Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.

Brains not yet fully formed. They should read up on POL POT also, and the German/Soviet non agression pact Stalin jumped into.


Stalinist killers-record-breakers

Stalinists and Soviet patriots undeservedly silent about another type of "Stakhanovites" - the executioners of the NKVD. Among them there are real record-breakers: General Vasily Blokhin personally shot 20 thousand people, Peter Maggo - 10 thousand.

Stalinist killers-record-breakers
Raped by Red Army soldiers, they talk for the first time (France 24)
World History should be a requirement in high school...when I went to H.S. we had the OPTION of taking either World history or American History...I took world history but most in my high school chose American History....

I wish I had ALSO taken American History, along with world History...but you could not take both....

And Bernie is not Stalin, nor even close to him, for goodness sake!
How do you know? Socialists never announce their plans of mass murder for non-conformists until after they're elected.

Oh, I don't know about that. democrats are pretty clear about what they will do to Christians and whites if they gain enough power.
Oh yeah, that's the ticket..... as a Democrat, I'll promote for my White, Christian self,,,, to be eliminated!!!! :rolleyes:

As a Communist, you probably would, after a lengthy confession for your "crimes."
Without the Soviet Union, Britain and The USA would have still defeated Germany.

That's laughable, at best. The only thing that even kept the UK in the war was that Churchill had to trade Indian indepence for support in the war. (4/5 of those who died fighting for the British Empire were Pakistani or Indian).

Do try reading a book, kay?

700 tanks in a war where both sides employed tens of thousands of them wasn't terribly meaningful.

The ironic thing was the Red Army was such a well-oiled machine by 1945, they could have kept going if they wanted to and there wasn't a whole lot we could have done about it.
Without the Soviet Union, Britain and The USA would have still defeated Germany.

That's laughable, at best. The only thing that even kept the UK in the war was that Churchill had to trade Indian indepence for support in the war. (4/5 of those who died fighting for the British Empire were Pakistani or Indian).

Do try reading a book, kay?

700 tanks in a war where both sides employed tens of thousands of them wasn't terribly meaningful.

The ironic thing was the Red Army was such a well-oiled machine by 1945, they could have kept going if they wanted to and there wasn't a whole lot we could have done about it.

Patton made your hero Zhukov shit a brick the only time they ever met.
Aldo Raine thinks Abraham Lincoln is a hero, Lincoln actually killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Imagine that.

Comparing Lincoln to Lee, you are a deranged lil dotard aren't you!

You are stupid, hence you are a Communist.

The Commander in Chief is the one who decides to go to war. Soldiers, even generals, take orders. Lincoln bears responsibility for the war he deliberately started; Lee only bears responsibility for the strategic decisions made in fighting that war.

Learn something before spouting off.

Ya that's it Lee chose to fight against his country because he was a traitor to his country. He did not have to fight for the south, HE CHOSE TO. Learn something dotard!

Your outrage over a decision made well before your grandfather was born is hard to credit.

THe Americans of the day, choose long ago to forgive and forget.

Who are you to retract their forgiveness?

Stating a simple fact, not outrage, fact!

He considered his loyalty to his State more important than his loyalty to the Federal Government.

This is not uncommon in history.

Hell, it's not completely unlike how this nation came to be.
World History should be a requirement in high school...when I went to H.S. we had the OPTION of taking either World history or American History...I took world history but most in my high school chose American History....

I wish I had ALSO taken American History, along with world History...but you could not take both....

And Bernie is not Stalin, nor even close to him, for goodness sake!
How do you know? Socialists never announce their plans of mass murder for non-conformists until after they're elected.

Oh, I don't know about that. democrats are pretty clear about what they will do to Christians and whites if they gain enough power.
Oh yeah, that's the ticket..... as a Democrat, I'll promote for my White, Christian self,,,, to be eliminated!!!! :rolleyes:

FOS. Look, I'll even give you a commie site that states the opposite:

That you think the NYT is a "commie site" kind of ruins your credibility.

None of this proves a "Furgeson effect". In Chicago, the main problem is that we are having a major issue with gangs because a few years ago, they took out the really big gangs and now a lot of smaller gangs are fighting for control.

Also, our police force is grossly incompetent, and has lost the trust of the community. That's what happens when you shoot a kid 16 times when he's on the ground and then lie your ass off about it, and three years later, the guy STILL isn't in jail.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
I'll bet a smaller percentage even know who they are.
FOS. Look, I'll even give you a commie site that states the opposite:

That you think the NYT is a "commie site" kind of ruins your credibility.

None of this proves a "Furgeson effect". In Chicago, the main problem is that we are having a major issue with gangs because a few years ago, they took out the really big gangs and now a lot of smaller gangs are fighting for control.

Also, our police force is grossly incompetent, and has lost the trust of the community. That's what happens when you shoot a kid 16 times when he's on the ground and then lie your ass off about it, and three years later, the guy STILL isn't in jail.

So how did Chicago's problems spill out to the rest of the United States?

"Earlier this year, the University of Chicago issued a report on the data behind the city’s horrifying rise in gun violence in 2016. After concluding the wave of murders couldn’t be attributed to warm weather or a decrease in educational or social welfare spending, the report suggested a precipitous drop in police stops might be a causal factor.

