Nazis were Catholic?

So what? Bavaria was where the Party effectively got started after WW I, including the main rival faction, the one who stashed all the guns the Party used. Hitler killed them later as well. They were in majority Catholic areas first. Whether you like it or not doesn't mean anything. Their organizing gimmick at the time wasn't religion, it was the lie they were 'cheated' by the Versailles Treaty and weren't defeated.

Alfred Rosenberg the Founding Father of Nazism was of a Lutheran background & supported Pagan Mystic Thule society, he was anti-Catholic.

Are you talking about this guy? Because a 2 minute search turns up that he hated Christianity and rejected it… Instead choosing a new type of religion rooted in racist ideas.

So it sounds like what you’re saying is BS, unless you’re talking about a different person?

He's just talking out of his ass; the history of Polish collaboration id well documented, and so is their asshole behavior after the war ended that kept concentration camp survivors stuck in the camps for two years after the war was over, with nowhere to go. One of my uncles was in the first waves of Americans into Austria at the time, and saw the refugee problems first hand, including Jews and other ethnics having to flee from the Slavic scumbag countries. They deserved their fate under the Russians; no tears need be shed over them as peoples. Nobody should care if Putin wants to take them over again, either.

The only people stuck in the camps for 2 years after the war were Poles & Germans who ended up enslaved, and killed by Jewish Soviets like Salomon Morel who commanded former Nazi camps into Soviet camps like the Zgoda Labour Camp & Camp Jaworzno.

No wonder why no one likes K"kes.

your grandmother told you that one too---------of course poles and germans were in camps------they were enemies----to Russians and to Germans ----
whilst jews who tried to return to their homes in Poland were being slaughtered wholesale by their polish neighbors who had already pillaged their homes and claimed their property for CHRIST. Your pigs murdered my great uncle-----as he stumbled out of Auschwitz------where his wife and children died for "CHRIST"

Actually, the Communist authorities stole the property from NOT ONLY Jews, but also Poles, Germans, Ukrainians, Hungarians, Austrians, etc. etc.

Leave it to the most selfish, pathological lying, dirty, dumb, stinking scum of the Earth to make up such Bull-Crap of a "Jewish only Victimhood"

You stupid Animal filths, should have thought about Communism stealing your property, when you fought for the Communists, like the scum you are.
Polish Catholic rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust era are well documented & Polish Catholics accepting Jewish refugees is also well documented.

When did Jews rescue Poles during their time of need, be it the Soviet era, or the Deluge. On the contrary Jews conspired with Soviets & the Swedes during the Deluge.

How many Polish Catholic refugees did Jewish Israel take in during Soviet oppression upon Poland??

still playing with polish catholic sophistry. I have never encountered a
catholic pole who wanted to migrate to Israel. I have encountered lots of
Poles who survived the world war II era--------the jewish ones survived by
fleeing Poland for Russia------in fact the SAME is true of some of the catholic
Poles. At no point did you describe a JEWISH POGROM on Poles----you
described lots of different people fighting for SURVIVAL in Poland----that is
lots of different people killing each other

Only problem, the Skidel Revolt happened before The Jew Holocaust.

so? it certainly did not "HAPPEN" before polacks started killing \

Yiddish speaking Jewish bankers helped bring forward the demise of Poland, AKA The Partitions of Poland.

Why would they like you anti-Polish beasts of burden?

jewish bankers also started the bubonic plague------ask your grandmother

The Jewish bankers who lived in Poland, and sold out Poland to Prussian Germans, and Russians are documented in none other than Jewish source books like this.

The Jewish Economic Elite

Merchants, Army Suppliers, Bankers: Transnational Connections and the Rise of Warsaw's Jewish Mercantile Elite (1770-1820)

You're so manipulative, vile, and dumb.

You NEVER have an open dialogue, it's ALWAYS Flailing arms around, lying, manipulating, and going berserk with OCD, until you get yours at all costs.

This is why NO ONE LIKES K(KES.
Still lots of Nazis in Poland.
Hostile Takeover: How Law and Justice Captured Poland’s Courts

Since Law and Justice came to power in Poland in 2015, it has waged a campaign to take control of the Polish judiciary in open defiance of the law, the constitution, and the courts. The changes to the judicial framework included among other amendments to laws on common courts, the National Council of the Judiciary, the Supreme Court; a refusal to publish and abide by Constitutional Tribunal rulings; and unconstitutional appointments to the Tribunal.

poland without a doubt is on a collision course to embrace tyranny by the few over the many ...
The question here is, "Is the Catholic church getting an undeserved bad rap?"

