Neat! Team Trump Spreading Best Wishes and Good Health Wherever He Goes.

And yet, no news about any of the hundreds of thousands of protesters DAY AFTER DAY BY THE WAY who have come down with the virus.
I sincerely doubt the MSM will bother mentioning new cases that are linked to any of the protests.

It must be damn nice to have the cooperation of literally every news outlet across this country. They've been terrified for weeks about ONE Trump rally when it comes to the virus, but never seem to mention the potential catastrophe these shoulder to shoulder day after day, week after week, protests involving hundreds of thousands of people all across the country, with no signs of social distancing whatsoever.

Having said that, as with the protesters, the people attending this Trump rally, are fucking nuts to take this kind of risk!

There are something like 21 states that are having their highest cases in weeks.

This is widely reported.
I'm sorry to say that having covid antibodies doesn't make you safe from the virus.

Some, like the woman in the following article, get it a second time.

You can kill any flu virus by heating up your nasal passages to 140 degrees. Boil water in a big pan and use a towel like a tent by placing it over your head and breathing in the vapors. I haven't had the flu in twenty years and the time I did get it was when I took a flu shot in 2000 because we were all scared into doing so because the predictions were that it was going to be a brutal assault. Fuck that shit.....I will never get a flu shot again nor will I take the fast-tracked "vaccine" that the WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation will be pushing. They can jam their shots right up their collective asses. BTW, if you took a flu shot that was given for free? You will test positive for the COVID-19 because it is simply another one of 48 some odd strains of the flu.
I understand and thank you very much for your concern. Very very sorry to hear about your aunt. I suppose sound kind of cocky, but I just got tested this week and found out the results when the called at 07:15 (not exactly business hours) and asked that I come to be swabbed at 08:15. Knowing when I was sick, what I was doing, where I was and that I have undoubtedly had the antibodies for months, but wasn't tested has me feeling a bit cocky about it. I assure you PJ and I take all community standard precautions and support good common sense with this disease that can and has been a destroyer across the country.

If the WHO told you that you could protect yourself from COVID-19 by sticking a blue, vibrating butt plug up your ass (Specifically one that is blue) I bet you would be beating down the doors of your local sex shop and trampling over equally stupid sheep to make sure you got one......HOLY shit.
There are something like 21 states that are having their highest cases in weeks.

This is widely reported.
The virus knows there is an election going on ??? Well I'll be ...... It's amazing how the virus responds to event's during an election.
If the WHO told you that you could protect yourself from COVID-19 by sticking a blue, vibrating butt plug up your ass (Specifically one that is blue) I bet you would be beating down the doors of your local sex shop and trampling over equally stupid sheep to make sure you got one......HOLY shit.
Not butt plugs, but "blue toilet paper". Yeah now that will drive them slam out of their minds trying to get some of that, especially if there is a "blue light" special going on. Rotflmbo.
Anyone else watch the people filing in for the rally? Yes, they were handing out masks and hand sanitizer, but when you saw the people in the stadium, very few of them were wearing the masks provided.

Indoors, with no wind circulation, and a whole bunch of people screaming and chanting, spreading droplets all over the place with no masks. What could possibly go wrong?

Tulsa could become like the shit hole blue cities like New York City, Newark, and Philly. And many people could die if the behave like the left wing assholes in those cities did.
You can kill any flu virus by heating up your nasal passages to 140 degrees. Boil water in a big pan and use a towel like a tent by placing it over your head and breathing in the vapors. I haven't had the flu in twenty years and the time I did get it was when I took a flu shot in 2000 because we were all scared into doing so because the predictions were that it was going to be a brutal assault. Fuck that shit.....I will never get a flu shot again nor will I take the fast-tracked "vaccine" that the WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation will be pushing. They can jam their shots right up their collective asses. BTW, if you took a flu shot that was given for free? You will test positive for the COVID-19 because it is simply another one of 48 some odd strains of the flu.

Cool story, Gramps. :113:
If the WHO told you that you could protect yourself from COVID-19 by sticking a blue, vibrating butt plug up your ass (Specifically one that is blue) I bet you would be beating down the doors of your local sex shop and trampling over equally stupid sheep to make sure you got one......HOLY shit.
No. I got Covid in February, though just had the antibody test last week. If WHO told me some crazy crap like that, I would assume trump hacked their email and would report him. You would have to be trumpian, just to think of something that stupid. Thanks for playing Dale.
No. I got Covid in February, though just had the antibody test last week. If WHO told me some crazy crap like that, I would assume trump hacked their email and would report him. You would have to be trumpian, just to think of something that stupid. Thanks for playing Dale.

Yeah, anyone that would allow someone to shove a wooden, cotton tipped swab into their nasal passages up to the eyeball can't have all that much going for them. Especially since the very country that helped kick off this plannedemic also sent COVID corrupted test kits with the swabs reeking of the virus guaranteeing a positive result. You are simply one stupid sack of shit. I also take great satisfaction in the fact that you believe that just because I despise the commie demcrat party that I MUST be a repub...HOLY fuck! You are a certified to be you.
Tulsa could become like the shit hole blue cities like New York City, Newark, and Philly. And many people could die if the behave like the left wing assholes in those cities did.
So many idiots here and they have no shame about they can tout and back a pedo like Joe Biden and ignore what the Barrypuppet regime did to attempt to de-legitimize an election (even if it's just a banana republic) because their marxist candidate wasn't able to steal her way to a win? I just have to shake my head at the absurdity of it all....
So many idiots here and they have no shame about they can tout and back a pedo like Joe Biden and ignore what the Barrypuppet regime did to attempt to de-legitimize an election (even if it's just a banana republic) because their marxist candidate wasn't able to steal her way to a win? I just have to shake my head at the absurdity of it all....

It's beyond stupid.

And all you hear is: You watch to much Fox News.

I don't watch Fox at all.

I don't need Fox to tell me what I can see for myself.
Decline? Really? We have less than 100,000 deaths now?

Let's hear the explanation shitwitch.

Yesterday closed out at 575. Pretty damn low.

If you need help understanding it, I am sure there is someone here who gives enough of a fuck about you to try.

View attachment 352994

The rates of death from the Trump Flu are lower than they were in the past... IF you want to call the climbing death rate a "reduction" it makes as much sense as anything else you've
The rates of death from the Trump Flu are lower than they were in the past... IF you want to call the climbing death rate a "reduction" it makes as much sense as anything else you've

The Cuomovirus had, at one time 1/7th of global deaths from New York alone.

Climbing death rate ? What the fuck are you talking about. The number of deaths each day is declining. Since the country's population is pretty much static on a short term basis...the death rate is declining.

You might get someone who gives a fuck if you live or die to explain it to you.
The Cuomovirus had, at one time 1/7th of global deaths from New York alone.

Climbing death rate ? What the fuck are you talking about. The number of deaths each day is declining. Since the country's population is pretty much static on a short term basis...the death rate is declining.

You might get someone who gives a fuck if you live or die to explain it to you.

If 117,000 people died from the trump flu as of this moment and one hour from now the death toll from the blob-o-virus is 117,001, that is an increase, not a decrease.

It's basic math.

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