Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

the young want everything to be paid for by others.

The idea of working for what you want seems to be an old out dated idea.
In 1860 Virginians hadn't undergone 200 years of brainwashing with nationalist propaganda.They viewed the United States the same way the UK views the European Union. It was just some far off bureacracy that did little for them and imposed all kinds of pernicious tariffs and laws on them.

Bullshit. The Civil War was about Slavery and the morbid fear Cleetus had his daughter might fuck a black man because he has a bigger dick.[/QUOTE/]

You learn that watching Dr. Who? You are such a plonker.
Menial things!? Last time I checked having functioning brake lights and/or a license plate light is required by law. Evidently if the driver is black you feel they should get a pass.

Point is, I've never been pulled over for those things, not once. In 30+ years of driving.

But I'm white.

Imagine that.

Comrade, Stalin defeated Hitler?

D-Day had nothing to do with it?

Tell me Comrade, how many of the German designed and engineered T34's would you Stalinists have been able to produce without American machine tools, and without American steel?

You would have continued to charge into battle with Mossan-Nagant rifles from WW1, sans ammunition.

Uh, buddy, hate to break this to you, but most of the hard work in WWII was done by the Soviets. The battle of Kursk involved more men than the entire Western front.

There's a reason why the Soviets got to Berlin first.
They got there first because we stopped.
Your outrage over a decision made well before your grandfather was born is hard to credit.

THe Americans of the day, choose long ago to forgive and forget.

Who are you to retract their forgiveness?

Stating a simple fact, not outrage, fact!

There is nothing factual about the abject ignorance you spew.

Lee fought and killed Americans, fact!
Lee, left the Union to be with the rebels, traitor, fact!

To fight against the army that invaded his state, fact!

So no loyalty to the United States of America and the country that trained him at West Point.

Did you miss the post talking about how he struggled with the decision about which command to accept for two days?

No you said Putin was a bigger advocate of the free market than your fellow American. This type of bullshit is the reason why people can look at Kim Jong Un and go "well, is he really that bad?"

Because your stupid fucks like to pretend that one objectionable thing is the same as all other objectionable things. So Putin killing people and taking their companies, money and lives is just like Democrats wanting companies to stop dumping waste in rivers!

Because you're a Putin whore...who is worst because you're not being paid

You claim to be an American and hate the free market (as well as the Constitution.) Putin is a FAR greater advocate of the free market than you are. :dunno:
If anyone had any doubt as to the trumpanzee support of Russian and Putin....................

No you said Putin was a bigger advocate of the free market than your fellow American. This type of bullshit is the reason why people can look at Kim Jong Un and go "well, is he really that bad?"

Because your stupid fucks like to pretend that one objectionable thing is the same as all other objectionable things. So Putin killing people and taking their companies, money and lives is just like Democrats wanting companies to stop dumping waste in rivers!

Because you're a Putin whore...who is worst because you're not being paid

You claim to be an American and hate the free market (as well as the Constitution.) Putin is a FAR greater advocate of the free market than you are. :dunno:
If anyone had any doubt as to the trumpanzee support of Russian and Putin....................

Logical fallacy of appeal to ridicule.

NOthing in your post addressed his valid point.

You lose.
Anytime I check out a thread on this board I am astounded by the amount of stupidity I most political boards have a lot of stupid people but this board I think holds the record.....why is that?

Well.....I could explain a lot of it...but I would probably get I will not go there. Anyhow...I was just reading on the South China Morning Post some comments of regular Chinese folks regarding what they think of thing struck me intelligent the Chinese are.

Check it out................What do Chinese people really think about Donald Trump?

These are just regular chinese interviewed at random on the their comments versus comments you see from Americans interviewed on the streets....amazing contrast and very revealing in regards to our future....we are simply being left behind by not only the Chinese but most of the industrial states....they are getting smarter and we are getting dumber....why is that....several factors....I will list a few....our idiotic immigration policy....good for those who want cheap labor...but disastrous for the country...we are favoring immigrants with low i.q.'s, often sick and unhealthy, alien religious beliefs, no love for America, no education, no other words they contribute nothing but cheap labor to America....good for the elites owners, corporations, farm owners and anyone else that needs a cheap labor force.

