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NC says GFY to 400 jobs over LGBT law

so where is that written that they have these extra rights?
They aren't EXTRA, they're everyone's rights which SOME people attempted to take away, hence the law.
sure they are, what is it they are being denied that they need special extras?

what is so offensive to them that they have a right to offend someone else?
Your argument is moronic. It is not an "extra" to not be discriminated against! LGBT's aren't trying to offend anyone; they are who they are. You don't have the right to treat them any differently than your buddy. It is the same responsibility we all share in a free, democratic country. With rights come responsibilities not to interfere with the rights of others, regardless of our personal opinions.
I can't say it any plainer than that.
Why dont I have the right to treat them differently? I have the right to treat anyone any way I want as long as I am not assaulting them.
don't you know you don't? you have to think like a lib or you are a bad person. Ask them

Actually CONS don't think like a Lib because CONS don't think.

North Carolina lawmakers think it's more important to discriminate against your neighbor than it is to have a good job - Republicans/conservatives are amazingly stupid...

PayPal cancels North Carolina expansion over LGBT discrimination law

Associated Press
April 5, 2016

PayPal says it's canceling plans to bring 400 jobs to North Carolina after lawmakers passed a law that restricts protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The San Jose-based company said Tuesday it was canceling its planned expansion in Charlotte because of the law, which was signed March 23. Republican Gov. Pat McCrory was on hand to celebrate days earlier when PayPal announced plans to hire about 400 people at a new operation center in Charlotte.

The PayPal announcement is the biggest tangible economic backlash to the state law that more than 100 corporate heads have decried as unfair. They say the law makes it more difficult to attract talent to North Carolina.

Lmao, obama care caused like 2 million jobs from being full time to part time, but that's ok in your world.

nice fantasy world you live in.

now why don't you pretend to stick to the topic.

homophobic rightwingnuts are funny

More job losses for North Carolina,
and-----and... It looks like the NBA is going to pull the 2017 All Star game.

Republican/rightwingers are amazingly stupid or-----or Republicans/rightwingers don't like the idea of-----of........ JOBS!

Obviously, NC politician's couldn't care less about their constituency earning more dough, getting off the dole and getting into self sufficiency.

Lionsgate moves TV show production to B.C. after North Carolina's anti-LGBTQ law

Filming of Hulu series Crushed was to begin next month but has now moved to Canada
CBC News
Last Updated: Apr 07, 2016

Movie studio Lionsgate has moved the filming of one of its new TV shows out of North Carolina and into British Columbia after the U.S. state passed a law that cracks down on rights for gay and particularly transgender people.

Lionsgate was set to film a new Hulu series called Crushed in the Charlotte, N.C., area about a family in the wine business. Preproduction was to begin this month, with filming starting in May, but the studio informed local employees that the production would be scrapped and moved to B.C., the Charlotte Observer reported this week.

A local news outlet reported the move would cost North Carolina 100 jobs.
Lionsgate will reportedly maintain other productions in the state that are farther along in their development. A spokesman for Lionsgate did not immediately return a request for comment from CBC News for this story.


The law has attracted an avalanche of criticism and a flurry of companies eager to pull out of the state in protest. Yesterday, payment processing firm PayPal axed plans to build a $3.6-million US facility in the state that would have created 400 new jobs.


New Jersey-based Braeburn Pharmaceuticals said it was reconsidering building a $50-million US facility in Durham County, N.C., that would have created 50 jobs paying an average of $76,000 a year.

I wonder how many construction jobs will be lost when Braeburn nixes their planned facility?

sure they are, what is it they are being denied that they need special extras?

what is so offensive to them that they have a right to offend someone else?
Your argument is moronic. It is not an "extra" to not be discriminated against! LGBT's aren't trying to offend anyone; they are who they are. You don't have the right to treat them any differently than your buddy. It is the same responsibility we all share in a free, democratic country. With rights come responsibilities not to interfere with the rights of others, regardless of our personal opinions.
I can't say it any plainer than that.