Police stops tumbled by more than 80 percent from November 2015 to January 2016, according to the report. The three month decline in police activity coincided with an intense period of scrutiny on the Chicago Police Department after it released video footage of the Laquan McDonald shooting. The video sparked a wave of protest in Chicago and a Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation of the police department.

While the U of C report said the connection between the McDonald incident and reduced police activity was “unclear,” it did note that the decline in police stops “began a few months before rates of gun violence in Chicago began to increase.”

The FBI’s Latest Report Suggests The ‘Ferguson Effect’ Is Real

No you said Putin was a bigger advocate of the free market than your fellow American. This type of bullshit is the reason why people can look at Kim Jong Un and go "well, is he really that bad?"

Because your stupid fucks like to pretend that one objectionable thing is the same as all other objectionable things. So Putin killing people and taking their companies, money and lives is just like Democrats wanting companies to stop dumping waste in rivers!

Because you're a Putin whore...who is worst because you're not being paid

You claim to be an American and hate the free market (as well as the Constitution.) Putin is a FAR greater advocate of the free market than you are. :dunno:

No you said Putin was a bigger advocate of the free market than your fellow American. This type of bullshit is the reason why people can look at Kim Jong Un and go "well, is he really that bad?"

Because your stupid fucks like to pretend that one objectionable thing is the same as all other objectionable things. So Putin killing people and taking their companies, money and lives is just like Democrats wanting companies to stop dumping waste in rivers!

Because you're a Putin whore...who is worst because you're not being paid

You claim to be an American and hate the free market (as well as the Constitution.) Putin is a FAR greater advocate of the free market than you are. :dunno:

Corrction, that's what you claim about me and that means nothing.
Ya that's it Lee chose to fight against his country because he was a traitor to his country. He did not have to fight for the south, HE CHOSE TO. Learn something dotard!

The concept of an empire that you Communists worship is not one that was favored prior to the Civil War. Lee was loyal to Virginia, as the states were sovereign. You are ignorant and dull of wit, you apply far left standards of the 21st century to a 19th century figure.America fought a war of independence to escape the type of central power that you worship.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
Of course they do, progressives are stupid ass bastards…
Aldo Raine thinks Abraham Lincoln is a hero, Lincoln actually killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Imagine that.

Comparing Lincoln to Lee, you are a deranged lil dotard aren't you!

You are stupid, hence you are a Communist.

The Commander in Chief is the one who decides to go to war. Soldiers, even generals, take orders. Lincoln bears responsibility for the war he deliberately started; Lee only bears responsibility for the strategic decisions made in fighting that war.

Learn something before spouting off.

Ya that's it Lee chose to fight against his country because he was a traitor to his country. He did not have to fight for the south, HE CHOSE TO. Learn something dotard!

Your outrage over a decision made well before your grandfather was born is hard to credit.

THe Americans of the day, choose long ago to forgive and forget.

Who are you to retract their forgiveness?

Stating a simple fact, not outrage, fact!

There is nothing factual about the abject ignorance you spew.

No you said Putin was a bigger advocate of the free market than your fellow American. This type of bullshit is the reason why people can look at Kim Jong Un and go "well, is he really that bad?"

Because your stupid fucks like to pretend that one objectionable thing is the same as all other objectionable things. So Putin killing people and taking their companies, money and lives is just like Democrats wanting companies to stop dumping waste in rivers!

Because you're a Putin whore...who is worst because you're not being paid

You claim to be an American and hate the free market (as well as the Constitution.) Putin is a FAR greater advocate of the free market than you are. :dunno:

Corrction, that's what you claim about me and that means nothing.

Correction, that is what you post on this board each and every day, Comrade.

No you said Putin was a bigger advocate of the free market than your fellow American. This type of bullshit is the reason why people can look at Kim Jong Un and go "well, is he really that bad?"

Because your stupid fucks like to pretend that one objectionable thing is the same as all other objectionable things. So Putin killing people and taking their companies, money and lives is just like Democrats wanting companies to stop dumping waste in rivers!

Because you're a Putin whore...who is worst because you're not being paid

You claim to be an American and hate the free market (as well as the Constitution.) Putin is a FAR greater advocate of the free market than you are. :dunno:

Corrction, that's what you claim about me and that means nothing.

Correction, that is what you post on this board each and every day, Comrade.

Correction, the only point you have is to make one up about other people.
John Kelly thinks General Lee is a hero. Lee actually killed Americans, imagine that!

Aldo Raine thinks Abraham Lincoln is a hero, Lincoln actually killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Imagine that.

Comparing Lincoln to Lee, you are a deranged lil dotard aren't you!

You are stupid, hence you are a Communist.

The Commander in Chief is the one who decides to go to war. Soldiers, even generals, take orders. Lincoln bears responsibility for the war he deliberately started; Lee only bears responsibility for the strategic decisions made in fighting that war.

Learn something before spouting off.

Ya that's it Lee chose to fight against his country because he was a traitor to his country. He did not have to fight for the south, HE CHOSE TO. Learn something dotard!

Lincoln did not have to invade Virginia and cause the slaughter of 850,000 Americans. He chose to do it.

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