NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

Those guards felt no need to shoot, and were not even attacked after Babbit was shot.
Weren't they deck out in riot gear? Also as I recall everyone's focus shifted to aiding the victim and getting her out as quickly as possible.
It’s completely shocking how barbaric the few Americans who approve of the shooting of Ashli act ..this was an unarmed 115 pound woman literally surrounded by police officers there were police officers behind Ashli and on the side of her and yet all of these other cases where you have a “shooting of a black man “ by a police officer which by the way are questionable shootings we don’t even know if they were murder. Those cases were decided by mob justice not by any rule of law.

It's just politics.

That's all that matters to these monsters.
Weren't they deck out in riot gear? Also as I recall everyone's focus shifted to aiding the victim and getting her out as quickly as possible.

Yes, and mingling amongst the protestors without being harmed. even after one of their own was shot point blank.
Yes, and mingling amongst the protestors without being harmed. even after one of their own was shot point blank.
They were not seen by the angry rioters assaulting the barricade or the guards on the other side protecting the barricade.
With all due respect, Left? What Police command from Michael Byrd was Babbitt not "heeding"? He didn't say a word before he steps out from where he was standing out of sight and shoots her at point blank range. I've listened to the audio. There's no warning from Byrd. It's amazing that with all of the law enforcement there at the Capitol that day and all of the confrontations between them and protesters that only ONE felt the need to use deadly force and that was against an unarmed female on the other side of a door that hadn't done anything to him!
I will have to look at it deeper but if that’s the case, then it makes the Left’s cheering on Law Enforcement for shooting Babbitt more disturbing and hypocritical.
I will have to look at it deeper but if that’s the case, then it makes the Left’s cheering on Law Enforcement for shooting Babbitt more disturbing and hypocritical.
I’m not cheering anything. Getting shot is a logical outcome when you storm the Capitol.
But getting shot when you threaten an officer by going for their gun or otherwise threatening them is not?
Going for the gun is absolutely a threat.

If thousands of people stormed a building with the president inside, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone got shot as they were smashing through the last doors to get him.

No one would be surprised.
So here's an actual example of true, mortality inducing violence on that day like no other since Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, and September 11th.

This is old news, and I can't believe NBC hasn't taken it down.

But after posting it on various Jan. 6th threads and receiving no response, I figured it deserves its own safe space.

I'm sure all the Leftists here who are so concerned about justice and the truth will immediately begin to at least question the pre-conceived notions of the Pelosi/Cheney Jan. 6th kangaroo court.

After all, Democracy Dies In Darkness.

Good shoot. But I suppose if an angry mob was breaking thru the doors and windows of your business or home, you'd welcome them with milk and cookies.
They were not seen by the angry rioters assaulting the barricade or the guards on the other side protecting the barricade.

They were amongst them right after one of their own got shot, and did not do anything towards them.
With windows being smashed open, anyone could pass through them.

What other officers are you referring to?

One window, and one small woman got 1/2 way through it.

The heavily armed ones seen trying to get EMS to her right after she got plugged?
Smart move by people not wanting to get shot!

Actually shows that only one cop thought he had to open fire, and he was wrong.

an unarmed woman halfway through a broken window is not an immediate threat to anyone.
One window, and one small woman got 1/2 way through it.

The heavily armed ones seen trying to get EMS to her right after she got plugged?
The officers behind them weren’t being attacked because they weren’t in the way. The officers standing in front of the door faced increasingly agitated rioters and were threatened enough that they left after which the windows were broken.

Once Babbitt got through the window, it wouldn’t take long for many more rioters to pour through. Arresting her would leave the officers defenseless from the rest of the mob. It wasn’t an option without exposing themselves to greater risk.
Actually shows that only one cop thought he had to open fire, and he was wrong.

an unarmed woman halfway through a broken window is not an immediate threat to anyone.
If someone smashed your kitchen window, you’d consider the person crawling through it to be a threat.
Actually shows that only one cop thought he had to open fire, and he was wrong.

an unarmed woman halfway through a broken window is not an immediate threat to anyone.
I didn't see a whole lot of cops on that side of the doorway.

She was the tip of the spear and if that tip wasn't blunted the mob would have broken through. The guard felt the lives he was protecting would be in danger if he let the mob through.
Good shoot. But I suppose if an angry mob was breaking thru the doors and windows of your business or home, you'd welcome them with milk and cookies.


You're the one with the double standards.

You're OK with Antifa doing anything they want, and your Party bails them out of jail to after they burn down a police station.

But a veteran with no criminal record trying to stop other people from breaking a door?

Kill her. In cold blood. Totally justified.

You people have no souls.

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