Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans

Many of them do not feel great. Many of them died because of the vaccines, and some of those deaths are being covered up.

But you're not too up on these things, you just shill. We understand this.
Sad that your misinformation is preventing millions of Americans from getting vaccinated and allowing the Delta variant to thrive

You are a despicable human being

The name-calling has no effect on me. The name-calling just means you have no information other than the stuff they spew in your ear and you spew back like a robot. I know that and I understand it.

I repeat:

The spike protein was SUPPOSED to stay in your arm and it might not have. The spike proteins--which are the danger in the actual virus--do NOT STAY LOCALIZED in the vaccine. They are found in blood, organs, bone marrow and BRAIN.

There are papers on this all over. Here is a short interview

Call it like I see them

Scum like you spreading misinformation allowed measles to survive
You are doing the same with Covid

The measles vaccine actually stops the transmission of measles

We don't know what this poisonous cocktail does. BTW, the more names you call, the more I know you have no facts or data but boy, are you rattled.

I saw it coming

The same assholes who call COVID a myth, refused to wear masks or socially distance are refusing to be vaccinated

You are a scourge on society

Scum, disgrace, scourge on society. What a yawner you are.

Anywho, Covid is not a myth. Cloth and surgical masks do not do a thing to mitigate an airborne virus particle. If they did, I would wear them. I do not wear them because the entire idea is laughable and stupid, and I don't like doing stupid things, especially when stupid things are inconvenient.

This is what works. Stay home when you are sick, and wash your hands. GOSH! Stuff your grandma said! Oh, and this. Work out, eat healthy, sleep well and take care of yourself. I just walked 3.25 miles and my BMI is under 19. Do you work out? Can I chastise you for that, or is that off limits? Is the cloth mask made out of Aunt Sarah's curtain material somehow more effective than being healthy?

More misinformation
Right down to masks don’t work. You scoff at the effectiveness of masks yet claim walking three miles protects you from a virus. I can’t make this shit up

We see his bullshit every time there is a medical crisis.

COVID deaths are isolated in those who are not vaccinated and we have morons who still tell people not to vaccinate

It's science, yes, and as usual you have to twist what I said--dishonest. It's not "walking three miles" that is protective. It's doing that ALMOST DAILY and having a BMI under 19 that is. Here, right from the CDC:

Yes, that is a lot more protective than masks. Did you know when I was quarantined twice for being a close contact at school it didn't even matter that I and the child infected were both wearing masks? That's how great they are.

You are quite ill-informed.

You are being ridiculous
Being in good physical health may help you survive COVID but not keep you from getting it or spreading it.

Are you really that selfish?
They wanted it. They chose it. I'm a masked wearer who has had my shots.
Why would you wear a mask if you've had your shots? Posture much? (eye roll) I'll bet you're one of those idiots that drives around alone in your car STILL wearing a mask!
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

So all the people with certain types of cancers, kids with leukemia, and HIV/AIDS patients who can't handle vaccines should die. That's your take, Herr Himmler?

You're a good DemoKKKrat.
They wanted it. They chose it. I'm a masked wearer who has had my shots.
Why would you wear a mask if you've had your shots? Posture much? (eye roll) I'll bet you're one of those idiots that drives around alone in your car STILL wearing a mask!
Because you can still carry the virus and spread it to those unvaccinated

How can you carry the virus if you're vaccinated? Explain the science.
They wanted it. They chose it. I'm a masked wearer who has had my shots.
Why would you wear a mask if you've had your shots? Posture much? (eye roll) I'll bet you're one of those idiots that drives around alone in your car STILL wearing a mask!
Because you can still carry the virus and spread it to those unvaccinated

How can you carry the virus if you're vaccinated? Explain the science.
Only going by what I have read. You "injest" the virus and expel it without getting sick.

It's not an imposition to wear a mask to protect others. It's also not worth arguing over. If I can do something as simple as that to save someone's live I'll do it...
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DrLove Idiot, I posted to what I have first hand knowledge of....................two employees of my husband have died of covid while they were in the process of getting the vaccine. Think the vaccine is causing covid.
That's hilarious - And you're a kook ;)
If those refusing to get vaccinated are those getting Covid now.................I really no longer care.

So all the people with certain types of cancers, kids with leukemia, and HIV/AIDS patients who can't handle vaccines should die. That's your take, Herr Himmler?
DrLove Actually quit a few have died while receiving the vaccine doses----those that die aren't listed as vaccine deaths but Covid deaths. Seen it happen a couple of weeks ago, a employee (not the first) was getting the vaccines and died a couple of days later. To hide the vaccine as being the likely cause--they are trying to say that he must have had gotten the virus before the vaccine and no one knew and that is what had to have kill him. Not the first person we know to have gone out getting the vaccine btw.............think the vaccine triggers covid infections or atleast the symptoms that the virus causes and it is killing people via mainly their circulartory system before they officially listed as vaccinated.

Oh just please stop ^ :lol:

View attachment 509775
Between December 2020 and June 7th, 2021, VAERS received 5,208 reports of death (0.0017%) of people who got a vaccine (309 million doses. Doctors and safety monitors carefully review the details of each case to see if it might be linked to the vaccine. There are three deaths that appear to be linked to blood clots that occurred after people got the J&J vaccine. Since we now know how to correctly treat people who develop these blood clots, future deaths related to this very rare side effect can be prevented.

The mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) do not introduce either live or dead virus into the body. These vaccines in effect teach the body how recognize and fight the virus. Within 7 days after inoculation, the vaccine is no longer in the body. mRNA vaccines have proven to be the safest and most effective vaccines ever produced.

