NBC Reporter Wonders How Long American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around ByA Rural Minority

Republicans think Crops are picked by some Cow-boy looking White folks like Texas Walker Ranger.

In reality, it's just the Illegal immigrant squad picking crops.

Capitalism at it's finest.

Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify
Republicans think Crops are picked by some Cow-boy looking White folks like Texas Walker Ranger.

In reality, it's just the Illegal immigrant squad picking crops.

Capitalism at it's finest.

Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify

Well you have certainly proved you don't know what your talking about.
Leftist Liberal Republicans. :laughing0301:

Contrary to Rural Buffoons in the Southern states, and Mid-West who get just about everything wrong, they "Think they know" more like
rural buffoons who "Don't think" and "Don't know"

Capitalism is Liberalism, by not only practice, because Capitalism sells out to Liberalism. Also Capitalism is in fact Liberalism.

Uh, I hate to break it to you, but there's by Classical definitions just 2 Left Wing Liberal parties in the U.S.A.

At least in practice Republicans are Leftist & Liberal, even if a good deal of it's members don't like Gays, Abortion, Blacks, Illegals, Muslim refugees etc.

That changes nothing, the Republicans basically just cut taxes, over, and over again, and do just about nothing else, except the ocassional war, or cutting programs.

The first Leftists were Capitalists.

I made such a thread.
First Leftists were Capitalists.

As for what Republicans are for, they are in fact for Liberalism.

Maybe you should look up the definitions, before you look stupid.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia
Republicans think Crops are picked by some Cow-boy looking White folks like Texas Walker Ranger.

In reality, it's just the Illegal immigrant squad picking crops.

Capitalism at it's finest.

Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify
Republicans think Crops are picked by some Cow-boy looking White folks like Texas Walker Ranger.

In reality, it's just the Illegal immigrant squad picking crops.

Capitalism at it's finest.

Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify

Well you have certainly proved you don't know what your talking about.
Leftist Liberal Republicans. :laughing0301:

Contrary to Rural Buffoons in the Southern states, and Mid-West who get just about everything wrong, they "Think they know" more like
rural buffoons who "Don't think" and "Don't know"

Capitalism is Liberalism, by not only practice, because Capitalism sells out to Liberalism. Also Capitalism is in fact Liberalism.

Uh, I hate to break it to you, but there's by Classical definitions just 2 Left Wing Liberal parties in the U.S.A.

At least in practice Republicans are Leftist & Liberal, even if a good deal of it's members don't like Gays, Abortion, Blacks, Illegals, Muslim refugees etc.

That changes nothing, the Republicans basically just cut taxes, over, and over again, and do just about nothing else, except the ocassional war, or cutting programs.

The first Leftists were Capitalists.

I made such a thread.
First Leftists were Capitalists.

As for what Republicans are for, they are in fact for Liberalism.

Maybe you should look up the definitions, before you look stupid.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia

Yeah great social science .
No wonder. :laugh:

Most Americans are clueless about political orientation, and political implementation.
Rural people down South.

I mean, if Capitalism is about hiring Illegals for cheap labor profits, outsourcing for profits, selling Porn for profits, selling Gangster rap music for profits, selling illicit drugs for profits, selling Abortion for profits, selling Gay marriage apparel for profit.
Why is Capitalism the solution that will bring about Nationalist & Social Conservative values????????
NBC Reporter Wonders How Long ‘American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around By A Rural Minority’
I agree with him.

When will America realize we are in a war with the "Democratic Party". We are battling evil, and the GOP hasn't a clue.

You're either monumentally stupid or mentally disturbed if you actually believe this.
Most Americans are clueless about political orientation, and political implementation.
Rural people down South.
How do you know, you POS yankee fuck? Have you conducted experiments and collected data backing up your bullshit generalizations, or are you just relaying on your hate?

