in both Poland & France by Nazi Germany, this also includes some Catholic clergy.

"Enslaved" is the wrong word. And the word "Catholic" makes in this context also not a big sense. No one had the feeling to fight against the catholic church, when "we" conquered Poland and France.

Ultimately Nazi Germany also invaded Catholic Italy & Catholic dominated Hungary, merely because they resisted the Holocaust.

As far as I know we did not invade Italy. German troops were in Italy, when Italy killed Mussolini and changed the side. And Hungaria was just simple on the wrong place in the war against the bolsheviks of Russia. But you are right: During world war 2 the Hungarians had opposed the Holocaust. Not to understand why today the Antisemitism is so high in Hungaria.

So, I fail to see Italy even as a very good example, Italy was probably more of a pawn.

The politics of the Nazis was to solve the problem "Catholics" after the victory in world war 2.

Catholics were butchered, indeed.

Particularly in Wola Massacre, Operation Tannenberg, and let's not forget the first POW's of Auschwitz were Catholic Poles, rather than Jews.

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