Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

Apparently those masks ain't workin' too well.
Japan has 126 million people to our 330 million. A "spike" and state of emergency to them is 1500 new daily cases. Our lowest point, where we celebrate and reopen, was like 15000 new cases a day. Japan is just a smarter and more compassionate country than we are , chiefly because of twats like you.
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Correct, Covid-19 is not a hoax and vaccines do work.

Covid-19 is not the Flu. The vaccines do not cause infertility, , nor do they modify DNA, nor do they cause covid-19 variants, nor do they contain microchips to track your movements, nor do they turn people into magnets due to 5G telecommunication towers.

The motives behind creating these fantasies are varied but are often motived by hopes of profit such as selling supplements, medical treatments, books, soliciting contribution, and just selling stories to media sites. Then there are those who just get a kick out of thwarting the efforts of any respected organizations in the medical community who are trying to save lives. Social media which plays an important part in providing a means to spread the disinformation generally takes the view that free speech tops public safety. This allows the misinformation to spread and become a subject for debate leading to more fabricated information.

Many intelligent people that love to play devil's advocate in supporting these fantasies convince a lot of people who are less informed to take up the cause and spread the fantasy which ends up costing lives and people's health.
COVID is a virus. Viruses are categorized as flus. You're just parroting the Government dictated explanation. No one thinks COVID has microchips. COVID has a 95% to 99% SURVIVAL rate. It is not a morbid condition for healthy people. For most folks it's little more than a transient discomfort. The response (from powerful Democrats) is to quarantine everyone, shut down schools, businesses and make everyone wear face diapers. Frankly, YOU are the one spreading the fantasy that COVID is a morbid condition.

Without those measures this virus would spread like wildfire, much in the same way influenza does. That virus kills tens of thousands each year. Face diapers are the primary reason why the flu was nearly eradicated this year compared to every other flu season. If only they worked as well to protect everyone from stupidity.
Show real proof that masks did that. Experts disagree. Hand cleanliness and distancing is the most likely reason. In any case, COVID has a 95% to 99% survival rate. Better odds than dirving a car. Japan, the premier mask-wearing country, is now experiencing and surge in COVID.

The real experts don't disagree, only the fake ones do. You don't have a over 99% reduction in flu cases because you wash your hands. Hand hygiene and social distancing are all part of it, but are often not achievable or easily forgotten about in daily situations when you're outside, whereas your mask is always on no matter where you go. The more ppl who wear them the greater the reduction of viral spread. If you wear an n95 then you're protected from spreading and from getting the virus.

Japan has over 14k deaths in a densely packed country of 130 million. I would say, they've done an amazing job compared to the US and other western countries. Thank you for making my argument for me.

"All fans banned from Tokyo Olympics as rise in COVID cases in Japan prompts a state of emergency"​

"TOKYO — Fans were banned from the pandemic-postponed Tokyo Olympics which will open in two weeks, following a state of emergency on Thursday, Olympic Minister Tamayo Marukawa told the Japanese news agency Kyodo."

Apparently those masks ain't workin' too well. So much for your 'real experts.'

Psssh cases are actually way down from what they were 1-2 months ago. Just letting you know.
Japan 7-day new case average : 1754

United States: 16,208

Japan: state of emergency to protect its citizens

United States: time to start making out with our cousins again

Country of morons
I am not dumb enough to ignore the risk of COVID when there is a vaccine available
Oh you’re dumb enough, you believed so much in this you took a vaccine that was created because of President Trump, oh the irony….
You despise a man so much that you took a vaccine he forced through the FDA, but this was okay?!?!
You stupid MF’er, how do you get out of bed, lol!!!
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... and a death rate dropping from over 3,000 a day to less than hundred a day, there is no excuse for not getting vaccinated.
Those numbers also prove that COVID is not a hoax. It was often claimed the numbers were of people who died "with" covid, instead of because of covid.
If that were true, then the vaccinations which only prevent covid, would not have caused the number of deaths to so dramatically decline.

In fact it proves both the efficacy of the vaccine, and the lethality of the virus. Both of which are constantly being denied.
Correct, Covid-19 is not a hoax and vaccines do work.

Covid-19 is not the Flu. The vaccines do not cause infertility, , nor do they modify DNA, nor do they cause covid-19 variants, nor do they contain microchips to track your movements, nor do they turn people into magnets due to 5G telecommunication towers.

