NBC and the rest of the commie media left wing apparatus praising Obama's Cuba "accomplishment."

The comment was comparing the post you made to "the donald" someone you would back before Hillary. That is so easy to see.
So if you look in the mirror you do see dull-witted fool every day.

I've never made such a post. You are simply a liar, as is the norm for leftists.

If it is a Trump - Hilliary contest, I will vote for Gary Johnson.

I do acknowledge that Trump will win, but that is not support, just acknowledgement of reality.
After 30 yrs of trickle down economics still hasn't sunk into many.

The answer is to bring back good paying jobs to the American middle class. Then you see we have another dilemma. It means raising the pay for American workers and they might organize again. Which is what this country needs.
So, paying for goods at a cheaper rate is at the expense of those workers being exploited by corporations.
Hence, which do you opt for, better paying jobs here or exploiting workers?
With a better economy we all have more to spend. But the evidence is in that liberalism has the opposite effect. Trying to manhandle it with even more regs is a liberal solution, guaranteed to fail.
Try 57 years of trickle down economics, ignoramous. JFK lowered taxes to stimulate the economy.
But you're a Leftard, so you're too stupid to know that fact.
After 30 yrs of trickle down economics still hasn't sunk into many.

The answer is to bring back good paying jobs to the American middle class. Then you see we have another dilemma. It means raising the pay for American workers and they might organize again. Which is what this country needs.
So, paying for goods at a cheaper rate is at the expense of those workers being exploited by corporations.
Hence, which do you opt for, better paying jobs here or exploiting workers?
With a better economy we all have more to spend. But the evidence is in that liberalism has the opposite effect. Trying to manhandle it with even more regs is a liberal solution, guaranteed to fail.
Try 57 years of trickle down economics, ignoramous. JFK lowered taxes to stimulate the economy.
But you're a Leftard, so you're too stupid to know that fact.
JFK lowered the highest tax rate to 70%

Want to go back there?
After 30 yrs of trickle down economics still hasn't sunk into many.

The answer is to bring back good paying jobs to the American middle class. Then you see we have another dilemma. It means raising the pay for American workers and they might organize again. Which is what this country needs.
So, paying for goods at a cheaper rate is at the expense of those workers being exploited by corporations.
Hence, which do you opt for, better paying jobs here or exploiting workers?
With a better economy we all have more to spend. But the evidence is in that liberalism has the opposite effect. Trying to manhandle it with even more regs is a liberal solution, guaranteed to fail.
Try 57 years of trickle down economics, ignoramous. JFK lowered taxes to stimulate the economy.
But you're a Leftard, so you're too stupid to know that fact.
JFK lowered the highest tax rate to 70%

Want to go back there?
If you really think people didn't take the countless deductions and actually paid the 70%, I have some bridges to sell you.
Exactly what has he accomplished? First president to visit that island since Coolidge.

What, did Cuba free the dissidents and falsely imprisoned and admit their blatant violations of human rights?

Well, did they?

What exactly did he accomplish other than appeasing a tyrannical government?
No change without discussion. Even the most ignorant of morons know that.
You can't even quote a post but you're an economics expert? And it's Reagan's fault?

You've had too many boilermakers.

Boiler makers don't cause that much brain damage. His liver would have had to be transplanted twice already. I think his problem is huffing spray paint.

Again when Bush was in office the left were wailing about how we shouldn't be doing, Nation building around the world. But with Obama, it's ok that he goes cozying up to all those considered our enemy's. They like Obama himself, believe if Iran, Castro, etc, they just see him as the Messiah , the ONE sent down from the heavens above, they will fall on their knees and spew we want some of that HOPE and Change.
or like Iran they said, forget that Hope we just want the change you can give us,
Exactly what has he accomplished? First president to visit that island since Coolidge.

What, did Cuba free the dissidents and falsely imprisoned and admit their blatant violations of human rights?

Well, did they?

What exactly did he accomplish other than appeasing a tyrannical government?

Like I said in another thread...he is there at the bidding of the wealthiest investors who would like nothing else but to open up a new market, including ultra-cheap laborers who work for $20 a month... 90 MILES AWAY FROM OUR BORDER...it doesn't get any better than that for investors to make another buck off of slave labor.
The Cuban govt. has absolutely ZERO intention of changing anything, they want more money....your money.
these Obozo supporters don't care that he just spit all over JFK, who dealt with Cuba and his own party, who since jfk has stood with the country on the embargo of Cuba. but you see, that Obama doesn't care what anyone of US THINKS or want's. everything is what HE WANTS, so he just does whatever the fxxk he wants " because he has the MEDIA in his back pocket " who will write up his "screw America tours" as being something HISTORIC and if it embarrasses us and our country, he doesn't give a shit.
And Castro stiffed Obammy at the airport. Classic


He did. The committed here and elsewhere try and make nothing of that - but the message was clear - "he comes to me, not the other way around".

Castro did to Obama what Obama did to Bibi.

Seriously, what a slap in the face. Obama don't even blush at the turned backs on him

these Obozo supporters don't care that he just spit all over JFK, who dealt with Cuba and his own party, who since jfk has stood with the country on the embargo of Cuba. but you see, that Obama doesn't care what anyone of US THINKS or want's. everything is what HE WANTS, so he just does whatever the fxxk he wants " because he has the MEDIA in his back pocket " who will write up his "screw America tours" as being something HISTORIC and if it embarrasses us and our country, he doesn't give a shit.
Somebody broke out the box of crayons and scrap paper early today. LOL.

Meanwhile, 69,011 posts later, we are still waiting for just one of them to make a little sense.

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