NBC and the rest of the commie media left wing apparatus praising Obama's Cuba "accomplishment."

When has China, when has Vietnam, when has Saudi Arabia?
Do we trade with them?
Really, you are upset over Cuba because????

Exactly what has he accomplished? First president to visit that island since Coolidge.

What, did Cuba free the dissidents and falsely imprisoned and admit their blatant violations of human rights?

Well, did they?

What exactly did he accomplish other than appeasing a tyrannical government?
Try finding out all of the other countries we trade with and have some economical relationship and get back to us. Specifically those that have human rights troubles.

Cultural mccarthyism from the far right on display.
Do you or any of your types who obviously do not care about human rights, ever have anything to say that is original?

McCarthysm!!!! McCarthysm!!!! McCarthysm!!!! McCarthysm!!!! McCarthysm!!!! McCarthysm!!!!

Oh, are you going to list all of the things that have been accomplished as reported by the commies on NBC? Cause they are claiming he accomplished so much.

Well, the reason why there has been no visit of an American president is because of the well documented violations of human rights.

Has Cuba even admitted to any of it, let alone set the political prisoners free that are falsely imprisoned?

Not that a loser fucking useless goddamn moron like you cares.

I will be waiting for that long list of accomplishments.

McCarthysm!!!! McCarthysm!!!! McCarthysm!!!! McCarthysm!!!! McCarthysm!!!!

Conservative America....still fighting the last vestiges of the Cold War
why is it ok that we go to Vietnam where our citizens were tortured and 50,000 of our troops were killed, but not to cuba?

why can we go to Russia but not cuba?

Psst. Mz. Fakejew, the USSR fell. (Don't you remember mourning it?) Russia is not our enemy.

Cuba is. Well, Cuba is the enemy of America, clearly not YOUR enemy.

the only thing fake here is you.pissant.

:rofl: re Russia.

so why can we go to Vietnam, loser?
Maybe they should ask a few Cubans...
9 Cuban migrants die trying to reach US, 18 others rescued | Fox News

"The Coast Guard has observed a steady increase in illegal maritime migration attempts from Cuba to the southeastern U.S. since the U.S. announcement of normalized diplomatic relations with Cuba in December 2014," the Coast Guard said in a press release. Last month, 269 Cuban migrants attempted to reach U.S. shores and about 2,420 have tried to reach the United States by sea since last October.
Why should we let communist Cuba refugees into America? Communism is a religion of hate. Cuba is the enemy of America. Cubans burn American flags and chant anti-US slogans.
Are the left wingers on here saying we should also stop trade with China and other countries who violate human rights?

I am all for it. Is that what they are saying, or are they being hypocrites again?
Great diplomacy by our President

I see a second Nobel Prize on the horizon

Another stupid mindless pawn who proves that the democrat voters are nothing but bloviated arrogant robots who are nothing but hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing.


Historic visit by the Obama family

Democrats Mending fences instead of Republicans erecting them

When you talk about increasing trade, this is the way it works. A new market 90 miles away from the US is going to be opened up slowly. It will become a trading partner with us over time. They will buy our products, they will welcome our tourists. We will buy their products and welcome their tourists…

Not sure why the goons who support trade for Mr. Trump will not recognize that? Oh, wait, I forgot. Their cheering of trade is contingent on us “sticking it” to some foreigner somewhere. They don’t/can’t/won’t understand a win/win proposition.
We are pointing out the hypocrisy and bigotry of those on the right. Those making a such a political problem about normalizing the relationship between the USA and Cuba.
Your comments are about his and this only.
So, write your Congress person and representative and tell them you believe the US and the corporations in this country must not trade with any country that violates human rights.
See! It's so simple.
They real hypocrites are the conservatives.

Are the left wingers on here saying we should also stop trade with China and other countries who violate human rights?

I am all for it. Is that what they are saying, or are they being hypocrites again?

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