NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values

That's why it's imperative to stop the browning of America and finish building Trump's border wall. Our White European heritage, culture, and traditions are being threatened. America was created for White citizens only via the founders 1790 Naturalization Act, the first legislation by the first Congress.

The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790) was a law of the United States Congress that sets the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limits naturalization to "free  White person (s) ... of good character", thus excluding Native Americans, indentured servants, enslaved people, free black people, and Asians.
And here comes the Racism which is one of the core "moral values" of the Right.

That was the discussion on C-SPAN this morning. That was a great breath of fresh air … most Americans respect Christianity, traditional marriage, the various historical statues in our country. Only a minority of Americans support cancel culture, BLM, the radical trans agenda Including allowing men into ladies bathrooms..

Great job by C-SPAN this morning and you could even hear the people who called into the show ….many of them praising American history and standing by American traditions and Christianity and the values that have shaped our very country to this day. The very values that will keep our country intact as the years go on.
In March a Rasmussen poll showed that 78% of those polled think schools should be teaching traditional values of western civilization and fewer than half think the schools are doing that. It is important to know that Rasmussen weights their polls with ratios matching registered voters and their party affiliations--Democrats, Republicans, Independents etc. So there would have been more Democrats than anybody else polled on this issue.

You killed us and forced us to move.
But was that a great injustice, or simply of fact of life at that time? Do you take any solace that millions of acres of your ancestral lands are being ceded back to various tribes? Many lament the loss of the way of life, but if given back the land would you return to that primitive life?
You know what I’m sure about? No one is as evil as you people. We didn’t go around killed children. That’s what you people did and are still doing. We didn’t destroy the Six Grandfathers. You did. We didn’t torture children in Catholic boarding schools. We didn’t kill other tribes for dancing. We never tried to eliminate other cultures. That’s all on you white people.

Uh.....I hate to break it to you, but Native American tribes pretty universally engaged in some level of torture of captives, with groups like the Comanche being especially enthusiastic about it.

And killing other tribes for their land, or to settle blood feuds, isn’t actually an improvement.
You're welcome. I'm a proud America First Patriot of White European Heritage.

Are you a patriot who is for America First? Are you pro-White who wants to preserve your heritage?
America First

The America First Committee (AFC) was the foremost United States isolationist pressure group against American entry into World War II.[1][2] Launched in September 1940, it surpassed 800,000 members in 450 chapters at its peak.[3] The AFC principally supported isolationism for its own sake, and its coalition included many Midwesterners, Republicans, conservatives, socialists, students, and leading industrialists, but it was controversial for the anti-Semitic and pro-fascist views of some of its most prominent speakers, leaders, and members.[4][5][6]
Uh.....I hate to break it to you, but Native American tribes pretty universally engaged in some level of torture of captives, with groups like the Comanche being especially enthusiastic about it.

And killing other tribes for their land, or to settle blood feuds, isn’t actually an improvement.
Cannibalism was common among some tribes in the northeast.
Uh.....I hate to break it to you, but Native American tribes pretty universally engaged in some level of torture of captives, with groups like the Comanche being especially enthusiastic about it.
Hate to break it to you but you’re full of shit.
You killed us and forced us to move.
You realize being allowed to live on land and owning land are two different things, yes?
Native Americans were doing that to each other when Columbus arrived and made them Americans

The difference was that the Indians were living in the Stone Age while the Euro’s were far more advanced

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