NBC Reporter Wonders How Long American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around ByA Rural Minority

Rural America is essentially thrift-Land, they love chopping taxes, and getting cheaper food, even if the quality sinks.
You live in Pawling. There ain't jack shit in Pawling. You are rural. Move to the city and be a racist asswipe with the rest of the racist asswipes.

Pawling's a somewhat rural, village, but it's not like you guys, because we're mostly Italians, and Irish Catholics, at least that is what the census says.

We're obviously not like you.

I.E the average property tax in Pawling is over $10,000 a year.
Not too much longer.
Think a lot of us out here are going to vote our senators away and give up our electoral college votes soon? All you have to do is get 75% of us to vote for that. Good luck.
National popular vote is on track to pass eventually. You won't hold America hostage much longer.

So, it would have to pass the House by two thirds majority, then it would need to pass the Senate by a two thirds vote. Then it would take a three fourths vote by the states. When haven’t gotten close.
No; it's an interstate compact, not an amendment. The Constitution allows states to allocate their electoral votes however they want.

It's unconstitutional.
States lack the power to appoint their presidential electors on the basis of votes of citizens outside the state’s jurisdiction and, therefore, states are without authority to adopt the NPVC
Sounds like you've been repeating that to yourself over and over.

"Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress"

95% of your state could vote Democrat, but the electors are all allowed to vote republican.
So, says the guy who wants to go to war with Mexico, because of Illegal Immigrants.
That is not about race. It's about sovereignty. It would not change if the Canadians were doing the same.

Whether it's a rural farmer, a suburban restaurant owner, or a urban construction firm, hiring Illegals is a problem.

Without culture, and heritage,the World would suck pretty bad, I'm a protector of such, but GloBULLists have BULL-SH*TTEd otherwise, they seek to destroy our culture, and heritage.
From your signature line:

"- Human nature kills Human kind, Human nature kills Mother nature. How can we combat Human nature being an issue without some sort of Eugenics?"



Is that you?

I thought you died in prison?
Think a lot of us out here are going to vote our senators away and give up our electoral college votes soon? All you have to do is get 75% of us to vote for that. Good luck.
National popular vote is on track to pass eventually. You won't hold America hostage much longer.

So, it would have to pass the House by two thirds majority, then it would need to pass the Senate by a two thirds vote. Then it would take a three fourths vote by the states. When haven’t gotten close.
No; it's an interstate compact, not an amendment. The Constitution allows states to allocate their electoral votes however they want.

It's unconstitutional.
States lack the power to appoint their presidential electors on the basis of votes of citizens outside the state’s jurisdiction and, therefore, states are without authority to adopt the NPVC
Sounds like you've been repeating that to yourself over and over.

"Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress"

95% of your state could vote Democrat, but the electors are all allowed to vote republican.
Think a lot of us out here are going to vote our senators away and give up our electoral college votes soon? All you have to do is get 75% of us to vote for that. Good luck.
National popular vote is on track to pass eventually. You won't hold America hostage much longer.

So, it would have to pass the House by two thirds majority, then it would need to pass the Senate by a two thirds vote. Then it would take a three fourths vote by the states. When haven’t gotten close.
No; it's an interstate compact, not an amendment. The Constitution allows states to allocate their electoral votes however they want.

It's unconstitutional.
States lack the power to appoint their presidential electors on the basis of votes of citizens outside the state’s jurisdiction and, therefore, states are without authority to adopt the NPVC
Sounds like you've been repeating that to yourself over and over.

"Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress"

95% of your state could vote Democrat, but the electors are all allowed to vote republican.
No they each vote by the majority of votes in each county.
If the EC voted against the majority they would be run out of town.
It's the Constitution.
So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners pays the least in Federal taxes, and get the most Federal aid, and complain, and complain, and complain about both facts.

So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners, wants for Social Conservative values, and Nationalism, but go with Capitalism, which sells out to Liberalism, and anti-Nationalism, anyways??????

So, it's not madness that the South including many Rural Southerners, keeps coming up with the same solutions, which got us in trouble???????????
Fuck off, yankee. Don't like it? Change it. Quit disparaging a class of people. You have already demonstrated racism in some of your other bullshit (anglo hate). You look retarded.

Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
You're mistaken, sweetie. Blacks were brought into this nation by foreign flag ships with owners in Europe to make a huge profit of slave sales to people who needed to make a living. Most of the men in the South died in the War between the States, 1861-1865. After that, the slaves were given freedom, and 40 acres and a mule that were usually sold by someone who really didn't want to work cotton, and wanted money for other things than earning a living. It's a sorry story for everyone in the South, but fortunately, Ike Eisenhower, the guy who beat Hitler, went on to be President, and having been in charge of both black and white men, he knew what heroes the black men were as well as white. So he opened school doors in Arkansas in 1954, just under a century after the Civil War was fought and won. I don't know you all that well, Mr. Sobieski, but I hope you will let it go about southerners, because I have read toenail-curling stories about every country on the European continent and their abuse of each other through violence, and somehow, the Europeans in my lifespan, have knitted back together, turned enemies into friends, and work constantly on as much unity as they can through the EU. We're still working out problems getting blacks commensurate salaries, and the same for women and all immigrants who come to our shores with sincerity and only one goal--to get a job and earn their own share of the American dream, made available by Native Americans sharing their land, barefoot Pilgrims moving west to buy land and make a living since someone else in their family inherited the family fortune.

Hope your resentment becomes lower when you realize a lot of Southern and Southwestern citizens have intermarried with tribal folks, blacks, and latino populations. The laws brought forth after the Civil War zeroed in on the concept that all are created equal, and the one-man one-vote idea was extended not only to those of divergent racial differences, are enjoying what their former masters have--an equal shot at wealth for hard work. I'll say a little prayer that your heart does not hate people who are six generations following the Civil War, and they have a new attitude of sharing and caring for each other, as Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged over 60 years ago. I felt heartsick when I heard he had been shot by a man involved in violence against persons of color, because my Sunday School teachers taught that "red, and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."

