NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”

Oh brother... what dirt do you have on Oprah...Haaa Haaa...? Nothing!

Let's see....she brought women to see Harvey Weinstein and her academy for girls in Africa has had sex scandals. There may be more if we dig.
As for her personally, seeing Trump's face for four years will be bothersome, but that ugly cow's face in ours daily in the news for four years would be nauseating.
If the left wants to put up a black woman for president, they could at least pick one that's photogenic, perhaps, Halle Berry, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Mariah Carey, or Nikki Minaj.
any links to these nuggets from anything reputable?
Huffington Post, ABC News, New York Daily News, etc., etc..
Please provide
and this is the point. we're in a "revenge" mode and look where it's headed. we can keep up the hate and slams on "the other side" and it will continue. or we can come to our collective senses and find some common ground and pull away from the extremes.

Naw... you can't reason with the stupids on the right.

you see, Conservatism SHOULD have been over in 2008. It failed, epicly. Yet 45% voted for John McCain, even though he was just advocating more of the same with more anger!

How do you reason with someone who looks at his busted 401K, his underwater mortgage, his pink slip and the nice flag they gave him for his kid's coffin, then says, 'Yeah, man, I'm totally voting for more of that!!!!" ?
Bull shit. The left will be pushing the toxic masculinity/rape/sexual misconduct angle during the election cycle in two years and Oprah's close ties to Weinstein with come out. that is if she runs.

Well, she probably won't. But Trump is hardly in a position to be the one to complain about it.


Not only because he was pals with Weinstein, but because he engaged in the same behavior.

All you have is "Weinstein was a a party with Oprah once, and she was polite to him."
I am constantly being told that it is wrong of me to even discuss my people as a group, let alone any hint that they have interests that should be addressed in public policy.

Well, since "your people" consists of dumb white trash that constantly votes against its own economic interests, it's hard to take your interests seriously.

The ironic thing is, you want to treat poor people of color as your problem and not the rich people who are screwing you.
Democrats are so dumb lol. How bout you idiots try to put forth some candidates with ideas & experience rather than focusing on gender & color for a change.

The idiot Democrats need to put forth some candidates with ideas and experience.

They can lead by example, for the benefit of...

The idiot Republicans who anointed a candidate lacking (practical, realizable) ideas and experience.
I would vote for Oprah if I thought she could educate and slow down the high rates of violence and crime from the black community

But like Obama, I think she would make things worse
she's a bigger racist than Obama

Here's miss kindness, demanding the deaths of white Southerners with whom she disagrees.....

Winfrey: The Butler, racism and Obama

@ 3:10 of the interview….

Those Southerners who were born 'and marinated' in racism…..'they just have to die."
I would vote for Oprah if I thought she could educate and slow down the high rates of violence and crime from the black community

But like Obama, I think she would make things worse
she's a bigger racist than Obama

Here's miss kindness, demanding the deaths of white Southerners with whom she disagrees.....

Winfrey: The Butler, racism and Obama

@ 3:10 of the interview….

Those Southerners who were born 'and marinated' in racism…..'they just have to die."
not to get picky but this is on the page you reference:

American broadcaster and actress Oprah Winfrey said there was a whole generation of racist people who were "born and bred and marinated" in racism who would never change their ways, but that would die out.

it would die out. i don't see where she says they have to die.

then again we all have to die as far as i know. that's one thing about life, no one gets out alive.
I would vote for Oprah if I thought she could educate and slow down the high rates of violence and crime from the black community

But like Obama, I think she would make things worse
she's a bigger racist than Obama

Here's miss kindness, demanding the deaths of white Southerners with whom she disagrees.....

Winfrey: The Butler, racism and Obama

@ 3:10 of the interview….

Those Southerners who were born 'and marinated' in racism…..'they just have to die."
not to get picky but this is on the page you reference:

American broadcaster and actress Oprah Winfrey said there was a whole generation of racist people who were "born and bred and marinated" in racism who would never change their ways, but that would die out.

it would die out. i don't see where she says they have to die.

then again we all have to die as far as i know. that's one thing about life, no one gets out alive.

Let me teach you the word 'spin.'
Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Am I correct that Oprah deemed the death penalty for thinking in a different way than she does?

