Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

Those studies are BS. Cops are afraid to pull black people over today thanks to the Ferguson effect

Sorry, Dude, there is "Ferguson Effect"

There Is No Ferguson Effect

Myth of the Ferguson Effect Is Hard to Kill

There are year-to-year variations, and differences between cities, but no nationwide crime epidemic and most importantly no easy explanation for the violence, he added. And while some cities are undoubtedly facing unacceptable levels of violence, the nationwide trend in violent crime continues to point downward, as it has for the last 25 years.

Our cops used to do traffic stops all the time. No more. It might be something menial like a brake light, license plate light. But often they pulled people over for stupid shit, and they found the driver had no license, or a passenger had a warrant out for their arrest. Trouble makers knew if you came to our suburb, you better behave yourself if you didn't want to get stopped.

Troublemakers = Darkies.

You do see that when you are pulling over black folks for menial things like a brake light or license plate light, hoping to find something more serious, that's racial profiling, right? Or do you just think that's okay?

No need to answer.

Menial things!? Last time I checked having functioning brake lights and/or a license plate light is required by law. Evidently if the driver is black you feel they should get a pass.
Aldo Raine thinks Abraham Lincoln is a hero, Lincoln actually killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Imagine that.

yes, he did. And in the process he saved the union and ended slavery.

He is a hero.

A Russian might feel the same way about Stalin. He defeated Hitler, who wanted to exterminate the Slavic people.

Comrade, Stalin defeated Hitler?

D-Day had nothing to do with it?

Tell me Comrade, how many of the German designed and engineered T34's would you Stalinists have been able to produce without American machine tools, and without American steel?

You would have continued to charge into battle with Mossan-Nagant rifles from WW1, sans ammunition.
Menial things!? Last time I checked having functioning brake lights and/or a license plate light is required by law. Evidently if the driver is black you feel they should get a pass.

Point is, I've never been pulled over for those things, not once. In 30+ years of driving.

But I'm white.

Imagine that.

Comrade, Stalin defeated Hitler?

D-Day had nothing to do with it?

Tell me Comrade, how many of the German designed and engineered T34's would you Stalinists have been able to produce without American machine tools, and without American steel?

You would have continued to charge into battle with Mossan-Nagant rifles from WW1, sans ammunition.

Uh, buddy, hate to break this to you, but most of the hard work in WWII was done by the Soviets. The battle of Kursk involved more men than the entire Western front.

There's a reason why the Soviets got to Berlin first.
Trump fits the paradigm: He believes he is a Czar, and his ignorance of history and governance is humungous.

Yeah, that's why he fixed the primary to thwart the will of the voters.

That's why he, along with a corrupt FBI colluded with the Russians to produce a fake "dossier" to slander the opposition.

Oh wait, that was all Hillary.

Carry on Comrade.
Menial things!? Last time I checked having functioning brake lights and/or a license plate light is required by law. Evidently if the driver is black you feel they should get a pass.

Point is, I've never been pulled over for those things, not once. In 30+ years of driving.

But I'm white.

Imagine that.

Comrade, Stalin defeated Hitler?

D-Day had nothing to do with it?

Tell me Comrade, how many of the German designed and engineered T34's would you Stalinists have been able to produce without American machine tools, and without American steel?

You would have continued to charge into battle with Mossan-Nagant rifles from WW1, sans ammunition.

Uh, buddy, hate to break this to you, but most of the hard work in WWII was done by the Soviets. The battle of Kursk involved more men than the entire Western front.

There's a reason why the Soviets got to Berlin first.

I have been pulled over for those things, and ticketed for both. And I'm white too.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
I would say that the poll results are the natural outcome of a society that does not permit an honest examination of the theories of Karl Marx.

I think it also highlights the failures of this society to create an inclusive economy. People will naturally turn away from that which isn't working for them and their families. That much they can perceive, it doesn't require a developed understanding of political economy.

Well........even if you were a poor person, what other country would you rather be poor in than the Untied States?

Thanks to government goodies, our poor do better than some of our working. Living on the dole is stress free unlike those who work and have to pay their own bills.