Thanks for listening to silly me updating you on your history books that cast in stone American errors. We're doing all we can to heal what wounds are left deep in the psyche of those who believe they will never break the bonds of slavery, when no bonds have existed for a century and a half. It serves a purpose, though. It keeps those welfare checks coming in when they threaten the rest of us who are heavy-laden with paying taxes that are sky high and out of sight.

There were no Slave-ships, without Slave-Owners, the Southern rural Whites did in fact bring their being here, supporting them being here, and bringing many more new Blacks into the World as slaves, etc.

No, no, no, you're not going to win brownie points by saying "Oh Southerners are mixed" blah, blah.

As an Ultra-Nationalist, I'm very anti-Race-mixing.

Actually, I think America's an insult to Europeans.

I mean there's Papa John's or Olive Garden, or Little Ceasars saying their really Italian, or Pizza.

Then there's the Melting-Pot, which supports assimilation, and therefor the death of our European heritages.
One of my icons is Lech Walesa sir, after my husband and I attended one of his lectures on a ship in Polish waters, where he was the guest of the University of Illinois Alumni association. His people sacrificed incredibly at the hands of foreign rule, and he won our hearts out of the stories he told about getting his country back into the hands of the people of Poland. He's one of the most gracious people I ever met. I am descended from people in Holland, just a few ports o call away from Poland the land where people fought for and won their independence from foreign masters who made the Polish people miserable. It took many deaths to get this freedom to take home money for labor and live as free persons. I will always hold those people in my heart because of the true stories he told us that night.

And I don't care if you hate people like me who are fiscally far righties who have the freedom America furnishes to have a good life. And I'm sorry your misinformation is so massive about the reality of a nation that has in my lifetime softened to each other's needs without enslaving or indenturing people who go for the gold, including recent immigrants. The other side of my Holland Dutch family survived the Trail of Tears in which 1 million American Indians were removed from their farms and homes but only ten thousand reached Oklahoma alive. The rest suffered intolerable indignities and white-man illnesses along the trail, which may have been the purpose of one particular President I will not name, but you're welcome to worship him since you are so set in your beliefs about racial purity, which was the theme song of Adolph Hitler before and during World War II.

I need no brownie points from you or anybody else, as a believer in Jesus, I believe that only God the Lord is truly good enough to have no flaws. Your hate at Southerners is misdirected. After the war, many of the Northern soldiers took Southern wives, and the Carpet-Baggers also came south after having won the Civil War. Southerners send their children to Yankee schools, and Yankees send their children to the South so they can retire in warmer weather as a strategy for a long and happy life in America and having the American Dream that is the direct product of the capitalism that made us not only free but prosperous as well.

And I love to watch the Polish Polka show that is availed to country folk stations here in the South. My relatives who survived the Trail of Tears were from the North. Only good wishes for you and your blue-eyed blonde friends. I've no animosity towards people and their family desires to choose inbreeding with their like kind. We're not all that different. I love to watch the great egrets in my property's lake. They love the fish and crustaceans they relish, and there's not a more elegant sight in the bird world than watching the egrets train their fledglings to fly so they can migrate a couple of weeks later, when their young are strong enough to make the trip. The egrets do not love the herons, who are their kissing cousins, but not appreciated by the egrets. So one stays on one side of the lake, and the other specie, the other. So what. There's a feast for all out there in Freedom Lake. ;)
NBC Reporter Wonders How Long ‘American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around By A Rural Minority’

NBC News intelligence and national security reporter Ken Dilanian is no stranger to expressing his opinions on social media. Last month, after the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Dilanian advocated for a change in how senators are allotted to the states.
Now, he’s openly wondering “how much longer the American majority will tolerate being pushed around by a rural minority.”... The Senate was created to represent the states in Washington D.C., which is why each state gets equal representation in the chamber. House seats are allotted by population. In recent weeks, there has been a push by some liberals to create the idea that there is a “popular vote” for total House and Senate elections, something irrelevant in the Constitution... When it was pointed out to Dilanian that the federal government was set up to protect the rights of the minority, he responded that the “premise of America” was slavery.

When will America realize we are in a war with the "Democratic Party". We are battling evil, and the GOP hasn't a clue. However, on the other hand, how clueless of the Left. Rural 'minority'? Want to eat guys? Go ahead. Grow your own food yourself. And then make your own clothes to boot. Urbanites would not survive more than a couple weeks without the 'Rural Minority'.
the Left will figure it out at some point. Civilizations fall, and it's the cities that disappear, not the rural folks. 90% of our food comes from the land that we live on, and we could easily live completely off our land, while feeding hundreds around us. City folks can't say that. They can't tell you where food comes from, where their water comes from, nada... They will be at the mercy of the uncivilized "downtrodden" they claim to want to help, and that will be ugly for them. Meanwhile, we'll be sitting back fishing, ranching, hunting, gardening, and living like the rest of the country doesn't exist.
The difference between a Republic and a Democracy...and why democracies can be dangerous. The urban areas already have higher incomes, more access to goods and services and greatly take advantage of the goods produced by rural areas that they can't do for themselves. This also speaks to federalism and the fact that large population centers should not be trusted to make all the decisions that affect other sovereign states through the coercion of a centralized government. One way to reset the notion of a limited federal government with enumerated (i.e. limited) powers, is by exercising the Constitutional provision in Article V for a Convention of States to restore more power back to people and local governments. The people in NYC can vote for all the bans on sugary drinks they want, but that shouldn't supersede the rights of self-determination for people in other states.