I am BEGGING for another North/South war. Please, GOD!!! I want to shoot some arrogant, POS yankee motherfuckers!!!
So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners pays the least in Federal taxes, and get the most Federal aid, and complain, and complain, and complain about both facts.

So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners, wants for Social Conservative values, and Nationalism, but go with Capitalism, which sells out to Liberalism, and anti-Nationalism, anyways??????

So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners, keeps coming up with the same solutions, which got us in trouble???????????
Fuck off, yankee. Don't like it? Change it. Quit disparaging a class of people. You have already demonstrated racism in some of your other bullshit (anglo hate). You look retarded.

Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
NBC Reporter Wonders How Long ‘American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around By A Rural Minority’

NBC News intelligence and national security reporter Ken Dilanian is no stranger to expressing his opinions on social media. Last month, after the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Dilanian advocated for a change in how senators are allotted to the states.
Now, he’s openly wondering “how much longer the American majority will tolerate being pushed around by a rural minority.”... The Senate was created to represent the states in Washington D.C., which is why each state gets equal representation in the chamber. House seats are allotted by population. In recent weeks, there has been a push by some liberals to create the idea that there is a “popular vote” for total House and Senate elections, something irrelevant in the Constitution... When it was pointed out to Dilanian that the federal government was set up to protect the rights of the minority, he responded that the “premise of America” was slavery.

When will America realize we are in a war with the "Democratic Party". We are battling evil, and the GOP hasn't a clue. However, on the other hand, how clueless of the Left. Rural 'minority'? Want to eat guys? Go ahead. Grow your own food yourself. And then make your own clothes to boot. Urbanites would not survive more than a couple weeks without the 'Rural Minority'.
the Left will figure it out at some point. Civilizations fall, and it's the cities that disappear, not the rural folks. 90% of our food comes from the land that we live on, and we could easily live completely off our land, while feeding hundreds around us. City folks can't say that. They can't tell you where food comes from, where their water comes from, nada... They will be at the mercy of the uncivilized "downtrodden" they claim to want to help, and that will be ugly for them. Meanwhile, we'll be sitting back fishing, ranching, hunting, gardening, and living like the rest of the country doesn't exist.
The difference between a Republic and a Democracy...and why democracies can be dangerous. The urban areas already have higher incomes, more access to goods and services and greatly take advantage of the goods produced by rural areas that they can't do for themselves. This also speaks to federalism and the fact that large population centers should not be trusted to make all the decisions that affect other sovereign states through the coercion of a centralized government. One way to reset the notion of a limited federal government with enumerated (i.e. limited) powers, is by exercising the Constitutional provision in Article V for a Convention of States to restore more power back to people and local governments. The people in NYC can vote for all the bans on sugary drinks they want, but that shouldn't supersede the rights of self-determination for people in other states.

To address the reporter who came up with this fizzling idiocy, How Long ‘American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around By A Rural Minority’, he has no idea of rural life whatever. My best friend is an 80-year-old man who runs 35 head of cattle on land that will barely support them. When he needs money, he has to sell half a dozen or so of his young steers to the nearest cattle auction that is 50 miles away, so he has to make 2 trips to sell 8 of them so he can eat, pay his medical bills, and buy more cow feed to ensure that his herd is healthy and content. In the meantime, he has to harvest and bale hay off all of his meadows, so he can feed his herd in the winter months when the grass stops growing. He has to pay staggering taxes that go up every year because of the inflation that threatened schoolteachers in the nearby community that is barely large enough to support a Walmart store, who just stopped selling cowboy shirts of all cotton, which is the standard for the type of work cowboys use, so he has to hope Goodwill will keep its doors open so he can buy salvageable western shirts for his needs. Some of the things cows do make them have to change in an instant to clean up and get right back out there to fix the problem that made the cow mad. These alleged rural minorities do not make a million dollars off the land they inherited, and they do their best to conquer the issues of old age in some cases, hard work because all the kids decided to be anything else but cowboys so they wind up being workers in the community and education systems, firefighters, police, accountants and shopkeepers, or whatever keeps them from having to do the hard, thankless drudgery of caring for the health and well being of their animals, which they have to sell off at regular intervals anytime something comes up their health insurance etc. didn't pay for. Push other people around, this rural minority? That's a laugh. They're always busy, working 18-hour days and still have a few minutes to go help a fellow farmer with a fence destroyed by bulls on one side deciding to have a fight with a bull on the other side. lol The hard work is endless, and at the end of the day, the rural minority doesn't have anyone who profited a million dollars off their hard work, and often, if they don't save back, one tornado can rout a crop, kill livestock, and savage trees, or even take out a barn or the house.