The motives behind creating these fantasies are varied but are often motived by hopes of profit such as selling supplements, medical treatments, books, soliciting contribution, and just selling stories to media sites. Then there are those who just get a kick out of thwarting the efforts of any respected organizations in the medical community who are trying to save lives. Social media which plays an important part in providing a means to spread the disinformation generally takes the view that free speech tops public safety. This allows the misinformation to spread and become a subject for debate leading to more fabricated information.

Many intelligent people that love to play devil's advocate in supporting these fantasies convince a lot of people who are less informed to take up the cause and spread the fantasy which ends up costing lives and people's health.

Covid-19 likely is a hoax because if we had not deliberately "flattened the curve", then likely it would have normally ended in less than 2 months, and have killed fewer people than seasonal flu.

Herd immunity is the only thing that ends most epidemics.
And herd immunity relies on locally running out of easy hosts.
So it is essential to NOT conserve easy local hosts.
You want to use them all up by accelerating the initial spike as much as possible.
That ends an epidemic BEFORE it has a chance to spread to the entire population.

Vaccines do work, but this is not a normal situation.
With covid-19, it is not the virus that kills anyone, but the over reaction by the immune system, so then hyping up the immune system with a vaccine has the exact same risk as the virus.
You have to make the immune system think there is an infection, so the potential for a deadly over reaction is very high.
The reason the inventor of mRNA vaccines does not like the mRNA covid-19 vaccines is that he says the corona spike protein they used as a trigger, was not attached to the whole molecule well enough, and when it comes loose, then where ever it lands get attacked by the immune system, regardless of whether that is the heart, brain, or anywhere else.
So the FDA is correct to want much more testing before any of these synthetic vaccines are approved.
Nor is there necessarily a reason to, since covid-19 is no endemic to humans, and therefore is not coming back.
There is one bit of true in your post.
Herd immunity is the only thing that ends most epidemics.
And herd immunity relies on locally running out of easy hosts.

There are two ways to reach herd immunity.
  • Do nothing allowing the virus to run it's course. This is what we did for centuries because we didn't know how to stop transmission of disease. So people died by the millions while families prayed, burned incense, and burned the witches that cause the plague. Eventually herd immunity was reached. In the 13th century it is believe 200 million people (about half the the estimated population of the earth) died of the Black Death as we did little or nothing to stop it. At lease 50 million died worldwide due to the Spanish Influenza of 1918 (500 million adjusting for todays world population) as we did nothing to stop it.
  • Over the centuries we've learn a lot about preventing the spread of disease. Vaccines have been developed that in effect make people immune to the disease, thus eliminating them as potential host. Epidemiologist calculated the percent of the population immunity to reach herd immunity of the alpha strain of the SARS-CoV-2 at about 70% of the population. being either infected or vaccinated.

In my opinion we have reached herd immunity in the US, at least for the alpha strain. 34 million cases have been reported and 158 million have been vaccinated. The CDC estimates that there are at least another 40 million more cases that have been infected and are not reported because they are asymptomatic. That means we have reached herd immunity, (71%), and the number of new deaths and cases will continue falling.

The data seems to support my conclusion. Since we began mass vaccinations in early January, the number of new cases have fallen from 280,000 a day to 27,000 as of July 9. The number of new daily deaths have fallen from 4,449 on Jan 8th to 339 on July 8th. Since we stared mass vaccinations, the number of new reported cases have fallen 91%. The number of new deaths have fallen 93%. And you think we should have allowed the virus to run it's course without vaccinations. :cuckoo:

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They wanted it. They chose it. I'm a masked wearer who has had my shots.
Why would you wear a mask if you've had your shots? Posture much? (eye roll) I'll bet you're one of those idiots that drives around alone in your car STILL wearing a mask!
Because you can still carry the virus and spread it to those unvaccinated
How does that work exactly? You're claiming that a vaccinated person can contract the virus and then expel it into the air to make others sick? That's absurd on it's face! I would gather that there is a very small chance that a vaccinated person could spread Covid by touching something expelled by someone with the the virus and then touching someone else but a mask wouldn't do anything to stop that from taking place.

Unfortunately he is right.
The immune can still be infected and pass it along.
Immunity only means you don't feel bad, and you won't produce as many of the virus offspring.
But no immunity can ever prevent infection or spread completely.
That is because this virus lives hidden in air passages, and the immune system does not find out about it until you have a raging case.