Exactly right according to the legit science I read on the topic. But we shouldn't spoil the anecdotal evidence being meticulously collected by Dr Turtle. She desperately needs her feelz-n-stuff ;)
They wanted it. They chose it. I'm a masked wearer who has had my shots.
Why would you wear a mask if you've had your shots? Posture much? (eye roll) I'll bet you're one of those idiots that drives around alone in your car STILL wearing a mask!
Because you can still carry the virus and spread it to those unvaccinated
How does that work exactly? You're claiming that a vaccinated person can contract the virus and then expel it into the air to make others sick? That's absurd on it's face! I would gather that there is a very small chance that a vaccinated person could spread Covid by touching something expelled by someone with the the virus and then touching someone else but a mask wouldn't do anything to stop that from taking place.
Kindly show me where what you're claiming has taken place. You say that you've "read" about it happening? Provide a link to that if you would...
I thank Trump for getting out of the way and allowing someone who actually cares about the health and well being of Americans to take charge
Biden is like the king in Dragonslayer, he thrusts his sword into an already dead dragon, dispatched by the true hero, and makes sure his scribes write how he, the king, slayed the dragon..
I thank Trump for getting out of the way and allowing someone who actually cares about the health and well being of Americans to take charge
Biden is like the king in Dragonslayer, he thrusts his sword into an already dead dragon, dispatched by the true hero, and makes sure his scribes write how he, the king, slayed the dragon..
Slayed Trumps Fat Ass
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans

Many of them do not feel great. Many of them died because of the vaccines, and some of those deaths are being covered up.

But you're not too up on these things, you just shill. We understand this.
Sad that your misinformation is preventing millions of Americans from getting vaccinated and allowing the Delta variant to thrive

You are a despicable human being

The name-calling has no effect on me. The name-calling just means you have no information other than the stuff they spew in your ear and you spew back like a robot. I know that and I understand it.

I repeat:

The spike protein was SUPPOSED to stay in your arm and it might not have. The spike proteins--which are the danger in the actual virus--do NOT STAY LOCALIZED in the vaccine. They are found in blood, organs, bone marrow and BRAIN.

There are papers on this all over. Here is a short interview

Call it like I see them

Scum like you spreading misinformation allowed measles to survive
You are doing the same with Covid

The measles vaccine actually stops the transmission of measles

We don't know what this poisonous cocktail does. BTW, the more names you call, the more I know you have no facts or data but boy, are you rattled.

I saw it coming

The same assholes who call COVID a myth, refused to wear masks or socially distance are refusing to be vaccinated

You are a scourge on society

Scum, disgrace, scourge on society. What a yawner you are.

Anywho, Covid is not a myth. Cloth and surgical masks do not do a thing to mitigate an airborne virus particle. If they did, I would wear them. I do not wear them because the entire idea is laughable and stupid, and I don't like doing stupid things, especially when stupid things are inconvenient.

This is what works. Stay home when you are sick, and wash your hands. GOSH! Stuff your grandma said! Oh, and this. Work out, eat healthy, sleep well and take care of yourself. I just walked 3.25 miles and my BMI is under 19. Do you work out? Can I chastise you for that, or is that off limits? Is the cloth mask made out of Aunt Sarah's curtain material somehow more effective than being healthy?

More misinformation
Right down to masks don’t work. You scoff at the effectiveness of masks yet claim walking three miles protects you from a virus. I can’t make this shit up

We see his bullshit every time there is a medical crisis.

COVID deaths are isolated in those who are not vaccinated and we have morons who still tell people not to vaccinate

It's science, yes, and as usual you have to twist what I said--dishonest. It's not "walking three miles" that is protective. It's doing that ALMOST DAILY and having a BMI under 19 that is. Here, right from the CDC:

Yes, that is a lot more protective than masks. Did you know when I was quarantined twice for being a close contact at school it didn't even matter that I and the child infected were both wearing masks? That's how great they are.

You are quite ill-informed.

You are being ridiculous
Being in good physical health may help you survive COVID but not keep you from getting it or spreading it.

Are you really that selfish?

The people who were selfish were those who did not want to get infected last March, so went with "fattening the curve" instead of trying to end it as quickly as possible.
The idea of "flattening the curve" is what prevented the epidemic from ending in the normal month or 2.
When you "flatten the curve", you conserve easy hosts, so then keep any epidemic going forever.

While it is true that being in good physical health only helps you survive an infection, but not from getting or spreading it, but neither does vaccination totally prevent you from getting or spreading it.

The BEST way to reduce deaths is to end epidemics as quickly as possible, and that is best done by deliberate infection of the healthy. That prevents spread because you know when to quarantine, you achieve better immunity than any vaccination, and you don't have to wait a year for a vaccine to be distributed even without being adequately tested for approval.
They wanted it. They chose it. I'm a masked wearer who has had my shots.
Why would you wear a mask if you've had your shots? Posture much? (eye roll) I'll bet you're one of those idiots that drives around alone in your car STILL wearing a mask!
Because you can still carry the virus and spread it to those unvaccinated
How does that work exactly? You're claiming that a vaccinated person can contract the virus and then expel it into the air to make others sick? That's absurd on it's face! I would gather that there is a very small chance that a vaccinated person could spread Covid by touching something expelled by someone with the the virus and then touching someone else but a mask wouldn't do anything to stop that from taking place.

Unfortunately he is right.
The immune can still be infected and pass it along.
Immunity only means you don't feel bad, and you won't produce as many of the virus offspring.
But no immunity can ever prevent infection or spread completely.
That is because this virus lives hidden in air passages, and the immune system does not find out about it until you have a raging case.

But since the healthy should all be trying to get it, you should only mask around the vulnerable.

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