And those who failed to save money in this expensive enterprise, most of them no longer own farms, because the finance folks had to have it to make up for the losses incurred from nonpayment due to (1) farmer illness, (2) child with terminal illness and big med bills, (3) old age issues such as dementia or disability (4) the farmer got killed or incapacitated on haybaling or other farm equipment, or got charged by a mean bull.

Pardon me if I think that reporter is a moron, and I don't even want to know his name.

Last edited:
Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify
Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify

Well you have certainly proved you don't know what your talking about.
Leftist Liberal Republicans. :laughing0301:

Contrary to Rural Buffoons in the Southern states, and Mid-West who get just about everything wrong, they "Think they know" more like
rural buffoons who "Don't think" and "Don't know"

Capitalism is Liberalism, by not only practice, because Capitalism sells out to Liberalism. Also Capitalism is in fact Liberalism.

Uh, I hate to break it to you, but there's by Classical definitions just 2 Left Wing Liberal parties in the U.S.A.

At least in practice Republicans are Leftist & Liberal, even if a good deal of it's members don't like Gays, Abortion, Blacks, Illegals, Muslim refugees etc.

That changes nothing, the Republicans basically just cut taxes, over, and over again, and do just about nothing else, except the ocassional war, or cutting programs.

The first Leftists were Capitalists.

I made such a thread.
First Leftists were Capitalists.

As for what Republicans are for, they are in fact for Liberalism.

Maybe you should look up the definitions, before you look stupid.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia
Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify
Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify

Well you have certainly proved you don't know what your talking about.
Leftist Liberal Republicans. :laughing0301:

Contrary to Rural Buffoons in the Southern states, and Mid-West who get just about everything wrong, they "Think they know" more like
rural buffoons who "Don't think" and "Don't know"

Capitalism is Liberalism, by not only practice, because Capitalism sells out to Liberalism. Also Capitalism is in fact Liberalism.

Uh, I hate to break it to you, but there's by Classical definitions just 2 Left Wing Liberal parties in the U.S.A.

At least in practice Republicans are Leftist & Liberal, even if a good deal of it's members don't like Gays, Abortion, Blacks, Illegals, Muslim refugees etc.

That changes nothing, the Republicans basically just cut taxes, over, and over again, and do just about nothing else, except the ocassional war, or cutting programs.

The first Leftists were Capitalists.

I made such a thread.
First Leftists were Capitalists.

As for what Republicans are for, they are in fact for Liberalism.

Maybe you should look up the definitions, before you look stupid.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia

Yeah great social science .
No wonder. :laugh:

Most Americans are clueless about political orientation, and political implementaiton.
Rural people down South.

I mean, if Capitalism is about hiring Illegals for cheap labor profits, outsourcing for profits, selling Porn for profits, selling Gangster rap music for profits, selling illicit drugs for profits, selling Abortion for profits, selling Gay marriage apparel for profit.
Why is Capitalism the solution that will bring about Nationalist & Social Conservative values????????