I think the real problem is education and their inability to realize how great of a country this is. We've only been around a couple hundred years, and we've become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world. Compare that with societies that have been around thousands of years.

I'm willling to bet that most of the people in that survey never stepped outside of the US to those wonderful places they think exist. Think Jong dung is a great guy? Go live in his country for a couple of years and see if you feel the same way. You'd kiss the ground when you got back here.......if they let you come back.
Education does seem to be a big problem in this country. And another example of how we are failing as a society. The economy is the base that supports our culture. When it fails our culture begins to break down with it. Our ability to educate our youth becomes a part of the breakdown.

We live in the present. What this country achieved in the past becomes irrelevant.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
I would say that the poll results are the natural outcome of a society that does not permit an honest examination of the theories of Karl Marx.

I think it also highlights the failures of this society to create an inclusive economy. People will naturally turn away from that which isn't working for them and their families. That much they can perceive, it doesn't require a developed understanding of political economy.

Well........even if you were a poor person, what other country would you rather be poor in than the Untied States?

Thanks to government goodies, our poor do better than some of our working. Living on the dole is stress free unlike those who work and have to pay their own bills.

I think the real problem is education and their inability to realize how great of a country this is. We've only been around a couple hundred years, and we've become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world. Compare that with societies that have been around thousands of years.

I'm willling to bet that most of the people in that survey never stepped outside of the US to those wonderful places they think exist. Think Jong dung is a great guy? Go live in his country for a couple of years and see if you feel the same way. You'd kiss the ground when you got back here.......if they let you come back.
Education does seem to be a big problem in this country. And another example of how we are failing as a society. The economy is the base that supports our culture. When it fails our culture begins to break down with it. Our ability to educate our youth becomes a part of the breakdown.

We live in the present.

I don't know about that. The economy seems to be doing fine today. Unemployment the lowest since 2000, the highest consumer confidence rating since 2000, great stock market; breaking records all the time.

I think the people surveyed just don't know WTF they are talking about. Never experienced it and never read much about it.
Menial things!? Last time I checked having functioning brake lights and/or a license plate light is required by law. Evidently if the driver is black you feel they should get a pass.

Point is, I've never been pulled over for those things, not once. In 30+ years of driving.

But I'm white.

Imagine that.

Comrade, Stalin defeated Hitler?

D-Day had nothing to do with it?

Tell me Comrade, how many of the German designed and engineered T34's would you Stalinists have been able to produce without American machine tools, and without American steel?

You would have continued to charge into battle with Mossan-Nagant rifles from WW1, sans ammunition.

Uh, buddy, hate to break this to you, but most of the hard work in WWII was done by the Soviets. The battle of Kursk involved more men than the entire Western front.

There's a reason why the Soviets got to Berlin first.

Yes Comrade, I grasp that you are lying pile of shit Communist. I get it that you would happily rewrite history to promote your GLORIOUS USSR, if you had any grasp of history in the first place.

But as always, what you post is patently false.

I'm going to say something absolutely true, and you're going to wail "NUHN UHN" with no logic or fact to support your conditioned response;

Ready little sheep?

Without the Soviet Union, Britain and The USA would have still defeated Germany.

Without the Britain and the USA, your beloved Stalin would have been defeated by Germany.

Fact little commie.

According to research by a team of Soviet historians, the Soviet Union lost a staggering 20,500 tanks from June 22 to December 31, 1941. At the end of November 1941, only 670 Soviet tanks were available to defend Moscow—that is, in the recently formed Kalinin, Western, and Southwestern Fronts. Only 205 of these tanks were heavy or medium types, and most of their strength was concentrated in the Western Front, with the Kalinin Front having only two tank battalions (67 tanks) and the Southwestern Front two tank brigades (30 tanks).

