Nbc Host: Obama On The Verge ‘of Doing Jimmy Carter-like Damage’ To The Democratic Party

NBC Host: Obama On The Verge ‘Of Doing Jimmy Carter-Like Damage’ To The Democratic Party

How? Why? What fucking damage did Jimmy Carter do in the first place?

Conservatards, name ONE thing bad that Jimmy Carter did during his presidency.

14,8% inflation rate and 18% interest rate, and a MISERY INDEX...need more like Iran hostages?

Did Jimmy Carter:
  • Completely control the economy?
  • Personally set the interest rate at the Federal Reserve?
  • Decide who every business in the country hired?
  • Tell Iran to take any Americans hostage?

If not, I fail to see how any of those things are at all relevant, even assuming they are true.

The pundits tell us the obomanation does! Look how they cheer him when the stock market goes up.... HE BUILT THAT!!!!!

So you're saying that President Obama is personally responsible for every success we see in America today, as long as Jimmy Carter is responsible for a few failures back in his time?

Deal. I can live with that. Welcome to the Democratic Party.
Carter supported Ayatollah Khomeini in the revolution to depose the Shah. That's what led to Iran becoming run by lunatics and the hostage crisis.

Carter put price controls on gasoline that led to massive shortages and rationing.
Economy is doing quite well, Obamacare is working, unemployment is down

Hardly Jimmy Carter.....actually, better than Reagan
What is the actual unemployment rate? It is not at 6%.More like 12%. Obamadhi doesn't count people who have stopped looking for work.
NBC Host: Obama On The Verge ‘Of Doing Jimmy Carter-Like Damage’ To The Democratic Party

How? Why? What fucking damage did Jimmy Carter do in the first place?

Conservatards, name ONE thing bad that Jimmy Carter did during his presidency.

I can name more than one, LM. He was weak with Iran which led to our people being held hostage over there for over a year. They weren't released until Reagan took office.

This is the single most commonly-leveled charge I've heard against Jimmy Carter. It's not his fault that Iran was taken over by evil moon-worshiping cultists. The Iranian hostage crisis cannot be blamed on Carter no matter which way you slice it, but I'm still open to hearing more about how he "was weak with Iran" and how that "led to our people being held hostage".

He gave away the Panama Canal.

You mean he gave back foreign lands that we stole from another country. Good on him.

He was friendly with Hamas and Arafat and to this very day he is still friendly with the wrong people - he has repeatedly sided with the enemies of Israel -

He tried to broker peace between them and Israel, as he did with Egypt. Not being a douche is pretty much a necessity in diplomacy.

he is the biggest disgrace as a president alive on the earth today. Bar none

I knew you had some admiration for President Obama deep down.

My greatest problem with Jimmy Carter is that through it all he claimed to be a Christian therein disgracing the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A satanist I can believe he is. A christian? Not a chance!

And you believe he's a Satanist because he's not 100% in support of Israel, correct? Is that what qualifies as Satanism to Christians?

I'm very excited about that. Perhaps Christians aren't all bad--at least you're right on the issue of Israel.

Hey ignoramus, did you know we paid Panama $10M up front and $250K a year for the "right" to administer the canal that WE built, and that we had a 99 year lease that was not up at that time?

Oh , oops, educate yourself.
This is one of my fondest memories of President Carter.



The Jimmeh fought off the Bunneh.
NBC Host: Obama On The Verge ‘Of Doing Jimmy Carter-Like Damage’ To The Democratic Party

Meet The Press moderator Chuck Todd said Wednesday that President Barack Obama is “on the precipice of doing Jimmy Carter-like damage to the [Democratic] Party.” Todd’s remarks, made on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” came ahead of Obama’s Wednesday night address to the nation about the dangers of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Obama’s weakness on ISIS thus far, Todd explained, has done some real damage to the president’s approval rating.

