Need a reason to secure the Border? Brussels Suicide Bomber: 'We're working on a dirty bomb'

You are confirming that view every time you post.

And you the same.
You're behaving/posting EXACTLY as Trump is hoping you, and people of your ignorant ilk, will .... right up until you're bowing before President Trump on election day.

Keep up the great work.
His campaign is counting on your continued ignorance.
Trump is counting on there being more retards than intelligent people in the GOP, and he is correct in that assessment. That's why he is running as a Republican instead of a Democrat, even though he was a far left liberal until a few months ago (and still is).

He knew it would be easier to con the mass number of rubes like yourself than the rubes in the Democratic Party. They already have their Sanders and their Clinton, so he is balancing out the act.

Otherwise, Hillary wouldn't have a chance of winning.
You are confirming that view every time you post.

And you the same.
You're behaving/posting EXACTLY as Trump is hoping you, and people of your ignorant ilk, will .... right up until you're bowing before President Trump on election day.

Keep up the great work.
His campaign is counting on your continued ignorance.

and the mute has spoken.

hey Goober, Trump fans are in short supply on this page .... keep up the stupid BS.
Well Muslims have crossed the Mexican border into the US and have been doing so for quite some time.

Sure hope they are those "peaceful Muslims" that the left keeps talking about.
I watched the speech and in fact Obama seemed to be saying that free markets work and they should lay down on the government. Even if that was said in a very politically correct way and not forgetting to praise some stupid socialistic mishaps.

Perhaps he hasn't lost his mind after all and is speaking some sense for once in his life.
Well Muslims have crossed the Mexican border into the US and have been doing so for quite some time.

Sure hope they are those "peaceful Muslims" that the left keeps talking about.

And yet, oddly, you didn't post a link. Weird...

All kinds of links out there. If you want to see them then look them up. Google is your friend.

There are no credible links that say any such thing.

What's credible in your mind, dingbat? Piers Morgan?

Perhaps assholes like him simply can't report facts:
"Brussels attacks suicide bombers 'targeted nuclear plants' and were plotting to build 'radioactive dirty bomb'"
Brussels attacks suicide bombers originally 'targeted nuclear power plants'

Suicide Jihadi brothers sought to kidnap nuclear power plant director and acquire the material needed to build a 'dirty' bomb. The fact that Jihadis / terrorists would love to get their hands on nuclear material and build a dirty bomb is not new. That terrorists are trying to get their hands on such material as we speak is not new.

It is also NOT news that the Obama administration is already aware of this, has BEEN aware of this for some time, is aware of the threat, and still refuses to close / secure the border.

Here's some more great news...

Testers Slip Radioactive Materials Over Borders

"WASHINGTON, March 27 — Undercover Congressional investigators successfully smuggled into the United States enough radioactive material to make two dirty bombs, even after it set off alarms on radiation detectors installed at border checkpoints, a new report says.

The test, conducted in December by the Government Accountability Office, demonstrated the mixed progress by the Department of Homeland Security, among other federal agencies, in trying to prevent terrorists from smuggling radioactive material into the United States."


In the military we periodically due no-notice tests to evaluate our readiness. If the test is failed, people get their ass chewed, heads roll, people get fired or even booted from service (at times), and the lapses / problems are quickly remedied. In large part, as seen with the 'results' of the 'Fast and Furious' investigation, with no one getting punished, the guilty go free, and nothing gets resolved.

Truly securing / closing the border would greatly remedy the security hole we have, but it also would all but stop Obama's administration-supported Illegal 'invasion'. Like Brussels, we, instead, will wait until the next attack happens - maybe a dirty bomb - and then admit we did not do everything we could have to prevent such an attack. (Those who do not learn from the mistakes found in history are doomed to repeat them...)

The Democrats will never let that happen.....they need undocumented voters.
Well Muslims have crossed the Mexican border into the US and have been doing so for quite some time.

Sure hope they are those "peaceful Muslims" that the left keeps talking about.

And yet, oddly, you didn't post a link. Weird...

All kinds of links out there. If you want to see them then look them up. Google is your friend.

There are no credible links that say any such thing.

What defines a credible link for you? A link from NBC, CBS, or the New York Times? They are prohibited from reporting anything that does not fit the narrative for the masters they serve. Plus, these organizations are proven liars.
Well Muslims have crossed the Mexican border into the US and have been doing so for quite some time.

