Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

Flopper I don't think so Flopper----the vaccine is killing people and it only has a short a very short effective time frame before requiring at a minimum a booster----if a booster will work or not. People aren't going to keep running in for shots even if they would work.

On top of this vaccines allow for creating new strains........and with MRNA technology there is a big chance that long term effects could be worse than the virus.

On top of this-----things like Sodas are now being shown to create false positives, fauci and the WHO have been snagged lying about the virus, and a whole host of other things make collecting and studying data about covid and vaccines practically impossible. To many people making millions and billions off this thing.

I've had the virus-----my long term prognosis is better than those who have been vaccinated. I wonder if not allowing nature to take its course with the virus allowing people to get the virus and fight it off naturally especially among the healthy isn't best route instead of pushing an unknown vaccine.
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.
A meaningless statement, without context.

3 deaths tied to the vaccines after 330 million doses administered. 130 deaths in only June 2021 in only Maryland from covid-19, 0 of whom were vaccinated. Out of about 10,000 new June cases.

I mean if you want to live in willful blindness no one can help you.
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.
No one is dying of covid
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans

Many of them do not feel great. Many of them died because of the vaccines, and some of those deaths are being covered up.

But you're not too up on these things, you just shill. We understand this.
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans

Many of them do not feel great. Many of them died because of the vaccines, and some of those deaths are being covered up.

But you're not too up on these things, you just shill. We understand this.
Sad that your misinformation is preventing millions of Americans from getting vaccinated and allowing the Delta variant to thrive

You are a despicable human being
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans

Many of them do not feel great. Many of them died because of the vaccines, and some of those deaths are being covered up.

But you're not too up on these things, you just shill. We understand this.
Sad that your misinformation is preventing millions of Americans from getting vaccinated and allowing the Delta variant to thrive

You are a despicable human being

The name-calling has no effect on me. The name-calling just means you have no information other than the stuff they spew in your ear and you spew back like a robot. I know that and I understand it.

I repeat:

The spike protein was SUPPOSED to stay in your arm and it might not have. The spike proteins--which are the danger in the actual virus--do NOT STAY LOCALIZED in the vaccine. They are found in blood, organs, bone marrow and BRAIN.

There are papers on this all over. Here is a short interview

We know that the spike proteins do not stay localized to the arm muscle because the Japanese, more skeptical than Americans, thank God, asked Pfizer for follow up data, and they produced it. Here it is, in a lot of Japanese too. In rats and mice, the spike proteins accumulated IN OVARIES AND TESTES and also other organs. It did NOT stay in the arm muscle!!

Of course, this explains the curious symptom of women having all kinds of menstrual/bleeding problems after the vaccine. Who ever heard of menstrual problems after a vaccine?

The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans

Many of them do not feel great. Many of them died because of the vaccines, and some of those deaths are being covered up.

But you're not too up on these things, you just shill. We understand this.
Sad that your misinformation is preventing millions of Americans from getting vaccinated and allowing the Delta variant to thrive

You are a despicable human being

The name-calling has no effect on me. The name-calling just means you have no information other than the stuff they spew in your ear and you spew back like a robot. I know that and I understand it.

I repeat:

The spike protein was SUPPOSED to stay in your arm and it might not have. The spike proteins--which are the danger in the actual virus--do NOT STAY LOCALIZED in the vaccine. They are found in blood, organs, bone marrow and BRAIN.

There are papers on this all over. Here is a short interview

Call it like I see them

Scum like you spreading misinformation allowed measles to survive
You are doing the same with Covid
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans

Many of them do not feel great. Many of them died because of the vaccines, and some of those deaths are being covered up.

But you're not too up on these things, you just shill. We understand this.
Sad that your misinformation is preventing millions of Americans from getting vaccinated and allowing the Delta variant to thrive

You are a despicable human being

The name-calling has no effect on me. The name-calling just means you have no information other than the stuff they spew in your ear and you spew back like a robot. I know that and I understand it.

I repeat:

The spike protein was SUPPOSED to stay in your arm and it might not have. The spike proteins--which are the danger in the actual virus--do NOT STAY LOCALIZED in the vaccine. They are found in blood, organs, bone marrow and BRAIN.