Given the disruption to Soviet production and Red Army losses, the Soviet Union was understandably eager to put British armor into action as soon as possible. According to Biriukov’s service diary, the first 20 British tanks arrived at the Soviet tank training school in Kazan on October 28, 1941, at which point a further 120 tanks were unloaded at the port of Archangel in northern Russia. Courses on the British tanks for Soviet crews started during November as the first tanks, with British assistance, were being assembled from their in-transit states and undergoing testing by Soviet specialists.

The tanks reached the front lines with extraordinary speed. Extrapolating from available statistics, researchers estimate that British-supplied tanks made up 30 to 40 percent of the entire heavy and medium tank strength of Soviet forces before Moscow at the beginning of December 1941, and certainly made up a significant proportion of tanks available as reinforcements at this critical point in the fighting. By the end of 1941 Britain had delivered 466 tanks out of the 750 promised.}

Did Russia Really Go It Alone? How Lend-Lease Helped the Soviets Defeat the Germans | HistoryNet
Menial things!? Last time I checked having functioning brake lights and/or a license plate light is required by law. Evidently if the driver is black you feel they should get a pass.

Point is, I've never been pulled over for those things, not once. In 30+ years of driving.

But I'm white.

Imagine that.

Comrade, Stalin defeated Hitler?

D-Day had nothing to do with it?

Tell me Comrade, how many of the German designed and engineered T34's would you Stalinists have been able to produce without American machine tools, and without American steel?

You would have continued to charge into battle with Mossan-Nagant rifles from WW1, sans ammunition.

Uh, buddy, hate to break this to you, but most of the hard work in WWII was done by the Soviets. The battle of Kursk involved more men than the entire Western front.

There's a reason why the Soviets got to Berlin first.

I have been pulled over for those things, and ticketed for both. And I'm white too.

I got pulled over last night.

I had my car in for service yesterday, it has "automatic" headlights. The dealer apparently turned them off. I didn't notice them being off - I'm in a city with very brightly lit streets. The cop was black, but he pulled me over because my lights were off, not because I'm white.
Your white, so you were pulled for an actual violation, Uncensored2008.
Sorry, Dude, there is "Ferguson Effect"

There Is No Ferguson Effect

Myth of the Ferguson Effect Is Hard to Kill

There are year-to-year variations, and differences between cities, but no nationwide crime epidemic and most importantly no easy explanation for the violence, he added. And while some cities are undoubtedly facing unacceptable levels of violence, the nationwide trend in violent crime continues to point downward, as it has for the last 25 years.

FOS. Look, I'll even give you a commie site that states the opposite:

Violent crime, including homicides, rose for the second consecutive year in 2016, driven by increases in a few urban centers including Baltimore, Chicago and Las Vegas, according to F.B.I. data released Monday.

Violent crimes increased nationally last year by 4.1 percent and homicides rose by 8.6 percent, one year after violence increased by 3.9 percent and homicides jumped by 10.8 percent. A total of 17,250 people were murdered in 2016, the F.B.I. said.

While crime over all and violent crime remain well below their levels of the 1980s and 1990s, last year was the first time violent crime increased in consecutive years since 2005 and 2006, according to the F.B.I. data, which is collected from local police departments around the nation and released annually.

Violent Crime in U.S. Rises for Second Consecutive Year

So don't take up the argument with me, take it up with the New York Times.

Troublemakers = Darkies.

You do see that when you are pulling over black folks for menial things like a brake light or license plate light, hoping to find something more serious, that's racial profiling, right? Or do you just think that's okay?

No need to answer.

Pulling somebody over for a minor violation is racial profiling? No, racial profiling is pulling somebody over for no reason at all.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.

Weird, since now many people are defending Putin also. It's the newest thing that equates everything with everyone else to justify nothing is really wrong.
Menial things!? Last time I checked having functioning brake lights and/or a license plate light is required by law. Evidently if the driver is black you feel they should get a pass.

Point is, I've never been pulled over for those things, not once. In 30+ years of driving.

But I'm white.

Imagine that.

Comrade, Stalin defeated Hitler?

D-Day had nothing to do with it?

Tell me Comrade, how many of the German designed and engineered T34's would you Stalinists have been able to produce without American machine tools, and without American steel?

