NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

Oprah would be Michelle Obama to a multi-digit exponentiation - she is such a blatantly white-hating, race-card-jacking-off PIG, her entire existence is based on a victim-mentality, spiteful, bitter exercise in blaming whites for EVERYTHING remotely unpleasant in her pampered, spoiled-bitch life (if it can so be called a life). Why can't guilty white liberals understand that blacks are a vile, hate-filled race of record-setting violent crime punks that EVERY race hates. Not just whites.

Money sure as fuck doesn't buy happiness, that cliche is as true as 2+2=4. Even with BILLIONS of dollars that Oprah inflating/deflating walking balloon is still gripped in a jealous, racial paranoia-complex about whites. No amount of money will stop us whites from completely occupying Oprah's primitive, phony mind.
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no more movie TV or other spot lite people, the idiots just vote for them because they remember there name.
I would vote for Oprah if I thought she could educate and slow down the high rates of violence and crime from the black community

But like Obama, I think she would make things worse

Vote for Oprah? "You get a car!!"

Seriously, the only reason anyone would vote for her is because they'd believe that they would be getting free shit from her "Oprah stash."

Oprah is the queen of free shit, and her being President would only encourage the ghetto-goblins.
I would vote for Oprah if I thought she could educate and slow down the high rates of violence and crime from the black community

But like Obama, I think she would make things worse

I'm not voting for someone because the black community is infested with criminals who refuse to obey the law. I might vote for someone who would toss the criminals in prison and throw away the key.
That skin color isn't a determining factor in who they are as a person.
Then why do we have Affirmative action
Because of genealogical assholes like you through history..
So I control the blacks?
Why of course just like Oblama and Oprah dood...
Obama made blacks even more angry
I don't think they got more angry they just vocalized it...
Then why do we have Affirmative action
Because of genealogical assholes like you through history..
So I control the blacks?
Why of course just like Oblama and Oprah dood...
Obama made blacks even more angry
I don't think they got more angry they just vocalized it...
They have always vocalized everything
Actually, Oprah was able to build a multi-billion dollar company (unlike Trump who just inherited money) and she probably has a much better handle on issues.

She'd probably put together a better team than Trump has.
Did she own the first network that decided to put her on camera? If not, then she was also handed millions to start her empire.

Hey GooBoy.................might wanna do a bit more research on that slick. She originally started working as a television reporter for a network. She then took what she learned there and started a talk show that appealed to a lot of people. She then took that talk show and developed it into an empire. How is that "being handed millions"?
Actually, Oprah was able to build a multi-billion dollar company (unlike Trump who just inherited money) and she probably has a much better handle on issues.

She'd probably put together a better team than Trump has.
Did she own the first network that decided to put her on camera? If not, then she was also handed millions to start her empire.

Hey GooBoy.................might wanna do a bit more research on that slick. She originally started working as a television reporter for a network. She then took what she learned there and started a talk show that appealed to a lot of people. She then took that talk show and developed it into an empire. How is that "being handed millions"?

It was the age of Phil Donahue. She took his model and surpassed him by becoming Queen of The New Age and its attendant mystic-babble.
Racism is wrong wherever it comes from...

But there is no doubt in my mind that Blacks

are more Racist than Whites.

No one is responsible for the sins of their father.

Like someone said before obama had an opportunity

like no other to bring some racial harmony...

But instead he chose to stir the Racist pot because

he is a Racist himself....Slavery was wrong and

I am sure those slave owners are burning in hell

were they belong....None of us can change the past...

The present and the future are all we have and we

should all strive to make the best of it.

Unlike obama I don't think Oprah is that Racist...
Actually, Oprah was able to build a multi-billion dollar company (unlike Trump who just inherited money) and she probably has a much better handle on issues.

She'd probably put together a better team than Trump has.
Did she own the first network that decided to put her on camera? If not, then she was also handed millions to start her empire.

Hey GooBoy.................might wanna do a bit more research on that slick. She originally started working as a television reporter for a network. She then took what she learned there and started a talk show that appealed to a lot of people. She then took that talk show and developed it into an empire. How is that "being handed millions"?
What aren't you understanding? Someone put her on a show. After years of being on that show she became famous, THEN she started an empire. Without that original person putting her on tv and dumping millions into that show every year, she would have no empire today.
After G.W Bush I said that was the lowest the US can go. After Trump even a prostitute can be president It won't shock me.
Oprah is a raging racist. Almost as bad as obama. I don't she would claim parentage of thugs, but then again, she might.

The public will be reminded of when she was demanding that hard working sales girls be fired because of their sins, white and not kissing her ass enough.

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