NBC News Reports 10 People Indicted

Trump and his co-conspirators have only themselves to blame.

Not likely. You Marxists will probably be kicking yourselves in the asses all the way to 2028.

Of course you imbeciles knew what was going to be in the indictment. That's because your fake media has been spoon-feeding you this shit for over 6 years now. But just like everything else, it will all amount to nothing and Trump's popularity will continue to grow.

Send. More. Money.
Trump and his co-conspirators have only themselves to blame.
Blame for what, questioning the integrity of an election? Asking questions almost every other candidate would ask in light of a close election, illegal changes in voting laws, flawed voting machines, COVID excuse used for mailing unsolicited ballots, drop boxes where they are not needed. If you ask me, changing voting law without legislative authority is much worse than questioning an election. You guys sure have a way of thinkin' out ya asses.
Not likely. You Marxists will probably be kicking yourselves in the asses all the way to 2028.

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‘Mr Trump’s “prolific lies” about election fraud span “dozens of specific claims” that he knew were false, according to prosecutors, despite “candid advice” from his own aides, administration officials and the Justice Department and determinations from the courts and election administrators across the country, which the former president then “deliberately disregarded”.

His “knowingly false statements” were “integral to his criminal plans to defeat the federal government function, obstruct the certification, and interfere with others’ right to vote and have their votes counted,” according to prosecutors.’


And conservatives continue to propagate those lies that they know are false.
‘Mr Trump’s “prolific lies” about election fraud span “dozens of specific claims” that he knew were false, according to prosecutors, despite “candid advice” from his own aides, administration officials and the Justice Department and determinations from the courts and election administrators across the country, which the former president then “deliberately disregarded”.

His “knowingly false statements” were “integral to his criminal plans to defeat the federal government function, obstruct the certification, and interfere with others’ right to vote and have their votes counted,” according to prosecutors.’


And conservatives continue to propagate those lies that they know are false.
If prolific liars were prohibited from politics, it's a sure thing Biden would never have been POTUS. I mean, claims of not knowing about your son's multi million American influence selling while you were VP, claiming your son actually died in a war but actually had a brain tumor. How about his threat to take our best known source of fuel and sealing our wells. What about that Ukraine war? How much we paying for that nonsense? EVs are a flop and only survive with Biden bucks. WTF?

Sorry, but life with Trump as POTUS was much better and much more peaceful.
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That the indictments were released hours before there were any indictments is proof that these are political persecutions before a rigged, kangaroo case.

False. The indictment was not released. A two page cover sheet detailing potential charges against Trump was inadvertently put online. It didn't say it was an indictment. It didn't have a judge's signature.

This was what was released early...


And this is what an actual indictment looks like...

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This massive corruption is intended to eliminate all political opposition. The current left wing is attempting to gain unopposed control of government.

They are not going to stop with Trump. He’s just the test run.

If there was ever a true danger to our democratic system of government, this is it. Every American should be disturbed by this.
This massive corruption is intended to eliminate all political opposition. The current left wing is attempting to gain unopposed control of government.

They are not going to stop with Trump. He’s just the test run.

If there was ever a true danger to our democratic system of government, this is it. Every American should be disturbed by this.

Cry it all out.

I mean weak as not being able to stand up to pressure.
Then you clearly are not talking about DeSantis.

He stands up to a shit ton of pressure. The moment he became popular and the left noticed he might be a contender for the next election they have been attacking him. the entire Trump machine has been attacking him from the other side. He has done a very good job of threading that needle.

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