You want to suppress individuality in the name of "being nice". That is beyond absurd. You sound like a statist, AGAIN.
People being treated nicely is NOT a right!!
I have a right to call you a bitch if I want. Just like you have the right to call me an asshole. Either of us choosing to use those names are our RIGHT.
You cant trample on our human rights, not to mention constitutional rights, because some insecure asswipe got their feelings hurt.
Grow up.
You are definitely the one who has the growing up to do, you goddammed, pigheaded, ornery CUSS. And I say that affectionately, but you could piss off the Pope.
The schools must have stopped teaching children that with rights come responsibilities. Freedom does not mean freedom to do whatever the hell you want. What you are proposing is actually anarchy. Most people don't think that's a good idea; don't confuse it with democracy.
It isn't anarchy. That's about the most ignorant thing I have heard today.
Conformity has nothing to do with responsibility. People having the right to be whatever in the hell they want without trampling on others, does. Which, BTW, is the very OPPOSITE of anarchy.
We seem to want the same thing. We just differ on what real "rights" actually are.
Yours stem from insecurity and emotion.
Mine stem from liberty, human nature and our Constitution.
And BTW, I wasn't calling you a bitch, obviously. I was just using an example. No need to flame me like that. That wasn't very nice :rofl:
Nobody expects you to conform to anything, TN.
People having the right to be whatever in the hell they want without trampling on others, does.
That's the crux of the problem; to me the right to discriminate against gays or blacks or whatever tramples on others. Where we differ is you think without having these rights written into the law, everything will be hunky dorey and these groups will not be 'hurt' in any way. I don't agree that humans are that nice, not all of them anyway. It is a lot more serious, in the real world, than hurt feelings. You just want gays to "grow a pair" and be denied a job, an apartment, whatever, without being bothered about it. Why should they? If you want to call that "insecure" and "emotional," fine.
I know you weren't calling me a bitch. But you gotta admit, you're as pigheaded as I am. No?
Seriously? You are a dyke and want to go into a man's business and basically demand that he make you a cake or whatever it is and you don't see that as trampling on his rights?
This is a new weapon in the left's arsenal and they could only get away with it with the cooperation and propaganda of the mainstream media. They disagree with a law that they claim is discriminatory and instead of working within the system to change it or appeal it they use economic pressure to punish the most vulnerable of the citizens in the state. The scope of the law is so minimal that it doesn't make sense to be this outraged. Freakazoid men would be liable for arrest if they used the ladies room and government officials and ordinary citizens could not be punished for not supporting or performing sodomite marriages. What's the big deal? Left wing bigots think they can coerce ordinary people into liking sodomites or not laughing at men in dresses?

Looks to me like the "freakazoids"/bigot-bots are making stuff up again to get their -bigoted base- all fired up about another in a long line of rightwing/Republican non-problems in need of a another discriminatory law.

What rightwing/Republican media are telling their bigot-base and the facts don't line up... "bogus bathroom stories" -pewsh!-

15 Experts Debunk Right-Wing Transgender Bathroom Myth
March 20, 2014

Experts in 12 states -- including law enforcement officials, government employees, and advocates for victims of sexual assault -- have debunked the right-wing myth that sexual predators will exploit transgender non-discrimination laws to sneak into women's restrooms, calling the myth baseless and "beyond specious."

Media Outlets Have Promoted "Urban Myth" About Restroom Sexual Assault In Trans-Inclusive Jurisdictions. According to Gay Star News' Jane Fae, transphobic bathroom myths have been promoted by news outlets that fail to fact-check unsubstantiated stories about alleged sexual assaults:

Have you heard the one about the trans woman who went into a female changing room and exposed herself to all and sundry?

No: that's not joke, so much as persistent urban myth. However, thanks to an unhappy combination of reactionary and transphobic groups in the United States, and newspapers with a less than whole-hearted commitment to fact-checking, this is one trope that looks set to run and run.

Early opposition, primarily from religious groups in bizarre alliance with some radical feminists, led to the circulation of scary video clips: one depicted the supposed nightmare scenario of a young girl entering a toilet, to be followed moments later by a mustachioed man in a dress. Since, however, this was mostly preaching to the converted, the campaign appears to have gone mainstream, with an increasingly regular drip-feed of stories of the kind highlighted above.

