NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values

Hopefully this serves as a wake up call to NBC, ABC news, CNN and other far left platform which have over these past few years lost quite a few viewers. People want freedom in America they want freedom of thought , freedom of speech ….and the fact that RFK Junior was recently censored on ABC news is not a good look for them.

They are a cult

Cults don't change
So I guess supporting someone who has been married three times and paid porn stars for sex, and brags about sexual assault being easy is not adhering to "American Traditions"? What does it say about someone who supports Trump? It probably says that they don't support American Traditions....

It doesn't get more American than that.
Such principles start with authority figures. Since we were young we learned to emulate others. Be it our parents, teachers etc. That doesn't change as we age. It is really that simple. Our downfall of the West starts at the top. It's no different anywhere.
The Road to Perdition Is Patrician

What should be emphasized is how the misleaders or their bootlicking flunkies got to the top. Your own HeirHead Prime Minister is a typical example of the cancer of hereditary power.

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