You are NOT at war with the Democratic Party. You are in a class war of rich versus poor. The rich are using rural voters to preserve their rights and to continue to syphon the income and wealth away from the employee classes. Republicans try to frame this as "rural versus urban", but the reality is that Republicans had found an effiicient way of conning poor white people into thinking that the Republicans are on anyone's side but that of the wealthy.
Pawling's a somewhat rural, village, but it's not like you guys, because we're mostly Italians, and Irish Catholics, at least that is what the census says.

We're obviously not like you.

I.E the average property tax in Pawling is over $10,000 a year.
Congrats on your ridiculous property taxes. That plus State income taxes (none here in Texas) means you a probably poor white trash.

Welcome to the redneck club.
NBC Reporter Wonders How Long ‘American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around By A Rural Minority’

NBC News intelligence and national security reporter Ken Dilanian is no stranger to expressing his opinions on social media. Last month, after the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Dilanian advocated for a change in how senators are allotted to the states.
Now, he’s openly wondering “how much longer the American majority will tolerate being pushed around by a rural minority.”... The Senate was created to represent the states in Washington D.C., which is why each state gets equal representation in the chamber. House seats are allotted by population. In recent weeks, there has been a push by some liberals to create the idea that there is a “popular vote” for total House and Senate elections, something irrelevant in the Constitution... When it was pointed out to Dilanian that the federal government was set up to protect the rights of the minority, he responded that the “premise of America” was slavery.

When will America realize we are in a war with the "Democratic Party". We are battling evil, and the GOP hasn't a clue. However, on the other hand, how clueless of the Left. Rural 'minority'? Want to eat guys? Go ahead. Grow your own food yourself. And then make your own clothes to boot. Urbanites would not survive more than a couple weeks without the 'Rural Minority'.
the Left will figure it out at some point. Civilizations fall, and it's the cities that disappear, not the rural folks. 90% of our food comes from the land that we live on, and we could easily live completely off our land, while feeding hundreds around us. City folks can't say that. They can't tell you where food comes from, where their water comes from, nada... They will be at the mercy of the uncivilized "downtrodden" they claim to want to help, and that will be ugly for them. Meanwhile, we'll be sitting back fishing, ranching, hunting, gardening, and living like the rest of the country doesn't exist.
The difference between a Republic and a Democracy...and why democracies can be dangerous. The urban areas already have higher incomes, more access to goods and services and greatly take advantage of the goods produced by rural areas that they can't do for themselves. This also speaks to federalism and the fact that large population centers should not be trusted to make all the decisions that affect other sovereign states through the coercion of a centralized government. One way to reset the notion of a limited federal government with enumerated (i.e. limited) powers, is by exercising the Constitutional provision in Article V for a Convention of States to restore more power back to people and local governments. The people in NYC can vote for all the bans on sugary drinks they want, but that shouldn't supersede the rights of self-determination for people in other states.
If it was not for the American "heartland" the Progressive would have voided out the Constitution and half of the Civil right laws. You all know that the City Dwellers will go to the country area to steel food and fuel. The Democrats are going to ride the wild ride until this Nation falls. It is in almost every move they make. Just think back to the PC crap they pull, the off the wall rules they make about speaking about subject that they don't approve of. They have there agents deep within the Goverment just look at some of the
Hate to do it, but I need to leave this thread.

the stupidity of certain posters is more than I can handle
The ones who post just above are all progressives Liberals. Hilly Lovers.
Popular vote should rule! Voters, not acreage, should determine the outcome of elections.
What you think is a good idea is nothing but sectionalism. It can be called Raciest. It make poor blacks vote not counted. This is just so wrong.
Pawling's a somewhat rural, village, but it's not like you guys, because we're mostly Italians, and Irish Catholics, at least that is what the census says.

We're obviously not like you.

I.E the average property tax in Pawling is over $10,000 a year.
Congrats on your ridiculous property taxes. That plus State income taxes (none here in Texas) means you a probably poor white trash.

Welcome to the redneck club.

I might live in a semi-rural village, with poor job opportunities, but my dad was born & raised in Portchester apartments & my mom was born in Manahattan but raised in a White Plains house.

Eh, my parents are worth 1.8 million, I however at 32 am worth more like 80 thousand.

As for Pawling's high taxes we have really good schools , a really good library & our garbage man clean up the roads.
& a bunch of gardens, fancy lights, benches ect.

I heard from 3 military people that Pawling' s the best town in America.

That its the most friendly & cute town in the USA.
Fuck off, yankee. Don't like it? Change it. Quit disparaging a class of people. You have already demonstrated racism in some of your other bullshit (anglo hate). You look retarded.

Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
You're mistaken, sweetie. Blacks were brought into this nation by foreign flag ships with owners in Europe to make a huge profit of slave sales to people who needed to make a living. Most of the men in the South died in the War between the States, 1861-1865. After that, the slaves were given freedom, and 40 acres and a mule that were usually sold by someone who really didn't want to work cotton, and wanted money for other things than earning a living. It's a sorry story for everyone in the South, but fortunately, Ike Eisenhower, the guy who beat Hitler, went on to be President, and having been in charge of both black and white men, he knew what heroes the black men were as well as white. So he opened school doors in Arkansas in 1954, just under a century after the Civil War was fought and won. I don't know you all that well, Mr. Sobieski, but I hope you will let it go about southerners, because I have read toenail-curling stories about every country on the European continent and their abuse of each other through violence, and somehow, the Europeans in my lifespan, have knitted back together, turned enemies into friends, and work constantly on as much unity as they can through the EU. We're still working out problems getting blacks commensurate salaries, and the same for women and all immigrants who come to our shores with sincerity and only one goal--to get a job and earn their own share of the American dream, made available by Native Americans sharing their land, barefoot Pilgrims moving west to buy land and make a living since someone else in their family inherited the family fortune.