The transphobic tendency is often aided and abetted by journalists who don't check the stories. [Gay Star News, 1/9/14]

DC Trans Coalition: Conservatives Use "Bathroom Panic" To Defeat Transgender Non-Discrimination Laws. According to the DC Trans Coalition:

All over the world, anti-trans bigots try to convince the public that trans people are somehow a "threat" in public bathrooms. We've seen it in New Hampshire, in Gainesville, Fl and close to home in Montgomery County, Md: Our opponents stereotype trans people as sexual predators and try to use "bathroom panic" to defeat legislation that would protect our ability to gain employment and live safe lives. [DC Trans Coalition, accessed 3/18/14]

Fox News Has Promoted Harassment Fears About Transgender Access To Restrooms. Fox News has repeatedly invoked fears of sexual assault and misbehavior in restrooms to attack equal access to public accommodations for transgender people, including a fake story about a transgender student harassing females in her school's restroom. [Equality Matters, 6/5/13, 2/27/13, 8/14/13, 10/15/13]

Conservative Media Outlets Have Promoted Bogus Bathroom Stories. Numerous conservative media outlets, including The Daily Caller, WND, and the Media Research Center, have similarly promoted the myth that sexual predators will exploit trans-inclusive restrooms to prey upon women. [Equality Matters, 8/19/13, 8/22/13, 2/3/14]

North Carolina's Republican Governor Pat McCrory stood his ground on NC's screwball LGBT-bigot bill until-----until the porn site Hamster decided to shutdown access to their porn site in NC until NC repeals their LGBT-bigot bill. I can only presume, Governor McCrory knows his constituency...

NC Governor Issues Executive Order After Porn Company Denies Service To State
April 12, 2016
by Michael Stone

A day after porn giant xHamster refused service to anyone with a North Carolina IP address to protest the state’s new anti-LGBT law, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory issued an executive order meant to appease his critics.


Perhaps the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back was the fact that Porn giant xHamster is now refusing service to anyone with a North Carolina IP address to protest the state’s new anti-LGBT law.

Or maybe it is the fact that numerous businesses have abandoned plans to expand in North Carolina and countless others have abandoned their travel to the state.

Or maybe it is the fact that the Raleigh Visitors Bureau warned that the local economy could lose out on $24 million in economic benefits if the law is not repealed.

Or maybe it is the fact that Deutsche Bank is freezing plans for North Carolina jobs over the new anti-LGBT law.

Whatever the case, McCrory said that his new executive order would “affirm and improve the state’s commitment to privacy and equality,” while claiming that there is “a great deal of misinformation, misinterpretation, confusion, a lot of passion and frankly, selective outrage and hypocrisy, especially against the great state of North Carolina.”

Note: the only hypocrisy is coming from small government, Conservative Christians who want to monitor the bathroom habits of citizens while denying basic rights to the LGBT population. As for the outrage and passion, that is the appropriate response from good people when faced with bigotry and discrimination

Just get a bunch of people to show up at the business with signs that the business supports degenerates. Find out who the degenerates are and out them publicly. That's names, addresses, work place and car license number. They want attention, give them attention.
Barkley: NBA Should Pull All-Star Game From NC After Anti-LGBT Bill


he's right

NCAA says Buh Bye March Madness to North Carolina and...

North Carolina's HateBill2 takes another toll on North Carolina's economy.

NCAA Adopts New Anti-Discrimination Policies In The Wake Of HB2

by Lindsay Gibbs
Apr 28, 2016

On Wednesday, the NCAA Board of Governors adopted a new requirement: Sites bidding on NCAA events must demonstrate that they will provide a safe environment, free of discrimination.

The directive could have a serious impact on North Carolina, which is scheduled to host NCAA tournament games in both 2017 and 2018, and has been the focus of widespread backlash after the recent passage of an anti-LGBT law.

