Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

If you really think 620k Americans have died, you’re a dupe. If you can’t tell that’s misinformation to dupe the feeble minded, I’m sorry for you.
We know the number of deaths listed by the CDC are as accurate as possible because data comes from multiple independent sources and goes through independent checks.
State Health Depts. The first source of death data is called case surveillance. Health-care providers are required to report cases and deaths from certain diseases, including measles, mumps and now COVID-19, to state health departments, which pass this information along to the federal government, This surveillance data is known as “quick and dirty” accounting because it relies on the consensus of the doctors attending the patient. This is the data commonly used by states in making public health decisions.
County Coroner's Office In regard Covid-19, the job of the coroner is to determent if the deceased ‘died sooner than they would have if they didn't have the virus? To answer this question the coroner must review the death certificate information, investigate conditions surrounding the death. Once he reaches his conclusion, the death certificate and other Covid data is sent to the State Dept of Vital Statistics for storage.
National Center for Health Statistics: Their job is to receive the complete set of records of the death from each state and to tabulate the cause of deaths. For Covid-19 the difference between the initial death counts keep by the State Depts. of Health are compared to those of the State Dept of Vital Statistics . Andy differences are resolved. The results are then forward to the CDC and the National Vital Statistics System.
National Vital Statistics System: Death and Birth Certificates forwarded from the National Center for Health along with other health statistics are filled by the system after a computer check is made to make sure there is no lost data from initial report forward for Covid deaths.

CDC The CDC's job in the reporting process is to make the data available to the public and researchers. This has changed during the epidemic. During the first few months the initial number of deaths were reported in order to give decision makers the latest information. The initial death data was release and corrected when final data arrive. This created problems for researchers and mistrust by public, so the CDC published only the finalized data and initial data was released to the administration earlier. However, changes are still made in finalize data when errors were discover but these changes are very small.

For the misinformation being published about Corvid deaths to be true there would have to be a huge conspiracy running through not only the federal government but the state governments reaching all the way to the coroner's offices.

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We know the number of deaths listed by the CDC are as accurate as possible because data comes from multiple independent sources and goes through independent checks.
State Health Depts. The first source of death data is called case surveillance. Health-care providers are required to report cases and deaths from certain diseases, including measles, mumps and now COVID-19, to state health departments, which pass this information along to the federal government, This surveillance data is known as “quick and dirty” accounting because it relies on the consensus of the doctors attending the patient. This is the data commonly used by states in making public health decisions.
County Coroner's Office In regard Covid-19, the job of the coroner is to determent if the deceased ‘died sooner than they would have if they didn't have the virus? To answer this question the coroner must review the death certificate information, investigate conditions surrounding the death. Once he reaches his conclusion, the death certificate and other Covid data is sent to the State Dept of Vital Statistics for storage.
National Center for Health Statistics: Their job is to receive the complete set of records of the death from each state and to tabulate the cause of deaths. For Covid-19 the difference between the initial death counts keep by the State Depts. of Health are compared to those of the State Dept of Vital Statistics . Andy differences are resolved. The results are then forward to the CDC and the National Vital Statistics System.
National Vital Statistics System: Death and Birth Certificates forwarded from the National Center for Health along with other health statistics are filled by the system after a computer check is made to make sure there is no lost data from initial report forward for Covid deaths.

CDC The CDC's job in the reporting process is to make the data available to the public and researchers. This has changed during the epidemic. During the first few months the initial number of deaths were reported in order to give decision makers the latest information. The initial death data was release and corrected when final data arrive. This created problems for researchers and mistrust by public, so the CDC published only the finalized data and initial data was released to the administration earlier. However, changes are still made in finalize data when errors were discover but these changes are very small.

For the misinformation being published about Corvid deaths to be true there would have to be a huge conspiracy running through not only the federal government but the state governments reaching all the way to the coroner's offices.

You’re not thinking.
Yes, i do see. I see that nearly everyone getting sick, dying or hospitalized from covid are unvaccinated in this country. This is what happens when you believe in voodoo aka facebook over medicine.

"In this country", right, because you have to go by the CDC numbers. Which are false. You realize to get that "99% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated" BS they have to go way back to January, right?

For more accurate data you have to go to local news. Like this:

"In this country", right, because you have to go by the CDC numbers. Which are false. You realize to get that "99% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated" BS they have to go way back to January, right?

