NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

The officers behind them weren’t being attacked because they weren’t in the way. The officers standing in front of the door faced increasingly agitated rioters and were threatened enough that they left after which the windows were broken.

Once Babbitt got through the window, it wouldn’t take long for many more rioters to pour through. Arresting her would leave the officers defenseless from the rest of the mob. It wasn’t an option without exposing themselves to greater risk.

And yet even after seeing one of their own shot, they didn't do anything else, to the shooter or the other officers.

She took like 5-10 seconds to get through, it was edged with broken glass, and she was small.

How would those people "pour" through?
I didn't see a whole lot of cops on that side of the doorway.

She was the tip of the spear and if that tip wasn't blunted the mob would have broken through. The guard felt the lives he was protecting would be in danger if he let the mob through.

There was a big hallway on the other side, not seeing them doesn't mean there weren't more of them.

You can't shoot someone as a law enforcement officer because you think some people may become violent.

Again, if that's the case I guess riot police have carte blanche to whip out the M-16's and let loose a volley.
And yet even after seeing one of their own shot, they didn't do anything else, to the shooter or the other officers.
Hardly surprising that people stop trying to jump through a window after seeing someone get shot trying to jump through that window. I don’t think these rioters are all that smart but even I don’t think they’re that stupid.
She took like 5-10 seconds to get through, it was edged with broken glass, and she was small.

How would those people "pour" through?
So in a minute they could have had 6-12 more rioters upon them as they try to detain one of them. How do you not get that it wasn’t an option?
Home defense and police use of deadly force rules are two different things. Try again.
The police were defending members of congress. These officers are more like secret security than officers on the street.

So it’s not that different.
Hardly surprising that people stop trying to jump through a window after seeing someone get shot trying to jump through that window. I don’t think these rioters are all that smart but even I don’t think they’re that stupid.

So in a minute they could have had 6-12 more rioters upon them as they try to detain one of them. How do you not get that it wasn’t an option?

If they were so bent on destruction and death as you claim that would have enraged them, not placated them.

6-12, nice range there. One window, broken glass ringing it, lucky if 2 people could have hopped through and as you saw by that second there were swat equipped police in force right there.
The police were defending members of congress. These officers are more like secret security than officers on the street.

So it’s not that different.

No, they are still law enforcement, and still have to follow deadly force rules. No congressperson was near her or the officer.
The new angle confirms that she did in fact fuck around and subsequently found out.
Is it suicide by cop if you stupidly assume the cop feels constitutionally obligated to let you attack them?
No way! The Trumpsters are right!

She's just an innocent bystander, patiently waiting in a quiet, orderly line during a peaceful Capitol Building tour! It's right there! In the video!

The Trumpsters speak DA TROOF!
Thanks for that. I never realized that the police were so close behind the rioters when the shot was fired. Why did the shooter not wait for that backup that was seconds away?

It's lucky that none of the rioters found any of the pistols that Capitol Police keep leaving in public bathrooms. That could have turned into a far worse bloodbath.
You can't shoot someone as a law enforcement officer because you think some people may become violent.

Fact check true.

And there was no warning from the officer. Nothing like "If you do not disperse I will be forced to open fire".

Not that that would make it OK, but this was just abysmal conduct on his part.

The asshole who forgot his gun in the restroom and shouldn't even have a badge to begin with.
Fact check true.

And there was no warning from the officer. Nothing like "If you do not disperse I will be forced to open fire".

Not that that would make it OK, but this was just abysmal conduct on his part.

The asshole who forgot his gun in the restroom and shouldn't even have a badge to begin with.

It was a bad shoot, but it can't be a bad shoot in prog land because everything about J6 has to be blamed on the right.
If they were so bent on destruction and death as you claim that would have enraged them, not placated them.

6-12, nice range there. One window, broken glass ringing it, lucky if 2 people could have hopped through and as you saw by that second there were swat equipped police in force right there.
Speculative and not relevant.

6-12 is based on your estimate of 5-10 seconds to get through the window. Twice that if they broke out the second window. Far more that in a few minutes.

The officer who took the shot did not have any knowledge or line of sight to the officers behind them. Their presence isn't relevant to the decision to take the shot.
Speculative and not relevant.

6-12 is based on your estimate of 5-10 seconds to get through the window. Twice that if they broke out the second window. Far more that in a few minutes.

The officer who took the shot did not have any knowledge or line of sight to the officers behind them. Their presence isn't relevant to the decision to take the shot.

Assuming they would have gotten through at all is speculative.

one small woman, 5-10 seconds HALFWAY THROUGH. and would have landed on her face probably.

Then why wasn't he on his radio?
There were more than several Capitol police standing right behind her when she was shot. That idiot could have just as easily hit of of them. He's the same idiot who by the way, left his weapon on a sink in one of the Capitol bathrooms, and was reprimanded for it.

No, there weren't. There was only one and he was on the steps at a lower position and did not have a good angle to shoot.

And no, Byrd could not have hit anyone else. He shot perpendicular to that mob. Had he missed Ashes Targetpractice, he would have hit the wall to her right.
Officer Byrd panicked and murdered an unarmed woman who was immobilized. A totally cowardly, unjustified killing. But of course, Leftist Democrats have no objectivity. Everything is about politics and skin color.

No, they are still law enforcement, and still have to follow deadly force rules. No congressperson was near her or the officer.
The members of Congress were just inside the chambers, sheltering. The rioters knew that, they saw them leaving the speakers lobby just before they started smashing windows.

Climbing through a window that a violent mob smashed is threatening behavior. That's a fact.
Assuming they would have gotten through at all is speculative.

one small woman, 5-10 seconds HALFWAY THROUGH. and would have landed on her face probably.

Then why wasn't he on his radio?
How is it speculative? If one person gets through, others can too.
The members of Congress were just inside the chambers, sheltering. The rioters knew that, they saw them leaving the speakers lobby just before they started smashing windows.

Climbing through a window that a violent mob smashed is threatening behavior. That's a fact.

It's not an immediate danger to the life of anyone, which is required for the use of deadly force.

In your conditions, riot police would be able to whip out their M-16 and rock and roll at will as long as the rioters exhibited "threatening behavior"

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