You would have continued to charge into battle with Mossan-Nagant rifles from WW1, sans ammunition.

Uh, buddy, hate to break this to you, but most of the hard work in WWII was done by the Soviets. The battle of Kursk involved more men than the entire Western front.

There's a reason why the Soviets got to Berlin first.

All that stood betweet the British/Americans and Berlin was Eisenhower.

He signed a treaty with Stalin in which he said that his troops wouldn't cross the line of the river Elbe.

BTW Monty had the fastest way to Berlin.

Why Eisenhower Halted at the Elbe
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Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
I would say that the poll results are the natural outcome of a society that does not permit an honest examination of the theories of Karl Marx.

I think it also highlights the failures of this society to create an inclusive economy. People will naturally turn away from that which isn't working for them and their families. That much they can perceive, it doesn't require a developed understanding of political economy.

Well........even if you were a poor person, what other country would you rather be poor in than the Untied States?

Thanks to government goodies, our poor do better than some of our working. Living on the dole is stress free unlike those who work and have to pay their own bills.

I think the real problem is education and their inability to realize how great of a country this is. We've only been around a couple hundred years, and we've become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world. Compare that with societies that have been around thousands of years.

I'm willling to bet that most of the people in that survey never stepped outside of the US to those wonderful places they think exist. Think Jong dung is a great guy? Go live in his country for a couple of years and see if you feel the same way. You'd kiss the ground when you got back here.......if they let you come back.
Education does seem to be a big problem in this country. And another example of how we are failing as a society. The economy is the base that supports our culture. When it fails our culture begins to break down with it. Our ability to educate our youth becomes a part of the breakdown.

We live in the present. What this country achieved in the past becomes irrelevant.

Education is sketchy. We have institutions where facts are never broached.

When I was a doctoral candidate, I actually had some claim that I could not be a real Ph.D. because my field was useful. If you make things that people need, then you are not really a Ph.D. was the illogic. These were mental deficients who couldn't write their own names, but were granted doctorates in hatred, such as "Ethnic Studies"

Such people demean education and are in fact mal-educated.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.

Weird, since now many people are defending Putin also. It's the newest thing that equates everything with everyone else to justify nothing is really wrong.
Putin is a bigger advocate of free market Capitalism than any 10 Democrats
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.

Weird, since now many people are defending Putin also. It's the newest thing that equates everything with everyone else to justify nothing is really wrong.
Putin is a bigger advocate of free market Capitalism than any 10 Democrats

See? Frank shows us how it's done. Putin is cool because he loves free markets. By killing and jailing people who disagree. Yep yep
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
I would say that the poll results are the natural outcome of a society that does not permit an honest examination of the theories of Karl Marx.

I think it also highlights the failures of this society to create an inclusive economy. People will naturally turn away from that which isn't working for them and their families. That much they can perceive, it doesn't require a developed understanding of political economy.

Well........even if you were a poor person, what other country would you rather be poor in than the Untied States?

Thanks to government goodies, our poor do better than some of our working. Living on the dole is stress free unlike those who work and have to pay their own bills.

I think the real problem is education and their inability to realize how great of a country this is. We've only been around a couple hundred years, and we've become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world. Compare that with societies that have been around thousands of years.

I'm willling to bet that most of the people in that survey never stepped outside of the US to those wonderful places they think exist. Think Jong dung is a great guy? Go live in his country for a couple of years and see if you feel the same way. You'd kiss the ground when you got back here.......if they let you come back.

Education does seem to be a big problem in this country. And another example of how we are failing as a society. The economy is the base that supports our culture. When it fails our culture begins to break down with it. Our ability to educate our youth becomes a part of the breakdown.

We live in the present. What this country achieved in the past becomes irrelevant.

Well said ^^^ Pedagogy is stuck in a time warp. The more efforts to improve it, the more it remains the same.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.

I don't see how this can be fixed. That a significant portion of the nation brainwashed to be against pretty much everything this nation stands for, and against the nation itself.

The lefties in education and pop culture have built a time bomb that sooner or later is going to blow this country up.

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