NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values

I hear what you’re saying brother there’s clearly a sort of monopoly on the mass media in America. Thankfully we do have some alternatives now like independent stations on YouTube. But that is also threatened by the fact that Google has of course censored free-speech on YouTube, they have reportedly messed around with their search algorithms to favor Democrats.

Google of course owns YouTube. Nonetheless there are still dissenting voices on YouTube and now with Elon musk owning Twitter there are perhaps more dissenting voices on Twitter.

We will have to pay attention to the future of youtube because this outlet has a chance to support free speech more and more.
I don’t expect much from YouTube, though they still have a number of independent voices who can oppose the establishment. I think sites like Rumble and Spotify offer more free speech alternatives.
Sorry, it's written in the Naturalization Act of 1790.

I see you're ashamed to be White.

It must be a fucked up feeling to have shame over something that you have no control over. Absolutely no chance EVER of redemption. If I was carrying around that kind of shame, with the self-loathing that comes with shame, I'd maybe kill myself.

Because I don't believe in isolationism. I think actively working with allies globally will, in the long run, make us stronger.

I am not pro any specific race, I am pro people.
Not being America First has made us weaker. Also you are a disgrace to the White race. You should be pro-White and advocating a better future for our race.
The language is very specific with regards to the role of the Black and the Whites in the future Texas of the Confederacy. It is disingenuous to conflate the small number of Wealthy Black families who own slaves throughout history with the chattel slavery forever, that existed in the early days of our country.

"the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time."
It is prophetic, the Canaanites will serve the Semites.

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