For more accurate data you have to go to local news. Like this:

Screw Fauci.

The guy is a liar and a moron.
Yes, i do see. I see that nearly everyone getting sick, dying or hospitalized from covid are unvaccinated in this country. This is what happens when you believe in voodoo aka facebook over medicine.
You must be blind. I know…I know the inventor of the mRNA technology is an anti-vaxxer and a quack. Right?

The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous​

Yes, i do see. I see that nearly everyone getting sick, dying or hospitalized from covid are unvaccinated in this country. This is what happens when you believe in voodoo aka facebook over medicine.
And this nurse is a fucking lying Trumper, right?
Yes, i do see. I see that nearly everyone getting sick, dying or hospitalized from covid are unvaccinated in this country. This is what happens when you believe in voodoo aka facebook over medicine.

He's a nut which is probably why he is a former vice president of Pfizer.

While Britain was still in its first lockdown last spring, Yeadon declared: “there is nothing especially virulent or frightening about covid 19 … it’ll all fade away … Just a common & garden virus, to which the world overreacted.” And he predicted in a subsequent tweet that it was “unlikely” the death toll in the UK would reach 40,000. The number of deaths have reached 129,000 as of today.

By September 2020, Yeadon’s statements were attracting attention beyond Twitter. At the time, a movement had emerged in Britain against lockdowns and other restrictions meant to curb the disease. He co-authored a lengthy article on a website called Lockdown Sceptics. It declared that the “pandemic as an event in the UK is essentially complete.” And, “There is no biological principle that leads us to expect a second wave.” Britain soon entered a much more deadly second wave. Within 4 months, the death toll doubled to nearly 80,000.

On Oct. 16, he wrote another lengthy article for the same website: “There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. I’ve never heard such nonsense talked about vaccines. You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease.”
From October to date, 86,000 people have died in the UK and worldwide 2.5 million more have died. There is no need for vaccine if you're not concerned about millions more that would die needless.

Thankfully, Pfzier paid no attention to Yeadon and developed one of the safest vaccines that has ever been developed with with one of the highest efficacy.

The ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero.
I know…I know…these doctors are fucking lying Trumpers too.

Best to only believe Big Pharma and big government, they’d never lie. Lol

Mathematically Impossible’ for Vaccines to Eliminate COVID​

The latest data suggest the wave of COVID among unvaccinated has peaked and natural herd immunity has set in, while vaccinated individuals are actually becoming more prone to infection.
Story at-a-glance:

  • In the U.K., symptomatic COVID-19 cases among “vaccinated” individuals have risen 40% in one week, reaching an average rate of 15,537 new infections a day being detected. Meanwhile, symptomatic COVID-19 cases among the unvaccinated has declined by 22% and is now at a current daily average of 17,588.
  • This suggests the wave among unvaccinated has peaked and that natural herd immunity has set in, while “vaccinated” individuals are actually becoming more prone to infection.
  • Data show countries with the highest COVID injection rates are also experiencing the greatest upsurges in cases, while countries with the lowest injection rates have the lowest caseloads.
  • 100 fully injected crew members had tested positive onboard the British Defense aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth. The Navy ship has a case rate of 1 in 16 — the highest case rate recorded. This suggests vaccine-induced herd immunity is impossible, as these injections apparently cannot prevent COVID-19 even if 100% of a given population gets them.
  • It is mathematically impossible for COVID shots to eliminate SARS-CoV-2 infection. The four available COVID shots in the U.S. provide an absolute risk reduction between just 0.7% and 1.3%. Meanwhile, the noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio across age groups is a mere 0.26%. Since the absolute risk that needs to be overcome is lower than the absolute risk reduction
  • ‘Mathematically Impossible’ for Vaccines to Eliminate COVID

  • 1627554496118.jpeg
I know…I know…these doctors are fucking lying Trumpers too.