“It’s not just him. It actually is impacting the entire Democratic Party,” Todd said. “We did some issue testing between who better handles which issues: Democrats or Republicans? Took out Obama. Republicans lead by 38 points on the issue of ensuring a strong national defense. 38! He’s on the precipice of doing Jimmy Carter-like damage to Democratic brand on foreign policy, if he’s not careful.”

Read more:NBC Obama On The Verge Of Doing Jimmy Carter-Like Damage The Daily Caller

Read more:NBC Obama On The Verge Of Doing Jimmy Carter-Like Damage The Daily Caller

It took the problem of the JV terrorists, ISIS for the liberal media to finally realize Obama is nothing but a Community Organizer and a golfer. He is not a leader, knows nothing about foreign or domestic policy and will go down as most likely the worst president we have ever had.

I was shocked at how much Chuck Todd hammered Obama on Meet the Press this morning. He started out his broadcast showing video of Bush, then of Obama, then of Bush, then of Obama....all on the subject of Iraq....and then said, "yes, there are many similarities in their positions." That was just the first blow. He proceeded to ask Dennis McDonough (Chief of Staff) the toughest questions I've ever seen a lib journalist ask anyone in this Administration. McDonough kept clearing his throat out of nervousness as a result.

Just about fell out of my chair as Todd has had his nose up Obama's ass for 6 years now.
NBC Host: Obama On The Verge ‘Of Doing Jimmy Carter-Like Damage’ To The Democratic Party

How? Why? What fucking damage did Jimmy Carter do in the first place?

Conservatards, name ONE thing bad that Jimmy Carter did during his presidency.

How old were you back then Randi Rhodes, 4?

I wasn't alive for Carter, or even Reagan.

You don't seem to be showing much life during Obama either...

My biggest problem with Carter was his indecisiveness with economics. He started out advocating for increased government spending coupled with tax cuts to lower unemployment but then changed his mind completely when inflation went through the roof. At that point he did a complete 180, delaying tax cuts and vetoing the very same government spending that he'd asked for. Then he tried shrinking the money supply and raising interest rates. What he ended up with was high interest rates, high unemployment and high inflation. Quite literally, I don't know how anyone COULD screw things up worse than Carter did.
Oh cut the Bush made ISIS bullshit. Obama owns these babies.

All because he wanted to depose Assad. He turned a blind eye to their development in Syria into the wealthiest and most powerful terror army on the planet.

Hell's bells he turned IS into jihadist One Percenters by not dealing with them!


He wanted to depose Assad? As I remember McCain was the most vocal in this, just as he was the most vocal on Libya too.

He turned a blind eye? He didn't arm them which McCain would have done.

But you're thinking WAY too short term. ISIS didn't just start a few years ago, ISIS has been in development since the British Empire. The problem is Bush came in, made Islam the new common enemy and the number of Islamic fighters has increased massively since 9/11 when Bush said "al Qaeda" "War on Terror" every few minutes, films started using Arabic music every time they wanted people to know terrorism was involved, far right parties all over Europe and the US started to use Islam as a way of being racist because it was a legitimate form of racism as opposed to blacks and Jews.

You can pretend this isn't the care. You can pretend that decades worth of history have nothing to do with this. You can pretend that Obama's policy of withdrawing from vilifying Islam caused more people to become terrorists/freedom fighters, but the main reason they willing to fight is because of hatred of the US, hatred of US puppets in Iraq, in Saudi Arabia, in Kuwait, hatred of Israel and Jews (which is age old, and yes, born out of ignorance, continued with a US free for all policy that allows Israel to do what the feck it likes), and exacerbated by the supposed "War on Terror" which we all know was a war on OPEC and oil.

So don't give me this sheet that it's all about Obama, I know you don't like Obama, I don't care, I'm asking you to be OBJECTIVE, could you try?
Oh cut the Bush made ISIS bullshit. Obama owns these babies.

All because he wanted to depose Assad. He turned a blind eye to their development in Syria into the wealthiest and most powerful terror army on the planet.