In March, Gov. Pat McCrory (R) signed HB2, a law that blocks North Carolina cities from passing their own non-discrimination ordinances and forces transgender men and women to use the bathroom that aligns with their birth certificate, not their gender identity, into law. Mississippi passed a similar law, scheduled to go into effect on July 1.

While the NCAA statement doesn’t officially mention HB2, the writing on the wall seems clear: If North Carolina doesn’t say goodbye to HB2, it might have to say goodbye to hosting March Madness.


It's NC's call - do they love B-ball more or do they love to hate LGBT people more? Your call NC...


North Carolina lawmakers think it's more important to discriminate against your neighbor than it is to have a good job - Republicans/conservatives are amazingly stupid...

PayPal cancels North Carolina expansion over LGBT discrimination law

Associated Press
April 5, 2016

PayPal says it's canceling plans to bring 400 jobs to North Carolina after lawmakers passed a law that restricts protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The San Jose-based company said Tuesday it was canceling its planned expansion in Charlotte because of the law, which was signed March 23. Republican Gov. Pat McCrory was on hand to celebrate days earlier when PayPal announced plans to hire about 400 people at a new operation center in Charlotte.

The PayPal announcement is the biggest tangible economic backlash to the state law that more than 100 corporate heads have decried as unfair. They say the law makes it more difficult to attract talent to North Carolina.

Lmao, obama care caused like 2 million jobs from being full time to part time, but that's ok in your world.

nice fantasy world you live in.

now why don't you pretend to stick to the topic.

homophobic rightwingnuts are funny

More job losses for North Carolina,
and-----and... It looks like the NBA is going to pull the 2017 All Star game.

Republican/rightwingers are amazingly stupid or-----or Republicans/rightwingers don't like the idea of-----of........ JOBS!

Obviously, NC politician's couldn't care less about their constituency earning more dough, getting off the dole and getting into self sufficiency.

Lionsgate moves TV show production to B.C. after North Carolina's anti-LGBTQ law

Filming of Hulu series Crushed was to begin next month but has now moved to Canada
CBC News
Last Updated: Apr 07, 2016

Movie studio Lionsgate has moved the filming of one of its new TV shows out of North Carolina and into British Columbia after the U.S. state passed a law that cracks down on rights for gay and particularly transgender people.

Lionsgate was set to film a new Hulu series called Crushed in the Charlotte, N.C., area about a family in the wine business. Preproduction was to begin this month, with filming starting in May, but the studio informed local employees that the production would be scrapped and moved to B.C., the Charlotte Observer reported this week.

A local news outlet reported the move would cost North Carolina 100 jobs.
Lionsgate will reportedly maintain other productions in the state that are farther along in their development. A spokesman for Lionsgate did not immediately return a request for comment from CBC News for this story.


The law has attracted an avalanche of criticism and a flurry of companies eager to pull out of the state in protest. Yesterday, payment processing firm PayPal axed plans to build a $3.6-million US facility in the state that would have created 400 new jobs.


New Jersey-based Braeburn Pharmaceuticals said it was reconsidering building a $50-million US facility in Durham County, N.C., that would have created 50 jobs paying an average of $76,000 a year.

I wonder how many construction jobs will be lost when Braeburn nixes their planned facility?


Why do these companies hate gays so much?

Don't they know that allowing pre op trans males in woman's restrooms destroys the same sex marriage argument?

Very strange if you ask me, but haters gotta hate I guess

North Carolina lawmakers think it's more important to discriminate against your neighbor than it is to have a good job - Republicans/conservatives are amazingly stupid...

PayPal cancels North Carolina expansion over LGBT discrimination law

Associated Press
April 5, 2016

PayPal says it's canceling plans to bring 400 jobs to North Carolina after lawmakers passed a law that restricts protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The San Jose-based company said Tuesday it was canceling its planned expansion in Charlotte because of the law, which was signed March 23. Republican Gov. Pat McCrory was on hand to celebrate days earlier when PayPal announced plans to hire about 400 people at a new operation center in Charlotte.