Is the Catholic Church as a whole getting an underserved bad rap?

600 years of inqusitions, shuffling pedophile priests from unknowing parish to unknowing parish, hell, putting poor Galileo under house arrest for having the audacity to say that the sun does not revolve around the Earth. There is an incredible list torture and cruelty from an organization that is supposed to be grounded in the word of a fella who was all about kindness, charity and caring. If you made up this level of hypocrisy in a story no one would believe you. I know there are good folks that put a lot of faith into the Church that do a lot of good things, but as we have seen with the giant banks, things have a way of unraveling when the left tentacle has no idea what the other twelve are up to.

Ignore that Nazi Germany was majority Lutheran, and the #1 killers of Jews.

Ignore that Cossacks were Orthodox Christians, and the #2 killers of Jews.

Ultimately both Nazi Germany & Cossacks in these attacks also killed loads of Polish Catholics.
Ignore that too.

Ignore that Jews are worse pedophiles & perverts than Catholics, like Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Jared Fogel, Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, Tobacker, and then they even have a Pedophile tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.

Ignore that Jews, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians continue to mass murder, where Catholics aren't.

Millions killed by the Protestant USA war in terror.
Now Orthodox Russia is killing a bunch in Syria.
As well as Jewish Israel.

What about Catholics?????

Oh let's attack Catholics, just because it's part of the status quo.
You won’t hear me defend those other religions.

But that doesn’t mean German Catholics didn’t fight for Germany in ww2. Shame.

Atheists have no power. We make up like 5% of the population. You Christians were killing us before you started killing each other.

Do you know what Mormons believe? You Catholics lost your authority from god during the dark ages. So the connection between Jesus and the current pope has been broken. That’s why Jesus visited Joseph Smith and told him to start a new religion.

Joseph asked god which form of Christianity he should join Protestant, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist and god said none of them. Start a new religion.

The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Another example of a Christian nation being led like sheep.

German nazis were Christians and so were the white Americans who killed the Indians and owned slaves.

You can’t say america was founded by Christians then not blame Christians for what America did.

But you’ll try
Ignore that Nazi Germany was majority Lutheran, and the #1 killers of Jews.

Ignore that Cossacks were Orthodox Christians, and the #2 killers of Jews.

Ultimately both Nazi Germany & Cossacks in these attacks also killed loads of Polish Catholics.
Ignore that too.

Ignore that Jews are worse pedophiles & perverts than Catholics, like Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Jared Fogel, Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, Tobacker, and then they even have a Pedophile tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.

Ignore that Jews, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians continue to mass murder, where Catholics aren't.

Millions killed by the Protestant USA war in terror.
Now Orthodox Russia is killing a bunch in Syria.
As well as Jewish Israel.

What about Catholics?????

Oh let's attack Catholics, just because it's part of the status quo.
You won’t hear me defend those other religions.

But that doesn’t mean German Catholics didn’t fight for Germany in ww2. Shame.

Atheists have no power. We make up like 5% of the population. You Christians were killing us before you started killing each other.

Do you know what Mormons believe? You Catholics lost your authority from god during the dark ages. So the connection between Jesus and the current pope has been broken. That’s why Jesus visited Joseph Smith and told him to start a new religion.

Joseph asked god which form of Christianity he should join Protestant, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist and god said none of them. Start a new religion.

The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Another example of a Christian nation being led like sheep.

German nazis were Christians and so were the white Americans who killed the Indians and owned slaves.

You can’t say america was founded by Christians then not blame Christians for what America did.

But you’ll try

You're the major sheep being herded, by your Hive propaganda. You seem to believe indians were hapless innocents, when in fact they were slave owner themselves, murdered with glee, including genocidal massacres plus they loved to torture captives for sport, all many thousands of years before white people ever did, not to mention they were far worse animals since they didn't have any cultural brakes that moderated their baseness, much like you Democrats and your fetishes for mass murders of helpless babies you insist on. there is no 'moral equivalency' in comparison to what you falsely claim 'Da Evul Xuans' did relative to your pagan animals.
The question here is, "Is the Catholic church getting an undeserved bad rap?"

