NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's ark calls it fairy tales

Its great consolation for the miserable to seek comfort in attacking that which makes others happy. They are So Imperious that they are sure it’s for the happy persons own good.
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.
I'm interested in the history of the deluge.

Hi Q; you might find this interesting. Oz First Nation Peoples (Blackfellas) have an incredible oral tradition. These stories have been gathered and correlated with known events. May be "true" or not.

Ancient Aboriginal stories preserve history of a rise in sea level

Hey go....go. guys like Chuck Todd help get people like Trump get elected. Todd's views resonate only with about 20% of the public. The more Chuck Todd's the better if you are on the right! Go....go....go!:2up:
And yet he believes Democrats are American. Go figure.
Please go on.....tell us how half of America isn't American.

Check your presidential candidates, the bulk of your House Democrats and the people who support them, for starters.

I don't care where they were born.

But all we would find are Americans. What would you think that we would find?

America is an idea, not a communistic bipedal polyp of idiocy.
I don't see the problem here.

Are you upset that Chuck doesn't buy into your sky-daddy fantasies?
Sky-daddy fantasies, huh?

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were recorded by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are at least 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that we have lost all original meaning and you have made no effort whatsoever in trying to understand them. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom. Shame on you.
And I'm sure you believe all of that junk.

Sorry, but I don't buy it.
Yes. I even provided the reasons why.

You must be taking it on faith that what I wrote is wrong because you don't seem to be able to articulate the reasons why you believe what I wrote is wrong.
How did the kangaroos get back to Australia from Mt. Ararat?
Another liberal lisper from the media who is a fairy tail “himself”
Wait, so you believe the myth of Noah's Ark?

What I know is it’s not Chuck Todd’s place to take his faggot ass and piss all over the Bible.

trump pisses on the bible each time he pretends to be a believer, and you hee haws eat it up anyway.
The Bible is his favorite book

The suckers who read it vote for him
There a are a lot of people who live much more peaceful lives following that book. Many tried it your way and did not end up well in life. We seem to be in a perpetual perma partying existence today. Maturity is a fuzzy word for many people. We screw with each other incessantly and destroy lives and families by accusations. A growing amount of people not as religious but believe are tired of paying the freight for those who could not care about following any rules. What type of suckerism are you talking about? The new world godless religion seems to be what you call the Christians. Only with no rules. You guys are let anything goes in ways people live and call that freedom. But you charge others for that way of living. And then call them vicious and vile names when they do not agree. People agree with a lot of the agendas. To a point. We know very few Prog politicians are Christian today. No matter what they say. We see the costs of not following tried and true rules has ended up costing us massive amounts of money. So while you chastise people who voted for Trump about his beliefs, show us your grit and stop demanding money for all of the rules broken. Can you do that?
I don't see the problem here.

Are you upset that Chuck doesn't buy into your sky-daddy fantasies?
Sky-daddy fantasies, huh?

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were recorded by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are at least 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that we have lost all original meaning and you have made no effort whatsoever in trying to understand them. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom. Shame on you.
And I'm sure you believe all of that junk.

Sorry, but I don't buy it.
Yes. I even provided the reasons why.

You must be taking it on faith that what I wrote is wrong because you don't seem to be able to articulate the reasons why you believe what I wrote is wrong.
How did the kangaroos get back to Australia from Mt. Ararat?

If people put half the effort they did in trying to discredit Genesis in trying to understand the message, they would expand their minds.
Looked up the charatccha yourself did ya?

Please, explain what leads to our to believe they have anything to do with a book they predate by about 1,000 years.
Yes, looked them up for myself.

What leads me to believe the Chinese symbols has anything to do with the account of Genesis? You mean besides the border sacrifices the Chinese performed? And animal sacrifices? The symbols themselves. The story is literally being told as symbols. That's why they were used. Because they used everyday ordinary things that people knew and understood so that it would be easier to remember the meaning of the symbol/word.
No, you assume this because that's what you were told. Mainstream researchers see no such relationship. It's all based on some religious wack-a-doodle's say so.
Wrong. That's you.

I literally did the translation work about ten years ago when a Chinese colleague shared this information with me.

