NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values

America was made for the descendants of Israel ("Birthright" promises), but others have benefitted as well. Israel always had other peoples travelling with them. However, they had to obey the laws of God as well.

That was the discussion on C-SPAN this morning. That was a great breath of fresh air … most Americans respect Christianity, traditional marriage, the various historical statues in our country. Only a minority of Americans support cancel culture, BLM, the radical trans agenda Including allowing men into ladies bathrooms..

Great job by C-SPAN this morning and you could even hear the people who called into the show ….many of them praising American history and standing by American traditions and Christianity and the values that have shaped our very country to this day. The very values that will keep our country intact as the years go on.

do you have link to the actual poll?
How does everyone else feel about the Jewish people?

Anyone who is judging people by GROUP instead of by INDIVIDUAL is wrong. That is bigotry.

There are patterns of behavior and test scores and athletic performance, and it is not racist to notice that Blacks win the Olympic 100 meter race mostly...

But "the Jewish people" is not monolithic.


My favorite QB of ALL TIME

Aaron "I TELL IT LIKE IT IS" Rodgers
So I guess supporting someone who has been married three times and paid porn stars for sex, and brags about sexual assault being easy is not adhering to "American Traditions"? What does it say about someone who supports Trump? It probably says that they don't support American Traditions....
That's why it's imperative to stop the browning of America and finish building Trump's border wall. Our White European heritage, culture, and traditions are being threatened. America was created for White citizens only via the founders 1790 Naturalization Act, the first legislation by the first Congress.

The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790) was a law of the United States Congress that sets the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limits naturalization to "free  White person (s) ... of good character", thus excluding Native Americans, indentured servants, enslaved people, free black people, and Asians.
Fuck yer religion, marriage and yer so called morals, this nation was founded on blood, smuggling and law breaking not Christian values and being nice people.
BlindBoo With respect what was said and what is a fact is that slavery was a white man’s and black man’s issue… both owned slaves throughout history.
The language is very specific with regards to the role of the Black and the Whites in the future Texas of the Confederacy. It is disingenuous to conflate the small number of Wealthy Black families who own slaves throughout history with the chattel slavery forever, that existed in the early days of our country.

"the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time."

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