Hope your resentment becomes lower when you realize a lot of Southern and Southwestern citizens have intermarried with tribal folks, blacks, and latino populations. The laws brought forth after the Civil War zeroed in on the concept that all are created equal, and the one-man one-vote idea was extended not only to those of divergent racial differences, are enjoying what their former masters have--an equal shot at wealth for hard work. I'll say a little prayer that your heart does not hate people who are six generations following the Civil War, and they have a new attitude of sharing and caring for each other, as Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged over 60 years ago. I felt heartsick when I heard he had been shot by a man involved in violence against persons of color, because my Sunday School teachers taught that "red, and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."

Thanks for listening to silly me updating you on your history books that cast in stone American errors. We're doing all we can to heal what wounds are left deep in the psyche of those who believe they will never break the bonds of slavery, when no bonds have existed for a century and a half. It serves a purpose, though. It keeps those welfare checks coming in when they threaten the rest of us who are heavy-laden with paying taxes that are sky high and out of sight.

There were no Slave-ships, without Slave-Owners, the Southern rural Whites did in fact bring their being here, supporting them being here, and bringing many more new Blacks into the World as slaves, etc.

No, no, no, you're not going to win brownie points by saying "Oh Southerners are mixed" blah, blah.

As an Ultra-Nationalist, I'm very anti-Race-mixing.

Actually, I think America's an insult to Europeans.

I mean there's Papa John's or Olive Garden, or Little Ceasars saying their really Italian, or Pizza.

Then there's the Melting-Pot, which supports assimilation, and therefor the death of our European heritages.
Fuck off, yankee. Don't like it? Change it. Quit disparaging a class of people. You have already demonstrated racism in some of your other bullshit (anglo hate). You look retarded.

Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
You're mistaken, sweetie. Blacks were brought into this nation by foreign flag ships with owners in Europe to make a huge profit of slave sales to people who needed to make a living. Most of the men in the South died in the War between the States, 1861-1865. After that, the slaves were given freedom, and 40 acres and a mule that were usually sold by someone who really didn't want to work cotton, and wanted money for other things than earning a living. It's a sorry story for everyone in the South, but fortunately, Ike Eisenhower, the guy who beat Hitler, went on to be President, and having been in charge of both black and white men, he knew what heroes the black men were as well as white. So he opened school doors in Arkansas in 1954, just under a century after the Civil War was fought and won. I don't know you all that well, Mr. Sobieski, but I hope you will let it go about southerners, because I have read toenail-curling stories about every country on the European continent and their abuse of each other through violence, and somehow, the Europeans in my lifespan, have knitted back together, turned enemies into friends, and work constantly on as much unity as they can through the EU. We're still working out problems getting blacks commensurate salaries, and the same for women and all immigrants who come to our shores with sincerity and only one goal--to get a job and earn their own share of the American dream, made available by Native Americans sharing their land, barefoot Pilgrims moving west to buy land and make a living since someone else in their family inherited the family fortune.

Hope your resentment becomes lower when you realize a lot of Southern and Southwestern citizens have intermarried with tribal folks, blacks, and latino populations. The laws brought forth after the Civil War zeroed in on the concept that all are created equal, and the one-man one-vote idea was extended not only to those of divergent racial differences, are enjoying what their former masters have--an equal shot at wealth for hard work. I'll say a little prayer that your heart does not hate people who are six generations following the Civil War, and they have a new attitude of sharing and caring for each other, as Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged over 60 years ago. I felt heartsick when I heard he had been shot by a man involved in violence against persons of color, because my Sunday School teachers taught that "red, and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."

Thanks for listening to silly me updating you on your history books that cast in stone American errors. We're doing all we can to heal what wounds are left deep in the psyche of those who believe they will never break the bonds of slavery, when no bonds have existed for a century and a half. It serves a purpose, though. It keeps those welfare checks coming in when they threaten the rest of us who are heavy-laden with paying taxes that are sky high and out of sight.

There were no Slave-ships, without Slave-Owners, the Southern rural Whites did in fact bring their being here, supporting them being here, and bringing many more new Blacks into the World as slaves, etc.

No, no, no, you're not going to win brownie points by saying "Oh Southerners are mixed" blah, blah.

As an Ultra-Nationalist, I'm very anti-Race-mixing.

Actually, I think America's an insult to Europeans.

I mean there's Papa John's or Olive Garden, or Little Ceasars saying their really Italian, or Pizza.

Then there's the Melting-Pot, which supports assimilation, and therefor the death of our European heritages.

No we assimilate and bring the best of all our European heritages and drop the bad ones that wasn't working from the old world,

In the North-East, yes, our Italians, Irish, Polish, Jews etc. etc. tend to be the elites of their population.

Mid-Westerners are mostly the farming class of Germany, and Scandinavia.

Southerners are mostly the bowels of Britain, a bunch of Tax cheaters on alcohol, or else wise, like we saw in the Whiskey Rebellion,
Fundamentalists too weird for Britain.
British Isle indentured Servants, who chose temporary slavery over squalor, and famine in the British Empire.
Penal colonies like Georgia, where they came as criminals.
then the Slave master class, who grew cotton off of oppression.
Sorry, the South is a melting pot, no different from northern states, from which many of our families lived 400 years ago when they got here from the Netherlands, France, England, Africa, Spain, Portugal, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Mexico, all tribes of North America, and Scandinavia, and every nation on the European continent, from both Israel and Arabian countries, Africa, China, Japan, and India. We have many faces in America from every country and island in the world.

