NBC News Reports ‘Deep State’ Plot to Facilitate a ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump Amidst Fear for Alleged ‘Retribution’ if Re-Elected

I have listened to many hours of Trump speeches and interviews. And I have not heard one alarming thing he has said. Not ever. I disagree with him at times on this or that issue. But he has never EVER said a single thing that caused me alarm that he would be harmful to the Constitution, the rule of law, or the country. But then I don't suffer from TDS and don't cherry pick phrases out of their full context so that I can misrepresent what he said.
Then you either have no understanding of or respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, or the country
If all this shit is true about this McCord skank, they should throw her in a crate of Beagles being sent for Covid experiments. Lowlife, deep state bitch. MAGA
I have listened to many hours of Trump speeches and interviews. And I have not heard one alarming thing he has said. Not ever. I disagree with him at times on this or that issue. But he has never EVER said a single thing that caused me alarm that he would be harmful to the Constitution, the rule of law, or the country. But then I don't suffer from TDS and don't cherry pick phrases out of their full context so that I can misrepresent what he said.
You are a True Believer. I would not have expected you to discern nor digest the threats nor their nature.
"“We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.
So the “military coup” being organized by Mary McCord and the “Deep State” according to the Gateway Pundit (not NBC) really amounts to being prepared to “bring lawsuits” if necessary.

In truth, if Trump should be re-elected, those lawsuits will not amount to much, and won’t stop a popular maniacal President and Commander-in-Chief who seeks to turn the country into a Banana Republic led by himself, especially should prostrate Republicans — heaven forbid — also win control of both houses of Congress.

Trump is indeed a threat to our Republic and to our troubled democracy — as he has already proven by his “Big Lie” demagogy and outrageous attempts to keep himself in power & disrupt the peaceful and legitimate transfer of power after losing the 2020 electoral vote.
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So it's confirmed Democrats, RINO's , and Deep State officials are already planning their insurrection when President Trump returns. It's total treason at the highest levels.

Sounds like seditious conspiracy to me. Where's garlands goons now?

The OP may have thought you had a search engine at your fingertips or something?

That or actually opening the link in the OP and clicking on the link to the NBC article. But hey commies have proven themselves to be extremely lazy.

This is what Project 2025 is about. They want to give Trump the authority to summarily fire thousands of government workers and replace most of them with stated, confirmed loyalists.

And again, the world has seen this before. And now it's here. Go figure.

The application to work for a Trump administration is here at the bottom of the page. Check out the questions.

Those type questions could be used by any politician. Of course in the xiden admin you would never be considered if you didn't admit to being a globull warming sycophant.

I think by deep state NBC means the status quo, the permanent ruling infrastructure that persists after elections are performed, and report to each other and no one else.

Yep and they're scared to death Trump will disrupt their cabal. If you want term limits, start with federal employees.

Well what do you expect when we have Trumptard MAGAts out there saying they have no standards?
"We don't care if he is charged with numerous felonies, we'll vote for him anyway."
"We don't care if he appears to be a fascist threat. We'll vote for him anyway.
We don't care if he's collossally unqualified for the job and really doesn't know the first fucking thing about the job, The United States, or democracy, we'll vote for him anyway.
In that case SOMEBODY has to be the adults in the room and put up the guardrails.
Somebody has to protect the MAGAts from themselves and America from Trump.

So you're saying a total disregard for commie propaganda are a bad thing? Have you seen the projected results for the Iowa Caucasus? I'm sure you'll find them very disappointing. LMAO Haley 3rd, Christi, not enough votes to even register a fraction of a percent.

Read the OP. They are preparing for legal battles

Lawfare, the exact same tactics they used to disrupt the first Trump presidency. And the fact they are conspiring with others, in advance, just proves my point.

Name one time he ignored a court decision, xiden is ignoring SCOTUS on student loans. So FOAD hypocrite.

He ignored every court decision about the 2020 election, up to demanding that Pence stop Congress from certifying Biden's win.
Two impeachment, four indictment by grand juries and his narcissistic personality disorder warrant caution.
He ignored every court decision about the 2020 election, up to demanding that Pence stop Congress from certifying Biden's win.
Two impeachment, four indictment by grand juries and his narcissistic personality disorder warrant caution.

Saying a court got it wrong isn't ignoring it, SCOTUS said xiden didn't have the authority on student loans and he's moving ahead anyway, that's ignoring a decision. It will ultimately the people holding those loans that will be hurt when another courts tells them they still owe the money.


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