Is the Catholic Church as a whole getting an underserved bad rap?

600 years of inqusitions, shuffling pedophile priests from unknowing parish to unknowing parish, hell, putting poor Galileo under house arrest for having the audacity to say that the sun does not revolve around the Earth. There is an incredible list torture and cruelty from an organization that is supposed to be grounded in the word of a fella who was all about kindness, charity and caring. If you made up this level of hypocrisy in a story no one would believe you. I know there are good folks that put a lot of faith into the Church that do a lot of good things, but as we have seen with the giant banks, things have a way of unraveling when the left tentacle has no idea what the other twelve are up to.

Ignore that Nazi Germany was majority Lutheran, and the #1 killers of Jews.

Ignore that Cossacks were Orthodox Christians, and the #2 killers of Jews.

Ultimately both Nazi Germany & Cossacks in these attacks also killed loads of Polish Catholics.
Ignore that too.

Ignore that Jews are worse pedophiles & perverts than Catholics, like Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Jared Fogel, Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, Tobacker, and then they even have a Pedophile tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.

Ignore that Jews, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians continue to mass murder, where Catholics aren't.

Millions killed by the Protestant USA war in terror.
Now Orthodox Russia is killing a bunch in Syria.
As well as Jewish Israel.

What about Catholics?????

Oh let's attack Catholics, just because it's part of the status quo.
You won’t hear me defend those other religions.

But that doesn’t mean German Catholics didn’t fight for Germany in ww2. Shame.

Atheists have no power. We make up like 5% of the population. You Christians were killing us before you started killing each other.

Do you know what Mormons believe? You Catholics lost your authority from god during the dark ages. So the connection between Jesus and the current pope has been broken. That’s why Jesus visited Joseph Smith and told him to start a new religion.

Joseph asked god which form of Christianity he should join Protestant, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist and god said none of them. Start a new religion.

The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Lincoln was a republican.

What about southern slave owners? They weren’t Christians?
still playing with polish catholic sophistry. I have never encountered a
catholic pole who wanted to migrate to Israel. I have encountered lots of
Poles who survived the world war II era--------the jewish ones survived by
fleeing Poland for Russia------in fact the SAME is true of some of the catholic
Poles. At no point did you describe a JEWISH POGROM on Poles----you
described lots of different people fighting for SURVIVAL in Poland----that is
lots of different people killing each other

Only problem, the Skidel Revolt happened before The Jew Holocaust.

so? it certainly did not "HAPPEN" before polacks started killing \

Yiddish speaking Jewish bankers helped bring forward the demise of Poland, AKA The Partitions of Poland.

Why would they like you anti-Polish beasts of burden?

jewish bankers also started the bubonic plague------ask your grandmother

The Jewish bankers who lived in Poland, and sold out Poland to Prussian Germans, and Russians are documented in none other than Jewish source books like this.

The Jewish Economic Elite

Merchants, Army Suppliers, Bankers: Transnational Connections and the Rise of Warsaw's Jewish Mercantile Elite (1770-1820)

You're so manipulative, vile, and dumb.

You NEVER have an open dialogue, it's ALWAYS Flailing arms around, lying, manipulating, and going berserk with OCD, until you get yours at all costs.

This is why NO ONE LIKES K(KES.

What is funny about you morons whining about 'Jewish bankers n Merchants N Stuff' is your complete inability of admitting they were pretty forced into those occupations, way back when they weren't nearly so lucrative and desirable, and naturally that situation pretty much forced them into generations of nepotism and international business agreements. They served the State, whether the State was a feudal lord or a parliamentary mixed one, while your own 'kind' made a point of not educating their own to take their place; they preferred 'outsiders' to handle their affairs, not locals.
Only problem, the Skidel Revolt happened before The Jew Holocaust.

so? it certainly did not "HAPPEN" before polacks started killing \

Yiddish speaking Jewish bankers helped bring forward the demise of Poland, AKA The Partitions of Poland.

Why would they like you anti-Polish beasts of burden?

jewish bankers also started the bubonic plague------ask your grandmother

The Jewish bankers who lived in Poland, and sold out Poland to Prussian Germans, and Russians are documented in none other than Jewish source books like this.

