NBC: Only 45% of Americans Believe 6 Jan Is Trump's Fault

Want them dead? That's a bit extreme.

But I have no doubt they hope they will be scared into voting the way democrats want them to vote.

Worst case scenario is one of them does get killed. It's a win for them. 1 they get more fuel for their fire against guns and trying to crack down on the people they want to. 2 they get to grandstand about what a loss it is and try to use it as a way to make it about themselves. 3 they are still in power and get to put someone in there they think is on their side.

Uh, I don't see what you guys are complaining about... You guys say that we should use guns to fight the government when it does shit we don't like... so what's your problem again?
People have been protesting at the Supreme Court for decades.

‘Abortion Is Oppression’: Progressive Pro-Lifers Protest Outside Supreme Court | National Review

Pro-life group crashes abortion rally at Supreme Court ‘to be there as a light;' plans to continue mission

Two young protestors on both sides of the abortion debate share their perspectives this morning at the Supreme Court as justices heard oral arguments on the Texas Heartbeat Act.

Why are you babbling about the Supreme Court? We're talking about the "public sidewalk" outside justices' homes (per your post #20). Allow me to refresh your memory:
"There is no federal law against protesting on public sidewalks" which, as I and many others have shown, is false.
Why are you babbling about the Supreme Court? We're talking about the "public sidewalk" outside justices' homes (per your post #20). Allow me to refresh your memory:
"There is no federal law against protesting on public sidewalks" which, as I and many others have shown, is false.

Wrong.......there is a law about protesting on the sidewalks in front of judges homes.......
Why are you babbling about the Supreme Court? We're talking about the "public sidewalk" outside justices' homes (per your post #20). Allow me to refresh your memory:
"There is no federal law against protesting on public sidewalks" which, as I and many others have shown, is false.

There isn't. The law quoted stated one can not protest to "influence" a justice. I have to wonder whether that in itself would stand up to a challenge but all the same, one can protest to simply protest.

So I ask, this is not the first protest of the Supreme Court and it's justices (the law does NOT single out their house), why has no one ever been arrested?
Uh, I don't see what you guys are complaining about... You guys say that we should use guns to fight the government when it does shit we don't like... so what's your problem again?
We should use guns to keep our rights when an oppressive unconstitutional government rises up. Don't you agree with that?
The democrats have crossed the line into actual, open and proud evil……..they just blocked the vote to provide Supreme Court Justices and their families…families with children,…..more protection in the face of BLM, and antifw brown shirts of the democrat party outside their homes and an actual murder attempt at the home of Brett Kavanaugh.

They want dead conservative Justices..so they can replace them while Biden is still standing upright………..

They have crossed the line and didn’t even hesitate……

But tell us again we need to trust them and give up our guns….
That seems to be the only logical conclusion
There isn't. The law quoted stated one can not protest to "influence" a justice. I have to wonder whether that in itself would stand up to a challenge but all the same, one can protest to simply protest.

So I ask, this is not the first protest of the Supreme Court and it's justices (the law does NOT single out their house), why has no one ever been arrested?
And they are trying to influence a Justice. That's the purpose of demonstration at the home of the Justice. Idiot.
The law says "courts" also. You then have to ask yourself why no one gets arrested even though this has happened for years.
No, it hasn't happened for years. You know why no one is getting arrested.
And they are trying to influence a Justice. That's the purpose of demonstration at the home of the Justice. Idiot.

You say "influence". How does this "influence" a judge where other protests did not? All one would have to say is "I Could not influence him even if I wanted to, I was simply protesting him and his ruling".

Case dismissed.
You say "influence". How does this "influence" a judge where other protests did not? All one would have to say is "I Could not influence him even if I wanted to, I was simply protesting him and his ruling".

Case dismissed.
Now you’re playing dumb. It's intimidating. We know where you live.

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