The PayPal announcement is the biggest tangible economic backlash to the state law that more than 100 corporate heads have decried as unfair. They say the law makes it more difficult to attract talent to North Carolina.

Lmao, obama care caused like 2 million jobs from being full time to part time, but that's ok in your world.

nice fantasy world you live in.

now why don't you pretend to stick to the topic.

homophobic rightwingnuts are funny

More job losses for North Carolina,
and-----and... It looks like the NBA is going to pull the 2017 All Star game.

Republican/rightwingers are amazingly stupid or-----or Republicans/rightwingers don't like the idea of-----of........ JOBS!

Obviously, NC politician's couldn't care less about their constituency earning more dough, getting off the dole and getting into self sufficiency.

Lionsgate moves TV show production to B.C. after North Carolina's anti-LGBTQ law

Filming of Hulu series Crushed was to begin next month but has now moved to Canada
CBC News
Last Updated: Apr 07, 2016

Movie studio Lionsgate has moved the filming of one of its new TV shows out of North Carolina and into British Columbia after the U.S. state passed a law that cracks down on rights for gay and particularly transgender people.

Lionsgate was set to film a new Hulu series called Crushed in the Charlotte, N.C., area about a family in the wine business. Preproduction was to begin this month, with filming starting in May, but the studio informed local employees that the production would be scrapped and moved to B.C., the Charlotte Observer reported this week.

A local news outlet reported the move would cost North Carolina 100 jobs.
Lionsgate will reportedly maintain other productions in the state that are farther along in their development. A spokesman for Lionsgate did not immediately return a request for comment from CBC News for this story.


The law has attracted an avalanche of criticism and a flurry of companies eager to pull out of the state in protest. Yesterday, payment processing firm PayPal axed plans to build a $3.6-million US facility in the state that would have created 400 new jobs.


New Jersey-based Braeburn Pharmaceuticals said it was reconsidering building a $50-million US facility in Durham County, N.C., that would have created 50 jobs paying an average of $76,000 a year.

I wonder how many construction jobs will be lost when Braeburn nixes their planned facility?


Why do these companies hate gays so much?

Don't they know that allowing pre op trans males in woman's restrooms destroys the same sex marriage argument?

Very strange if you ask me, but haters gotta hate I guess

the problem with bigotry lies in the bigots..;..not the objects of your irrational insane hatred.

North Carolina lawmakers think it's more important to discriminate against your neighbor than it is to have a good job - Republicans/conservatives are amazingly stupid...

PayPal cancels North Carolina expansion over LGBT discrimination law

Associated Press
April 5, 2016

PayPal says it's canceling plans to bring 400 jobs to North Carolina after lawmakers passed a law that restricts protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The San Jose-based company said Tuesday it was canceling its planned expansion in Charlotte because of the law, which was signed March 23. Republican Gov. Pat McCrory was on hand to celebrate days earlier when PayPal announced plans to hire about 400 people at a new operation center in Charlotte.

The PayPal announcement is the biggest tangible economic backlash to the state law that more than 100 corporate heads have decried as unfair. They say the law makes it more difficult to attract talent to North Carolina.

Lmao, obama care caused like 2 million jobs from being full time to part time, but that's ok in your world.

nice fantasy world you live in.

now why don't you pretend to stick to the topic.

homophobic rightwingnuts are funny

More job losses for North Carolina,
and-----and... It looks like the NBA is going to pull the 2017 All Star game.

Republican/rightwingers are amazingly stupid or-----or Republicans/rightwingers don't like the idea of-----of........ JOBS!

Obviously, NC politician's couldn't care less about their constituency earning more dough, getting off the dole and getting into self sufficiency.

Lionsgate moves TV show production to B.C. after North Carolina's anti-LGBTQ law

Filming of Hulu series Crushed was to begin next month but has now moved to Canada
CBC News
Last Updated: Apr 07, 2016

Movie studio Lionsgate has moved the filming of one of its new TV shows out of North Carolina and into British Columbia after the U.S. state passed a law that cracks down on rights for gay and particularly transgender people.

