Nearly 6 of 10 Americans favor marriage equality


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Yup. It is what it is. June is coming.

A record number of voters now support gay marriage, a NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Monday found.

The poll shows that an all-time high 59 percent of American voters support same-sex marriage -- nearly double the amount of voters who supported it in 2004. Support has also increased among conservative voters, with 35 percent now saying they back same-sex marriage, an increase of 9 percentage points from April 2013.

Fred Yang, a Democratic pollster who conducted the survey with Republican Bill McInturff, told the Wall Street Journal that support for gay marriage was increasing among voters faster than attitudes towards interracial marriage, now supported by 87 percent of Americans.

Despite the increase in support among conservatives, the poll found that it's still unclear how a GOP candidate's position on same-sex marriage would affect their chances with the electorate. Fifty percent of Republican primary voters said that they would view a candidate who supported gay marriage less favorably, while just 19 percent said that they would view the candidate more favorably.
A Record Number Of Voters Support Gay Marriage New Poll Finds
Fred Yang? This Fred Yang?

CHICAGO — A partner in a prominent, Washington-based political consulting firm is among those secretly recorded discussing ways Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich can cash in on President Barack Obama's old Senate seat. Frederick S. Yang, a top executive at Peter D. Hart Research Group Associates, is identified by prosecutors in the Blagojevich criminal complaint as "Advisor B," Michael D. Ettinger, a lawyer representing the governor's brother, said Thursday. Robert Blagojevich, who has not been charged with a crime, runs his brother's campaign fund.
Frederick Yang Top Democratic Consultant Caught On FBI s Blagojevich Tapes
This Fred Yang. Fred Yang, a Democratic pollster who conducted the survey with Republican Bill McInturff,
Of what. Do your past crimes and sins prevent you from posting what you think on this Board? His numbers are accurate because the polling protocol was good.

Most Americans want marriage equality, lass, and the younger the generation the greater it grows.

This is happening, be all unhappy all you want, but June is coming.
From The Advocate: "While more Americans approve of same-sex marriage than those who don't, a majority supports the right of businesses and public officials to refuse service and marriage licenses to gay couples.

An Associated Press-GfK poll found that 44 percent of Americans approve of marriage equality, while 39 percent oppose it (15 percent had no opinion). But 57 percent said wedding-related businesses such as florists and bakeries should be allowed to refuse service to same-sex couples if providing it conflicts with the operators' beliefs. One-third of those who favor marriage equality still believe such businesses should have religious opt-outs, and one-fourth believe that option should be available to county clerks who don't want to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples."

That the majority is growing in favor of marriage equality reflects on the social logic of American culture, yet the fact that marriage equality is a civil right discounts majorities, etc.
I'm for marriage equality, too. All adult people should be allowed to marry a person of the opposite gender.
Of what. Do your past crimes and sins prevent you from posting what you think on this Board? His numbers are accurate because the polling protocol was good.

Most Americans want marriage equality, lass, and the younger the generation the greater it grows.

This is happening, be all unhappy all you want, but June is coming.

According to the homos public opinion and votes don't matter....right?
I still don't get why people get so upset about gays getting married. It's not affecting you in any way, shape, or form, so mind your own business and let people live their lives.
I wonder if people here will still make gay marriage threads after it's legalized in June. Since there'll be nothing left to discuss. :dunno:

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