NBC Reporter Wonders How Long American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around ByA Rural Minority

Liberals think supermarkets grow food. Gas stations make oil and gas. Cotton and wool are grown in the factory.

They really do not have enough of a brain to even comprehend that the water they drink or the electricity they use is not made in the city.

Republicans think Crops are picked by some Cow-boy looking White folks like Texas Walker Ranger.

In reality, it's just the Illegal immigrant squad picking crops.

Capitalism at it's finest.

Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify
I see you seem to be missing the basic understanding needed to be taken seriously. Most of those not backing evirify are in California, Washington , New York. You know the so called sancutuary states and cities.

Those who are farming, producing electricity, doing the necessary oilfield work, and all the things necessary for daily life in cities are actually working.

Go out and work on a farm. Go out and work in a refinery. Work in a feed lot. Then come back when you have a clue.
Let that stuffed shirt punk come out into rural Murica and see who feeds his pampered ass.
You mean those broke ass farmers we have to massively subsidize so they won't starve? LOL
They aren’t going to starve moron. You will.
They'll do whatever the fuck the cities tell them to because we drive this fucking country.

Yeah. Fully dismiss rural America. That'll show 'em. :cuckoo: This kind of rhetoric got us an Orange Virus.
Telling people that foreigners and cities are to blame for rural America's personal failures is what got us the orange virus.

You stupid faggots are the reason.

They aren’t going to starve moron. You will.
They'll do whatever the fuck the cities tell them to because we drive this fucking country.

Can't do that without food city dude.
Try and force them against freedom and those crops are going to burn rather than feed you.
Both have to work and compromise with each other.
Not according to your Trump movement. Fuck you, and fuck farmers.

Up yours too. Farmers feed your stupid ass
They fucking better, as well as we pay their worthless asses. They can't even compete because most of them are worthless, so out of pity we give them outrageous subsidies. Crazy.

Fine then stop the subsidies.
The next natural disaster that wipes those crops out will not be back the next season.
Farms will go broke.
No food for anybody.
Fix the corruption in subsidies and they won't be so outrageous.
NBC Reporter Wonders How Long American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around ByA Rural Minority
Not too much longer.
Do something about it.

I don't give a fuck how long the "majority" is going to tolerate it. They can't do shit about it unless they pass a constitutional amendment, which ain't gonna happen, or if it does, we have quite a few changes and clarifications we would like to make.
Let that stuffed shirt punk come out into rural Murica and see who feeds his pampered ass.
You mean those broke ass farmers we have to massively subsidize so they won't starve? LOL
They aren’t going to starve moron. You will.
They'll do whatever the fuck the cities tell them to because we drive this fucking country.

Yeah. Fully dismiss rural America. That'll show 'em. :cuckoo: This kind of rhetoric got us an Orange Virus.
Telling people that foreigners and cities are to blame for rural America's personal failures is what got us the orange virus.

The moral of this story is that all rural Americans think and vote exactly the same, amirite, city-slicker? That's a good tale. Know any westerns?
Let that stuffed shirt punk come out into rural Murica and see who feeds his pampered ass.

Hmm, like Trump the City-Boy from NYC???? LOL!!!

Who are you going to sick on them???

The farmer brigade of MS 13 Central American Guatemalans, El Salvadorians, and Hondurians etc. etc.?????

Not a heck of a lot of White people picking crops, it's mostly their "Illegal buddies" from South of the border....

No need for beaners to pick the crops if all you're feeding is the locals.
The flyover states feed the entire country. Go ahead and piss em off and you'll be on a weight loss program that'll make ya look like the Jews in concentration camps.
Popular vote should rule! Voters, not acreage, should determine the outcome of elections.

Our whole system is based in individual county votes.
Trump won 2,626 counties
Hillary won 487 counties
That's not acreage, it's all counties including the Cities.

Let that stuffed shirt punk come out into rural Murica and see who feeds his pampered ass.
You mean those broke ass farmers we have to massively subsidize so they won't starve? LOL
They aren’t going to starve moron. You will.
They'll do whatever the fuck the cities tell them to because we drive this fucking country.

