NBC calls PA race for Dem

-I am a Christian.
-I personally abhor abortion but do not feel that Government should be in the business of dictating to women a very personal decision
- I own guns and am a hunter
-I am against ballooning deficits
-I do not approve of the gay lifestyle, but do not think anyone should discriminated against and they should he respected

And yet....

-I have a disdain for hypocrites...such as the GOP who preach "pay as you go" until they are in power and then decide it really doesn't matter and they give 80% of a tax cut to the wealthy
-I feel the Republican party is and will always be for the wealthy and affluent
-I would like to see a single payer health care system here like all other developed country
-I want to see reasonable gun laws that rid the country of assault weapons....while maintaining a citizens right to own a gun

I am a moderate....always have been.
I’m thinking about nominating you for the first village idiot award. It’ll be the first award you’ve ever won.
JimH's standards are moderate, and your comments are loony, tycho.
I'm not here often enough to know much about the regulars.
That said... I've been around long enough to know you're an idiot. I also know JimH52 isn't much dumber than you.

"How long will this even be a district?" is the stupidest statement so far.

This was in Trump country. No matter the shape of the new district, it will be blood red GOP country.

It’s gone in November. Like 8 months. It’s a shot in the arm for sure, but really meaningless for anything other then a hate trump circle jerk. Likely won’t even be news after Friday. Y’all will be back to fantasizing about who Trump is having sex with.
Pretend Laccone won...what would you be saying then?

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-I am a Christian.
-I personally abhor abortion but do not feel that Government should be in the business of dictating to women a very personal decision
- I own guns and am a hunter
-I am against ballooning deficits
-I do not approve of the gay lifestyle, but do not think anyone should discriminated against and they should he respected

And yet....

-I have a disdain for hypocrites...such as the GOP who preach "pay as you go" until they are in power and then decide it really doesn't matter and they give 80% of a tax cut to the wealthy
-I feel the Republican party is and will always be for the wealthy and affluent
-I would like to see a single payer health care system here like all other developed country
-I want to see reasonable gun laws that rid the country of assault weapons....while maintaining a citizens right to own a gun

I am a moderate....always have been.
I’m thinking about nominating you for the first village idiot award. It’ll be the first award you’ve ever won.
JimH's standards are moderate, and your comments are loony, tycho.
I'm not here often enough to know much about the regulars.
That said... I've been around long enough to know you're an idiot. I also know JimH52 isn't much dumber than you.


A real laugh from a Trumpster.....
Well Congrats to the Dims. You are one more vote towards impeachment.

Welcome President Pence!


Be careful what you wish for Dims.
As much as I dislike Pence, I at least think he is capable

Trump is mentally and intelectually unsuited for the job

No thank you!

I would rather have it where you have Pelosi\Reid\Bush type of nonsense which mean Pelosi\Shumer\Trump.

Trump is a Democrat faking the GOP game and doing poorly...
So why do practically all Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives love and defend him so much? How do you explain that,

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Democrat Conor Lamb apparent winner in PA vote: NBC

How embarrassing....trump runs up there...drops the SOB word and tells everyone how great he is.....and THE GOP STILL LOSES!

This is more of an embarrassment for the far left as he ran as a conservative and you far left drones backed him because of the (D) behind his name.

This just proves that Hilary was a horrid candidate nd those with a brain knew that.

Another nail in the coffin for the far left religion, even the (D) party is starting to realize the far left religion is not good for anyone.
"How long will this even be a district?" is the stupidest statement so far.

This was in Trump country. No matter the shape of the new district, it will be blood red GOP country.

It’s gone in November. Like 8 months. It’s a shot in the arm for sure, but really meaningless for anything other then a hate trump circle jerk. Likely won’t even be news after Friday. Y’all will be back to fantasizing about who Trump is having sex with.
Pretend Laccone won...what would you be saying then?

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If It was this close and the DNC had all the voting machines impounded I would say the same thing. That it will be decided in court.
Democrat Conor Lamb apparent winner in PA vote: NBC

How embarrassing....trump runs up there...drops the SOB word and tells everyone how great he is.....and THE GOP STILL LOSES!