But since the healthy should all be trying to get it, you should only mask around the vulnerable.
You don't seem to grasp what "immune" means.

No, I know EXACTLY what "immune" means.
It means you can get infected and can transmit it to others, but simply have an immune system efficient enough at identifying and killing the virus, so that you won't have it long, will not feel bad, and will not transmit it as much.
But if anyone things immunity is a miracle that prevent infection, that would be silly.
The immune system is going to discover you are infected until you are very far along, and only then will it begin to start producing antibodies.
Immunity isn't a "miracle"'s your immune system developing a resistance to something. It means that you DON'T get infected and if you don't get infected, you don't transmit it to others!

Covid-19 in particular hides out in air passages, so the immune system has no idea you are even infected, until you have a raging case.
Resistance to a virus means your immune system quickly identifies and attacks an infection AFTER is has been established and detected. And even then, the process of producing antibodies and them finding and destroying the virus can take days.
Anyone who thinks immunity means you can not get infected, does not understand anything at all about the immune system, viruses, or how either work.
The idea you can prevent infection would require magic.
The problem you are describing is exactly what the mRNA vaccines are targeting. They in effect teach the cells in the body to recognize and respond to the virus rapidly. It takes about 8 to 10 hours for the virus to replicate in the body without the vaccine. With the vaccine, the body can respond within few hours preventing the virus particles from replicating. Thus, the body kills off the virus before you have any symptoms.
I am not dumb enough to ignore the risk of COVID when there is a vaccine available
Oh you’re dumb enough, you believed so much in this you took a vaccine that was created because of President Trump, oh the irony….
You despise a man so much that you took a vaccine he forced through the FDA, but this was okay?!?!
You stupid MF’er, how do you get out of bed, lol!!!
The scientist created the vaccine. Trump did exactly what any president would do, support the only means riding the country of the virus. It was an obvious call but a good one.
Oh you’re dumb enough, you believed so much in this you took a vaccine that was created because of President Trump, oh the irony
That's not why people are taking the vaccine. But Trumpism is why a lot of people aren't taking the vaccine.
Your govt is lying to you.

Why these morons denied COVID was serious, why they refused to wear masks, why they wouldn’t socially distance, why they won’t vaccinate.

Also why those morons are the only ones still getting infected and still dying.

All I can say to those morons is…
You Reep what you sew

When you're calling other people morons you might want to spell the phrase correctly

Reaping and sowing

Wow, rightwinger
The spike proteins, which were supposed to stay in the large arm muscle, often do not, but are instead found in organs and blood.
Sounds made up.

I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma. But they really are causing problems for a reason, like strokes, heart inflammation, blood clots and the like. Why? Because the spike proteins are all over the body. Hope they're not floating all over yours.

Here's what Pfizer gave the Japanese gov. Spike proteins love the ovaries and testes esp, but also, liver and etc. Oh and they cross the blood/brain barrier as well.

Oh you’re dumb enough, you believed so much in this you took a vaccine that was created because of President Trump, oh the irony
That's not why people are taking the vaccine. But Trumpism is why a lot of people aren't taking the vaccine.

I don't give a crap who is in the Oval Office when the vaccine was created or whatever. Unlike liberals, I do not worship or not worship the president. I do care a great deal what goes into my body. I have had many vaccines before, and I'm here to tell you that if you get these mRNA vaccines and have no ill effects you dodged a huge bullet. A HUGE bullet.

They are a terrible bet for relatively young healthy people and should be pulled off the market. Like the swine flu vaccines in the 70s. If we didn't live in an age full of lies and propaganda, I think they would be.
Correct, Covid-19 is not a hoax and vaccines do work.

Covid-19 is not the Flu. The vaccines do not cause infertility, , nor do they modify DNA, nor do they cause covid-19 variants, nor do they contain microchips to track your movements, nor do they turn people into magnets due to 5G telecommunication towers.

The motives behind creating these fantasies are varied but are often motived by hopes of profit such as selling supplements, medical treatments, books, soliciting contribution, and just selling stories to media sites. Then there are those who just get a kick out of thwarting the efforts of any respected organizations in the medical community who are trying to save lives. Social media which plays an important part in providing a means to spread the disinformation generally takes the view that free speech tops public safety. This allows the misinformation to spread and become a subject for debate leading to more fabricated information.

