NBC News Reports ‘Deep State’ Plot to Facilitate a ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump Amidst Fear for Alleged ‘Retribution’ if Re-Elected

So it's confirmed Democrats, RINO's , and Deep State officials are already planning their insurrection when President Trump returns. It's total treason at the highest levels.

Hopefully, Dotard will pick someone as V.P. with a brain. He won't finish his term because he's a criminal gangster thru & thru who will be impeached & thrown out on his ass. That of course depends on if he wins which is doubtfull.

Either way we'll finally be rid of the bastard once & for all.
Democrats, RINO's, and the Deep State have crossed the Rubicon and it’s clear they fraudulent stole the 2020 election.
When Trump wins in November we will witness what they were committed to doing had they lost.
NBC broke the story about Mary McCord, former head of the DOJ National Security Division, who is also the one specific person who was found at the center of every single deep state lawfare operation against President Trump.

♦ McCord submitted the fraudulent FISA application to spy on Trump campaign.

♦ McCord created the “Logan Act” claim used against Michael Flynn and then went with Sally Yates to confront the White House.

♦ McCord then left the DOJ and went to work for Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler.

♦ McCord organized the CIA rule changes with Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson.

♦ McCord led and organized the impeachment effort, in the background, using the evidence she helped create.

♦ McCord joined the FISA Court to protect against DOJ IG Michael Horowitz newly gained NSD oversight and FISA review.

♦ McCord joined the J6 Committee helping to create all the lawfare angles they deployed.

♦ McCord then coordinated with DA Fani Willis in Georgia.

♦ McCord is working with Special Counsel Jack Smith to prosecute Trump.

"“We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.

Part of the aim is to identify like-minded organizations and create a coalition to challenge Trump from day one, those taking part in the discussions said. Some participants are combing through policy papers being crafted for a future conservative administration. They’re also watching the interviews that Trump allies are giving to the press for clues to how a Trump sequel would look. (more)"

NBC Admits Deep State Exists - Key Operative, Mary McCord - The Last Refuge

Fears grow that Trump will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’ if he returns to the White House

"Father and mother unknown".

How many national security types have father and mother unknown ?

Hm.... born in 1964.

Question: is Mary McCord the daughter of James W McCord Jr?

What's that got to do with NBC?
There's nothing that can really be done about this, but their "news" environment is based on assumptions, extrapolations and paranoia.

So if this happens over here, then it's reported as that happening over there. And it virtually always plays into their fears and rage, and they believe every word.

"Alternative facts", as Trump's own Kellyanne Conway put it.

This country is in real trouble.
So.... I've asked the question many times. Who are the "Deep State"? I never get an answer.
This is what Project 2025 is about. They want to give Trump the authority to summarily fire thousands of government workers and replace most of them with stated, confirmed loyalists.

And again, the world has seen this before. And now it's here. Go figure.

The application to work for a Trump administration is here at the bottom of the page. Check out the questions.

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This is what Project 2025 is about. They want to give Trump the authority to summarily fire thousands of government workers and replace most of them with stated, confirmed loyalists.

And again, the world has seen this before. And now it's here. Go figure.

The application to work for a Trump administration is here at the bottom of the page. Check out the questions.

Yes, and the country is controlled by "the radical left", I mean, Biden in any other country would be a conservative.

They're creating a whole fantasy world where they have their enemy, no longer Islam or the USSR, it's the other half of the country. What could go wrong? Rwanda, cough cough, Yugoslavia, cough....
Yes, and the country is controlled by "the radical left", I mean, Biden in any other country would be a conservative.

They're creating a whole fantasy world where they have their enemy, no longer Islam or the USSR, it's the other half of the country. What could go wrong? Rwanda, cough cough, Yugoslavia, cough....
Either they're ignoring history or they never learned it in this first place.

NBC News Reports ‘Deep State’ Plot to Facilitate a ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump Amidst Fear for Alleged ‘Retribution’ if Re-Elected​

Can you just imagine if a plot were covered by democrats exposing that the GOP was taking concerted efforts to block Biden from running again because they feared he would do more of the same harming America?

The New Banana Republic: eliminating people from even running for office because the other party alleges their unfitness for office!
NBC News has admitted that the "Deep State" is real.

"A “network of public interest groups and lawmakers” are “quietly devising plans” to prevent Trump from using the military to carry out retribution."

Fears grow that Trump will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’ if he returns to the White House

NBC Admits Deep State Exists - Key Operative, Mary McCord - The Last Refuge
Yes, they have and have been announcing it since 2016, they even provided a picture.


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