Best to only believe Big Pharma and big government, they’d never lie. Lol

Mathematically Impossible’ for Vaccines to Eliminate COVID​

The latest data suggest the wave of COVID among unvaccinated has peaked and natural herd immunity has set in, while vaccinated individuals are actually becoming more prone to infection.
Story at-a-glance:

  • In the U.K., symptomatic COVID-19 cases among “vaccinated” individuals have risen 40% in one week, reaching an average rate of 15,537 new infections a day being detected. Meanwhile, symptomatic COVID-19 cases among the unvaccinated has declined by 22% and is now at a current daily average of 17,588.
  • This suggests the wave among unvaccinated has peaked and that natural herd immunity has set in, while “vaccinated” individuals are actually becoming more prone to infection.
  • Data show countries with the highest COVID injection rates are also experiencing the greatest upsurges in cases, while countries with the lowest injection rates have the lowest caseloads.
  • 100 fully injected crew members had tested positive onboard the British Defense aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth. The Navy ship has a case rate of 1 in 16 — the highest case rate recorded. This suggests vaccine-induced herd immunity is impossible, as these injections apparently cannot prevent COVID-19 even if 100% of a given population gets them.
  • It is mathematically impossible for COVID shots to eliminate SARS-CoV-2 infection. The four available COVID shots in the U.S. provide an absolute risk reduction between just 0.7% and 1.3%. Meanwhile, the noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio across age groups is a mere 0.26%. Since the absolute risk that needs to be overcome is lower than the absolute risk reduction
  • ‘Mathematically Impossible’ for Vaccines to Eliminate COVID

  • View attachment 518713
And this British doctor, he’s a fucking Trumper too!

Dr. John Campbell reviews data coming out of the U.K.
Yeadon, is a anti-vax nut which is probably why he is no longer with Pfizer.
He claimed a vaccine is not necessary to end covid-19. That was back before we had a million dead. Now we have 4 billion. He claimed the epidemic was over in the UK after there was million cases. There are 5 million now.

I'll think stick with the real scientist rather an antivaxer with ax to grind.
True, no?
And this British doctor, he’s a fucking Trumper too!

Dr. John Campbell reviews data coming out of the U.K.

9:00 Mark, cases way DOWN in the unvaccinated, way UP in the double vaccinated. Makes the case for ADE

Vaccines are a failure
Vaccines aren't magic. They're medical science.

We know the number of deaths listed by the CDC are as accurate as possible because data comes from multiple independent sources and goes through independent checks.
State Health Depts. The first source of death data is called case surveillance. Health-care providers are required to report cases and deaths from certain diseases, including measles, mumps and now COVID-19, to state health departments, which pass this information along to the federal government, This surveillance data is known as “quick and dirty” accounting because it relies on the consensus of the doctors attending the patient. This is the data commonly used by states in making public health decisions.
County Coroner's Office In regard Covid-19, the job of the coroner is to determent if the deceased ‘died sooner than they would have if they didn't have the virus? To answer this question the coroner must review the death certificate information, investigate conditions surrounding the death. Once he reaches his conclusion, the death certificate and other Covid data is sent to the State Dept of Vital Statistics for storage.
National Center for Health Statistics: Their job is to receive the complete set of records of the death from each state and to tabulate the cause of deaths. For Covid-19 the difference between the initial death counts keep by the State Depts. of Health are compared to those of the State Dept of Vital Statistics . Andy differences are resolved. The results are then forward to the CDC and the National Vital Statistics System.
National Vital Statistics System: Death and Birth Certificates forwarded from the National Center for Health along with other health statistics are filled by the system after a computer check is made to make sure there is no lost data from initial report forward for Covid deaths.

CDC The CDC's job in the reporting process is to make the data available to the public and researchers. This has changed during the epidemic. During the first few months the initial number of deaths were reported in order to give decision makers the latest information. The initial death data was release and corrected when final data arrive. This created problems for researchers and mistrust by public, so the CDC published only the finalized data and initial data was released to the administration earlier. However, changes are still made in finalize data when errors were discover but these changes are very small.

For the misinformation being published about Corvid deaths to be true there would have to be a huge conspiracy running through not only the federal government but the state governments reaching all the way to the coroner's offices.

I think it’s time to quarantine vaxxed people. No?

Over 25% of new COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County are fully vaccinated people​

By Alexi Chidbachian
Published 17 hours ago
Updated 13 hours ago
FOX 5 New York
LOS ANGELES - COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County continue to rise.
The county has been averaging daily new cases between 2,000 and 2,500 over the past week. Numbers like these haven’t been seen since February.
Over 25% of new COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County are fully vaccinated people
Five years from now...." If you received the COVID vaccine you maybe entitled to compensation".... flooding the airwaves non stop
Nonsense, and dangerous criminally negligent nonsense. Which other vaccines are causing those sorts of problems? did you not get DPT, smallpox, etc.? But suddenly if you get vaccinated to stop a deadly pandemic, then you've lost your freedom.