Hell's bells he turned IS into jihadist One Percenters by not dealing with them!


He wanted to depose Assad? As I remember McCain was the most vocal in this, just as he was the most vocal on Libya too.

He turned a blind eye? He didn't arm them which McCain would have done.

But you're thinking WAY too short term. ISIS didn't just start a few years ago, ISIS has been in development since the British Empire. The problem is Bush came in, made Islam the new common enemy and the number of Islamic fighters has increased massively since 9/11 when Bush said "al Qaeda" "War on Terror" every few minutes, films started using Arabic music every time they wanted people to know terrorism was involved, far right parties all over Europe and the US started to use Islam as a way of being racist because it was a legitimate form of racism as opposed to blacks and Jews.

You can pretend this isn't the care. You can pretend that decades worth of history have nothing to do with this. You can pretend that Obama's policy of withdrawing from vilifying Islam caused more people to become terrorists/freedom fighters, but the main reason they willing to fight is because of hatred of the US, hatred of US puppets in Iraq, in Saudi Arabia, in Kuwait, hatred of Israel and Jews (which is age old, and yes, born out of ignorance, continued with a US free for all policy that allows Israel to do what the feck it likes), and exacerbated by the supposed "War on Terror" which we all know was a war on OPEC and oil.

So don't give me this sheet that it's all about Obama, I know you don't like Obama, I don't care, I'm asking you to be OBJECTIVE, could you try?

I'm highly objective and very bipartisan in my rage at Harper (my conservative Prime Minister who I have supported since the beginning of his political career) my scorn at Cameron for his hypocrisy and my fury at Obama for continually interfering in the ME and the Ukraine .

These leaders of ours have taken the ME that at the best of times is a dog's breakfast and have jaked it up a notch to turn it into a permanently FUBAR'D state.

I don't need to discuss centuries of history every time we have a thread up about the ME and current situations. It's tedious to the max. I prefer to believe that others are as informed as I am. If they aren't, I don't care. It is up to others to discover history.

Now to the topic at hand. Obama et al have been supporters of this faux Arab Spring. Egypt handed to the MB was a monumental failure. Libya now has militias ready to seize control of 1/5th of the world's oil deposits and they are partying down in the US Embassy in Tripoli as I post.

Syria. Oh Syria. This has been the most transparent play for regime change by western leaders. Positively shrill in their panic that things aren't going as planned.

The spanner in the works of course is ISIS. As early as 2012 the CIA was co ordinating the smuggling of weapons to so called rebels aka terrorists and paid mercenaries with Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

The US has been directly involved in trying to overthrow Assad. So much so you have endorsed Assad's opposition who are puppets of Qatar and Saudi Arabia. On record.

BBC News - Guide to the Syrian opposition

So you see ISIS was born during the Syrian civil war. A perfect storm allowed this monster to become the wealthiest and the most powerful terror army on the planet. And until the invasion of Iraq by ISIS there was nary a peep on our side of the pond about these new rock star jihadists who were taking over great swaths of territory in Syria and preparing to set up their Caliphate.

These jihadists are very different from your dime a dozen car bombers. They have global intentions and last I read they had over 2 Billion with which to finance those goals.

And Obama/Harper/Cameron et al by turning a blind eye to the rise of ISIS and al Nusra all because they wanted Assad deposed by any means possible have given us this nightmare called IS.

Oh cut the Bush made ISIS bullshit. Obama owns these babies.

All because he wanted to depose Assad. He turned a blind eye to their development in Syria into the wealthiest and most powerful terror army on the planet.

Hell's bells he turned IS into jihadist One Percenters by not dealing with them!


He wanted to depose Assad? As I remember McCain was the most vocal in this, just as he was the most vocal on Libya too.

He turned a blind eye? He didn't arm them which McCain would have done.