AS for emptying their land of undesirable people, we believe that people born here are beloved by not just their families, but by their school teachers, ministers and others in the community who help children get their bearings, do right, and reach for the stars. We nurture American children to do good things with their lives. That is all.
Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
You're mistaken, sweetie. Blacks were brought into this nation by foreign flag ships with owners in Europe to make a huge profit of slave sales to people who needed to make a living. Most of the men in the South died in the War between the States, 1861-1865. After that, the slaves were given freedom, and 40 acres and a mule that were usually sold by someone who really didn't want to work cotton, and wanted money for other things than earning a living. It's a sorry story for everyone in the South, but fortunately, Ike Eisenhower, the guy who beat Hitler, went on to be President, and having been in charge of both black and white men, he knew what heroes the black men were as well as white. So he opened school doors in Arkansas in 1954, just under a century after the Civil War was fought and won. I don't know you all that well, Mr. Sobieski, but I hope you will let it go about southerners, because I have read toenail-curling stories about every country on the European continent and their abuse of each other through violence, and somehow, the Europeans in my lifespan, have knitted back together, turned enemies into friends, and work constantly on as much unity as they can through the EU. We're still working out problems getting blacks commensurate salaries, and the same for women and all immigrants who come to our shores with sincerity and only one goal--to get a job and earn their own share of the American dream, made available by Native Americans sharing their land, barefoot Pilgrims moving west to buy land and make a living since someone else in their family inherited the family fortune.

Hope your resentment becomes lower when you realize a lot of Southern and Southwestern citizens have intermarried with tribal folks, blacks, and latino populations. The laws brought forth after the Civil War zeroed in on the concept that all are created equal, and the one-man one-vote idea was extended not only to those of divergent racial differences, are enjoying what their former masters have--an equal shot at wealth for hard work. I'll say a little prayer that your heart does not hate people who are six generations following the Civil War, and they have a new attitude of sharing and caring for each other, as Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged over 60 years ago. I felt heartsick when I heard he had been shot by a man involved in violence against persons of color, because my Sunday School teachers taught that "red, and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."

Thanks for listening to silly me updating you on your history books that cast in stone American errors. We're doing all we can to heal what wounds are left deep in the psyche of those who believe they will never break the bonds of slavery, when no bonds have existed for a century and a half. It serves a purpose, though. It keeps those welfare checks coming in when they threaten the rest of us who are heavy-laden with paying taxes that are sky high and out of sight.

There were no Slave-ships, without Slave-Owners, the Southern rural Whites did in fact bring their being here, supporting them being here, and bringing many more new Blacks into the World as slaves, etc.

No, no, no, you're not going to win brownie points by saying "Oh Southerners are mixed" blah, blah.

As an Ultra-Nationalist, I'm very anti-Race-mixing.

Actually, I think America's an insult to Europeans.

I mean there's Papa John's or Olive Garden, or Little Ceasars saying their really Italian, or Pizza.

Then there's the Melting-Pot, which supports assimilation, and therefor the death of our European heritages.
Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
You're mistaken, sweetie. Blacks were brought into this nation by foreign flag ships with owners in Europe to make a huge profit of slave sales to people who needed to make a living. Most of the men in the South died in the War between the States, 1861-1865. After that, the slaves were given freedom, and 40 acres and a mule that were usually sold by someone who really didn't want to work cotton, and wanted money for other things than earning a living. It's a sorry story for everyone in the South, but fortunately, Ike Eisenhower, the guy who beat Hitler, went on to be President, and having been in charge of both black and white men, he knew what heroes the black men were as well as white. So he opened school doors in Arkansas in 1954, just under a century after the Civil War was fought and won. I don't know you all that well, Mr. Sobieski, but I hope you will let it go about southerners, because I have read toenail-curling stories about every country on the European continent and their abuse of each other through violence, and somehow, the Europeans in my lifespan, have knitted back together, turned enemies into friends, and work constantly on as much unity as they can through the EU. We're still working out problems getting blacks commensurate salaries, and the same for women and all immigrants who come to our shores with sincerity and only one goal--to get a job and earn their own share of the American dream, made available by Native Americans sharing their land, barefoot Pilgrims moving west to buy land and make a living since someone else in their family inherited the family fortune.

Hope your resentment becomes lower when you realize a lot of Southern and Southwestern citizens have intermarried with tribal folks, blacks, and latino populations. The laws brought forth after the Civil War zeroed in on the concept that all are created equal, and the one-man one-vote idea was extended not only to those of divergent racial differences, are enjoying what their former masters have--an equal shot at wealth for hard work. I'll say a little prayer that your heart does not hate people who are six generations following the Civil War, and they have a new attitude of sharing and caring for each other, as Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged over 60 years ago. I felt heartsick when I heard he had been shot by a man involved in violence against persons of color, because my Sunday School teachers taught that "red, and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."

Thanks for listening to silly me updating you on your history books that cast in stone American errors. We're doing all we can to heal what wounds are left deep in the psyche of those who believe they will never break the bonds of slavery, when no bonds have existed for a century and a half. It serves a purpose, though. It keeps those welfare checks coming in when they threaten the rest of us who are heavy-laden with paying taxes that are sky high and out of sight.

There were no Slave-ships, without Slave-Owners, the Southern rural Whites did in fact bring their being here, supporting them being here, and bringing many more new Blacks into the World as slaves, etc.

No, no, no, you're not going to win brownie points by saying "Oh Southerners are mixed" blah, blah.

As an Ultra-Nationalist, I'm very anti-Race-mixing.

Actually, I think America's an insult to Europeans.

I mean there's Papa John's or Olive Garden, or Little Ceasars saying their really Italian, or Pizza.

Then there's the Melting-Pot, which supports assimilation, and therefor the death of our European heritages.

No we assimilate and bring the best of all our European heritages and drop the bad ones that wasn't working from the old world,

In the North-East, yes, our Italians, Irish, Polish, Jews etc. etc. tend to be the elites of their population.

Mid-Westerners are mostly the farming class of Germany, and Scandinavia.

