NBC News Reports 10 People Indicted

This massive corruption is intended to eliminate all political opposition. The current left wing is attempting to gain unopposed control of government.

They are not going to stop with Trump. He’s just the test run.

If there was ever a true danger to our democratic system of government, this is it. Every American should be disturbed by this.
Exactly. Trump is the example.
Of course you imbeciles knew what was going to be in the indictment. That's because your fake media has been spoon-feeding you this shit for over 6 years now. But just like everything else, it will all amount to nothing and Trump's popularity will continue to grow.

'Our' fake media, which you could not name if you tried because you have no idea what media I consume, somehow 'spoon feeds us' bullshit and yet you are the one utterly and totally ignorant on what is actually happening in the real world. It is like you are looking in a mirror and have no idea that troll you see is a reflection.
Cry it all out.

You need a bigger cup. Or something more this size:

This massive corruption is intended to eliminate all political opposition. The current left wing is attempting to gain unopposed control of government.

They are not going to stop with Trump. He’s just the test run.

If there was ever a true danger to our democratic system of government, this is it. Every American should be disturbed by this.
Yes, they cloak themselves in being 'Democratic' and the even call their party The Democratic Party. They used to represent the general 'demographic' in America but now also include the radical left. Those who are Marxists wishing to undermine our society so they can 'build back better' only, in all history their 'build back better' turned into 'build back and burn.'
Nope, not supporting the corruption which is all Trump's and his attempts, plural, to steal the election he lost.
If you are condoning what’s going on right now, you are supporting and defending the most blatant government corruption in US history.
‘Mr Trump’s “prolific lies” about election fraud span “dozens of specific claims” that he knew were false, according to prosecutors, despite “candid advice” from his own aides, administration officials and the Justice Department and determinations from the courts and election administrators across the country, which the former president then “deliberately disregarded”.

His “knowingly false statements” were “integral to his criminal plans to defeat the federal government function, obstruct the certification, and interfere with others’ right to vote and have their votes counted,” according to prosecutors.’


And conservatives continue to propagate those lies that they know are false.

Nope, that's not how it works. The idea that Trump "knew" his claims were false, is bullshit. He did not try to deceive anyone, he actually believed the election was rigged, which I still do too.
Nope, that's not how it works. The idea that Trump "knew" his claims were false, is bullshit. He did not try to deceive anyone, he actually believed the election was rigged, which I still do too.

Which he's allowed to believe and allowed complain about. Unfortunately, he took illegal steps to steal it.
Nope. The corruption was Trump trying to steal the election he lost. What's going on right now is justice.
Only the hard left sees it that way. The rational world identifies this as unprecedented corruption. Eventually most on your side will see that. Just how entrenched will it be by then? Will it be so deep that it’s unable to be cured?
Nope, that's not how it works. The idea that Trump "knew" his claims were false, is bullshit. He did not try to deceive anyone, he actually believed the election was rigged, which I still do too.
Of course he believed it.
Only the hard left sees it that way. The rational world identifies this as unprecedented corruption. Eventually most on your side will see that. Just how entrenched will it be by then? Will it be so deep that it’s unable to be cured?

Nope. A majority believe Trump should be charged. 52% think he should be while 39% think he shouldn't.

'Our' fake media, which you could not name if you tried because you have no idea what media I consume, somehow 'spoon feeds us' bullshit and yet you are the one utterly and totally ignorant on what is actually happening in the real world. It is like you are looking in a mirror and have no idea that troll you see is a reflection.

I don't care which fake media you're being spoon-fed, they're all parroting the same thing. You're not as informed as you'd like to believe, actually you're pretty fucking ignorant.

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