NBC Reporter Wonders How Long American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around ByA Rural Minority

Capitalism brings people up out of poverty.
Yeah, right.

Off topic, nonsense.

But, why are so many rural-Americans war-mongering, violent maniacs in comparison to other Whites????

Because of their Anglo-Saxon blood-lines!!!!!
Why are so many urban and rural yankee fucktards such goddamn miserable, rude, ugly pieces of communist shit, regardless of ethnicity? Is it the cold weather? Poor upbringing?
And where pray tell will they get the money to buy these food items when conservative states stop supplying the commodities to be sold and the oil and gas to deliver them?
Oh. We're not talking about farmers any more? Fancy that.
Liberals think supermarkets grow food. Gas stations make oil and gas. Cotton and wool are grown in the factory.

They really do not have enough of a brain to even comprehend that the water they drink or the electricity they use is not made in the city.

Republicans think Crops are picked by some Cow-boy looking White folks like Texas Walker Ranger.

In reality, it's just the Illegal immigrant squad picking crops.

Capitalism at it's finest.
Lettuce is all picked by machines. .

Not really "All" Lettuce is picked my machines, my buddy had his own farm around these parts, and since it was a small farm, it was hand-picked, the odd thing is his farm had volunteers, rather than Illegals there.
Off topic, nonsense.

But, why are so many rural-Americans war-mongering, violent maniacs in comparison to other Whites????

Because of their Anglo-Saxon blood-lines!!!!!
Why are so many urban and rural yankee fucktards such goddamn miserable, rude, ugly pieces of communist shit, regardless of ethnicity? Is it the cold weather? Poor upbringing?

I'm not "Urban" or a "Yankee"

To say that you're any less miserable, rude, ugly, etc. than us is ridiculous.

I mean look at your rural Southern @$$, if anything you flip out more than me here, and we all saw ptfw's flip out today, earlier, he's a Southern boy too.

I'm not a Communist, but it's probably better for saving our heritage, and culture than Capitalism.

Even if Communism is worse for the economy than Capitalism.

But, that's "THUS FAR"
I don't know what will happen when like 90% of our economy gets exported to countries like China, Vietnam, Mexico, India etc. etc.

Quite frankly, even Communism didn't have problems like Illegals, or Outsourced jobs.

NOT That I'm a Communist, I'm a Fascist, the best option.
So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners pays the least in Federal taxes, and get the most Federal aid, and complain, and complain, and complain about both facts.

So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners, wants for Social Conservative values, and Nationalism, but go with Capitalism, which sells out to Liberalism, and anti-Nationalism, anyways??????

So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners, keeps coming up with the same solutions, which got us in trouble???????????
Fuck off, yankee. Don't like it? Change it. Quit disparaging a class of people. You have already demonstrated racism in some of your other bullshit (anglo hate). You look retarded.

Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
You're mistaken, sweetie. Blacks were brought into this nation by foreign flag ships with owners in Europe to make a huge profit of slave sales to people who needed to make a living. Most of the men in the South died in the War between the States, 1861-1865. After that, the slaves were given freedom, and 40 acres and a mule that were usually sold by someone who really didn't want to work cotton, and wanted money for other things than earning a living. It's a sorry story for everyone in the South, but fortunately, Ike Eisenhower, the guy who beat Hitler, went on to be President, and having been in charge of both black and white men, he knew what heroes the black men were as well as white. So he opened school doors in Arkansas in 1954, just under a century after the Civil War was fought and won. I don't know you all that well, Mr. Sobieski, but I hope you will let it go about southerners, because I have read toenail-curling stories about every country on the European continent and their abuse of each other through violence, and somehow, the Europeans in my lifespan, have knitted back together, turned enemies into friends, and work constantly on as much unity as they can through the EU. We're still working out problems getting blacks commensurate salaries, and the same for women and all immigrants who come to our shores with sincerity and only one goal--to get a job and earn their own share of the American dream, made available by Native Americans sharing their land, barefoot Pilgrims moving west to buy land and make a living since someone else in their family inherited the family fortune.

Hope your resentment becomes lower when you realize a lot of Southern and Southwestern citizens have intermarried with tribal folks, blacks, and latino populations. The laws brought forth after the Civil War zeroed in on the concept that all are created equal, and the one-man one-vote idea was extended not only to those of divergent racial differences, are enjoying what their former masters have--an equal shot at wealth for hard work. I'll say a little prayer that your heart does not hate people who are six generations following the Civil War, and they have a new attitude of sharing and caring for each other, as Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged over 60 years ago. I felt heartsick when I heard he had been shot by a man involved in violence against persons of color, because my Sunday School teachers taught that "red, and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."

Thanks for listening to silly me updating you on your history books that cast in stone American errors. We're doing all we can to heal what wounds are left deep in the psyche of those who believe they will never break the bonds of slavery, when no bonds have existed for a century and a half. It serves a purpose, though. It keeps those welfare checks coming in when they threaten the rest of us who are heavy-laden with paying taxes that are sky high and out of sight.
To me what’s interesting is that an MSM account put out such an unnecessary, extremely inflammatory, divisive statement, knowing full well what the reaction would be.

This is just more divide and conquer stuff. Look at how everyone is at each other’s throats, the city folks against the country folks. I hate to keep repeating myself, but again...groups are being pitted against each other, because that keeps everyone busy fighting each other instead of looking at the bigger picture and realizing who the real enemy is.
Popular vote should rule! Voters, not acreage, should determine the outcome of elections.