Southerners are mostly the bowels of Britain, a bunch of Tax cheaters on alcohol, or else wise, like we saw in the Whiskey Rebellion,
Fundamentalists too weird for Britain.
British Isle indentured Servants, who chose temporary slavery over squalor, and famine in the British Empire.
Penal colonies like Georgia, where they came as criminals.
then the Slave master class, who grew cotton off of oppression.
Sorry, the South is a melting pot, no different from northern states, from which many of our families lived 400 years ago when they got here from the Netherlands, France, England, Africa, Spain, Portugal, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Mexico, all tribes of North America, and Scandinavia, and every nation on the European continent, from both Israel and Arabian countries, Africa, China, Japan, and India. We have many faces in America from every country and island in the world.

AS for emptying their land of undesirable people, we believe that people born here are beloved by not just their families, but by their school teachers, ministers and others in the community who help children get their bearings, do right, and reach for the stars. We nurture American children to do good things with their lives. That is all.
Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
You're mistaken, sweetie. Blacks were brought into this nation by foreign flag ships with owners in Europe to make a huge profit of slave sales to people who needed to make a living. Most of the men in the South died in the War between the States, 1861-1865. After that, the slaves were given freedom, and 40 acres and a mule that were usually sold by someone who really didn't want to work cotton, and wanted money for other things than earning a living. It's a sorry story for everyone in the South, but fortunately, Ike Eisenhower, the guy who beat Hitler, went on to be President, and having been in charge of both black and white men, he knew what heroes the black men were as well as white. So he opened school doors in Arkansas in 1954, just under a century after the Civil War was fought and won. I don't know you all that well, Mr. Sobieski, but I hope you will let it go about southerners, because I have read toenail-curling stories about every country on the European continent and their abuse of each other through violence, and somehow, the Europeans in my lifespan, have knitted back together, turned enemies into friends, and work constantly on as much unity as they can through the EU. We're still working out problems getting blacks commensurate salaries, and the same for women and all immigrants who come to our shores with sincerity and only one goal--to get a job and earn their own share of the American dream, made available by Native Americans sharing their land, barefoot Pilgrims moving west to buy land and make a living since someone else in their family inherited the family fortune.

Hope your resentment becomes lower when you realize a lot of Southern and Southwestern citizens have intermarried with tribal folks, blacks, and latino populations. The laws brought forth after the Civil War zeroed in on the concept that all are created equal, and the one-man one-vote idea was extended not only to those of divergent racial differences, are enjoying what their former masters have--an equal shot at wealth for hard work. I'll say a little prayer that your heart does not hate people who are six generations following the Civil War, and they have a new attitude of sharing and caring for each other, as Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged over 60 years ago. I felt heartsick when I heard he had been shot by a man involved in violence against persons of color, because my Sunday School teachers taught that "red, and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."

Thanks for listening to silly me updating you on your history books that cast in stone American errors. We're doing all we can to heal what wounds are left deep in the psyche of those who believe they will never break the bonds of slavery, when no bonds have existed for a century and a half. It serves a purpose, though. It keeps those welfare checks coming in when they threaten the rest of us who are heavy-laden with paying taxes that are sky high and out of sight.

There were no Slave-ships, without Slave-Owners, the Southern rural Whites did in fact bring their being here, supporting them being here, and bringing many more new Blacks into the World as slaves, etc.

No, no, no, you're not going to win brownie points by saying "Oh Southerners are mixed" blah, blah.

As an Ultra-Nationalist, I'm very anti-Race-mixing.

Actually, I think America's an insult to Europeans.

I mean there's Papa John's or Olive Garden, or Little Ceasars saying their really Italian, or Pizza.

Then there's the Melting-Pot, which supports assimilation, and therefor the death of our European heritages.
Yankee?????? Those were Anglos too. LOL.

I do resent the Southern rural folks very, very deeply, especially for what happened to my Polish American Uncle, being a Vietnam Vet who got blown up, in rural Anglo-Southerner LBJ's war, and then got jumped by Blacks when he came home a few years later.
Who these Blacks were dumped onto America, and the Northern states, by you guessed it rural Anglo-Southerners.

May the borders of Poland & Ireland meet!

Anglos suck, Hillary's an Anglo, George W. Bush's an Anglo, Cheney's an Anglo, Elizabeth Warren's an Anglo, Reagan was an Anglo.

You get the drift, we all HATE Anglos, just SOME Buffoons don't think so, because they're ignotant.
You're mistaken, sweetie. Blacks were brought into this nation by foreign flag ships with owners in Europe to make a huge profit of slave sales to people who needed to make a living. Most of the men in the South died in the War between the States, 1861-1865. After that, the slaves were given freedom, and 40 acres and a mule that were usually sold by someone who really didn't want to work cotton, and wanted money for other things than earning a living. It's a sorry story for everyone in the South, but fortunately, Ike Eisenhower, the guy who beat Hitler, went on to be President, and having been in charge of both black and white men, he knew what heroes the black men were as well as white. So he opened school doors in Arkansas in 1954, just under a century after the Civil War was fought and won. I don't know you all that well, Mr. Sobieski, but I hope you will let it go about southerners, because I have read toenail-curling stories about every country on the European continent and their abuse of each other through violence, and somehow, the Europeans in my lifespan, have knitted back together, turned enemies into friends, and work constantly on as much unity as they can through the EU. We're still working out problems getting blacks commensurate salaries, and the same for women and all immigrants who come to our shores with sincerity and only one goal--to get a job and earn their own share of the American dream, made available by Native Americans sharing their land, barefoot Pilgrims moving west to buy land and make a living since someone else in their family inherited the family fortune.

Hope your resentment becomes lower when you realize a lot of Southern and Southwestern citizens have intermarried with tribal folks, blacks, and latino populations. The laws brought forth after the Civil War zeroed in on the concept that all are created equal, and the one-man one-vote idea was extended not only to those of divergent racial differences, are enjoying what their former masters have--an equal shot at wealth for hard work. I'll say a little prayer that your heart does not hate people who are six generations following the Civil War, and they have a new attitude of sharing and caring for each other, as Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged over 60 years ago. I felt heartsick when I heard he had been shot by a man involved in violence against persons of color, because my Sunday School teachers taught that "red, and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."

