Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

You can’t deny he follows the politics.
Oh I read your post it represented an opportunity for Democratic governors to grab power. Are you listening to yourself ? Is that some kind of power that anybody would want ? Only a crazy person would think that or want that kind of power. You are too far gone.
Oh I read your post it represented an opportunity for Democratic governors to grab power. Are you listening to yourself ? Is that some kind of power that anybody would want ? Only a crazy person would think that or want that kind of power. You are too far gone.
In case you didn't know, all the posts in a thread are numbered. If you check back at post number 1075, it's one of yours and you made the statement. You can't even remember what you're talking about ?
They’re numbered? You don’t say! Shazam!

What are you talking about?
They’re numbered? You don’t say! Shazam!

What are you talking about?
That's a new one. I have to explain your post to you. If you can't even keep track of them you shouldn't be on this site have a good night.
You’re goofy.
No, you're the one who's goofy. You can't follow up your own conversation. Good night. I hope you can understand why I'm not going to respond to any more of your posts, they don't make sense.
And only about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths in May were in fully vaccinated people. That translates to about 0.8%, or five deaths per day on average.
Fully vaccinated......... Which is how many jabs now????? This is how they are cherry picking the numbers now.
Fully vaccinated......... Which is how many jabs now????? This is how they are cherry picking the numbers now.
No Cherry Picking

If you are unvaccinated you are 7-10 times more likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID

Good decision on our part
Fauci doesn’t follow the science. He follows the politics. No one should be paying attention to him.

He started out saying than there’s no reason for anyone to wear a mask. He even said it might be harmful for a variety of reasons. Then when the politics got too much for him he became a pusher of masks. Then it was two masks. Then it was a mask and goggles. Then it was no mask if you’re vaccinated. Next he reversed that. The guy is a clown.

All He’s done from day one is move the goalposts.
Fauci is honest with us

He tells us the latest that he knows about COVID
As we learned more about transmission, he changed his advice
As the virus mutated, he changed his advice

What didn’t change was Conservatives refusing to follow advice
Fauci is honest with us

He tells us the latest that he knows about COVID
As we learned more about transmission, he changed his advice
As the virus mutated, he changed his advice

What didn’t change was Conservatives refusing to follow advice
Yeah like allowing 40 cycle PCR tests for years. Sure Trust. He sucked in other historical cases too.

Ill listen to actual doctors who treat patients over that clown
Fauci is honest with us

He tells us the latest that he knows about COVID
As we learned more about transmission, he changed his advice
As the virus mutated, he changed his advice

What didn’t change was Conservatives refusing to follow advice

The tide is turning for all of you. See: only N95 masks really work. Remember when we were told to just put the stupid cloth masks Aunt Joan made out of her extra curtain material over our mug?

You're losing now and the losing will continue all the way through November.
The tide is turning for all of you. See: only N95 masks really work. Remember when we were told to just put the stupid cloth masks Aunt Joan made out of her extra curtain material over our mug?

You're losing now and the losing will continue all the way through November.
How am I losing?

It is the unvaccinated who are dying.
Where does that put you?

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