Popular vote should rule!

You bet!

You win the popular vote in a state, you should definitely get that state's Electoral College votes.

Not for national elections. People, not acreage, should determine the winners.

The people of each state should determine the winners, not the acreage of each state.
You ever try to fit an acre into a voting booth?
So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners pays the least in Federal taxes, and get the most Federal aid, and complain, and complain, and complain about both facts.

So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners, wants for Social Conservative values, and Nationalism, but go with Capitalism, which sells out to Liberalism, and anti-Nationalism, anyways??????

So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners, keeps coming up with the same solutions, which got us in trouble???????????
Fuck off, yankee. Don't like it? Change it. Quit disparaging a class of people. You have already demonstrated racism in some of your other bullshit (anglo hate). You look retarded.

Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
You're mistaken, sweetie. Blacks were brought into this nation by foreign flag ships with owners in Europe to make a huge profit of slave sales to people who needed to make a living. Most of the men in the South died in the War between the States, 1861-1865. After that, the slaves were given freedom, and 40 acres and a mule that were usually sold by someone who really didn't want to work cotton, and wanted money for other things than earning a living. It's a sorry story for everyone in the South, but fortunately, Ike Eisenhower, the guy who beat Hitler, went on to be President, and having been in charge of both black and white men, he knew what heroes the black men were as well as white. So he opened school doors in Arkansas in 1954, just under a century after the Civil War was fought and won. I don't know you all that well, Mr. Sobieski, but I hope you will let it go about southerners, because I have read toenail-curling stories about every country on the European continent and their abuse of each other through violence, and somehow, the Europeans in my lifespan, have knitted back together, turned enemies into friends, and work constantly on as much unity as they can through the EU. We're still working out problems getting blacks commensurate salaries, and the same for women and all immigrants who come to our shores with sincerity and only one goal--to get a job and earn their own share of the American dream, made available by Native Americans sharing their land, barefoot Pilgrims moving west to buy land and make a living since someone else in their family inherited the family fortune.

Hope your resentment becomes lower when you realize a lot of Southern and Southwestern citizens have intermarried with tribal folks, blacks, and latino populations. The laws brought forth after the Civil War zeroed in on the concept that all are created equal, and the one-man one-vote idea was extended not only to those of divergent racial differences, are enjoying what their former masters have--an equal shot at wealth for hard work. I'll say a little prayer that your heart does not hate people who are six generations following the Civil War, and they have a new attitude of sharing and caring for each other, as Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged over 60 years ago. I felt heartsick when I heard he had been shot by a man involved in violence against persons of color, because my Sunday School teachers taught that "red, and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."

Thanks for listening to silly me updating you on your history books that cast in stone American errors. We're doing all we can to heal what wounds are left deep in the psyche of those who believe they will never break the bonds of slavery, when no bonds have existed for a century and a half. It serves a purpose, though. It keeps those welfare checks coming in when they threaten the rest of us who are heavy-laden with paying taxes that are sky high and out of sight.

There were no Slave-ships, without Slave-Owners, the Southern rural Whites did in fact bring their being here, supporting them being here, and bringing many more new Blacks into the World as slaves, etc.

No, no, no, you're not going to win brownie points by saying "Oh Southerners are mixed" blah, blah.

As an Ultra-Nationalist, I'm very anti-Race-mixing.

Actually, I think America's an insult to Europeans.

I mean there's Papa John's or Olive Garden, or Little Ceasars saying their really Italian, or Pizza.

Then there's the Melting-Pot, which supports assimilation, and therefor the death of our European heritages.
Liberals think supermarkets grow food. Gas stations make oil and gas. Cotton and wool are grown in the factory.

They really do not have enough of a brain to even comprehend that the water they drink or the electricity they use is not made in the city.

Republicans think Crops are picked by some Cow-boy looking White folks like Texas Walker Ranger.

In reality, it's just the Illegal immigrant squad picking crops.

Capitalism at it's finest.
You don't have a clue, do you?

Anyone who thinks that's all there is to farming, and NO ILLEGALS are being hired, is beyond a Buffoon, but then again Republicans will be Republicans.

Anyone who thinks the ONLY way farming is done in the US is by illegals is just a fucking moron. Of course, this is what happens when one simply broadbrushes out of ignorance. Say, a foreigner who doesn't understand shit.

Have a nice drool.
There were no Slave-ships, without Slave-Owners, the Southern rural Whites did in fact bring their being here, supporting them being here, and bringing many more new Blacks into the World as slaves, etc.
And, they "dumped" black folks in your neck of the woods, and because you are a racist motherfucker, you both hate black folks and resent southerners, mainly those of Anglo origin.

No, no, no, you're not going to win brownie points by saying "Oh Southerners are mixed" blah, blah.

As an Ultra-Nationalist, I'm very anti-Race-mixing.
You mean, as a white supremacist, you are against "race mixing." You think it's wrong for a black person and a white person to have children? Really?

Note, folks. This is a yankee tard making these statements, not a southerner.

Actually, I think America's an insult to Europeans.
More white supremacy?

Then there's the Melting-Pot, which supports assimilation, and therefor the death of our European heritages.
Again, a yankee fucktard is saying this, not a southerner.

You have all witnessed it.



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