Lionsgate was set to film a new Hulu series called Crushed in the Charlotte, N.C., area about a family in the wine business. Preproduction was to begin this month, with filming starting in May, but the studio informed local employees that the production would be scrapped and moved to B.C., the Charlotte Observer reported this week.

A local news outlet reported the move would cost North Carolina 100 jobs.
Lionsgate will reportedly maintain other productions in the state that are farther along in their development. A spokesman for Lionsgate did not immediately return a request for comment from CBC News for this story.


The law has attracted an avalanche of criticism and a flurry of companies eager to pull out of the state in protest. Yesterday, payment processing firm PayPal axed plans to build a $3.6-million US facility in the state that would have created 400 new jobs.


New Jersey-based Braeburn Pharmaceuticals said it was reconsidering building a $50-million US facility in Durham County, N.C., that would have created 50 jobs paying an average of $76,000 a year.

I wonder how many construction jobs will be lost when Braeburn nixes their planned facility?


Why do these companies hate gays so much?

Don't they know that allowing pre op trans males in woman's restrooms destroys the same sex marriage argument?

Very strange if you ask me, but haters gotta hate I guess

the problem with bigotry lies in the bigots..;..not the objects of your irrational insane hatred.

Oh my, what hatred from a hater.

So you think Bakers ought to be able to arbitrarily decide who they will bake a wedding cake for?

That is what you're figjting for. You get that, Right.

If laws can be made in arbitrary fashion, that is exactly what you will get.

Good luck with that doll
This is a new weapon in the left's arsenal and they could only get away with it with the cooperation and propaganda of the mainstream media. They disagree with a law that they claim is discriminatory and instead of working within the system to change it or appeal it they use economic pressure to punish the most vulnerable of the citizens in the state. The scope of the law is so minimal that it doesn't make sense to be this outraged. Freakazoid men would be liable for arrest if they used the ladies room and government officials and ordinary citizens could not be punished for not supporting or performing sodomite marriages. What's the big deal? Left wing bigots think they can coerce ordinary people into liking sodomites or not laughing at men in dresses?
The reality is, businesses and individuals who disagree with those discriminatory laws are apparently in the majority. Businesses tend to be Republican, unless it is social issues that don't actually belong in a political party.

Speaking of business - I don't yet know how much business North Carolina stands to lose because of the NCAA's decision to pull their tournaments and championship games but it stands to be a major revenue loss for North Carolina.

North Carolina's deplorable systemic bigotry is going to cost them even more than it already has -
here's the latest response to North Carolina's deplorable HB2 law.

NCAA to move 7 championships from North Carolina due to HB2 law
Scott Gleason, USA TODAY Sports
September 12, 2016


► 2016 Division I Women’s Soccer Championship, College Cup (Cary), Dec. 2 and 4.
► 2016 Division III Men’s and Women’s Soccer Championships (Greensboro), Dec. 2 and 3.
► 2017 Division I Men’s Basketball Championship, first/second rounds (Greensboro), March 17 and 19.
► 2017 Division I Women’s Golf Championships, regional (Greenville), May 8-10.
► 2017 Division III Men’s and Women’s Tennis Championships (Cary), May 22-27.
► 2017 Division I Women’s Lacrosse Championship (Cary), May 26 and 28.
► 2017 Division II Baseball Championship (Cary), May 27-June 3.

New locations for the championship events are expected soon.
The NCAA Board of Governors stressed in its announcement that "North Carolina has the only statewide law that makes it unlawful to use a restroom different from the gender of one's birth certificate, regardless of gender identity."

This is a new weapon in the left's arsenal and they could only get away with it with the cooperation and propaganda of the mainstream media. They disagree with a law that they claim is discriminatory and instead of working within the system to change it or appeal it they use economic pressure to punish the most vulnerable of the citizens in the state. The scope of the law is so minimal that it doesn't make sense to be this outraged. Freakazoid men would be liable for arrest if they used the ladies room and government officials and ordinary citizens could not be punished for not supporting or performing sodomite marriages. What's the big deal? Left wing bigots think they can coerce ordinary people into liking sodomites or not laughing at men in dresses?
The reality is, businesses and individuals who disagree with those discriminatory laws are apparently in the majority. Businesses tend to be Republican, unless it is social issues that don't actually belong in a political party.