Our public schools are a joke for the most part.......their main mission is to spread propaganda and indoctrinate the students into political correctness...teach them how to 'feel' aka have sympathy and toleration for all those who are different from them....indoctrinate them into historical evils and racism of the white race and the white man....convince them of 'white privilege' and the fallacious myth of black victimhood etc.etc.etc.

A groundbreaking report by the National Commission on Excellence in Education, warned of “a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a Nation and a people,” the gains we have made in improving our schools are negligible—even though we have doubled our spending (in inflation-adjusted dollars) on K–12 public education. On America’s latest exams (the National Assessment of Educational Progress), one-third or fewer of eighth-grade students were proficient in math, science, or reading. Our high-school graduation rate continues to hover just shy of 70 percent, according to a 2010 report by the Editorial Projects in Education Research Center, and many of those students who do graduate aren’t prepared for college. ACT, the respected national organization that administers college-admissions tests, recently found that 76 percent of our high-school graduates “were not adequately prepared academically for first-year college courses.”

What do Chinese people really think about Donald Trump?
Last edited:
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.

You’re lying about what the poll says.

The question asked is “Do you think that [name of dictator] is a hero to his country?”. Kim Jong Un is worshipped in his country. It’s impossible to answer this question as a negative with any honesty.

I think the same thing can be said of Mao. Stalin I’m not sure of because Russia is now a hard right dictatorship and attitudes have changed.

But by cutting off the the question and leaving out “to his country” you’re creating a false impression as to what the poll is saying.

Sassy of course proves what a waste of money her education has been by not actually reading the question or the survey to find out what it said.
Stating a simple fact, not outrage, fact!

There is nothing factual about the abject ignorance you spew.

Lee fought and killed Americans, fact!
Lee, left the Union to be with the rebels, traitor, fact!

To fight against the army that invaded his state, fact!

So no loyalty to the United States of America and the country that trained him at West Point.

Did you miss the post talking about how he struggled with the decision about which command to accept for two days?

He excepted the wrong one, what America first means nothing all of a sudden
There is nothing factual about the abject ignorance you spew.

Lee fought and killed Americans, fact!
Lee, left the Union to be with the rebels, traitor, fact!

To fight against the army that invaded his state, fact!

So no loyalty to the United States of America and the country that trained him at West Point.

Did you miss the post talking about how he struggled with the decision about which command to accept for two days?

He excepted the wrong one, what America first means nothing all of a sudden

The man obvious had divided loyalty as to be expected in a Civil War.

That he was offered military command by BOTH sides, shows how well respected he was by both sides.

He choose, he fought, and his side lost.

After ward, he accepted his defeat and supported the national policy of reintegration and conciliation.
Lee fought and killed Americans, fact!
Lee, left the Union to be with the rebels, traitor, fact!

To fight against the army that invaded his state, fact!

So no loyalty to the United States of America and the country that trained him at West Point.

Did you miss the post talking about how he struggled with the decision about which command to accept for two days?

He excepted the wrong one, what America first means nothing all of a sudden

The man obvious had divided loyalty as to be expected in a Civil War.

That he was offered military command by BOTH sides, shows how well respected he was by both sides.

He choose, he fought, and his side lost.

After ward, he accepted his defeat and supported the national policy of reintegration and conciliation.

And he chose to fight and kill Americans, = traitor.
To fight against the army that invaded his state, fact!

So no loyalty to the United States of America and the country that trained him at West Point.

Did you miss the post talking about how he struggled with the decision about which command to accept for two days?

He excepted the wrong one, what America first means nothing all of a sudden

The man obvious had divided loyalty as to be expected in a Civil War.

That he was offered military command by BOTH sides, shows how well respected he was by both sides.

He choose, he fought, and his side lost.