Many intelligent people that love to play devil's advocate in supporting these fantasies convince a lot of people who are less informed to take up the cause and spread the fantasy which ends up costing lives and people's health.
COVID is a virus. Viruses are categorized as flus. You're just parroting the Government dictated explanation. No one thinks COVID has microchips. COVID has a 95% to 99% SURVIVAL rate. It is not a morbid condition for healthy people. For most folks it's little more than a transient discomfort. The response (from powerful Democrats) is to quarantine everyone, shut down schools, businesses and make everyone wear face diapers. Frankly, YOU are the one spreading the fantasy that COVID is a morbid condition.

Without those measures this virus would spread like wildfire, much in the same way influenza does. That virus kills tens of thousands each year. Face diapers are the primary reason why the flu was nearly eradicated this year compared to every other flu season. If only they worked as well to protect everyone from stupidity.

No, face masks is not why. It was viral interference.

I will give the mask cult this: at least they finally realize masks made out of grandma's curtain material, and even surgical masks, are worthless. Good job. Now do you know that even N95s need to be professionally fitted to your face? And changed like every two hours to be effective?

You know what's profoundly stupid about the mask cult? The information has been available on YouTube this entire time. That surgical and other masks are INADEQUATE to protect against respiratory viruses. Here, have in from the US Dept of Labor, PPE training video. Protecting against respiratory viruses. The whole thing is great, but pertinent info at the 7:00 mark.

Oh you’re dumb enough, you believed so much in this you took a vaccine that was created because of President Trump, oh the irony
That's not why people are taking the vaccine. But Trumpism is why a lot of people aren't taking the vaccine.

I don't give a crap who is in the Oval Office when the vaccine was created or whatever. Unlike liberals, I do not worship or not worship the president. I do care a great deal what goes into my body. I have had many vaccines before, and I'm here to tell you that if you get these mRNA vaccines and have no ill effects you dodged a huge bullet. A HUGE bullet.

They are a terrible bet for relatively young healthy people and should be pulled off the market. Like the swine flu vaccines in the 70s. If we didn't live in an age full of lies and propaganda, I think they would be.

Side effects are the natural reaction of your body building up defenses to fight a perceived viral threat. I had side effects along with a great deal of other ppl. I guess I didn't dodge that "HUGE" bullet. :dunno:

Correct, Covid-19 is not a hoax and vaccines do work.

Covid-19 is not the Flu. The vaccines do not cause infertility, , nor do they modify DNA, nor do they cause covid-19 variants, nor do they contain microchips to track your movements, nor do they turn people into magnets due to 5G telecommunication towers.

The motives behind creating these fantasies are varied but are often motived by hopes of profit such as selling supplements, medical treatments, books, soliciting contribution, and just selling stories to media sites. Then there are those who just get a kick out of thwarting the efforts of any respected organizations in the medical community who are trying to save lives. Social media which plays an important part in providing a means to spread the disinformation generally takes the view that free speech tops public safety. This allows the misinformation to spread and become a subject for debate leading to more fabricated information.

Many intelligent people that love to play devil's advocate in supporting these fantasies convince a lot of people who are less informed to take up the cause and spread the fantasy which ends up costing lives and people's health.
COVID is a virus. Viruses are categorized as flus. You're just parroting the Government dictated explanation. No one thinks COVID has microchips. COVID has a 95% to 99% SURVIVAL rate. It is not a morbid condition for healthy people. For most folks it's little more than a transient discomfort. The response (from powerful Democrats) is to quarantine everyone, shut down schools, businesses and make everyone wear face diapers. Frankly, YOU are the one spreading the fantasy that COVID is a morbid condition.

Without those measures this virus would spread like wildfire, much in the same way influenza does. That virus kills tens of thousands each year. Face diapers are the primary reason why the flu was nearly eradicated this year compared to every other flu season. If only they worked as well to protect everyone from stupidity.

No, face masks is not why. It was viral interference.

I will give the mask cult this: at least they finally realize masks made out of grandma's curtain material, and even surgical masks, are worthless. Good job. Now do you know that even N95s need to be professionally fitted to your face? And changed like every two hours to be effective?

You know what's profoundly stupid about the mask cult? The information has been available on YouTube this entire time. That surgical and other masks are INADEQUATE to protect against respiratory viruses. Here, have in from the US Dept of Labor, PPE training video. Protecting against respiratory viruses. The whole thing is great, but pertinent info at the 7:00 mark.