British thought the same thing 230 years ago
The revolution started in our cities, dipshit

And the war was fought in the countryside.
The flyover states feed the entire country. Go ahead and piss em off and you'll be on a weight loss program that'll make ya look like the Jews in concentration camps.
That's why soy farmers are so upset, they don't need markets.
They aren’t going to starve moron. You will.
They'll do whatever the fuck the cities tell them to because we drive this fucking country.

British thought the same thing 230 years ago
The revolution started in our cities, dipshit

and was fought by farmers.

Alexandria, you should really pick up a History book.

(or ten)
Farmers fought on both sides. Cities are where funds for war come from. You mention history; pick up a book about what happened to your Confederate farmer brethren when they tried to stop the big cities from taking their slaves away.

And where exactly do you think the commodities that were sold came from dumbass?
They can't even compete because most of them are worthless, so out of pity we give them outrageous subsidies.
I have the impression they were actually given money to not grow things. Is that right?
Let that stuffed shirt punk come out into rural Murica and see who feeds his pampered ass.
You mean those broke ass farmers we have to massively subsidize so they won't starve? LOL

We know many farmers that could buy your broke joke ass.
I doubt it, but farmers get so much big gubmint cheddar that maybe you do

Never seen a mega farm have you? 2000 plus acres reaping in the cash in heart land America. Get out of the ghetto and learn something
Bigass corporate farming subsidized by the big fed gubmint and the cities that fund it. You're welcome.

So we stop farming and ranching on a mass scale since we only need to feed the heartlands.....hope you enjoy eating concrete and steel.
Let that stuffed shirt punk come out into rural Murica and see who feeds his pampered ass.

Hmm, like Trump the City-Boy from NYC???? LOL!!!

Who are you going to sick on them???

The farmer brigade of MS 13 Central American Guatemalans, El Salvadorians, and Hondurians etc. etc.?????

Not a heck of a lot of White people picking crops, it's mostly their "Illegal buddies" from South of the border....

No need for beaners to pick the crops if all you're feeding is the locals.
The flyover states feed the entire country. Go ahead and piss em off and you'll be on a weight loss program that'll make ya look like the Jews in concentration camps.

Hahaha, yet a ton of farmers have cried otherwise, stating that yeah, they do depend a lot on Illegal Immigrants.

Oh, it pisses you off that I dare point fingers at farmers for hiring illegals, well it's the truth.
Liberals think supermarkets grow food. Gas stations make oil and gas. Cotton and wool are grown in the factory.

They really do not have enough of a brain to even comprehend that the water they drink or the electricity they use is not made in the city.

Republicans think Crops are picked by some Cow-boy looking White folks like Texas Walker Ranger.

In reality, it's just the Illegal immigrant squad picking crops.

Capitalism at it's finest.

Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify
I see you seem to be missing the basic understanding needed to be taken seriously. Most of those not backing evirify are in California, Washington , New York. You know the so called sancutuary states and cities.

Those who are farming, producing electricity, doing the necessary oilfield work, and all the things necessary for daily life in cities are actually working.

Go out and work on a farm. Go out and work in a refinery. Work in a feed lot. Then come back when you have a clue.

Uh, I have worked in a feed lot, I've mentioned this before, and while a lot of our customers were Horse farmers, many of them did in fact hire Illegals none the less.

A ton of Capitalists hire Illegals, not just Farmers, but also Restaurants, and Construction, and others.

I never said it was just "Farmers" but Farmers are big offenders of hiring Illegals, none the less, and it should be called out.

Either you suppport Capitalism, or you support Nationalism.
Which is it??????
So we stop farming and ranching on a mass scale since we only need to feed the heartlands.....hope you enjoy eating concrete and steel.
Hilarity. As though there are not producers of beef and grain, etc., happy to sell to the US.
What are they going to do?....drive out from their filthy cities and kill us......good luck with that....you would all starve and dehydrate overdose and or kill and rape each other to death before you get anywhere near us......:113:
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