The wack-a-doodle is you. You have zero evidence for your beliefs.

You, yourself, did this research.

So, why post some lame link from nowhere Texas?


Remember folks, on the internet you can be anything you wanna be.
Dude, I just shared with you the symbols I researched.

Not to mention the religious practices of the early Chinese dynasties match that of Judaism.
You cannot be serious.

Taoism and Christianity have nothing in common.
You almost gotta laugh that Noah's Ark is based on the same belief system that motivates today's MMGW religion. Noah's Ark is just one of many Christian legends but man made global warming is truly a religion created by a modern pervert political loser who wanted to make a buck off something he called "carbon credits". It didn't work out and now Al Gore is apparently on the run but his cultists persist as long as they think they can gain political power and extort money from the greatest Country in the world.
The Noah's ark legend has nothing to do with christianity....
Looked up the charatccha yourself did ya?

Please, explain what leads to our to believe they have anything to do with a book they predate by about 1,000 years.
So as I continue to answer your questions, I can't help but notice you haven't presented any evidence for your beliefs. Why is that?
I don't have any "beliefs" in this right.
Your belief is that the account of Geness is a fairytale. It's not. It is the allegorical account of world history that all nations share before the migration from the cradle of civilization along with other knowledge they deemed important enough to pass down. They passed this information down from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was ever recorded in writing. They told these stories in a way that would make them easier to remember. And their true meaning has been lost through the ages until we get idiots like you dismissing them as fairytales.
View attachment 298540
Whereas you see fairytales, I see what ancient man recorded.

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation

But you can keep reading it literally or pretend that it is a fairytale because all that is proving is that you don't want to believe in God.
I don't even see fairy tales to tell the truth. I see superstitious children cowering in fear of natural.processes like lightning and rain.
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Yes, looked them up for myself.

What leads me to believe the Chinese symbols has anything to do with the account of Genesis? You mean besides the border sacrifices the Chinese performed? And animal sacrifices? The symbols themselves. The story is literally being told as symbols. That's why they were used. Because they used everyday ordinary things that people knew and understood so that it would be easier to remember the meaning of the symbol/word.
No, you assume this because that's what you were told. Mainstream researchers see no such relationship. It's all based on some religious wack-a-doodle's say so.
Wrong. That's you.

I literally did the translation work about ten years ago when a Chinese colleague shared this information with me.

The wack-a-doodle is you. You have zero evidence for your beliefs.

You, yourself, did this research.

So, why post some lame link from nowhere Texas?


Remember folks, on the internet you can be anything you wanna be.
Dude, I just shared with you the symbols I researched.

Not to mention the religious practices of the early Chinese dynasties match that of Judaism.
You cannot be serious.

Taoism and Christianity have nothing in common.
You must have never read the Tao Te Ching then.

The Tao Te Ching, often called simply Laoziafter its reputed author, describes the Dao (or Tao) as the source and ideal of all existence: it is unseen, but not transcendent, immensely powerful yet supremely humble, being the root of all things.
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So as I continue to answer your questions, I can't help but notice you haven't presented any evidence for your beliefs. Why is that?
I don't have any "beliefs" in this right.
Your belief is that the account of Geness is a fairytale. It's not. It is the allegorical account of world history that all nations share before the migration from the cradle of civilization along with other knowledge they deemed important enough to pass down. They passed this information down from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was ever recorded in writing. They told these stories in a way that would make them easier to remember. And their true meaning has been lost through the ages until we get idiots like you dismissing them as fairytales.
View attachment 298540
Whereas you see fairytales, I see what ancient man recorded.

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation

But you can keep reading it literally or pretend that it is a fairytale because all that is proving is that you don't want to believe in God.
Info t Eve see fairy tales to tell the truth. I see superstitious children cowering in fear of natural.processes like lightning and rain.
Again, what you are seeing as a fairytale is how ancient man passed down information 6000 years ago.
The Bible is his favorite book

The suckers who read it vote for him
Your comment is contentious, derogatory and disrespectful regardless of how one feels about the story of Noah's Ark, not unlike the comments of that other leftist dimwit, Chuck Todd.

Below average minds think alike, I guess.