LOL...leftist are some of the biggest political morons in America.
They espouse the most moronic political beliefs in the country,they fuken elected Alexandria Ocasio Cortez fer fuks sake!!!!
She's no better than the pie in the sky liberal college students that have zero real world experience.
Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify
Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify

Well you have certainly proved you don't know what your talking about.
Leftist Liberal Republicans. :laughing0301:

Contrary to Rural Buffoons in the Southern states, and Mid-West who get just about everything wrong, they "Think they know" more like
rural buffoons who "Don't think" and "Don't know"

Capitalism is Liberalism, by not only practice, because Capitalism sells out to Liberalism. Also Capitalism is in fact Liberalism.

Uh, I hate to break it to you, but there's by Classical definitions just 2 Left Wing Liberal parties in the U.S.A.

At least in practice Republicans are Leftist & Liberal, even if a good deal of it's members don't like Gays, Abortion, Blacks, Illegals, Muslim refugees etc.

That changes nothing, the Republicans basically just cut taxes, over, and over again, and do just about nothing else, except the ocassional war, or cutting programs.

The first Leftists were Capitalists.

I made such a thread.
First Leftists were Capitalists.

As for what Republicans are for, they are in fact for Liberalism.

Maybe you should look up the definitions, before you look stupid.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia
Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify
Sure dip wad illegals are picking corn, soy beans, wheat, ect.

Leftists have no clue what farming is all about

I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify

Well you have certainly proved you don't know what your talking about.
Leftist Liberal Republicans. :laughing0301:

Contrary to Rural Buffoons in the Southern states, and Mid-West who get just about everything wrong, they "Think they know" more like
rural buffoons who "Don't think" and "Don't know"

Capitalism is Liberalism, by not only practice, because Capitalism sells out to Liberalism. Also Capitalism is in fact Liberalism.

Uh, I hate to break it to you, but there's by Classical definitions just 2 Left Wing Liberal parties in the U.S.A.

At least in practice Republicans are Leftist & Liberal, even if a good deal of it's members don't like Gays, Abortion, Blacks, Illegals, Muslim refugees etc.

That changes nothing, the Republicans basically just cut taxes, over, and over again, and do just about nothing else, except the ocassional war, or cutting programs.

The first Leftists were Capitalists.

I made such a thread.
First Leftists were Capitalists.

As for what Republicans are for, they are in fact for Liberalism.

Maybe you should look up the definitions, before you look stupid.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia

Yeah great social science .
No wonder. :laugh:

Most Americans are clueless about political orientation, and political implementation.
Rural people down South.

I mean, if Capitalism is about hiring Illegals for cheap labor profits, outsourcing for profits, selling Porn for profits, selling Gangster rap music for profits, selling illicit drugs for profits, selling Abortion for profits, selling Gay marriage apparel for profit.
Why is Capitalism the solution that will bring about Nationalist & Social Conservative values????????

Capitalism and values are two different subjects.
Capitalism brings people up out of poverty.
Capitalism brings competition, more competition brings down prices.
I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify
I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify

Well you have certainly proved you don't know what your talking about.
Leftist Liberal Republicans. :laughing0301:

Contrary to Rural Buffoons in the Southern states, and Mid-West who get just about everything wrong, they "Think they know" more like
rural buffoons who "Don't think" and "Don't know"

Capitalism is Liberalism, by not only practice, because Capitalism sells out to Liberalism. Also Capitalism is in fact Liberalism.

Uh, I hate to break it to you, but there's by Classical definitions just 2 Left Wing Liberal parties in the U.S.A.

At least in practice Republicans are Leftist & Liberal, even if a good deal of it's members don't like Gays, Abortion, Blacks, Illegals, Muslim refugees etc.

That changes nothing, the Republicans basically just cut taxes, over, and over again, and do just about nothing else, except the ocassional war, or cutting programs.

The first Leftists were Capitalists.

I made such a thread.
First Leftists were Capitalists.

As for what Republicans are for, they are in fact for Liberalism.

Maybe you should look up the definitions, before you look stupid.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia
I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify
I hate to break it to you, but for every 1 White guy in a harvester, there's probably 20 Brown Illegal guys, and gals picking fruits & veggies.