Thanks for listening to silly me updating you on your history books that cast in stone American errors. We're doing all we can to heal what wounds are left deep in the psyche of those who believe they will never break the bonds of slavery, when no bonds have existed for a century and a half. It serves a purpose, though. It keeps those welfare checks coming in when they threaten the rest of us who are heavy-laden with paying taxes that are sky high and out of sight.

There were no Slave-ships, without Slave-Owners, the Southern rural Whites did in fact bring their being here, supporting them being here, and bringing many more new Blacks into the World as slaves, etc.

No, no, no, you're not going to win brownie points by saying "Oh Southerners are mixed" blah, blah.

As an Ultra-Nationalist, I'm very anti-Race-mixing.

Actually, I think America's an insult to Europeans.

I mean there's Papa John's or Olive Garden, or Little Ceasars saying their really Italian, or Pizza.

Then there's the Melting-Pot, which supports assimilation, and therefor the death of our European heritages.

No we assimilate and bring the best of all our European heritages and drop the bad ones that wasn't working from the old world,

In the North-East, yes, our Italians, Irish, Polish, Jews etc. etc. tend to be the elites of their population.

Mid-Westerners are mostly the farming class of Germany, and Scandinavia.

Southerners are mostly the bowels of Britain, a bunch of Tax cheaters on alcohol, or else wise, like we saw in the Whiskey Rebellion,
Fundamentalists too weird for Britain.
British Isle indentured Servants, who chose temporary slavery over squalor, and famine in the British Empire.
Penal colonies like Georgia, where they came as criminals.
then the Slave master class, who grew cotton off of oppression.
Sorry, the South is a melting pot, no different from northern states, from which many of our families lived 400 years ago when they got here from the Netherlands, France, England, Africa, Spain, Portugal, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Mexico, all tribes of North America, and Scandinavia, and every nation on the European continent, from both Israel and Arabian countries, Africa, China, Japan, and India. We have many faces in America from every country and island in the world.

AS for emptying their land of undesirable people, we believe that people born here are beloved by not just their families, but by their school teachers, ministers and others in the community who help children get their bearings, do right, and reach for the stars. We nurture American children to do good things with their lives. That is all.

You're mostly 18th & 19th century Protestant Individualist Capitalists from Britain & Germany.

A lot of us are 20th century Catholics from Italy Ireland, Poland & sometimes Jews who aren't all too Individualist or Capitalist.
NBC Reporter Wonders How Long ‘American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around By A Rural Minority’

NBC News intelligence and national security reporter Ken Dilanian is no stranger to expressing his opinions on social media. Last month, after the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Dilanian advocated for a change in how senators are allotted to the states.
Now, he’s openly wondering “how much longer the American majority will tolerate being pushed around by a rural minority.”... The Senate was created to represent the states in Washington D.C., which is why each state gets equal representation in the chamber. House seats are allotted by population. In recent weeks, there has been a push by some liberals to create the idea that there is a “popular vote” for total House and Senate elections, something irrelevant in the Constitution... When it was pointed out to Dilanian that the federal government was set up to protect the rights of the minority, he responded that the “premise of America” was slavery.

When will America realize we are in a war with the "Democratic Party". We are battling evil, and the GOP hasn't a clue. However, on the other hand, how clueless of the Left. Rural 'minority'? Want to eat guys? Go ahead. Grow your own food yourself. And then make your own clothes to boot. Urbanites would not survive more than a couple weeks without the 'Rural Minority'.
the Left will figure it out at some point. Civilizations fall, and it's the cities that disappear, not the rural folks. 90% of our food comes from the land that we live on, and we could easily live completely off our land, while feeding hundreds around us. City folks can't say that. They can't tell you where food comes from, where their water comes from, nada... They will be at the mercy of the uncivilized "downtrodden" they claim to want to help, and that will be ugly for them. Meanwhile, we'll be sitting back fishing, ranching, hunting, gardening, and living like the rest of the country doesn't exist.
The difference between a Republic and a Democracy...and why democracies can be dangerous. The urban areas already have higher incomes, more access to goods and services and greatly take advantage of the goods produced by rural areas that they can't do for themselves. This also speaks to federalism and the fact that large population centers should not be trusted to make all the decisions that affect other sovereign states through the coercion of a centralized government. One way to reset the notion of a limited federal government with enumerated (i.e. limited) powers, is by exercising the Constitutional provision in Article V for a Convention of States to restore more power back to people and local governments. The people in NYC can vote for all the bans on sugary drinks they want, but that shouldn't supersede the rights of self-determination for people in other states.

So how is that farmer going to survive and pay his bills without us urban people giving him socialism to survive and buying their produce they grow?

They can grow all the food they want but without someone to buy it, it's worthless.

They can talk all they want about being self sufficient and hating socialism but they couldn't survive without socialism and the tax dollars from those of us in the cities paying their way.

The reality is that both rural and urban communities depend on one another.

The reality is that we are our brothers and sisters keeper no matter what conservative want to think.

There's no reason to create more divide and animosity.
NBC Reporter Wonders How Long ‘American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around By A Rural Minority’

NBC News intelligence and national security reporter Ken Dilanian is no stranger to expressing his opinions on social media. Last month, after the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Dilanian advocated for a change in how senators are allotted to the states.
Now, he’s openly wondering “how much longer the American majority will tolerate being pushed around by a rural minority.”... The Senate was created to represent the states in Washington D.C., which is why each state gets equal representation in the chamber. House seats are allotted by population. In recent weeks, there has been a push by some liberals to create the idea that there is a “popular vote” for total House and Senate elections, something irrelevant in the Constitution... When it was pointed out to Dilanian that the federal government was set up to protect the rights of the minority, he responded that the “premise of America” was slavery.