There are papers on this all over. Here is a short interview

Call it like I see them

Scum like you spreading misinformation allowed measles to survive
You are doing the same with Covid

The measles vaccine actually stops the transmission of measles

We don't know what this poisonous cocktail does. BTW, the more names you call, the more I know you have no facts or data but boy, are you rattled.
No one is dying of covid

I know…
and Trump really won the election
Who do you know that died today or yesterday

My Sister in law died of Covid in Jamuary

I'm very sorry to hear that. Every single death is a tragedy.

In May of 2019 our son, then 22, almost died of pneumonia. He went into sepsis and was in ICU on five different antibiotics. It wasn't a good situation. Still, we did not go around insisting everyone take a pneumonia vax or a flu vax or whatever. This has always been the case. Unless a person DIRECTLY causes someone's death you don't infringe on everyone else's right to life free. You take steps to protect yourself and that's it.
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans

Many of them do not feel great. Many of them died because of the vaccines, and some of those deaths are being covered up.

But you're not too up on these things, you just shill. We understand this.
Sad that your misinformation is preventing millions of Americans from getting vaccinated and allowing the Delta variant to thrive

You are a despicable human being

The name-calling has no effect on me. The name-calling just means you have no information other than the stuff they spew in your ear and you spew back like a robot. I know that and I understand it.

I repeat:

The spike protein was SUPPOSED to stay in your arm and it might not have. The spike proteins--which are the danger in the actual virus--do NOT STAY LOCALIZED in the vaccine. They are found in blood, organs, bone marrow and BRAIN.

There are papers on this all over. Here is a short interview

Call it like I see them

Scum like you spreading misinformation allowed measles to survive
You are doing the same with Covid

The measles vaccine actually stops the transmission of measles

We don't know what this poisonous cocktail does. BTW, the more names you call, the more I know you have no facts or data but boy, are you rattled.

I saw it coming

The same assholes who call COVID a myth, refused to wear masks or socially distance are refusing to be vaccinated

You are a scourge on society
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans

Many of them do not feel great. Many of them died because of the vaccines, and some of those deaths are being covered up.

But you're not too up on these things, you just shill. We understand this.
Sad that your misinformation is preventing millions of Americans from getting vaccinated and allowing the Delta variant to thrive

You are a despicable human being

The name-calling has no effect on me. The name-calling just means you have no information other than the stuff they spew in your ear and you spew back like a robot. I know that and I understand it.

I repeat:

The spike protein was SUPPOSED to stay in your arm and it might not have. The spike proteins--which are the danger in the actual virus--do NOT STAY LOCALIZED in the vaccine. They are found in blood, organs, bone marrow and BRAIN.

There are papers on this all over. Here is a short interview

Call it like I see them

Scum like you spreading misinformation allowed measles to survive
You are doing the same with Covid

The measles vaccine actually stops the transmission of measles

We don't know what this poisonous cocktail does. BTW, the more names you call, the more I know you have no facts or data but boy, are you rattled.

I saw it coming

The same assholes who call COVID a myth, refused to wear masks or socially distance are refusing to be vaccinated

You are a scourge on society

Scum, disgrace, scourge on society. What a yawner you are.

Anywho, Covid is not a myth. Cloth and surgical masks do not do a thing to mitigate an airborne virus particle. If they did, I would wear them. I do not wear them because the entire idea is laughable and stupid, and I don't like doing stupid things, especially when stupid things are inconvenient.

This is what works. Stay home when you are sick, and wash your hands. GOSH! Stuff your grandma said! Oh, and this. Work out, eat healthy, sleep well and take care of yourself. I just walked 3.25 miles and my BMI is under 19. Do you work out? Can I chastise you for that, or is that off limits? Is the cloth mask made out of Aunt Sarah's curtain material somehow more effective than being healthy?
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans

Many of them do not feel great. Many of them died because of the vaccines, and some of those deaths are being covered up.

But you're not too up on these things, you just shill. We understand this.
Sad that your misinformation is preventing millions of Americans from getting vaccinated and allowing the Delta variant to thrive

You are a despicable human being

The name-calling has no effect on me. The name-calling just means you have no information other than the stuff they spew in your ear and you spew back like a robot. I know that and I understand it.