If it's viral interference then i'm sure you have plenty of evidence to show this. I'll wait for it.
I am not dumb enough to ignore the risk of COVID when there is a vaccine available
Oh you’re dumb enough, you believed so much in this you took a vaccine that was created because of President Trump, oh the irony….
You despise a man so much that you took a vaccine he forced through the FDA, but this was okay?!?!
You stupid MF’er, how do you get out of bed, lol!!!
Wrong again Skippy…
I got the Phizer vaccine which Trump had nothing to do with

Notice how Trump snuck off and got the vaccine so his minions wouldn’t accuse him of weakness?
Oh you’re dumb enough, you believed so much in this you took a vaccine that was created because of President Trump, oh the irony
That's not why people are taking the vaccine. But Trumpism is why a lot of people aren't taking the vaccine.

I don't give a crap who is in the Oval Office when the vaccine was created or whatever. Unlike liberals, I do not worship or not worship the president. I do care a great deal what goes into my body. I have had many vaccines before, and I'm here to tell you that if you get these mRNA vaccines and have no ill effects you dodged a huge bullet. A HUGE bullet.

They are a terrible bet for relatively young healthy people and should be pulled off the market. Like the swine flu vaccines in the 70s. If we didn't live in an age full of lies and propaganda, I think they would be.

Side effects are the natural reaction of your body building up defenses to fight a perceived viral threat. I had side effects along with a great deal of other ppl. I guess I didn't dodge that "HUGE" bullet. :dunno:

Correct, Covid-19 is not a hoax and vaccines do work.

Covid-19 is not the Flu. The vaccines do not cause infertility, , nor do they modify DNA, nor do they cause covid-19 variants, nor do they contain microchips to track your movements, nor do they turn people into magnets due to 5G telecommunication towers.

The motives behind creating these fantasies are varied but are often motived by hopes of profit such as selling supplements, medical treatments, books, soliciting contribution, and just selling stories to media sites. Then there are those who just get a kick out of thwarting the efforts of any respected organizations in the medical community who are trying to save lives. Social media which plays an important part in providing a means to spread the disinformation generally takes the view that free speech tops public safety. This allows the misinformation to spread and become a subject for debate leading to more fabricated information.

Many intelligent people that love to play devil's advocate in supporting these fantasies convince a lot of people who are less informed to take up the cause and spread the fantasy which ends up costing lives and people's health.
COVID is a virus. Viruses are categorized as flus. You're just parroting the Government dictated explanation. No one thinks COVID has microchips. COVID has a 95% to 99% SURVIVAL rate. It is not a morbid condition for healthy people. For most folks it's little more than a transient discomfort. The response (from powerful Democrats) is to quarantine everyone, shut down schools, businesses and make everyone wear face diapers. Frankly, YOU are the one spreading the fantasy that COVID is a morbid condition.

Without those measures this virus would spread like wildfire, much in the same way influenza does. That virus kills tens of thousands each year. Face diapers are the primary reason why the flu was nearly eradicated this year compared to every other flu season. If only they worked as well to protect everyone from stupidity.

No, face masks is not why. It was viral interference.

I will give the mask cult this: at least they finally realize masks made out of grandma's curtain material, and even surgical masks, are worthless. Good job. Now do you know that even N95s need to be professionally fitted to your face? And changed like every two hours to be effective?

You know what's profoundly stupid about the mask cult? The information has been available on YouTube this entire time. That surgical and other masks are INADEQUATE to protect against respiratory viruses. Here, have in from the US Dept of Labor, PPE training video. Protecting against respiratory viruses. The whole thing is great, but pertinent info at the 7:00 mark.

If it's viral interference then i'm sure you have plenty of evidence to show this. I'll wait for it.

RIght, same old canned talking points: "the terrible side effects means it's working". What if they mean it's a terrible shot?

I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates

26 fully vaccinated people have died in the UK from the Delta variant. 26. Recently. So what is this ALL???
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates

26 fully vaccinated people have died in the UK from the Delta variant. 26. Recently. So what is this ALL???


You are a marked woman
I don’t need no vaccine!
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates

26 fully vaccinated people have died in the UK from the Delta variant. 26. Recently. So what is this ALL???


You are a marked woman
I don’t need no vaccine!

What happened to your claim that ALL deaths were in the unvaccinated?

Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid? Especially when I am so healthy already?

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