Speaking of business - I don't yet know how much business North Carolina stands to lose because of the NCAA's decision to pull their tournaments and championship games but it stands to be a major revenue loss for North Carolina.

North Carolina's deplorable systemic bigotry is going to cost them even more than it already has -
here's the latest response to North Carolina's deplorable HB2 law.

NCAA to move 7 championships from North Carolina due to HB2 law
Scott Gleason, USA TODAY Sports
September 12, 2016


► 2016 Division I Women’s Soccer Championship, College Cup (Cary), Dec. 2 and 4.
► 2016 Division III Men’s and Women’s Soccer Championships (Greensboro), Dec. 2 and 3.
► 2017 Division I Men’s Basketball Championship, first/second rounds (Greensboro), March 17 and 19.
► 2017 Division I Women’s Golf Championships, regional (Greenville), May 8-10.
► 2017 Division III Men’s and Women’s Tennis Championships (Cary), May 22-27.
► 2017 Division I Women’s Lacrosse Championship (Cary), May 26 and 28.
► 2017 Division II Baseball Championship (Cary), May 27-June 3.

New locations for the championship events are expected soon.
The NCAA Board of Governors stressed in its announcement that "North Carolina has the only statewide law that makes it unlawful to use a restroom different from the gender of one's birth certificate, regardless of gender identity."

why is NC bigoted? I've not understood the reason for that comment ever. Can you explain?
Lmao, obama care caused like 2 million jobs from being full time to part time, but that's ok in your world.

nice fantasy world you live in.

now why don't you pretend to stick to the topic.

homophobic rightwingnuts are funny

More job losses for North Carolina,
and-----and... It looks like the NBA is going to pull the 2017 All Star game.

Republican/rightwingers are amazingly stupid or-----or Republicans/rightwingers don't like the idea of-----of........ JOBS!

Obviously, NC politician's couldn't care less about their constituency earning more dough, getting off the dole and getting into self sufficiency.

Lionsgate moves TV show production to B.C. after North Carolina's anti-LGBTQ law

Filming of Hulu series Crushed was to begin next month but has now moved to Canada
CBC News
Last Updated: Apr 07, 2016

Movie studio Lionsgate has moved the filming of one of its new TV shows out of North Carolina and into British Columbia after the U.S. state passed a law that cracks down on rights for gay and particularly transgender people.

Lionsgate was set to film a new Hulu series called Crushed in the Charlotte, N.C., area about a family in the wine business. Preproduction was to begin this month, with filming starting in May, but the studio informed local employees that the production would be scrapped and moved to B.C., the Charlotte Observer reported this week.

A local news outlet reported the move would cost North Carolina 100 jobs.
Lionsgate will reportedly maintain other productions in the state that are farther along in their development. A spokesman for Lionsgate did not immediately return a request for comment from CBC News for this story.


The law has attracted an avalanche of criticism and a flurry of companies eager to pull out of the state in protest. Yesterday, payment processing firm PayPal axed plans to build a $3.6-million US facility in the state that would have created 400 new jobs.


New Jersey-based Braeburn Pharmaceuticals said it was reconsidering building a $50-million US facility in Durham County, N.C., that would have created 50 jobs paying an average of $76,000 a year.

I wonder how many construction jobs will be lost when Braeburn nixes their planned facility?


Why do these companies hate gays so much?

Don't they know that allowing pre op trans males in woman's restrooms destroys the same sex marriage argument?

Very strange if you ask me, but haters gotta hate I guess

the problem with bigotry lies in the bigots..;..not the objects of your irrational insane hatred.

Oh my, what hatred from a hater.

So you think Bakers ought to be able to arbitrarily decide who they will bake a wedding cake for?

That is what you're figjting for. You get that, Right.

If laws can be made in arbitrary fashion, that is exactly what you will get.

Good luck with that doll
Good. You are learning. The bigot is the hater, not the object of his hate.

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