Sure hope they are those "peaceful Muslims" that the left keeps talking about.

And yet, oddly, you didn't post a link. Weird...

All kinds of links out there. If you want to see them then look them up. Google is your friend.

There are no credible links that say any such thing.

What's credible in your mind, dingbat? Piers Morgan?

Perhaps assholes like him simply can't report facts:

Apparently so.

Muslim Terrorists Caught Crossing US Border

Terrorists smuggled across U.S. southern border before capture in Texas

Migrants from terrorist nations caught crossing U.S. border

EXCLUSIVE -- CONFIRMED: 8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo

Apparently according to dumbass they have to have "I am a Muslim Terrorist" written on their foreheads.

You can't cure stupid.
It's amazing how all the Muslims flooding accross our border, the ones flooding into Europe....are MEN. It's even more amazing that this didn't / doesn't bother liberals at all, did not get Merkel or Obama teason to pause.

The report that those 'refugees' that entered Europe included 400 trained terrorists should surprise no one. Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming....
Geez. who Planned their nuke plot? Willey Coytee ????

Like a nuke plant worker can just walk out with a pocket full of plutonium ?!? Lol!!!

Me thinks we should worry more about the ISIS weather machine they are working on!!! Oh the horror !
Well Muslims have crossed the Mexican border into the US and have been doing so for quite some time.

Sure hope they are those "peaceful Muslims" that the left keeps talking about.

And yet, oddly, you didn't post a link. Weird...

All kinds of links out there. If you want to see them then look them up. Google is your friend.

There are no credible links that say any such thing.

What's credible in your mind, dingbat? Piers Morgan?

Perhaps assholes like him simply can't report facts:

Migrants from terrorist nations caught crossing U.S. border

Apparently so.

Muslim Terrorists Caught Crossing US Border

Terrorists smuggled across U.S. southern border before capture in Texas

Migrants from terrorist nations caught crossing U.S. border

EXCLUSIVE -- CONFIRMED: 8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo

Apparently according to dumbass they have to have "I am a Muslim Terrorist" written on their foreheads.

You can't cure stupid.

Like I said, no credible links. World Nut Daily and Breitbart are not credible.
Well Muslims have crossed the Mexican border into the US and have been doing so for quite some time.

Sure hope they are those "peaceful Muslims" that the left keeps talking about.

And yet, oddly, you didn't post a link. Weird...

All kinds of links out there. If you want to see them then look them up. Google is your friend.

There are no credible links that say any such thing.

What's credible in your mind, dingbat? Piers Morgan?

Perhaps assholes like him simply can't report facts:

Migrants from terrorist nations caught crossing U.S. border

Apparently so.

Muslim Terrorists Caught Crossing US Border

Terrorists smuggled across U.S. southern border before capture in Texas

Migrants from terrorist nations caught crossing U.S. border

EXCLUSIVE -- CONFIRMED: 8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo

Apparently according to dumbass they have to have "I am a Muslim Terrorist" written on their foreheads.

You can't cure stupid.

Ummm . Where's the "terrorists" in the story ? I've seen Muslims fly to central America trying to get to the U.S. , none of them have been terrorists.
And yet, oddly, you didn't post a link. Weird...

All kinds of links out there. If you want to see them then look them up. Google is your friend.

There are no credible links that say any such thing.

What's credible in your mind, dingbat? Piers Morgan?

Perhaps assholes like him simply can't report facts:

Migrants from terrorist nations caught crossing U.S. border

Apparently so.

Muslim Terrorists Caught Crossing US Border

Terrorists smuggled across U.S. southern border before capture in Texas

Migrants from terrorist nations caught crossing U.S. border

EXCLUSIVE -- CONFIRMED: 8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo

Apparently according to dumbass they have to have "I am a Muslim Terrorist" written on their foreheads.

You can't cure stupid.

Like I said, no credible links. World Nut Daily and Breitbart are not credible.

What in your opinion is, asswipe?
The United States projects a record 4,000 immigrants from so-called "high risk" countries in the Middle East and Asia, will be arrested trying to enter the country illegally this year. "We've found copies of the Koran, we have found prayer rugs, we have found a lot of stuff written in Arabic, so it's not just people from Mexico coming across that border," Tancredo, a Republican, explains. Stopping Terror At The Border
That was 2005 of course they've probably quit coming...rrriigghhhhttttt

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