The Jewish Economic Elite

Merchants, Army Suppliers, Bankers: Transnational Connections and the Rise of Warsaw's Jewish Mercantile Elite (1770-1820)

You're so manipulative, vile, and dumb.

You NEVER have an open dialogue, it's ALWAYS Flailing arms around, lying, manipulating, and going berserk with OCD, until you get yours at all costs.

This is why NO ONE LIKES K(KES.

What is funny about you morons whining about 'Jewish bankers n Merchants N Stuff' is your complete inability of admitting they were pretty forced into those occupations, way back when they weren't nearly so lucrative and desirable, and naturally that situation pretty much forced them into generations of nepotism and international business agreements. They served the State, whether the State was a feudal lord or a parliamentary mixed one, while your own 'kind' made a point of not educating their own to take their place; they preferred 'outsiders' to handle their affairs, not locals.
I like you. Lol
You won’t hear me defend those other religions.

But that doesn’t mean German Catholics didn’t fight for Germany in ww2. Shame.

Atheists have no power. We make up like 5% of the population. You Christians were killing us before you started killing each other.

Do you know what Mormons believe? You Catholics lost your authority from god during the dark ages. So the connection between Jesus and the current pope has been broken. That’s why Jesus visited Joseph Smith and told him to start a new religion.

Joseph asked god which form of Christianity he should join Protestant, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist and god said none of them. Start a new religion.

The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Another example of a Christian nation being led like sheep.

German nazis were Christians and so were the white Americans who killed the Indians and owned slaves.

You can’t say america was founded by Christians then not blame Christians for what America did.

But you’ll try

You're the major sheep being herded, by your Hive propaganda. You seem to believe indians were hapless innocents, when in fact they were slave owner themselves, murdered with glee, including genocidal massacres plus they loved to torture captives for sport, all many thousands of years before white people ever did, not to mention they were far worse animals since they didn't have any cultural brakes that moderated their baseness, much like you Democrats and your fetishes for mass murders of helpless babies you insist on. there is no 'moral equivalency' in comparison to what you falsely claim 'Da Evul Xuans' did relative to your pagan animals.
The Supreme Court is very conservative they and trump could easily outlaw abortion.

You should punish them if they don’t.
Ignore that Nazi Germany was majority Lutheran, and the #1 killers of Jews.

Ignore that Cossacks were Orthodox Christians, and the #2 killers of Jews.

Ultimately both Nazi Germany & Cossacks in these attacks also killed loads of Polish Catholics.
Ignore that too.

Ignore that Jews are worse pedophiles & perverts than Catholics, like Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Jared Fogel, Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, Tobacker, and then they even have a Pedophile tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.

Ignore that Jews, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians continue to mass murder, where Catholics aren't.

Millions killed by the Protestant USA war in terror.
Now Orthodox Russia is killing a bunch in Syria.
As well as Jewish Israel.

What about Catholics?????

Oh let's attack Catholics, just because it's part of the status quo.
You won’t hear me defend those other religions.

But that doesn’t mean German Catholics didn’t fight for Germany in ww2. Shame.

Atheists have no power. We make up like 5% of the population. You Christians were killing us before you started killing each other.

Do you know what Mormons believe? You Catholics lost your authority from god during the dark ages. So the connection between Jesus and the current pope has been broken. That’s why Jesus visited Joseph Smith and told him to start a new religion.

Joseph asked god which form of Christianity he should join Protestant, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist and god said none of them. Start a new religion.

The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Lincoln was a republican.

What about southern slave owners? They weren’t Christians?

What about them? Southern slaves fared a lot better than ' free' white labor in the North, and certainly better than they would have in Africa; better fed and clothed, with some medical care, such as it was in those days. Your Hollywood version is the fake history you prefer, though, no doubt, but modern scholarship proves that to be the case, especially after 1820, when the average height and lifespans of 'free' white labor declined by 15%, and cholera and typhus and other diseases along with malnutrition were regular features of life for both manual and skilled white labor with the rise of factory production in America.

And as I said, Christians started the abolition movements, both here and in Africa, not you phony 'progressive' losers; you're the 'movement famous for your 'Eugenics' theories and mass murdering Marxist rubbish, so your idiotic attempts at sniveling bout da Xians are just pathetically laughable.
You won’t hear me defend those other religions.

But that doesn’t mean German Catholics didn’t fight for Germany in ww2. Shame.