This is more of an embarrassment for the far left as he ran as a conservative and you far left drones backed him because of the (D) behind his name.

This just proves that Hilary was a horrid candidate nd those with a brain knew that.

Another nail in the coffin for the far left religion, even the (D) party is starting to realize the far left religion is not good for anyone.

Not really...it just shows the Democrats have a large tent....next...
Not really. All union bashing aside, they do good shit for their folks. Cops for instance, or folks who work high tension power lines. If it weren't for unions you would have Juan Beener working the power grid for $6.50 an hour.
Industrial unions are great. Too bad Democratic Party abandoned them.

Dems did, Rethugs never supported them!
Dems did? Like Bill Clinton signing NAFTA?

Raygun' s wet dream!
Reagan won union vote in 1980 and 1984. Why?

We are 37 years past 1980. I choose not to live in the past.
The Dems can win in the House if they don't run those batshit crazy snowflakes outside of their traditional shitholes. That's what they did in PA. The Senate is not even in play.

Just so you know, we badly need new Leadership in the House.

Coner ran on that,too.

I knew when it was time for me to retire.
That did not stop Unions and members coming home this time.

And the young are asking for Union protection.

I hope you are right about the youngsters, because otherwise the future looks bleak for unions!

Not really. All union bashing aside, they do good shit for their folks. Cops for instance, or folks who work high tension power lines. If it weren't for unions you would have Juan Beener working the power grid for $6.50 an hour.
Industrial unions are great. Too bad Democratic Party abandoned them.

Dems did, Rethugs never supported them!
Dems did? Like Bill Clinton signing NAFTA?

That bill was created by the man in your Avatar. Clinton signed it, admitted it was a mistake.
Dems can't run on their party's platform, they have to pretend they're something else
What does it say to you that the "fake" was so easily able to defeat the "real?"

Remember...this is your premise we're working from.

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Dems, pro-gun, pro-America, at least when they're running for Congress

More tired,old talking points.

Obama was right when he said the people in Pa. held on to their Bible and guns.

They seem to have smartened up since they witnessed Trump and his cronies in action.
Have all the votes finally been counted?
Yes, the absentee ballots were counted the night of the election.

CNN was allowed in to see them sorting, counting on the big machines, then giving the total. They made sure all was counted.

The next morning there were 200 from one District that had not turned theirs in yet. Would not change the race as it was 647.

If you wonder why I am so interested, I worked the polls for years.
Have all the votes finally been counted?

they were counted last night.
They were still being counted this morning.

not that I heard. what was going on this morning is that the lawyers were yelling that they didn't get to supervise the count of absentee ballots.
The absentee votes weren't counted when the democrat started claiming victory.

Hillary made that same mistake when she thought she beat Trump. :)

Wrong, I watched them count them on CNN.
Have all the votes finally been counted?

they were counted last night.
They were still being counted this morning.

not that I heard. what was going on this morning is that the lawyers were yelling that they didn't get to supervise the count of absentee ballots.
The absentee votes weren't counted when the democrat started claiming victory.

Hillary made that same mistake when she thought she beat Trump. :)

Wrong, I watched them count them on CNN.

You go Maryanne!
Did you see where Trump tried to take credit for Lamb winning? Trump said that Lamb won because he adopted Trump's views.

If that's the case, then why the hell did Trump waste his and everyone elses time by holding a rally designed to support the Republican?

Oh..............wait..............that's right.................Trump spent the whole rally for the GOP candidate speaking about himself.
Did you see where Trump tried to take credit for Lamb winning? Trump said that Lamb won because he adopted Trump's views.

If that's the case, then why the hell did Trump waste his and everyone elses time by holding a rally designed to support the Republican?

Oh..............wait..............that's right.................Trump spent the whole rally for the GOP candidate speaking about himself.

Yes! Trump said Lamb liked Trump and agreed with him on everything.

Problem is, Lamb did not agree with anything Trump and his flunkies have done.

Then the whole bunch came out and repeated the same lie.

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