NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values

That was the discussion on C-SPAN this morning. That was a great breath of fresh air … most Americans respect Christianity, traditional marriage, the various historical statues in our country. Only a minority of Americans support cancel culture, BLM, the radical trans agenda Including allowing men into ladies bathrooms..

Great job by C-SPAN this morning and you could even hear the people who called into the show ….many of them praising American history and standing by American traditions and Christianity and the values that have shaped our very country to this day. The very values that will keep our country intact as the years go on.
So do we "promote" keeping your elbows off the dinner table by running internet ads, by banning chairs at tables, or just by sending offenders off to the lithium mines? Details are kind of important.
I think it has made us stronger.

Who said I was white?

I am pro America and advocate for a better future for all Americans.

Your life must be sad.
Except of course for straight, Conservative Christians, then discriminate away with impunity.
The land was secured by violence. Once secured our 'better angels' took over and built a great nation.
The land was invaded and stolen.

That was the discussion on C-SPAN this morning. That was a great breath of fresh air … most Americans respect Christianity, traditional marriage, the various historical statues in our country. Only a minority of Americans support cancel culture, BLM, the radical trans agenda Including allowing men into ladies bathrooms..

Great job by C-SPAN this morning and you could even hear the people who called into the show ….many of them praising American history and standing by American traditions and Christianity and the values that have shaped our very country to this day. The very values that will keep our country intact as the years go on.
Both parties ignore the polls and go full steam ahead toward that iceberg, which is labeled fake news and misinformation.

That was the discussion on C-SPAN this morning. That was a great breath of fresh air … most Americans respect Christianity, traditional marriage, the various historical statues in our country. Only a minority of Americans support cancel culture, BLM, the radical trans agenda Including allowing men into ladies bathrooms..

Great job by C-SPAN this morning and you could even hear the people who called into the show ….many of them praising American history and standing by American traditions and Christianity and the values that have shaped our very country to this day. The very values that will keep our country intact as the years go on.
That must have been a great shock to woke NBC and C-SPAN

Was it on the Washington Journal?

I stopped watching C-SPAN years ago when the liberals took over from Brian Lamb
So sayeth the lord
Actually, yes.

  1. Job 36:16
    "Even so would he (God) have removed thee out of the strait into a broad place, where there is no straitness; and that which should be set on thy table should be full of fatness."

  1. "The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, The place is too strait for me: give place to me that I may dwell."
Israel was appealing to God for more land. God granted it in the latter days in the form of the expansion of the British Empire, and finally America. This expansion was part of the unconditional Abrahamic birthright promises.
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Except of course for straight, Conservative Christians, then discriminate away with impunity.
You feel that straight white christians are not fairly represented in America? In government? In cooperate America? In our holidays? Our calenders system?

You think homosexual, liberal Satan worshippers have to much representation and power in America?

Let me guess....you coincidentally are a straight, conservative Christian?
No. It was stolen. This is a fact.
"Ownership" of land has always been tenuous at best. Herbivores 'own' the land until the carnivores gobble them up. :omg: The land itself doesn't recognize ownership. It accepts the blood of all.

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