I repeat:

The spike protein was SUPPOSED to stay in your arm and it might not have. The spike proteins--which are the danger in the actual virus--do NOT STAY LOCALIZED in the vaccine. They are found in blood, organs, bone marrow and BRAIN.

There are papers on this all over. Here is a short interview

Call it like I see them

Scum like you spreading misinformation allowed measles to survive
You are doing the same with Covid

The measles vaccine actually stops the transmission of measles

We don't know what this poisonous cocktail does. BTW, the more names you call, the more I know you have no facts or data but boy, are you rattled.

I saw it coming

The same assholes who call COVID a myth, refused to wear masks or socially distance are refusing to be vaccinated

You are a scourge on society

Scum, disgrace, scourge on society. What a yawner you are.

Anywho, Covid is not a myth. Cloth and surgical masks do not do a thing to mitigate an airborne virus particle. If they did, I would wear them. I do not wear them because the entire idea is laughable and stupid, and I don't like doing stupid things, especially when stupid things are inconvenient.

This is what works. Stay home when you are sick, and wash your hands. GOSH! Stuff your grandma said! Oh, and this. Work out, eat healthy, sleep well and take care of yourself. I just walked 3.25 miles and my BMI is under 19. Do you work out? Can I chastise you for that, or is that off limits? Is the cloth mask made out of Aunt Sarah's curtain material somehow more effective than being healthy?

More misinformation
Right down to masks don’t work. You scoff at the effectiveness of masks yet claim walking three miles protects you from a virus. I can’t make this shit up

We see his bullshit every time there is a medical crisis.

COVID deaths are isolated in those who are not vaccinated and we have morons who still tell people not to vaccinate
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine. Not covid.

The vaccines are a disaster. The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood. The spike protein, which causes all the havoc in the actual disease, is also used in the vaccine and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Do all you vaccinated folks know this?
I feel great
So do 160 million Americans

Many of them do not feel great. Many of them died because of the vaccines, and some of those deaths are being covered up.

But you're not too up on these things, you just shill. We understand this.
Sad that your misinformation is preventing millions of Americans from getting vaccinated and allowing the Delta variant to thrive

You are a despicable human being

The name-calling has no effect on me. The name-calling just means you have no information other than the stuff they spew in your ear and you spew back like a robot. I know that and I understand it.

I repeat:

The spike protein was SUPPOSED to stay in your arm and it might not have. The spike proteins--which are the danger in the actual virus--do NOT STAY LOCALIZED in the vaccine. They are found in blood, organs, bone marrow and BRAIN.

There are papers on this all over. Here is a short interview

Call it like I see them

Scum like you spreading misinformation allowed measles to survive
You are doing the same with Covid

The measles vaccine actually stops the transmission of measles

We don't know what this poisonous cocktail does. BTW, the more names you call, the more I know you have no facts or data but boy, are you rattled.

I saw it coming

The same assholes who call COVID a myth, refused to wear masks or socially distance are refusing to be vaccinated

You are a scourge on society

Scum, disgrace, scourge on society. What a yawner you are.

Anywho, Covid is not a myth. Cloth and surgical masks do not do a thing to mitigate an airborne virus particle. If they did, I would wear them. I do not wear them because the entire idea is laughable and stupid, and I don't like doing stupid things, especially when stupid things are inconvenient.

This is what works. Stay home when you are sick, and wash your hands. GOSH! Stuff your grandma said! Oh, and this. Work out, eat healthy, sleep well and take care of yourself. I just walked 3.25 miles and my BMI is under 19. Do you work out? Can I chastise you for that, or is that off limits? Is the cloth mask made out of Aunt Sarah's curtain material somehow more effective than being healthy?

More misinformation
Right down to masks don’t work. You scoff at the effectiveness of masks yet claim walking three miles protects you from a virus. I can’t make this shit up

We see his bullshit every time there is a medical crisis.

COVID deaths are isolated in those who are not vaccinated and we have morons who still tell people not to vaccinate

It's science, yes, and as usual you have to twist what I said--dishonest. It's not "walking three miles" that is protective. It's doing that ALMOST DAILY and having a BMI under 19 that is. Here, right from the CDC:

Yes, that is a lot more protective than masks. Did you know when I was quarantined twice for being a close contact at school it didn't even matter that I and the child infected were both wearing masks? That's how great they are.

You are quite ill-informed.

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