After ward, he accepted his defeat and supported the national policy of reintegration and conciliation.

And he chose to fight and kill Americans, = traitor.

He felt his loyalty to his home State took precedence over his loyalty to the National government.

This was respected by the last 5 generations of Americans, including those that had to pay the price to defeat him.

Why are you being such a hard ass about it, now, 5 generations later?
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.

You’re lying about what the poll says.

The question asked is “Do you think that [name of dictator] is a hero to his country?”. Kim Jong Un is worshipped in his country. It’s impossible to answer this question as a negative with any honesty.

I think the same thing can be said of Mao. Stalin I’m not sure of because Russia is now a hard right dictatorship and attitudes have changed.

But by cutting off the the question and leaving out “to his country” you’re creating a false impression as to what the poll is saying.

Sassy of course proves what a waste of money her education has been by not actually reading the question or the survey to find out what it said.

Stalin killed over 20 million. Has putin done that?
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
Hey dumbshit. Instead of drinking the Daily Caller's piss, why didn't you look at the actual poll?

Here is the actual question: "A personal hero, hero for their country, or hero to the world".

This is a very poorly worded question, first of all, because it asks three question in one.

Who would deny that Stalin was a hero in his own country?


And here's a quote the Daily Caller failed to mention:

More Millennials cite communism as a current day problem, as compared to one year ago

And another:

Favorability of communist leaders drops among Millennials compared to last year

Why do you tards keep drinking the Daily Caller's piss when you have been shown countless times they lie to you?

Here's something else from the poll:

53% of Millennials feel the US economy works against them
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.

You’re lying about what the poll says.

The question asked is “Do you think that [name of dictator] is a hero to his country?”. Kim Jong Un is worshipped in his country. It’s impossible to answer this question as a negative with any honesty.

I think the same thing can be said of Mao. Stalin I’m not sure of because Russia is now a hard right dictatorship and attitudes have changed.

But by cutting off the the question and leaving out “to his country” you’re creating a false impression as to what the poll is saying.

Sassy of course proves what a waste of money her education has been by not actually reading the question or the survey to find out what it said.

Stalin killed over 20 million. Has putin done that?

Did you read what I posted? I said that I have no idea how Russia feels about Stalin because they no longer have a communist government, they have a right wing government. Attitudes towards past communist leaders have changed.

It’s hard to imagine that Russians were anything but relieved when Stalin died but I really don’t know what attitudes about him were.

Was Stalin a hero to his country? No idea. I would imagine that in the 1940’s Russians would have said yes because to say otherwise could get you killed.

It’s hard for anyone outside these countries to have anything positive to say about any of these people but how they are viewed in their own countries, which is what the questioned asked, is something entirely different.
Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.

You’re lying about what the poll says.

The question asked is “Do you think that [name of dictator] is a hero to his country?”. Kim Jong Un is worshipped in his country. It’s impossible to answer this question as a negative with any honesty.

I think the same thing can be said of Mao. Stalin I’m not sure of because Russia is now a hard right dictatorship and attitudes have changed.

But by cutting off the the question and leaving out “to his country” you’re creating a false impression as to what the poll is saying.

Sassy of course proves what a waste of money her education has been by not actually reading the question or the survey to find out what it said.

Stalin killed over 20 million. Has putin done that?

Did you read what I posted? I said that I have no idea how Russia feels about Stalin because they no longer have a communist government, they have a right wing government. Attitudes towards past communist leaders have changed.

It’s hard to imagine that Russians were anything but relieved when Stalin died but I really don’t know what attitudes about him were.

Was Stalin a hero to his country? No idea. I would imagine that in the 1940’s Russians would have said yes because to say otherwise could get you killed.

It’s hard for anyone outside these countries to have anything positive to say about any of these people but how they are viewed in their own countries, which is what the questioned asked, is something entirely different.

I dont disagree with everything you're saying. I think you're spot on some stuff. Russia is anything but a right wing govt though. I wouldnt even now how to classify their current arrangement.

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