Atheists have no power. We make up like 5% of the population. You Christians were killing us before you started killing each other.

Do you know what Mormons believe? You Catholics lost your authority from god during the dark ages. So the connection between Jesus and the current pope has been broken. That’s why Jesus visited Joseph Smith and told him to start a new religion.

Joseph asked god which form of Christianity he should join Protestant, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist and god said none of them. Start a new religion.

The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Lincoln was a republican.

What about southern slave owners? They weren’t Christians?

What about them? Southern slaves fared a lot better than ' free' white labor in the North, and certainly better than they would have in Africa; better fed and clothed, with some medical care, such as it was in those days. Your Hollywood version is the fake history you prefer, though, no doubt, but modern scholarship proves that to be the case, especially after 1820, when the average height and lifespans of 'free' white labor declined by 15%, and cholera and typhus and other diseases along with malnutrition were regular features of life for both manual and skilled white labor with the rise of factory production in America.

And as I said, Christians started the abolition movements, both here and in Africa, not you phony 'progressive' losers; you're the 'movement famous for your 'Eugenics' theories and mass murdering Marxist rubbish, so your idiotic attempts at sniveling bout da Xians are just pathetically laughable.
Wow! I don’t know what to say. Lol you got me. Game over.
What about them? Southern slaves fared a lot better than ' free' white labor in the North, and certainly better than they would have in Africa; better fed and clothed, with some medical care, such as it was in those days.

better fed and clothed, with some medical care, such as it was in those days.


you're a pathetic human being, picaro ...

And as I said, Christians started the abolition movements, both here and in Africa, not you phony 'progressive' losers;


Christians started the abolition movements ...

was that when they shelled fort sumter, picaro trying to free the slaves -

* picaro's little mind is rabid ... beyond the pale.
If they beat, starved, and hung all the slaves then why are blacks now 13% of the population? Oh I know, you're another lazy dumbass who has never read real history, can't think for himself, and relies on simplistic propaganda narratives to feed their own narcissism, and has zero idea of anything past your empty head. All of that info has already been possted here in this forum, met with the usual dead silence and birds chirping from the likes of you and your fellow pagan dumbasses.
The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Hitler didn’t murder anyone. He got his Christian citizens to do it.

He certainly didn’t tell the German people he was an atheist. So like the leaders of the Catholic Church use religion to control, so did hitler.

And it wasn’t secular atheists Americans who lied us into Iraq it was Christian bush and he said god told him to invade.

You guys love to bring up mao and Stalin. Let’s talk about how Christian Americans murdered Indians and enslaved blacks. And today they start wars like Iraq and Vietnam nam. America is a Christian nation. Just ask Christians they’ll tell you.

Rubbish. Fake history from a fan of fake news; no surprises there.

Atheists didn't start any abolitionist movements, or any other kind of freedom and rights movements. The 'murderers' of Indians were in fact your great Yankee heroes who served under Abraham Lincoln, fans of the same type of 'total war' your heroes Grant and Sherman advocated. None were noted for being Christians, just drunken sociopaths, the 19th century equivalents of of you dope addled commie progressives of today, typical Democrats, hard core racists every one of them.
Another example of a Christian nation being led like sheep.

German nazis were Christians and so were the white Americans who killed the Indians and owned slaves.

You can’t say america was founded by Christians then not blame Christians for what America did.

But you’ll try

You're the major sheep being herded, by your Hive propaganda. You seem to believe indians were hapless innocents, when in fact they were slave owner themselves, murdered with glee, including genocidal massacres plus they loved to torture captives for sport, all many thousands of years before white people ever did, not to mention they were far worse animals since they didn't have any cultural brakes that moderated their baseness, much like you Democrats and your fetishes for mass murders of helpless babies you insist on. there is no 'moral equivalency' in comparison to what you falsely claim 'Da Evul Xuans' did relative to your pagan animals.
The Supreme Court is very conservative they and trump could easily outlaw abortion.

You should punish them if they don’t.