When will America realize we are in a war with the "Democratic Party". We are battling evil, and the GOP hasn't a clue. However, on the other hand, how clueless of the Left. Rural 'minority'? Want to eat guys? Go ahead. Grow your own food yourself. And then make your own clothes to boot. Urbanites would not survive more than a couple weeks without the 'Rural Minority'.
the Left will figure it out at some point. Civilizations fall, and it's the cities that disappear, not the rural folks. 90% of our food comes from the land that we live on, and we could easily live completely off our land, while feeding hundreds around us. City folks can't say that. They can't tell you where food comes from, where their water comes from, nada... They will be at the mercy of the uncivilized "downtrodden" they claim to want to help, and that will be ugly for them. Meanwhile, we'll be sitting back fishing, ranching, hunting, gardening, and living like the rest of the country doesn't exist.
The difference between a Republic and a Democracy...and why democracies can be dangerous. The urban areas already have higher incomes, more access to goods and services and greatly take advantage of the goods produced by rural areas that they can't do for themselves. This also speaks to federalism and the fact that large population centers should not be trusted to make all the decisions that affect other sovereign states through the coercion of a centralized government. One way to reset the notion of a limited federal government with enumerated (i.e. limited) powers, is by exercising the Constitutional provision in Article V for a Convention of States to restore more power back to people and local governments. The people in NYC can vote for all the bans on sugary drinks they want, but that shouldn't supersede the rights of self-determination for people in other states.

So how is that farmer going to survive and pay his bills without us urban people giving him socialism to survive and buying their produce they grow?

They can grow all the food they want but without someone to buy it, it's worthless.

They can talk all they want about being self sufficient and hating socialism but they couldn't survive without socialism and the tax dollars from those of us in the cities paying their way.

The reality is that both rural and urban communities depend on one another.

The reality is that we are our brothers and sisters keeper no matter what conservative want to think.

There's no reason to create more divide and animosity.

The blue cities can shove it, we don't need them.

NBC Reporter Wonders How Long ‘American Majority Will Tolerate Being Pushed Around By A Rural Minority’

NBC News intelligence and national security reporter Ken Dilanian is no stranger to expressing his opinions on social media. Last month, after the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Dilanian advocated for a change in how senators are allotted to the states.
Now, he’s openly wondering “how much longer the American majority will tolerate being pushed around by a rural minority.”... The Senate was created to represent the states in Washington D.C., which is why each state gets equal representation in the chamber. House seats are allotted by population. In recent weeks, there has been a push by some liberals to create the idea that there is a “popular vote” for total House and Senate elections, something irrelevant in the Constitution... When it was pointed out to Dilanian that the federal government was set up to protect the rights of the minority, he responded that the “premise of America” was slavery.

When will America realize we are in a war with the "Democratic Party". We are battling evil, and the GOP hasn't a clue. However, on the other hand, how clueless of the Left. Rural 'minority'? Want to eat guys? Go ahead. Grow your own food yourself. And then make your own clothes to boot. Urbanites would not survive more than a couple weeks without the 'Rural Minority'.
the Left will figure it out at some point. Civilizations fall, and it's the cities that disappear, not the rural folks. 90% of our food comes from the land that we live on, and we could easily live completely off our land, while feeding hundreds around us. City folks can't say that. They can't tell you where food comes from, where their water comes from, nada... They will be at the mercy of the uncivilized "downtrodden" they claim to want to help, and that will be ugly for them. Meanwhile, we'll be sitting back fishing, ranching, hunting, gardening, and living like the rest of the country doesn't exist.
The difference between a Republic and a Democracy...and why democracies can be dangerous. The urban areas already have higher incomes, more access to goods and services and greatly take advantage of the goods produced by rural areas that they can't do for themselves. This also speaks to federalism and the fact that large population centers should not be trusted to make all the decisions that affect other sovereign states through the coercion of a centralized government. One way to reset the notion of a limited federal government with enumerated (i.e. limited) powers, is by exercising the Constitutional provision in Article V for a Convention of States to restore more power back to people and local governments. The people in NYC can vote for all the bans on sugary drinks they want, but that shouldn't supersede the rights of self-determination for people in other states.

So how is that farmer going to survive and pay his bills without us urban people giving him socialism to survive and buying their produce they grow?

They can grow all the food they want but without someone to buy it, it's worthless.

They can talk all they want about being self sufficient and hating socialism but they couldn't survive without socialism and the tax dollars from those of us in the cities paying their way.

The reality is that both rural and urban communities depend on one another.

The reality is that we are our brothers and sisters keeper no matter what conservative want to think.

There's no reason to create more divide and animosity.

Supply and demand got nothing to do with it? It's called the free market. There are regulations that are sensible aimed at making the markets FAIR and that is good, but where do you get "socialism" in a free market??

There is some corruption of the market place by players who want to manipulate markets or misrepresent their product and so on but a well functioning free market is the best system of ensuring goods and services are available to the maximum number.

Socialism REALLY sucks!!

By rural minority the "reporter" means Americans.

They desperately are trying to make Americans minority in our own country. That's their wet dream.
NOT That I'm a Communist, I'm a Fascist, the best option.
Well, why do you hate Germans? They seem to be your ilk? You should have loved Poland being under Hitler's Nazi rule.

Regardless, you are one racist motherfucker. You are from New York. That makes you a racist yankee.

Why does Capitalism solve the rural Americans woes better than Fascism?
Because he's brainwashed, that's what.

Fascism would regulate businesses which outsource, and hire illegals.

Fascism would regulate Hollywood, and the media Liberal propaganda.

Fascism would regulate Facebook, and Youtube censorship.

But, then when push comes to shove "It's their Capitalist freedom"

P.S Poland's Jozef Beck in the 1930's inacted a bunch of anti-Jewish laws too, anti-Jewish boycotts too, he was basically a Fascist.

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