NBC and the rest of the commie media left wing apparatus praising Obama's Cuba "accomplishment."

Exactly what has he accomplished? First president to visit that island since Coolidge.

What, did Cuba free the dissidents and falsely imprisoned and admit their blatant violations of human rights?

Well, did they?

What exactly did he accomplish other than appeasing a tyrannical government?

I was about the ask the same thing. Is this another Nobel prize for doing nothing?
Great diplomacy by our President

I see a second Nobel Prize on the horizon

Another stupid mindless pawn who proves that the democrat voters are nothing but bloviated arrogant robots who are nothing but hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing.


Historic visit by the Obama family

Democrats Mending fences instead of Republicans erecting them

Wonder how the dozens of Cubans who were arrested and jailed just prior to the Obama visit for protesting against the Cuban government feel about the "historic" nature of that visit? Gee, wonder if Barry would have been able to take his little grandstanding tour if one of the stipulations on his coming was that the authorities wouldn't arrest anyone speaking their minds while he was there?
these Obozo supporters don't care that he just spit all over JFK, who dealt with Cuba and his own party, who since jfk has stood with the country on the embargo of Cuba. but you see, that Obama doesn't care what anyone of US THINKS or want's. everything is what HE WANTS, so he just does whatever the fxxk he wants " because he has the MEDIA in his back pocket " who will write up his "screw America tours" as being something HISTORIC and if it embarrasses us and our country, he doesn't give a shit.

It just shows how far left the party has moved. JFK would be hated and reviled by today’s DNC. A tax cutting anti-Communist who not only said that America is the greatest nation on Earth, but started the moon program to prove it.
dumb ass, post the site. not the dept.

Like everyone needs to take your comment as truth?
Not even.
State your sources!

Where is your source of information?

the only thing fake here is you.pissant.

:rofl: re Russia.

so why can we go to Vietnam, loser?
For a few reasons.
1. Vietnam is embracing Capitalism now (which means they invaded for a useless cause)
2. Vietnam is no longer violating basic human rights.
What do you mean source? I've been there and you can search the State Dept travel advisories if you want.
I said State Dept, ignoramous. Learn to read.
dumb ass, post the site. not the dept.

Like everyone needs to take your comment as truth?
Not even.
State your sources!

Where is your source of information?

For a few reasons.
1. Vietnam is embracing Capitalism now (which means they invaded for a useless cause)
2. Vietnam is no longer violating basic human rights.
What do you mean source? I've been there and you can search the State Dept travel advisories if you want.
I said State Dept, ignoramous. Learn to read.
Dumbass, do your own homework.

If I do your work for you, you going to kiss my ass when I show how ignorant and stupid you are?
Check out the statistics and what has happened to the country in the past 30 yrs with voodoo economic.
Dumb ass
Learn to quote. I was alive and operating my business 30 years ago and don't need an internet tard to revise my history.

After 30 yrs of trickle down economics still hasn't sunk into many.
You can't even quote a post but you're an economics expert? And it's Reagan's fault?

You've had too many boilermakers.

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