Nearly 1/3rd of american's don't believe coronavirus death toll is accurate

How do you define accurate? With humans doing the counting, there are bound to be errors.
Well over half of the deaths attributed to CV-19 are elderly individuals who would have lived no more an a year or two had they not been infected. Hospitals and doctors have financial incentives to report these deaths as CV-19 related when that fact is uncertain or even unlikely. The medical reimbursement from Medicare is MULTIPLES of what they would receive if the deaths were from other or "natural" causes.


The news media studiously avoid providing the age-demographic of the constant deaths attributed to this disease, because they know that if the public understands it is the geezers who are dying, and normal healthy people under 65 have almost nothing to fear, they will decline to push the proverbial panic button, or even question the political leaders who have condemned us to semi-incarceration for a threat that is little more dangerous than the flu.

Count me among the third that is skeptical about the death count.
It's been pretty well established that the deaths are undercounted. That's why 68% said "accurate" or "more deaths".

The OP didn't mention that the article said the opposite of what he claimed. It's one of the more brazen attempts to lie with statistics that I've seen here.
Oh, don't sell yourself short.... You've tried far more brazenly than that.
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The flu fraudsters have just gone into outrageous lies. One wacky is that ten percent of the population has the virus. If that were true people would know someone who is sick. Two wacky is that emergency rooms and hospitals are over capacity. A reporter was just on Laura Ingreham who had gone to several hospitals in the hardest hit city, Houston. None were at capacity. Three Wacky are those who never had a test getting notices that they tested positive. These are three wacky too much. The public has stopped believing.
It's been pretty well established that the deaths are undercounted. That's why 68% said "accurate" or "more deaths".

The OP didn't mention that the article said the opposite of what he claimed. It's one of the more brazen attempts to lie with statistics that I've seen here.

It hit home last week for me. The numbers are substantial by anyone's calculation.

Liars are losing the people! The American people are starting to see right through it!

"Bible Experts Determine Goliath Died Of COVID-19
July 10th, 2020

ISRAEL—Working at an archaeological dig in the Valley of Elah, Bible experts have come up with an interesting theory concerning the death of Goliath, hulking giant of the Philistines who fought David in one-on-one combat.

Though he did have severe head trauma and neck problems, his death is now being counted as a COVID-19 death.
"While we didn't test him per se, he exhibited a lot of the symptoms of COVID-19," said one Bible scholar as he carefully worked to unearth some ancient face masks from Bible times. "The wooziness, the falling down, the headache -- it's all pretty clearly indicative of the novel coronavirus." He also stated that the virus ran rampant among the Philistines because they did not social distance, while Israel was relatively safe because King Saul declared a lockdown.
One researcher suggested that Goliath did not die of coronavirus but simply ODed, having been stoned. But then the other researchers realized he was telling a dad joke and told him to shut up and keep digging.
At publishing time, scholars had proposed that everyone who died in the Flood, the Israelite conquest of Canaan, and the flattening of Sodom and Gomorrah also died of COVID-19."

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