I certainly agree; it's high time we finally eliminated nasty homocidal pagan ritualism from our society. Do you know where you will move to when that happens here and you have to go elsewhere?
Last edited:
Another example of a Christian nation being led like sheep.
German nazis were Christians and so were the white Americans who killed the Indians and owned slaves.
You can’t say america was founded by Christians then not blame Christians for what America did.
But you’ll try
Partial truth is often more dangerous than total bullshit. Throwing around the term ‘Christians’ as if everyone dumped under that category was the same is just plain sloppy.
Or as someone once said “Christianity covers a multitude of different sins"
Another example of a Christian nation being led like sheep.
German nazis were Christians and so were the white Americans who killed the Indians and owned slaves.
You can’t say america was founded by Christians then not blame Christians for what America did.
But you’ll try
Partial truth is often more dangerous than total bullshit. Throwing around the term ‘Christians’ as if everyone dumped under that category was the same is just plain sloppy.
Or as someone once said “Christianity covers a multitude of different sins"

Christians have always been minorities in all countries, never a majority. The still managed to have a lot of influence and moderating effects on the worst of states as long as they were a significant minority, though, and of course they were major influences on our own government and legal system, even if many only ay lip service to the principles and ideals, they're influential nonetheless. Few Christians claim perfection or to be all knowing, that;s mostly the pagans and 'new atheists', mostly Dawkins' Dufuses who have complete faith in their own egoes and the myth of 'rationalism' being something they've really achieved. Most of the other critics are merely just assorted criminal sociopaths and deviants who hate the Da Evul Xians for the obvious reasons such gimps would hate any brakes on mindless self-indulgence.
If they beat, starved, and hung all the slaves then why are blacks now 13% of the population? Oh I know, you're another lazy dumbass who has never read real history, can't think for himself, and relies on simplistic propaganda narratives to feed their own narcissism, and has zero idea of anything past your empty head. All of that info has already been possted here in this forum, met with the usual dead silence and birds chirping from the likes of you and your fellow pagan dumbasses.
If they beat, starved, and hung all the slaves then why are blacks now 13% of the population?

you're a joke, picaro ...
@Everyone here

I'm a blond and blue-eyed German Catholic with Jewish ancestors too and I seldom read such a titanic amout of bullshit on such a small place. Congrats: You all together wan the wrotten bullshit award rusting in gold.

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... The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.

Besides that US-Americans are racists, mass-murderers and genociders in their own history too it makes not a big sense to call Hitler "pagan". Murderers don't believe in god: that's it! Otherwise they would not be murderers. In case of this mass-murderers they never stopped to murder.

And in case of Jews the Jews in Germany were Germans like all others, long before Hitler came. Germans were never more racists than others in history, perhaps even less racists. Antisemitism was not a big problem before Hitler came and had created Antisemitism in new forms of modern darwinistic interpretations.

This situation was not so in Poland and other Slawic nations. The mother tongue of the Jews in this countries was Yiddish. Yiddish is a German language. So Anti-Germanism and Anti-Semitism - the impotent fury against the mighty Germans and the hate on Jews on no reasons to hate them - was in Poland not a paradox. Someone who hated there Germans was without any problem able to betray Jews to the Nazis too. It was damned dangerous for any Jew to speak any word in Poland because even the color of the Yiddish language was a dangerous indicator when someone used other languages.

The current Polish government tries to change the history of Poland by trying to simplify history to a fight of Polish saints against German devils. But this is far from any reality. Although lots of Polish heroes had helped Jews - take a look at Yad Vashem - the situation for Jews in Poland was extremely dangerous. The "Shtetl" (german-jewish word for "little town") were totally erased. Millions of Jews who had lived in Poland were murdered. And in lots and lots and lots and lots of cases Polish people had helped the Nazis. Lots of Polish people got the German citizenship from the Nazis for example; not only mass-murder was a way of Aryanizaton. And in 1942 for example were about 25% of the SS (the executors of the Holocaust) not Germans but people from other nations.

I hope this information helps you a little (and everyone else here too), if you like to understand the Holocaust, the Shoa, the "Endlösung".

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... The 4 biggest mass-murdering tyrants of the 20th century were Atheist Mao, Atheist Stalin, Pagan Hitler & Atheist Lenin.
Lots of Polish people got the German citizenship from tha Nazis for example (Not only mass-murder was a way of Aryanizaton) and in 1942 for example were about 25% of the SS (the executors of the Holocaust) not Germans.

I hope this information helps you a little, if you like to understand the Holocaust, the shoa., the "Endlösung".

Was there even an Polish SS Unit?

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