You lack the requisite intelligence to engage me in conversation, schmuck.
BLACKS in Detroit are at 35% vaccination rate.

You think they are Trump, or Biden voters???
Availability of vaccines in poor communities is lower. Blacks, latinos and natives disproportionately died in the early COVID waves. Now it will be a lot of white-right Trumpoid misfits dying, due to their own stupidity.

Don't expect sympathy.
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.
AP is leftist sewage. Next.
Nonsense, and dangerous criminally negligent nonsense. Which other vaccines are causing those sorts of problems? did you not get DPT, smallpox, etc.? But suddenly if you get vaccinated to stop a deadly pandemic, then you've lost your freedom.

You lack the requisite intelligence to engage me in conversation, schmuck.
Apparently the vax ain’t working so well. Too bad for you. Don’t get fooled again.

The Washington Post
Biden’s shift on masking creates new political difficulties, policy challenges

Standing maskless in the White House Rose Garden on a sunny May afternoon, President Biden heralded some happy news. “If you’ve been fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask,” the president declared. “It’s vaxxed or masked.”

Less than three months later, amid rising cases driven by the delta variant and more breakthrough coronavirus infections, Biden was forced this week to back away from that proclamation. The administration issued new guidance Tuesday that encourages fully vaccinated Americans to wear masks indoors in places with substantial infection levels, encompassing more than 60 percent of the nation’s counties.
"In this country", right, because you have to go by the CDC numbers. Which are false. You realize to get that "99% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated" BS they have to go way back to January, right?

For more accurate data you have to go to local news. Like this:

No, you can use the numbers from your State Dept. of Health which are collected from hospitals for certain disease such as, measles, mumps and now COVID-19 which are recognized as a potential epidemic dangers. These number are sent from the hospitals to the State Dept. of Health and to the CDC daily. This data is referred to as surveillance data because it is a consensus of the observations of doctors and other healthcare workers as to the clause death. It is a "quick and dirty" report of deaths and causes used both by states and the federal government decision makers when the most recent data is needed.. It is likely to be the numbers you see on your local TV news.

The CDC data that appears on their web site comes from a separate source. Hospitals have to send the death certificate and associate required test data to the Country Coroner with 24 hours. The Coroner or his staff will examine the certificate and supporting data to see that the cause of death meets CDC requirements that is, the death would not have occurred had the patient not have been infected with Covid-19. If the data does not support the cause of death, the coroner will hold up the death certificate and ask for more data from the hospital. After approval by the coroner, the death certificates are sent to the State office of Vital Statistic for recording. Also a copy of the death certificate and the supporting documents are sent to the US Department of Health for further checking and tabulation and from there to the CDC

The CDC get's both initial quick and dirty data and finalized data. In the early part of epidemic the CDC reported both the initial and finalized data but that was dropped because of the confusion it causes. I believe today, only the finalized data is posted.

IMHO, producing two separate sets of data from separate sources, one from the hospital and one from from the coroner office increases the accuracy and lessens the possibility of falsified data.

Having accurate data is very important to the CDC because that data is used in many research studies and projections produced both by the CDC and other research groups. This is why we have two separate data sources and audit controls. The responsibility for providing accurate data for research falls squarely on the CDC.

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Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccinel. I used to care, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink

Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. The virus and Ignorance are the only enemies in this fight. I would hate to have died of ignorance, it's such a waste.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. The virus and Ignorance are the only enemies in this fight. I would hate to have died of ignorance, it's such a waste.

It's unfortunate you can't keep up.

MIT showed that, generally, the decision not to get vaccinated is an informed one with people doing lots of research.

That they arrive at that conclusion is what pisses you you call them ignorant.

You are a left winger......

How you could possibly chose that position is beyond me.......

But you did.

Not everyone thinks the same way.
9:00 Mark, cases way DOWN in the unvaccinated, way UP in the double vaccinated. Makes the case for ADE

Vaccines are a failure
In the first week, of Jan. 2020, when the first public vaccination began, daily deaths in the US were running 4,000 to 4,200 a day.
6 mos. latter 211 million people had been vaccinated, daily deaths were running 306 to 402 a day, down by over 90%.
This is clear evidence that vaccines are successful. They are doing what they were designed to do, save lives.

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