This is what she says...and she says it with venom: '..'they just have to die."
Let the Dirt Begin!
Oprah met secretly with Soros, Rockefeller to discuss population reduction
I respect and admire her for what she is, but I do NOT under any circumstances want another President with no prior statesman/leadership experience. This current train wreck is enough.
Why is having a career politician a requirement for some people?
This country needs the next President to be a quiet leader who assuages everyone, mends fences, builds bridges, and keeps QUIET. No stirring up anyone, black white rich poor left right NO ONE. This morning for some reason I was seriously mourning that we didn't have Kasich right now at the helm. He is such a friendly guy, soothing as vaseline, but he knows how to schmooze the pols and get what he needs to get the job done. Bipartisan-ly. We need that so bad right now.
I don't want any inspiration, or any big promises or anything but a quiet, thoughtful LEADER next time around.
Stirring people can be part of a leaders job.
Are you going for your Leadership Badge, then? That explains it.
great. where does she say that? in the quote from the page you reference that isn't what she says.

not saying she didn't say it, just it wasn't there.

found this:
“You know, as long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still, there’s a whole generation – I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the south - there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.”

harsh but that is how some things do change. she could have said things a lot better for her own sake however. but there are some deep rooted behaviors in life that have changed only in death of that ideal. good or bad isn't the issue, it just is.
great. where does she say that? in the quote from the page you reference that isn't what she says.

not saying she didn't say it, just it wasn't there.

found this:
“You know, as long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still, there’s a whole generation – I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the south - there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.”

harsh but that is how some things do change. she could have said things a lot better for her own sake however. but there are some deep rooted behaviors in life that have changed only in death of that ideal. good or bad isn't the issue, it just is.

Winfrey: The Butler, racism and Obama

She says it here, as I pointed out earlier.

@ 3:10 of the interview….

Those Southerners who were born 'and marinated' in racism…..'they just have to die."

"FLASHBACK: Oprah Said ‘Generations’ Of Old People ‘Just Have To Die’ To End Racism [VIDEO]
She added, “Of course problem is not solved. You know, as long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still, there’s a whole generation – I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the south–there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.”
FLASHBACK: Oprah Said 'Generations' Of Old People 'Just Have To Die' To End Racism

Here's the point: no one "has to die"....the way she says it, it means 'have to be put to death,' for a thought crime.

Unless you believe in thought crimes, and it's a death sentence not to agree with the crowd.
She added, “Of course problem is not solved. You know, as long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still, there’s a whole generation – I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the south–there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.”
FLASHBACK: Oprah Said 'Generations' Of Old People 'Just Have To Die' To End Racism

Here's the point: no one "has to die"....the way she says it, it means 'have to be put to death,' for a thought crime.

Unless you believe in thought crimes, and it's a death sentence not to agree with the crowd.
Bull shit. The left will be pushing the toxic masculinity/rape/sexual misconduct angle during the election cycle in two years and Oprah's close ties to Weinstein with come out. that is if she runs.

Well, she probably won't. But Trump is hardly in a position to be the one to complain about it.


Not only because he was pals with Weinstein, but because he engaged in the same behavior.

All you have is "Weinstein was a a party with Oprah once, and she was polite to him."
Nice photoshop.
Why does your agenda require you to lie all of the time?
Bull shit. The left will be pushing the toxic masculinity/rape/sexual misconduct angle during the election cycle in two years and Oprah's close ties to Weinstein with come out. that is if she runs.

Well, she probably won't. But Trump is hardly in a position to be the one to complain about it.


Not only because he was pals with Weinstein, but because he engaged in the same behavior.

All you have is "Weinstein was a a party with Oprah once, and she was polite to him."

But then again, Trump isn’t pretending to be a champion of women now is he?
Why would anyone think she would be a good president? Where does she stand on any issues? How can you say a person would be a good president when you don't even know where they stand on important matters? It is just because she is Oprah and she supported Obama, so the dems want an Obama sequel. Surprise!
She stands where Obama stood.
Right? She is one of the RICHEST women in the world. Lol! Aren't the 1%'ers the enemies of the dems? :D
By that very same premise, shouldn't that make her your top candidate, since the 1% are the friends of cons?
They never minded Darrell Issa being a Republican.

Issa, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, narrowly won his re-election race against Democrat Doug Applegate in November 2016 by just 1,621 votes. It was Issa’s first competitive race in more than 15 years.

Darrell Issa Retiring From Congress | HuffPost
The media is the one having a field day with Potus Oprah.
Recognizing someones ability or intelligence isnt "worshiping" them . Thats pretty messed up thinking.

Try actually reading and comprehending will ya? The comment was made that she would be a better PRESIDENT than Trump. Frankly I think THAT'S 'pretty messed up thinking.'

I did comprehend it. If we can vote in someone like Trump to run the country, we can vote in almost anyone. Maybe she would do better.
The media is the one having a field day with Potus Oprah.
Recognizing someones ability or intelligence isnt "worshiping" them . Thats pretty messed up thinking.

Try actually reading and comprehending will ya? The comment was made that she would be a better PRESIDENT than Trump. Frankly I think THAT'S 'pretty messed up thinking.'

I did comprehend it. If we can vote in someone like Trump to run the country, we can vote in almost anyone. Maybe she would do better.

There is no proof of that

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