Talk about below average minds......you voted for Trump
I don't have any "beliefs" in this right.
Your belief is that the account of Geness is a fairytale. It's not. It is the allegorical account of world history that all nations share before the migration from the cradle of civilization along with other knowledge they deemed important enough to pass down. They passed this information down from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was ever recorded in writing. They told these stories in a way that would make them easier to remember. And their true meaning has been lost through the ages until we get idiots like you dismissing them as fairytales.
View attachment 298540
Whereas you see fairytales, I see what ancient man recorded.

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation

But you can keep reading it literally or pretend that it is a fairytale because all that is proving is that you don't want to believe in God.
Info t Eve see fairy tales to tell the truth. I see superstitious children cowering in fear of natural.processes like lightning and rain.
Again, what you are seeing as a fairytale is how ancient man passed down information 6000 years ago.

These tales come from ancients located in one geographical place on the planet who had no idea what was going on across the globe. It was their interpretation of what they saw around them from their mountain, their tent, whatever, blended with their local beliefs.
Your belief is that the account of Geness is a fairytale. It's not. It is the allegorical account of world history that all nations share before the migration from the cradle of civilization along with other knowledge they deemed important enough to pass down. They passed this information down from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was ever recorded in writing. They told these stories in a way that would make them easier to remember. And their true meaning has been lost through the ages until we get idiots like you dismissing them as fairytales.
View attachment 298540
Whereas you see fairytales, I see what ancient man recorded.

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation

But you can keep reading it literally or pretend that it is a fairytale because all that is proving is that you don't want to believe in God.
Info t Eve see fairy tales to tell the truth. I see superstitious children cowering in fear of natural.processes like lightning and rain.
Again, what you are seeing as a fairytale is how ancient man passed down information 6000 years ago.

These tales come from ancients located in one geographical place on the planet who had no idea what was going on across the globe. It was their interpretation of what they saw around them from their mountain, their tent, whatever, blended with their local beliefs.

Their ‘tent’ folks.

What in the fuck are you talking about?
Your belief is that the account of Geness is a fairytale. It's not. It is the allegorical account of world history that all nations share before the migration from the cradle of civilization along with other knowledge they deemed important enough to pass down. They passed this information down from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was ever recorded in writing. They told these stories in a way that would make them easier to remember. And their true meaning has been lost through the ages until we get idiots like you dismissing them as fairytales.
View attachment 298540
Whereas you see fairytales, I see what ancient man recorded.

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation

But you can keep reading it literally or pretend that it is a fairytale because all that is proving is that you don't want to believe in God.
Info t Eve see fairy tales to tell the truth. I see superstitious children cowering in fear of natural.processes like lightning and rain.
Again, what you are seeing as a fairytale is how ancient man passed down information 6000 years ago.

These tales come from ancients located in one geographical place on the planet who had no idea what was going on across the globe. It was their interpretation of what they saw around them from their mountain, their tent, whatever, blended with their local beliefs.
These accounts were not compiled by a single person or group. They were compiled over thousands of years and passed down orally until they were recorded by Moses.
Well... a lot of Christians will tell you the "Great Flood" is more than likely exaggerated if real.
I don't see the problem here.

Are you upset that Chuck doesn't buy into your sky-daddy fantasies?
Sky-daddy fantasies, huh?

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were recorded by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are at least 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that we have lost all original meaning and you have made no effort whatsoever in trying to understand them. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom. Shame on you.

aw shucks----I do have to agree with dingbat on much of his post. ----that's me---
rosie----I have read the scriptural writings of many cultures (in English translation ------I am leaving Beowulf out) As to his allegation that
MOSTJEWS do not understand that the tower of babel is an allegorical
midrash on the migration from Mesopotamia----of course---MOST jews never
read it-----just as most Christians never read the NT. Actual talmudists are
kinda sophisticated on that story----that is lots of content to that story
Only a idiot would believe the story of Noahs ark is an actual event. Its simply a story to explain the survival of mankind in the region of a flood that occurred and is mentioned in most ancient civilizations.

butterfly is kinda right-------thus proving that even a broken clock is accurate twice----sorta

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