But you're thinking WAY too short term. ISIS didn't just start a few years ago, ISIS has been in development since the British Empire. The problem is Bush came in, made Islam the new common enemy and the number of Islamic fighters has increased massively since 9/11 when Bush said "al Qaeda" "War on Terror" every few minutes, films started using Arabic music every time they wanted people to know terrorism was involved, far right parties all over Europe and the US started to use Islam as a way of being racist because it was a legitimate form of racism as opposed to blacks and Jews.

You can pretend this isn't the care. You can pretend that decades worth of history have nothing to do with this. You can pretend that Obama's policy of withdrawing from vilifying Islam caused more people to become terrorists/freedom fighters, but the main reason they willing to fight is because of hatred of the US, hatred of US puppets in Iraq, in Saudi Arabia, in Kuwait, hatred of Israel and Jews (which is age old, and yes, born out of ignorance, continued with a US free for all policy that allows Israel to do what the feck it likes), and exacerbated by the supposed "War on Terror" which we all know was a war on OPEC and oil.

So don't give me this sheet that it's all about Obama, I know you don't like Obama, I don't care, I'm asking you to be OBJECTIVE, could you try?

I'm highly objective and very bipartisan in my rage at Harper (my conservative Prime Minister who I have supported since the beginning of his political career) my scorn at Cameron for his hypocrisy and my fury at Obama for continually interfering in the ME and the Ukraine .

These leaders of ours have taken the ME that at the best of times is a dog's breakfast and have jaked it up a notch to turn it into a permanently FUBAR'D state.

I don't need to discuss centuries of history every time we have a thread up about the ME and current situations. It's tedious to the max. I prefer to believe that others are as informed as I am. If they aren't, I don't care. It is up to others to discover history.

Now to the topic at hand. Obama et al have been supporters of this faux Arab Spring. Egypt handed to the MB was a monumental failure. Libya now has militias ready to seize control of 1/5th of the world's oil deposits and they are partying down in the US Embassy in Tripoli as I post.

Syria. Oh Syria. This has been the most transparent play for regime change by western leaders. Positively shrill in their panic that things aren't going as planned.

The spanner in the works of course is ISIS. As early as 2012 the CIA was co ordinating the smuggling of weapons to so called rebels aka terrorists and paid mercenaries with Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

The US has been directly involved in trying to overthrow Assad. So much so you have endorsed Assad's opposition who are puppets of Qatar and Saudi Arabia. On record.

BBC News - Guide to the Syrian opposition

So you see ISIS was born during the Syrian civil war. A perfect storm allowed this monster to become the wealthiest and the most powerful terror army on the planet. And until the invasion of Iraq by ISIS there was nary a peep on our side of the pond about these new rock star jihadists who were taking over great swaths of territory in Syria and preparing to set up their Caliphate.

These jihadists are very different from your dime a dozen car bombers. They have global intentions and last I read they had over 2 Billion with which to finance those goals.

And Obama/Harper/Cameron et al by turning a blind eye to the rise of ISIS and al Nusra all because they wanted Assad deposed by any means possible have given us this nightmare called IS.


The chick in your avatar is hot, but she ain't no country girl.

That body is sculpted, not home grown.

Just sayin'
Economy is doing quite well, Obamacare is working, unemployment is down

Hardly Jimmy Carter.....actually, better than Reagan
What is the actual unemployment rate? It is not at 6%.More like 12%. Obamadhi doesn't count people who have stopped looking for work.

When faced with dropping unemployment rates....Republicans change the rules

It is measured the same way its been for decades
Economy is doing quite well, Obamacare is working, unemployment is down

Hardly Jimmy Carter.....actually, better than Reagan
What is the actual unemployment rate? It is not at 6%.More like 12%. Obamadhi doesn't count people who have stopped looking for work.

When faced with dropping unemployment rates....Republicans change the rules

It is measured the same way its been for decades

Of course if an R were in the WH, you would be posting an opposing view.

Just proof you are nothing more than a partisan dupe.

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