I'm no Leftist, if anything you Leftist Liberal Republicans don't know what you're talking about.

Thinking that Capitalism will bring forward Nationalism.

Here's the agriculture business shooting down E-Verify, because their Illegal Immigrant darlings wouldn't provide them the much needed support.

Agriculture lobbyists are once again standing in the way of E-Verify

Well you have certainly proved you don't know what your talking about.
Leftist Liberal Republicans. :laughing0301:

Contrary to Rural Buffoons in the Southern states, and Mid-West who get just about everything wrong, they "Think they know" more like
rural buffoons who "Don't think" and "Don't know"

Capitalism is Liberalism, by not only practice, because Capitalism sells out to Liberalism. Also Capitalism is in fact Liberalism.

Uh, I hate to break it to you, but there's by Classical definitions just 2 Left Wing Liberal parties in the U.S.A.

At least in practice Republicans are Leftist & Liberal, even if a good deal of it's members don't like Gays, Abortion, Blacks, Illegals, Muslim refugees etc.

That changes nothing, the Republicans basically just cut taxes, over, and over again, and do just about nothing else, except the ocassional war, or cutting programs.

The first Leftists were Capitalists.

I made such a thread.
First Leftists were Capitalists.

As for what Republicans are for, they are in fact for Liberalism.

Maybe you should look up the definitions, before you look stupid.

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia

Yeah great social science .
No wonder. :laugh:

Most Americans are clueless about political orientation, and political implementation.
Rural people down South.

I mean, if Capitalism is about hiring Illegals for cheap labor profits, outsourcing for profits, selling Porn for profits, selling Gangster rap music for profits, selling illicit drugs for profits, selling Abortion for profits, selling Gay marriage apparel for profit.
Why is Capitalism the solution that will bring about Nationalist & Social Conservative values????????

Capitalism and values are two different subjects.
Capitalism brings people up out of poverty.
Capitalism brings competition, more competition brings down prices.

Capitalism sells out to Liberalism, pretty much the whole premises of Capitalism is to sell Liberal junk, and other junk for profits.
Hollywood is a perfect example.

Capitalism brings about more competition than Communism, but once Monopolies take over then there's less competition, jacking up prices, and making junkier products.

Keep in mind Communism isn't the only other solution.
Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
This dude is not neck-deep in hate or anything, is he?

So, Polack. You have Anglos, hate black folks, hate Southerners, hate Germans....did I miss anyone? What other racial/ethnic group do you openly hate?

Capitalism sells out to Liberalism, pretty much the whole premises of Capitalism is to sell Liberal junk, and other junk for profits.
Hollywood is a perfect example.

Capitalism brings about more competition than Communism, but once Monopolies take over then there's less competition, jacking up prices, and making junkier products.

Keep in mind Communism isn't the only other solution.
Please enlighten us, oh genius hate-filled Polack master.
Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
This dude is not neck-deep in hate or anything, is he?

So, Polack. You have Anglos, hate black folks, hate Southerners, hate Germans....did I miss anyone? What other racial/ethnic group do you openly hate?


What have your ilk done to be liked, exactly?????

Don't expect automatic respect, for being a scoundrel.
What have your ilk done to be liked, exactly?????

Don't expect automatic respect, for being a scoundrel.
What about you ass-backwards Polacks? What the fuck do you have to offer? Why should anyone like your hate-filled, racist ass?

You have already crossed the line of no respect. You will NEVER get it from me, you miserable fuck.
What have your ilk done to be liked, exactly?????

Don't expect automatic respect, for being a scoundrel.
What about you ass-backwards Polacks? What the fuck do you have to offer? Why should anyone like your hate-filled, racist ass?

You have already crossed the line of no respect. You will NEVER get it from me, you miserable fuck.

Off topic, nonsense.

But, why are so many rural-Americans war-mongering, violent maniacs in comparison to other Whites????

Because of their Anglo-Saxon blood-lines!!!!!

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