NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values

That's why it's imperative to stop the browning of America and finish building Trump's border wall. Our White European heritage, culture, and traditions are being threatened. America was created for White citizens only via the founders 1790 Naturalization Act, the first legislation by the first Congress.

The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790) was a law of the United States Congress that sets the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limits naturalization to "free  White person (s) ... of good character", thus excluding Native Americans, indentured servants, enslaved people, free black people, and Asians.
Sunscreen works for me. (SPF 50 +) and what good is a wall without a moat?

Seems that Act has been updated a few time since then.
OK the point is that there are black racists and white racists in this world today. More black racist possibly because of the rise of BLM and their outright hatred of European history and culture. And their misrepresentation of white peoples history

The other point is that you had to put slavery into its contacts which was being practiced all over the world at the time that it was in the United States. Our country abolished slavery before many other countries of the world did.

The most important point is the black middle-class has been crushed same with the white middle-class the middle class in general America is not what it used to be that’s the number one issue. Race division in 2023 does nothing to help solve this issue. That’s what the American people want they don’t want to see more culture wars they don’t want to see more racism in America from the left …. The key concerns now are defeating inflation, bringing back higher-paying jobs, lowering the price of homes, lowering the price of groceries and gas.

The average American whether white or black wants a better country, they want to be able to go on vacation, they want more money in their bank staff more resources. The last thing on their mind is this wrong idea that “America is racist or has a racist imperial history.”

It took four years of all out warfare and three hundred thousand dead to abolish slavery here in the US. Most countries didn’t fight a civil war over it; slavery was banned across the vast majority of the New World by 1860, with the U.S. and Brazil being the last holdouts.

There is nothing “racist” about condemning the celebration of the Confederacy, nor in pointing out the fact that America has rarely lived up to its promises to minorities.
Nah, Kookville is crying because non-white people have rights.

Sorry bud, “America was created for white citizens only” makes it pretty clear what that poster is whining about.
It was created for people who want to be here to be here legally. No matter what color.
If you are here illegally there in Kookville, then you have no rights in this country.
It took four years of all out warfare and three hundred thousand dead to abolish slavery here in the US. Most countries didn’t fight a civil war over it; slavery was banned across the vast majority of the New World by 1860, with the U.S. and Brazil being the last holdouts.

There is nothing “racist” about condemning the celebration of the Confederacy, nor in pointing out the fact that America has rarely lived up to its promises to minorities.
Slavery continued on in many countries well past 1865 including in Ethiopia when it was ironically ended by fascist Italy in the 1930s when Italy had taken over Ethiopia.

Slavery anywhere in any part of the world was a brutal thing. The caste system in India which exist to this very day in parts of India was also a brutal system that relegated millions of people to being nothing.

Comparing the treatment of minorities in America to every country of the world at the same time. During the age of slavery in America shows us that there were free blacks in America, there was perhaps more positive treatment of minorities in all of American history compared to the treatment of minorities in every other country of the world. Certainly America comes out as a top country when it comes to its treatment of its citizens regardless of their color throughout its history.

Southern Americans have every right to be proud of their ancestors who stood up for the confederate cause. It is comparable to the many Arab Muslims and African Christians and Muslims of the 1800s who owned slaves. Slavery was something that was accepted by many Muslims Christians, Hindus and Jews throughout all of history. Slavery was also opposed by people of those same religions on religious grounds interestingly enough.

And that’s how easy it is to defeat the very people who want to control your mind my friend, Black Lives Matter leaders. Who are raking in millions of dollars for themselves buying mansions and ask yourself what has these far left wingers ever done for you have they ever put more money in your pocket by telling you that white man is the problem that America is filled with this evil racist history. no they’re not. We had much better leader ship in the United States in the American past when our middle class was stronger and politicians concentrated on things that matter that respect and Christianity, respecting each other’s history we had that for much of the 20th century 21st century only until a few years ago with the rise of BLM and cancel culture
With respect that’s a very problematic post. Slavery was always a worldwide issue. It wasn’t a white mans thing

It was a state issue here, and it most certainly was a white mans thing. For example :

"She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. "

How do you feel about Jewish people?

Same as everyone else, each one is different.

Albert Einstein
Paul Craig Roberts
Larry Kudlow
Milton Friedman
those in Israel opposing Netanyahu

are all my heroes.

Zionist Fascists are not...

"WE" DO NOT!!!!



President Obama opens Smithsonian's African American museum | Daily ...'s African American museum | Daily ...
Her expression is somewhere south of sincere.
Same as everyone else, each one is different.

Albert Einstein
Paul Craig Roberts
Larry Kudlow
Milton Friedman
those in Israel opposing Netanyahu

are all my heroes.

Zionist Fascists are not...

How does everyone else feel about the Jewish people?
Slavery continued on in many countries well past 1865 including in Ethiopia when it was ironically ended by fascist Italy in the 1930s when Italy had taken over Ethiopia.

Slavery anywhere in any part of the world was a brutal thing. The caste system in India which exist to this very day in parts of India was also a brutal system that relegated millions of people to being nothing.

Comparing the treatment of minorities in America to every country of the world at the same time. During the age of slavery in America shows us that there were free blacks in America, there was perhaps more positive treatment of minorities in all of American history compared to the treatment of minorities and every other country of the world. Certainly America comes out as a top to your country when it comes to its treatment of its citizens regardless of their color throughout its history.

And that’s how easy it is to defeat the very people who want to control your mind my friend, Black Lives Matter leaders. Who are raking in millions of dollars for themselves buying mansions and ask yourself what has these far left wingers ever done for you have they ever put more money in your pocket by telling you that white man is the problem that America is filled with this evil racist history. no they’re not. We had much better leader ship in the United States in the American past when our middle class was stronger and politicians concentrated on things that matter that respect and Christianity, respecting each other’s history we had that for much of the 20th century 21st century only until a few years ago with the rise of BLM and cancel culture

Guess what? Nobody has erected statues celebrating slavery in Ethiopia, while there are still plenty of monuments to those who fought to defend slavery here in the U.S.

Your entire argument amounts to “well, people did it elsewhere too!” and that isn’t actually an excuse for continuing to celebrate the CSA. There is no obligation to “respect” those who fought to defend slavery, and it’s weird that you think slavery elsewhere means there is.


Maybe in a fantasy world. In the real one? America brutally oppressed its African American populace until the 1960s, and then systematic issues continued right up until the present. Mississippi set up its own version of the Stasi to protect Jim Crow.

No, things were not better in the past when the 101st Airborne had to be deployed to protect kids from a raving mob, simply because of their skin color.

“Respect” is a two way street.
It was a state issue here, and it most certainly was a white mans thing. For example :

"She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. "

BlindBoo With respect what was said and what is a fact is that slavery was a white man’s and black man’s issue… both owned slaves throughout history.

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